22. conclave

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I hovered close to Bellamy as he and I walked through the Worgeda in search of Kane and Octavia.

I felt a sense of uneasiness wash over me as I could feel a number of pairs of eyes watching us as we went.

The sounds of the representatives getting in their last minute training filled my ears, and I felt myself shudder at the thought of what they were all about to go through next.

"Hey, Brown Eyes!"

I felt myself stiffen as I froze. Bellamy, not realizing I wasn't right beside him at first kept walking. When he finally noticed, he turned and gave me a confused look. "What--"

He cut himself off, his eyes darkening as they looked past me to the oncoming figure. "What do you want?" Bellamy demanded, taking a defensive step forward.

"Just wanted a word." Roan answered, and even without looking I could tell he was smirking.

Bellamy clenched his jaw as he shook his head. "No way."

I sighed, giving my boyfriend a reassuring look. "It's fine, Bell. I'll just be a second."

He looked down at me in hesitation before looking back to Roan. "Don't try anything."

As Bellamy turned and began making his way toward Octavia, I finally turned and faced Roan. "What?" I snapped.

Roan let out a low whistle as he laughed. "I see that we are no longer friends."

I scoffed. "Yeah, I think it happened somewhere between you dragging me to the ascension ceremony and trying to get me to betray Clarke."

"Right." he mused. "Because you two are just the best of friends."

I rolled my eyes. "Is there anything else you need from me? Because I have to go prepare my best friend to fight in the Conclave you suggested."

"You mean my suggestion that saved us all from a war?" He challenged, not cowering away from my harsh comments.

My eyes met his, and we engaged in a stare down for a couple of moments before I spoke. "Good luck out there, Roan."

A small smile came to his face as he nodded. "See you later, Brown Eyes."

I left our interaction in a fluster. Instantly making my way toward Octavia, Bellamy and Kane, self consciously shrinking away from watchful eyes.

As I reached the three of them, I caught the tail end of a conversation between Bellamy and Octavia.

"You want me to hide?" Octavia questioned in disgust, looking to her older brother.

"You don't need to go up against the strongest warrior from every clan." Bellamy explained.

"I came here to fight." Octavia argued.

Bellamy lightly shook his head as he looked to his sister with pleading eyes. "You were the girl under the floor. Use that. Just like mom taught us."

I felt something flare in my heart as I watched Octavia's face soften slightly. The mention of her childhood eliciting a clear flurry of emotions.

"Bell's right, Tave." I said softly, drawing her eyes toward me. "You don't have to kill all twelve warriors. Smarter, not harder."

A look of understanding slowly came to her face. "I just have to kill the last one."

My face twitched into a small smile as I nodded. "Exactly."

"Ambassadors and advisors to the tower!" A scout announced to the entirety of the Worgeda. "Champions, to your flags."

I felt my heart clench as Octavia looked to the three of us, her face showing the fear she was in.

All of us were wordless as Kane pulled her into a hug, giving her a final nod of confidence before making his leave.

I pulled her into an embrace next, trying to contain the emotions I was feeling. "You've got this." I assured, "Observe until it's time to make a move."

Octavia nodded, tightening her grip on me before finally letting go. Her eyes were fearful as she stared back at me. "I love you, Aves."

I nodded, quickly stifling the tears that wanted to fall. "I love you too, Tavia. I'll see you soon."

I gave her hand a final quick squeeze before turning to Bellamy, giving him a small nod before leaving the two siblings alone.

As I began to make my way toward the tower, I couldn't help but shake the sinking feeling that that could have been the last time I would see my best friend.


I was a nervous wreck as we stood in the Throne Room after the commencement of the Conclave.

It felt like my whole body was numb as I paced in a small circle, awaiting any news.

We were all instructed to wait inside until the battle had gotten underway, and were therefore forced to await word from Gaia who stood out on the balcony with the scouts.

Bellamy stood next to me, neither of us saying a word to each other as we waited...and waited...and waited.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed by the time she stepped inside, slowly lowering her hood. "The first two warriors have fallen."

My hand shot out, gripping onto Bellamy's that was already outstretched and waiting for me. I clung onto his hand as tight as I could, my heart pounding in anticipation.

My body tense as the Scout walked toward the candles that were lit, each on representing a warriors life. He paused, reaching out to snuff one of the flames.ย 

ย "Gael kom Ingranronakru." Gaia announced. "Yu gonplei ste odon."

Shocked murmurs flew around the room, meanwhile Bellamy gripped onto my hand, both of us fearing that we would hear Octavia's name.ย 

The Scout continued down the line, looking for the next flame to extinguish.

"Please don't be her." Bellamy whispered, his eyes locked on the Scout.ย 

"Fio kom Trikru." Gaia called out, her voice breaking in defeat. That was her clan, and now there was no hope for them. "Yu gonplei ste odon."

I felt sympathy for Gaia and Indra, but at the same time, I couldn't help but selfishly felt relieved that someone else had died and not Octavia.ย 

"Octavia's still out there." Kane assured, looking to Bellamy and I with a hopeful look.ย 

Bellamy wore a blank look as he watched Indra and Gaia share a tearful embrace. He then looked back to Kane and I. "I couldn't tell her I loved her, even with the world ending."

"She knows." I promised, not missing a beat. "I promise you."


Another hour or so had passed and we were finally admitted to stand out on the balcony and observe what was going on in the streets below.ย 

I was still too nervous to actually pay attention, so I absentmindedly focused on counting the bricks on the building in front of us as Bellamy and Kane watched on.ย 

Eventually, my attention way drawn away from my riveting counting as Bellamy rejoined us from where he'd been watching through a small set of binoculars.ย 

Just as he joined us, Gaia announced that the Sangedakru warrior had fallen.ย 

"Blue Cliff warrior just him with a bow. I just saw it." Bellamy whispered lowly, his eyes flickering between us and the battleground.ย 

I looked over at him with a furrowed brow. "Good for her?" I asked, not sure what Bellamy was getting at.ย 

Bellamy glared at me as he shook his head. "We saw her before the fight." he reminded myself and Kane who looked just as confused as me. "She didn't have a bow. She had two swords."

"Yeah, the corvo blades." Kane confirmed. When Bellamy continued to give us an uneasy look, Kane pressed on. "Well, she could have picked up a bow off the battlefield."

In true Bellamy fashion, he didn't answer, but instead turned and swiftly made his way inside.ย 

I looked at Kane, giving him an exasperated look before following after my boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, stopping beside him as his eyes scanned the room.

"Echo's not here." he whispered, looking down at me .


Bellamy once again didn't wait for me to finish speaking. He was marching out of the room within the blink of an eye.ย 

"You have got to be kidding me." I muttered, already beginning to follow him.ย 

I could hear Kane behind me, rushing after the two of us.

"Bellamy!" I called as we emerged into the hallway. "Bell, wait!"

"Bellamy, hold on!" Kane echoed as the two of us finally caught.

"My sister is down there." Bellamy snapped, turning to Kane with ferocity. "Echo is cheating, and I'm gonna stop her."

"You don't even know that it's her." Kane reasoned. "It could be anyone down there."

Bellamy scoffed. "We both know who it is."

Kane reached out to grab a hold of Bellamy who had already turned to leave once again. "One of Gaia's Scouts will find her and Ice Nation will be punished."

"They'll never catch her. Echo's a spy. This is what she does!"

"You're not going alone." I argued, looking over to him with a stern look. "What if something happens to you?"

"I have to." Bellamy shot back. "If two of us go down there we'll get caught for sure."

I let out a frustrated sigh as Kane pulled Bellamy closer to him. "You listen to me. You get caught on that battlefield, we'll all pay the price. They'll execute Octavia, and all of our people will be left to die."

"If I am right, then Azgeda has two people in this fight, and we die anyway!" Bellamy snapped. "And you think I should just stay here and do nothing?"

Kane's face fell as realization set in. "No." He finally answered. "No....you wait until dark. So you don't get caught."

Bellamy held his gaze for a moment before nodding, the two of them finally coming to agreement.ย 

His eyes then shifted to me and I gave him a steady glance. "Be careful." I warned, not wanting to say goodbye. Goodbye made it seem like I would never see him again.ย 

"Come on, Avery." Kane advised. "We should get back before they realize all of us are missing."

I nodded, giving Bellamy one last glance before turning and allowing Kane to guide me down the hall.ย 

I had only taken a few steps when my emotions got the best of me. I pulled away from Kane's grasp, rushing back to where Bellamy was still standing.ย 

I threw my body into his, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "I'm serious Bell, be careful. I can't stand the thought of both of you being down there."

He sighed, resting his chin atop my head. "I'll be careful." he promised. "I'll see you soon."

His words were assuring, but only minimally. Because I knew that once he went down there, I would no longer have to just worry about losing my best friend, but also about losing my boyfriend...I hated this Conclave.ย 

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