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- Wildfire

The next morning, Sarah was sat on her own lost in her thoughts, her bloodshot eyes stared at the ground as she barely slept as all she could think about is all the people that they have lost. Sarah closed her eyes before opening them again looking around camp at the numerous of dead bodies, placing a hand on her stomach as she felt nausea building up before she rushed over to a bush throwing up.

Not even a couple of moments later, she wiped her mouth with some toilet paper that she had in her pocket standing up placing her hands on her hips sending a small smile to Carl and Sophia who was looking at the women with a look of concern on their faces, " I can't believe this happened. Why did this happen?" She breathed out running her fingers through her waist length hair.

"Because they're running out of food in the city" Jim spoke up from where he was standing by a tree with an axe in his hand still covered in blood causing Sarah to look over at him as he and the others had been dealing with the people they've lost stabbing them in the head and burying them before they could turn knowing it was the last thing they probably wanted to become a monster only to start feeding on people

Sarah looked over her shoulder only to see Lori, Shane, Rick, Carol and Dale gathered around probably speaking about Andrea and Amy as she hasn't left her sisters side since she had died last night. Everyone had tried to speak to her about putting Amy down before she turns but she hasn't listened to anyone looking down at her sisters body holding her hand tightly grieving over her as they didn't spent a lot of time together before everything went to shit and just wished things turned out differently.

The Greene women understood Andrea grief as she had lost her boyfriend and her friends and doesn't even know if her family is still alive as if it was her sister she didn't know if she would be able to put them down. Sarah let out a shaky breathe before she started to make her way over to Andrea, " where are you going?" Rick questioned as he appeared behind the blonde beauty. " where does it look like I'm going. I'm going to speak with Andrea" Sarah answered as she pulled lightly against his grip sending him a look of assurance silently telling him that she'll be all right.

Sarah swallowed the lump in her throat as she knelt down beside Andrea, her eyes fell to Amy's blood stained corpse as she was covered in her own blood. The wounds on her body inflicted by the walkers, bite marks on her arms and her neck. The blonde reached out pushing her blonde hair out of her face as tears gathered in her eyes, " I'm so sorry, Andrea. Amy was special... she didn't deserve what happened to her"

"Today was her birthday" Andrea whispered causing the frown to deepen on Sarah face as it was just cruel that she died the night before her birthday. Sarah could feel her heart break all over again, " I know. I didn't know if we'd get back in time I got her this charm bracelet... well I made Glenn get me it. When he was out on a run a couple of weeks ago" Andrea managed a small smile looking down at the charm bracelet around her sisters wrist as she knew how close Amy and Sarah where they were peas in a pod and were barely seem without each other.

" I was going to give this to her," Andrea revealed reaching into her back pocket pulling out a mermaid necklace, "I found it in Atlanta . . . In that department store, actually." Sarah held her hand out as Andrea gently placed the necklace in the palm of her hand, " Amy would have loved this. It's beautiful" Andrea nodded her head in agreement, " Yeah, she's always liked stuff like this. Unicorns, tinker-bell, fairies... but mermaids were her favourite. So when I saw this I knew that this would be the perfect gift for her"

" You can still give it to her" Sarah smiled looking down at the necklace before placing it back in Andrea hand, " You know me and Amy were speaking about baby names. She thinks it's a girl... she demanded that she has to be godmother" Sarah chuckled shaking her head in amusement, " she reminds me so much of my sister Beth. I never got to tell her that if this baby is a girl I was going to give her the middle name of Amelia. To honor her. since the outbreak Amy has always been there for me."

Andrea turned her head to gaze at Sarah with a sad smile, " she would of loved that, you know" Sarah gently brushed Amy blonde hair away as Andrea unclasped the necklace and carefully placed it around her sisters bloody neck. " Happy birthday, Amy" Sarah whispered reaching over pressing her lips on her forehead. Andrea slipped her hands into Sarah with tears shimmering in her eyes letting out a breathe, " Thank you, Sarah"

" loosing people is always going to hurt, especially in this world. It always will. Some days will be harder than others" Sarah trailed off bringing Andrea into a tight embrace rubbing her back, " but eventually you'll remember the good times you had with Amy just as I did with Jack. Hold onto those memories because it's the key to getting through this shitty world" after a couple of moments Sarah pulled away and rose to her feet, " I'm here for you, Andrea. If you ever need to talk or just a shoulder to cry on"

Sarah squeezed Andrea shoulder before walking away making her way towards the rest of the group who was watching the two girls silently. Lori smiled softly holding out her hand for Sarah helping her into the chair beside her as she stared at her in awe and amazement, "That's the first I've heard Andrea speak since Amy had died. What did she say?" She curiously questioned.

"Nothing worth mentioning. We just spoke about Amy" Sarah shook her head in response, " she just wants her sister back not like anyone can blame her she's the only family she had left. If it was either of my sisters I wouldn't know what to do... I don't even think I'd be able to put them down if it came to it. I just really hope that they're all right and that they're alive somewhere. Things happen unexpectedly and I don't want to loose anybody else. How can I bring this child into this world knowing that it will be in constant danger"

Lori grabbed Sarah hand squeezing it in her own, " You can do this, Sare. For our children there has to be hope for a better future for them. You're not alone we're all going to be here to help you when you need it and have you seen Carl he won't leave your side afraid that something will happen to you and the baby" Sarah couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face as she looked over at Carl and Sophia who are sat away from the dead bodies drawing on a piece of paper.

Daryl walked over to the group with a frustrated look on his face, " Y'all, can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us. The dead girl is a tickin' time bomb" Sarah narrowed her eyes at him harshly and snapped, " That girl has a name and it's Amy. She was one of us... don't degrade her like she meant nothing. We all cared about her" Lori rubbed Sarah arm in attempt to comfort her knowing the hunters words affected her as Rick looked away from the two women and towards Daryl, "what do you suggest?"

Daryl scoffed moving his gaze over to Rick taking a step forward and firmly told him without any remorse or second thought of how Andrea would feel about it, "Take the shot, clean through the brain. from here. Hell, I can shoot a turkey between the eyes from this distance" Sarah glare hardened shaking her head frantically, " What the hell is wrong with you? how can you be so cruel? And just so you know Andrea won't let anyone get close enough to her sister for that to happen."

"Apart from you" Shane pointed out shrugging his shoulders casually looking between Sarah and Lori, " You could shoot her put her out of her misery before she turns into one of those things" Sarah clenched her jaw in annoyance as she looked between Daryl and Shane, " you can't actually be serious? I won't do that.. that's just cruel. Leave her be, she wants to say goodbye to her sister let her at least have that"

Shane raised his hands in mock surrender at the blonde beauty knowing that deep down she agreed with them but she understood the need to say goodbye to someone you love and would never think about taking that away from Andrea as if anyone should put Amy down it should be her sister and knew if anyone other than Sarah and Dale approached them she would ignore them or pull a gun on them until they backed away.

Daryl rolled his eyes storming away from the group as Rick sighed glancing at the blonde beauty softy knowing she wasn't taking Amy death well but before he could say anything the sound Jacqui yelling came from the other side of the camp. Everyone turned their attention towards the women who backed away from Jim with a horrified look on her face, "A walker got him! A walker bit Jim"

Sarah gasped as she stood up from where she was sitting beside Lori, her eyes locked onto Jim form as she took in his appearance as he didn't look so good as he was sickly pale clearly getting weaker with every passing moment thanks to the bite from one of the walkers but the blonde couldn't help but admire his bravery and strength as he didn't cry about getting bit or made a big deal about the fact that he's dying instead he's helping everyone at camp with the remaining bodies helping burying their people and burn the walkers that attacked them.

Daryl had his axe resting on his shoulder as he took a couple of steps towards Jim with an cautious look on his face, " Show it to us" Daryl demanded gripping his axe in his hands encase he needs to use it on Jim who hurried across the camp picking up a shovel just encase one of them attacked him and needed to defend himself, " Easy, Jim" Rick softly called out in attempt to calm down the man but he wouldn't back down swinging his shovel at anyone who came close to him causing T-Dog to grab him by the arms causing him to drop the shovel on the ground.

The redneck rushed forward pulling up Jim's shirt only to reveal a bite mark on his hip that was covered in blood showing he was clearly infected causing everyone to gape at him in shock and surprise, " I'm okay... I'm okay" he tried to reassure everyone at Camp as his eyes glanced around everyone in alarm noticing their expressions on their faces. Shane let out a sigh walking closer to Jim placing his hand on his arm, " it's all right, Jim. Come with me, yeah"

Shane took Jim over to the RV sitting him down, speaking with him a couple of moments assuring him that nothing is going to happen before he made his way back over towards the group who was discussing on what to do about Jim as they don't know how long he will last before turning into a walker, " what are we going do?" Sarah questioned with her arms folded across her chest as it isn't just themselves they have to think about they also have to think about the children because if he remains with them and he turns it puts all their lives at risk.

" I say we put a pick axe in his head, and the dead girls, and be done with it" Daryl stated coldly shrugging his shoulders as Shane shook his head in disagreement looking over at Daryl and inquired, " is that what you'd want, if it were you?" Daryl nodded his head in confirmation and added in, " Yeah, and I'll thank you while you did it" there was an moment of silence before Dale was the one who spoke up, " I never thought I would ,but maybe Daryl's right."

Rick placed his hands on his hips shaking his head from where he's stood beside Shane and pointed out, " Jim's not a monster, Dale, or some rabid dog..." he trailed off as Dale interrupted him, " I'm not suggesting that..." Rick cut him off as he gaze glanced around at everyone and continued, " He's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line" Daryl scoffed clenching his jaw in frustration and said, " the line's pretty clear, zero tolerance for walkers, or them to be"

"What if we can get him help?" Rick suggested with a determined expression on his face, " I heard the CDC was working on a cure" Shane nodded his head in agreement with Rick but he's only been awake a couple of days where everyone else has been here from the start so there's guarantee that they would be a cure, " I heard that too. Heard lot of things before the world went to hell" Rick let out a small sigh sharing a look with Shane and curiously asked, " what if the CDC's still up and running?"

"And that is a stretch right there" Shane muttered under his breathe causing Rick to send him a confused look and questioned, " why? If there's any government left, any... any structure at all. They'd protect the CDC at all costs, wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection, a rescue" Rick started listing off only to be interrupted by Shane who added in, " okay, Rick, you want those things, all right? i do too, okay? now if they exist, they're at the army base, Fort Benning"

Sarah and Lori shared a look before the brunette spoke up and informed, "that's a hundred miles in the opposite direction" Shane nodded his head in confirmation as he glanced over at Lori before turning his attention back onto everyone else and continued, "that is right, but it's away from the hot zone. Now, listen to me. if that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe there."

"the military were on the front lines of this thing. they got overrun weve all seen that!" Rick exclaimed running his hand down the side of his face in frustration, " The CDC is our best choice and Jim's only chance" Daryl looked over his shoulder at Jim before turning back around to face Rick and firmly said, " you go looking for aspirin. do what you need to do. someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem"

Daryl launched himself backwards and away from the group as he charged as Jim with his pickaxe raised in the air ready to kill Jim causing Sarah to gasp in fright as she quickly rushed over at him grabbing ahold of his arm stopping him from killing an innocent man, " Daryl! No!" The redneck ripped his arm from her hold and hissed, " Get off me, women!" Rick quickly made his way to Sarah's side in an instant holding his revolver to Daryl head stopping him in his tracks so he couldn't get any closer to Jim, " Hey, Hey, Hey! We don't kill the living!"

Daryl lowered his weapon, turning around to face Rick with an furious expression on his face as Rick was still holding the gun aiming it at his forehead but Daryl didn't flitch at least once as he was used to the ex sheriff raising a gun at him. The redneck looked between Sarah and Rick letting out fake chuckle glaring at the ex Sheriff in disbelief, " it's funny, coming from a man who just put a gun to my head"

"We may disagree on some things . Not on this. You put it down. Go on" Shane demanded from behind Daryl stopping the hunter from making any more moves towards Jim as Daryl rolled his eyes letting out a scoff before dropping the pickaxe on the ground before storming away from the group. Rick lowered his gun making his way towards Jim gently grabbing his arm pulling him up onto his feet, " come with me"

Jim frowned in confusion with a panic look on his face as he looked between Shane and Rick and questioned, " where are you taking me?" Rick sent him an reassured look leading him towards inside Dale RV where no one would bother him and told him, " somewhere safe" Sarah ran her fingers through her hair as she glanced around at Camp as tension was raised high due to the paranoia of what will happen when Amy and Jim do turn and the exhaustion everyone felt burying their loved ones and being out in the hot sun.

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