11. plan b

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The fabric of the shirt in my hand seemed at risk of tearing as I aggressively folded it, slamming it into the pile of mine and Bellamy's clothes that sat on the bed. 

The Ark hadn't burned entirely, but enough of it had to ruin our chances of using it as safety when the radiation hit. 

The anger I felt was so consuming I could do nothing but think about it. Even as I did laundry to try and distract myself, rage coursed through my body. 

"That's my favourite shirt." Bellamy announced, joining me in our room. "Go easy on it, please."

I turned to look at him, shooting him a glare. "How about you just fold your own laundry then." I sniped, firing the shirt in his direction. 

A small chuckled escaped his lips as he walked toward me, throwing the shirt onto the bed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I know you're upset" he whispered, "We all are, but we'll figure this out."

"I'm not upset, Bell." I muttered, shaking my head. "I'm devastated. It seems like no matter what we do, we're always losing somehow."

Bellamy let out a sad sigh, leaning forward to press a kiss to my forehead. "Raven and Abby are getting closer to making Nightblood." he pointed out, trying to lift my spirits. 

 I closed my eyes, leaning into him. Somehow he always managed to calm me down just through his presence. 

"There's a meeting in the Communication Bay, Clarke wants you there. We're going to head to the island, take them remaining hydrazine them. " he spoke, his voice slightly muffled from where his chin rested against the top of my head. 

That was our Plan B as of right now. Raven had discovered that the only and best way to scientifically replicate Luna's blood was to do it in space. And thus, her and Abby were preparing for a venture back to what was once our home.  

I nodded, reluctantly pulling away. "Let's go." I whispered, taking a hold of his hand to provide myself with a more sense of calm. 

The two of us remained relatively silent on our walk though what was left of the ship, Bellamy only speaking to crack jokes, clearly to see the scowl on my face transform into a smile.

"There you two are." Clarke breathed as we entered the room, being met by the solemn eyes of Kane, Monty and Roan. One pair of eyes lingered on me the longest- Roan. 

"Sorry." Bellamy breathed, the two of us releasing one another's hands as we slipped into the crowd that had gathered around the table. 

Monty gave each of us a small nod before beginning to speak. "Sectors three, four and five sustained the worst damage. We lost the server room and all of our processors and life support systems. And half of our living quarters." He explained, noting the defeated looks on all of our faces. 

"Right now, backup power will keep the lights on at night in the rooms that survived. But we'll have no heat or running water and no way to restore it or reseal the ship before the radiation gets here."

The more Monty spoke, the more my heart drop in devastation. This was bad...really bad. 

"Is there any good news?" Bellamy questioned, asking the question we were all wondering. 

"Well, no one died." Kane pointed out, pushing himself up from where he had been leaning against the table. 

"Yet." I added. 

"Forget the Ark. It was never going to save us all anyway." Clarke announced.  "We need to focus our resources on the Nightblood solution. Is the fuel loaded?"

Bellamy kept his eyes locked on the table. "It's in the process, but, Clarke it isn't going to be any easy ride."

I looked to Bellamy, narrowing my eyes ever so slightly. Clarke did the same, exchanging a confused look with me. "What don't I know?"

Bellamy's eyes flickered toward Roan who dipped his head ever so slightly. "With the secret of Praimfiya out, I sent Echo and my army back to Polis to keep the peace."

"Isn't that good?" I questioned, looking over to him. "We need peace, right?"

Roan gave me a small shake of the head. "More than half of them deserted on the way. With the end coming, they want to be home. I don't blame them."

"Do you blame them for burning Trikru villages as they go?" Bellamy questioned, looking over to Roan with accusing eyes. I felt my heart break at the thought...wasn't there enough bad in the world already?

A humourless laugh came from Roan's lips. "That's funny coming from you."

I rolled my eyes, sick of the needless jabs at one another. "Enough." I ordered, shooting both of them stern looks.

"We know the woods are a war zone." Kane announced, trying to move on. "After what happened with Ilian, I can't spare many of the guard to protect you." he confessed, his eyes darting between Bellamy and I. 

Bellamy pursed his lips, giving a small nod which was evidently laced with frustration.

"My security detail can protect us." Roan assured.

"Thank you." Kane breathed. "That's very generous."

Roan gave a small nod as he looked at all of us, his eyes finally landing on me. "We are all in this together now."

Silence settled over the room before Bellamy finally spoke. "I'm going to check on Octavia before we go."

"Tell her I say hi." I mumbled, knowing that he would want to go on his own. The two of them were still rather at odds. 

Bellamy gave me a small nod, his eyes quickly flickering to Roan before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek before rushing out of the room. 

I looked over at Kane, giving him a small nod of goodbye before making my way into the corridor, Monty following after me. 

"You'll be careful out there, right?" he assured, worry in his tone.

I gave him a small smile as we emerged into the courtyard. "Of course. I'm always careful, aren't I?"

Monty gave me an amused look. "Need I remind you of the stunt you pulled yesterday?"

I let out a laugh, pulling him into a quick hug. "Let's just pretend that didn't happen, yeah?"

He mimicked my laugh, pulling away to give me a smile. "I'll see you soon." he breathed, seeming to think that if he said it, it would make it true. Really, who knew if he would see me again. 

I gave Monty a final parting smile before he disappeared into the back of the truck, leaving me alone to wait for Bellamy and Clarke. 

"Steady hands today." A voice came from beside me. "Not scared this time?"

I turned my head to see Roan leaning against the back of the truck, a small smirk on his face. 

I rolled my eyes, sidestepping the men that were currently loading the barrels of hydrazine to join him. "Why would I be scared when I have you and your army who tried to kill us yesterday taking this joyous road trip with us?"

Roan let out a small laugh. "That was a dig, wasn't it?"

It was my turn to smirk, "You think?"

He shook his head as I leaned against the truck beside him. He studied my face for a moment before speaking. "You and Curly...still complicated?"

I sent him a look. "His name is Bellamy, and no. Not complicated at all actually."

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

I shrugged, raising my brows.  "Depends on how you look at it...good for me."

Roan gave a small nod of the head, but before he could say anything else, "But bad for me." he assumed. 

Before I could say anything else, Clarke joined the two of us. Instantly going over our plan. "Bellamy, Avery and I will lead the way in the Rover. You and your men will ride in the back with the fuel."

"The King of Azgeda follows no one." The soldier who had held the blade to my neck just a day earlier spoke. 

Roan looked to his man with an assuring look. "It's alright, Seiku. Best we stay out of sight for now."

Just then, Bellamy approached the group of us, not making eye contact with a single one of us. "Time to go."

My face scrunched up in confusion as Clarke and I shared a quick look, wordlessly we both decided something was wrong. 

I gave her a small nod as I followed after Bellamy, leaving her to sort out the final details with Roan and Monty. 

Bellamy didn't look over at me as I pulled myself into the passenger seat of the Rover, instead he pretended to be busy fiddling with the radio. 

"What happened?" I questioned, not beating around the bush. 

"Nothing." he answered, still not looking at me.

"I know when you're lying." I prodded, staring him down in hopes that if I looked at him long enough, he would be forced to meet my eye. 

My theory was proven right as he looked up at me, his face showing heartbreak. "I'm fine."

"She still hasn't forgiven you, has she?" I questioned softly, knowing exactly what had my boyfriend so upset. 

I knew it absolutely broke his heart that Octavia still refused to speak to him. It was a horrible situation and we all knew it. While Octavia had every right to be mad, deep down I wished she would just forgive Bellamy. She didn't have to forget, but at least try to understand. 

His throat bobbed slightly as he gave the smallest of nods. "She'll barely speak to me, Avery."

Silently, I reach out and took his hand into my own. "It'll take time." I whispered. "But you're her brother...she'll come around eventually."

"What if Finn had gotten me killed?" Bellamy wondered. "Would you have forgiven him?"

I bit down on my lip, giving him a weary look. "I'm going to be honest, Bell...I don't think there's a safe answer for that question."

He gave me a serious look, waiting for me to answer the question. 

"Fine." I sucked in a breath. "I would have been furious with him. More furious than I could ever explain, but he'd still be my brother-no matter what."

"So you'd forgive him?"

"Eventually." I answered before letting out a sad sigh. "You have to realize that Octavia's grief manifests as anger. She doesn't really let herself be sad, she channels it into aggression and revenge. So she'll be mad at you, and she'll be mad for a while, Bell. But it'll get better. I promise."

He gave me a wavering look. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, leaning across the car to press gentle kiss to his lips. "Positive."


okay so a lot of you seem to be loving roan and aves so I added some more scenes between the two of them heheh

hope you enjoyed 

-maddy xoxo

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