19. grudges

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Emori was alive.ย 

But not because she had been put in the chamber and survived. Emori was alive because she had never been tested...Clarke had instead injected herself with the Luna's bone marrow.ย 

Before a test could even occur, Abby had destroyed the machine. It made me sick knowing that she had such little faith in the test working, that she would allow Emori to be placed in there, but the minute it was Clarke, all of her surety that it would work seemed to evaporate.ย 

Murphy and I had been freed shortly after this. And not long after, we had received news via the radio that Jaha, Monty and Kane had found something in Polis...a bunker. One that could fit 1,200 people, one that could save us all.ย 

It was a small glimmer of hope amongst the solemn mood that had overtaken everyone on the island. With no way to test the Nightblood anymore, this bunker seemed to be our only option.ย 

And thus, we were loading up the supplies to head back to Polis.ย 

I hadn't said a word to anyone aside from Emori and Murphy except for Raven, her being the only person I really wanted to talk to at this point. I could tell she was just as upset about what had been done today as I was, and therefore I felt some comfort.ย 

"Pass me that bin." I called to Murphy, struggling to shift around the items I already had in my hand.ย 

He looked up at me, giving me a small smile as he shook his head. "I've got this one." he assured, easily picking it up and motioning for me to follow him.ย 

I let out a sigh, the two of us making our way outside to the boat that was waiting. Luckily, the black rain had ceased, making it safe for us to venture outdoors once again...for now.ย 

"Here," Roan muttered as Murphy and I stopped by the docks. "I've got it." He took the items from my hand, giving me a small smile.ย 

I ignored him, not saying a word as I turned and began making my way to the lab to grab the next round of supplies.

"Hey, Collins!"

I paused, turning to look at Murphy who was jogging to catch up to me. "Hold up a second, will you?"

I huffed, giving him a forced smile. "Sorry. I just didn't realize how much stuff we had to load."

Murphy smirked as he finally caught up to me. "Let the others do it. They owe us, right?"

I let out a small laugh, looking up at him with a grin. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."

The smirk slowly fell from Murphy's face as a more serious. "Hey, listen." he began, scratching at the back of his neck.

"Yes?" I questioned, looking at him with an expectant look.

He didn't answer, just pulled me into a tight hug, which was shocking for quite a few reasons. The first being that I had never seen Murphy hug a single soul in the time that I had known him. The second being the fact that it was me he was hugging.

"John, what are you doing?" I wondered, my body stiff as he held onto me.ย 

He quickly pulled away, giving me a serious look. "Thank you, Avery. For being the only other person who actually tried to save Emori."

A genuine smile covered my face as I nodded. "I was doing it for her, not you." I teased, not even believing my words myself. Because deep down what I did was also for Murphy's sake.ย 

A laugh escaped his lips as we fell back into a slow walk. "So what you're saying is that you still owe me for saving your life?"

"Oh, no." I asserted. "Even if I did that for Emori, you and I are even now."

He rolled his eyes, pulling open the door to the lab. "Fine, Collins. We're even."

I grinned, "Thank God. I can finally sleep easy."


It was midday by the time we finally had everything loaded. And with a ten hour trip ahead of us, we had wasted no time in getting across the water, and loading up the truck.ย 

Murphy, Emori and Raven had remained at the island to scavenge the rest of the tech with the promise that Miller would return for them after dropping us off in Polis.ย 

As much as I wanted to stay with them, I wanted to see Bellamy more. Knowing he was going to be at Polis made all the pain of the last day wash away.ย 

But even with the excitement of seeing Bellamy on my horizon, I couldn't shake the resentment I still felt.ย 

It was surging strong as I sat in the back of the truck with Roan, Clarke and Abby. I could tell all of them were walking on egg shells around me, everyone too afraid I would snap at them if they spoke.ย 

Well, that is except for Roan who had been incessantly bothering me the whole trip. He had tried to spark at least ten different conversations with me. All of which I met with blunt responses or ignored him all together.ย 

"Come on, Brown Eyes." he had taunted on the seventh hour. "Don't be like this."

I glanced over at him, shrugging as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not being like anything." I mumbled. "I'm tired."

He smirked, nodding as he looked away from me. "Sure you are."

"Avery," Clarke spoke, addressing me for the first time since our journey began. "I hope you know how sorry I am."

"Both of us." Abby added, giving me a sincere look of regret.ย 

I nodded, leaning my head against the wall of the truck. "Right" I mumbled, "But I guess locking us up like prisoners was all for nothing."

They both gave me sad looks, neither of them knowing what to say next. I didn't look back at them, just softly closed my eyes.ย 

I hadn't been lying to Roan when I told him I was tired. That was validated by the fact that I had fallen asleep for the rest of the journey. I had mostly done so to avoid anyone trying to talk to me any further, but I truly did need the sleep.ย 

I was jostled awake as the truck slowed to a stop. We were here.ย 

I felt my chest bubble in excitement at the prospect of seeing Bellamy. It was at this point that I finally decided to stop being so miserable.ย 

Giving both Clarke and Abby a firm smile, I pushed myself up, and followed after Roan who had already jumped down to the ground. He held out a hand for me and I silently took it, allowing him to help me out.

"Clarke," Abby called, preventing her from following directly after us. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Clarke looked to Roan and I, giving us a reassuring look. "I'll catch up."

I sighed, reaching forward to grab one of the bins before giving Clarke a small nod. As we left the two of them there, I had a sinking feeling that whatever they were talking about wasn't good.ย 

The snow beneath our feet softly crunched as Miller, Jackson, Roan and I made our way through the small clearing where we were to meet Kane and a few others who were going to help us unload supplies.ย 

I found my eyes scanning the area, the uneasy feeling not leaving me despite the understanding that everything was finally working out.ย 

"Gentlemen, Avery. It's good to see you." Kane greeted from where he stood just in front of the tree line, his body language indicating some uncertainty.ย 

I glanced over at Roan, noting the same suspicious look that covered his face. He moved slightly closer to me, his hand resting on his sword. "Stay close."

"Just-uh-wait here." Kane advised, stopping us from walking any further.ย 

I readjusted the grip I had on the bin in my hand. "What's going on?" I wondered, voicing my confusion.ย 

"Where are the guards?" Roan asked, stopping a bit further back than the rest of us.ย 

Kane wouldn't meet his eye. "Our people aren't back from Arkadia yet."

I felt my shoulders slump slightly at the realization that I would not be seeing Bellamy as soon as I had hoped.ย 

I was seconds away from asking how long until we could expect them, when a voice called out from behind us.ย 

"Kane, don't. Roan!" Clarke yelled, rushing toward us with her mother following after her, begging her to stop.ย 

In the blink of an eye, Trikru warriors began to spill out from within the trees. My eyes widened as I dropped the bin I was holding, my hand flying to my gun.ย 

Roan jumped back, pulling out his sword. "What is this?" he demanded.ย 

"Look, there doesn't have to be any violence!" Kane reasoned. But his pleas fell on deaf ears as arrows began flying from the tree line, lodging themselves into the Trikru warriors.ย 

Azgeda warriors jumped into the open, letting out cries of battle as the worked to protect their king.ย 

They didn't stop after all the Trikru members had been killed. Within seconds, they were on the rest of us. I had my gun ripped from my hand as I was harshly shoved to the ground, my hands secured behind my back.

"Roan!" I yelled, looking over at him, begging him to stop this.ย 

I wasn't sure what all of this was about, but what I did know is that I had played no role in it.ย 

He looked around, looking flustered as his eyes met mine briefly.ย 

"Ro-" my words were cut off as a gag was aggressively tied around my mouth, muffling my words.ย 

I let out laboured breaths, my face beginning to sting from being dug into the snowy ground.ย 

From where I lay, I saw another figure emerge from the trees, only being lit by the dim moonlight. "Welcome back to Polis, my king."



a few more murvery (yes, I did just make up a ship name for their friendship) for all of you murphy and avery lovers :)

comment you thoughts!

-maddy xoxo

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