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The blood in Yeosang's veins froze when he realized who was standing there sobbing and sniffling. His heart broke into a million pieces when he noticed her lifting her stare to look at him. With the back of her hand, she dried her red eyes and rosy cheeks and laid her swollen eyes on Yeosang.

Despite not having understood if that girl was the real or the demon Jieun, the male dashed towards her and placed his big hand in her fragile shoulders, stroking them, in hope to comfort the girl. By how steamy her skin was from under the clothes, he could tell with certainty that she was the Succubus.

Who could ever expect that demons cry, too? Not Yeosang, who panicked right from the moment he recognized her. He had always been like that, unable to properly comfort someone with words or gestures and that made him feel useless or cold-hearted.

"Why do you want to get rid of me?"

The demon asked with a cute pout in her lips and while another lonely tear cut her cheek. That question floored the male, expecting to hear her usual chirping "hi darling!".

Yeosang panted for a second, not knowing how to reply to her because it was "normal" for a human to want to banish a demon. Though, he never thought that she could be dangerous as Kihyun said.

Jieun sobbed again, letting a hiccup shaking her body and startling the male.

"Am I not enough for you, darling?"

She asked with trembling voice whereas laying her hands on his that were still placed on her shoulders. She caressed the skin of the back of his hands with her thumbs as Jieun stared in his eyes, looking for some hints that could help her understand the reason for his drastic decision.

Then, again, Yeosang didn't know what to say. Somehow, she was making him feel guilty, slowly tearing his heart apart. The detail that she had the same appearances of the girl of his dreams, didn't help him at all, since it seemed that he was hurting the human Jieun, rather than the demon one.

"Did I do something that upset you?"

She asked again, this time, she took a few steps toward the male, whose brain was too feeble to process all of her queries and found a meaningful reply. He just felt like one of those fuckboys that had to deal with the umpteenth girl that had caught feelings for him. The roles weren't exactly the same, but the feelings were.

He felt terribly wrong to even had given her a chance. He should've stopped this story from the beginning, prohibiting it from even born completely.

Before Jieun could pose her new question, Yeosang gulped loudly and attempted to give her the closest thing to an answer.

"You know what's wrong with this."

He answered, gently shaking his head a little to emphasize the word "this". The male was looking for the best way to tell her how he was feeling without shattering her heart. If a demon had one, of course.

If it was possible, her eyes widened even more, leaving room for an incredulous and hurt expression, which made Yeosang's knees wobbling for how bad he was feeling, at that moment. He, in the first place, was puzzled and didn't know what to do.

When Kihyun suggested to banish her, Yeosang, with some doubts, immediately agreed and his mind already started to wander to look for some information about how to exile her. But now, looking at her literally crying with her heart in her hands, in front of him, made the youngest male question if he was actually ready to leave her.

Maybe, he wasn't ready. Yeosang, for the second time, listened to his heart and chose that he couldn't leave her, yet. Involuntarily, his brain flashed Jieun's beautiful visage, which was exactly the same as the one the whining girl had. He would've had two Jieun's if he decided to stay with the Succubus.

His pessimistic side, though, interfered in his river of thoughts, reminding the male that the human Jieun had absolutely no interest in him and she won't ever have it, not even in a parallel universe.

So, as he let that idea numb his brain, the male moved his hands to cup the demon's cheeks, caressing the hot skin with his thumbs. He bit his lower lip, hoping to not regret later what he was going to say.

"I'm sorry. It's just... Strange, for me. Demons shouldn't exist and the fact that you look like the real Jieun makes me even more confused and reluctant."

He answered, explaining how was the situation in his mind and heart. The demon, at the sound of her name, changed expression, turning into a dark one and changing her eyes: form glossy, red and teary due to crying, to empty, cold and dark for the anger and the bother.

That sudden shift in her personality made Yeosang ask himself what he had just done. Apparently, the demon was jealous of the original Jieun.

A wave of rage hit the demon right in her face. If he was still thinking about her and worried about how she was feeling, it meant that the Succubus wasn't doing her duty properly. If she couldn't manage to complete her task, she wouldn't have her reward.

Her arms moved to encircle the male's waist, pulling herself closer to his body until they were glued together. Their lips brushed lightly and faintly, her eyes never left his.

"Let yourself go, darling. I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to give you the love you deserve."

She whispered as she let her stare bounce from his eyes to his mouth. Yeosang gulped loudly and felt something in his lower stomach that twitched.

"You're a demon, how can I trust you?"

He asked, the words flowing out of his mouth like a river since he didn't even realize to have pronounced them. Her reaction was unexpected.

She gifted Yeosang with the brightest and hottest smile he had ever seen on her face as she tilted her head slightly on the left.

"Not every demon is the same."

She replied, drawing random circles on the back of the male, before sneaking her fingers under his hoodie and tracing his backbone with his index.

Yeosang breath itched in his throat and unconsciously held his air as small and countless goosebumps filled his skin. He closed his eyes, basking in that little cuddle she was making to him.


She asked in a high-pitched whisper as a soft smile appeared on her mouth at the sight of the male humming in pleasure for those attentions.

The demon lifted her body on her tiptoes to leave soft like feathers kisses on his neck and slowly going up on his jaw until she reached his ear, where she bit his lobe. A cheeky grin appeared in her face as she felt his body temperature rising and his heart pounding in the excitement in his ribcage.

Afterward, his skin got caressed by a feeble, cold puff which made the male open his eyes to check what Jieun was doing.

Though, when he opened his eyes, the demon was nowhere to be seen. Yeosang turned around, looking for her, but he couldn't find her. His fingers twitched and touched the patch of skin where he felt the blow. A shiver shook his body where he realized that all of the windows were closed, which meant that the wind didn't pass through them.

Jieun did it on purpose, leaving Yeosang unsatisfied and excited. Sex from him wasn't what she was craving for, it was only part of her duty and she followed her orders.

Except for this time.

The demon hated to admit that her job wasn't going well, and, if she carried on with that pace, she would've lost that occasion to reach a higher rank. Though, this mission seemed harder than all the other she had since she was alive, which was approximately a thousand years.

She liked Yeosang, especially when it came to frustrate him just like that evening. But, she hated him, at the same time, to not take advantage of her and use her as every other man had done. Jieun immediately understood that the male wasn't like the other she had dealt with and, probably, that was the reason why that human girl liked him so much. Even a demon would've fallen for his mannerisms and his gentleman side that never got old and that played an important role, in a man's way of doing.

Anyways, Jieun, or better, the Succubus, wasn't there to waste time. She would've started following her ideas, from that moment on, since the old and good ways weren't enough.

As she was afraid, Yeosang's feeling were too strong to just repress them and make him change his mind. He truly was deeply on love with that Jieun human and, as the demon expected, wouldn't have changed his feelings for anyone else, not even for a creature that looked exactly like her.

So, she had only one thing to do, on that occasion. Get rid of the real Jieun. How she still wasn't sure, she didn't have an expiry date, nor she was worried about the time running out as she had everything wrapped around her fingers.

She just had to wait for Yeosang's next move.

Right, the male, who couldn't be more confused than that moment, scratched the back of his head and decided to put an end to that weird night with a hot shower, hoping to gain some relaxation that could help him fall asleep rapidly.

It wasn't the same for Jieun, the human one. Her ankle was almost healed, she didn't limp anymore, though she could sense that her body wasn't feeling good. She had told countless times to her friends and Yeosang that she was feeling particularly weak in the last couple of weeks and that she really couldn't understand the cause of it. She made sure to eat healthily and took her vitamins as always, yet they seem to not work.

Shivering, she stepped towards her bed letting her knee sink in the mattress before abandoning her body on it heavily. Her roommate was already snoring loudly next to her, and, as strange as it could sound, a sense of relief washed over her when she realized that the girl couldn't cause any trouble since she was asleep.

Jieun buried herself under the thick blankets, attempting to fall into Morpheus's arms despite the loud noises coming from the girl's next to her mouth and nose.

Right when she finally closed her eyes, Jieun heard a loud thump coming from the living room. As a reflex, and mostly out of habit, she turned around to look at the bed next to her, to find her roommate sleeping in the same position, which meant that she didn't do anything.

The noise repeated itself, louder this time, worrying the girl, who decided to leave her cozy bed to check out what was happening inside her apartment. She caught the first thing she found in her sight, that happened to be a pink umbrella, in case she needed to defend herself from a burglar.

She kept the object high, ready to attack. When the girl finally reached the living room she realized with consolation and happiness that nothing happened and that every furniture was still in their places. Everything, except for a white, paper pack laid on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

She threw the umbrella on the couch and reached out for that pack, which she realized was a pack of pills against cold and fever and, under it, a yellow sticky note.

"Take one of these every day. You'll feel better soon!"

The signature on the right angle of the paper made her heart racing and her cheeks burning. An involuntary smile appeared on her lips as she read it again and again.

"Kang Yeosang xx"


This year holidays literally flew and in four days I'll be back to work, I don't want to :(

By the way, hehet, things are getting interesting and maybe a little... confusing?

Luv ya so much! ♡︎

Ps: don't be shy, stream THANXX ;)

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