46. countdown

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"Avery!" Bellamy snapped, rushing to keep up to me as we made our way to safety. "Just hold on a minute!"

"There's no time to waste, Bell. We need to get to the ship now." I called back, not wanting to discuss what had just happened.

Bellamy grabbed onto me, pulling me back toward him. "What did he do to you?" he demanded, searching for the answer in my expression.

I let out a quick sigh, my eyes meeting his worried ones. "It's better if you don't know."

"Avery." he affirmed sternly. "Did he--"

He cut himself off, similar to the way Murphy had when he had asked me about what happened. No one wanted to speak the bitter words.

"No." I answered quietly. "Diyoza stopped him before he did anything like that."

Bellamy's face was written in complete anger as he shook his head. "That's why your face is bruised, isn't it?"

I looked over my shoulder, the transport ship just in view off of the horizon. "We need to go." I whispered, knowing that this conversation could wait.

A reluctant expression spread across his face as he finally nodded. "Okay." he breathed. "Come on."

The two of us took off running, eventually joining with the groups of people that were still evacuating from the village.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulder when the whole ship came into view. We had made it...but had everyone else?

"Thank God!" Clarke breathed, rushing toward Bellamy and I as we closed the distance between the field.

Clarke and I had had our differences lately, but I was happy to see her.

"What's going on?" I demanded, looking over to her with panicked eyes.

"McCreary." she answered, her voice wavering. "There's currently a bomb hurdling toward the Earth that will kill us all if we're not in the air by the time it hits."

I felt my heart drop as I ran a shaky hand over my face. "Great." I muttered, still trying to catch my breath. "Is everyone else back yet?"

She shook her head. "No. We're still missing some of the wounded. And my mom," she added. "Did you see her?"

I gave her a small shake of my head. "No." I answered. "But we left a group to go door-to-door. They'll bring her in."

A grateful look spread across her face, but it was still masked by fear. I placed a hand on her arm, trying to provide any comfort that I could.

Bellamy, who had stepped away from the group, watched the tree line with a look of complete worry.

"Three minutes to impact."

My heart jumped in my chest. Three minutes. That's all the time we had for the rest of our people to get on the ship.

"Monty." Clarke snapped into the radio in desperation as she slowly walked back toward the ramp of the ship. "Monty, come in."

I couldn't stand still. My heart was racing and I felt like I was going to be sick as I slowly paced back and forth in a small circle.

Madi had taken up a position beside Bellamy, the two of them in conversation that I didn't feel like interrupting.

So, I stood by myself, alone with my horrible thoughts as I awaited the rest of my friends.

"Two minutes to impact."

I swear I almost broke my fingers as I nervously cracked my knuckles as hard as I could-I needed something to take my mind of the overwhelming fear I was currently plagued with.

Finally, I spotted some kind of movement deep within the tree line. "There!" I yelled, calling attention to the oncoming group.

I was running toward them before the words had fully left my mouth. The sounds of footsteps following me filled my ears as I approached the group.

It was Abby, Octavia and another man rushing toward us with a stretcher. As I neared, my heart dropped upon the realization that it was Kane who was injured.

Days ago, I wanted him dead. But today, today I didn't want that...not at all.

A couple of other men grabbed onto the stretcher and rushed it back toward the transport ship.

"Mom, I didn't know." Clarke apologized, regret in her tone.

"You couldn't have." Abby soothed. "There's an OR on the mothership. I can operate there."

As the words left her mouth, a loud boom shook the earth, causing all of us to duck slightly.

"Sonic boom!" Bellamy explained. "It's close. We have to hurry."

My heart was beating so fast at this point I was convinced it was going to give up on itself eventually. Each breath felt more and more constricted with terror.

"Bellamy!" Harper yelled from behind the trees. "We're here! We need help with the wounded."

Bellamy turned to the group carrying Kane. "Get Kane onto the ship, now!"

"You four!" I called, motioning to a group of Wonkru members who were waiting by the entrance. "Help the wounded!"

"Where are the others?" Bellamy asked Harper as the group of us rushed toward them.

"Murphy's in bad shape." she explained, letting out a few laboured breaths as she ran toward us, stretcher in hand. "We didn't have a stretcher for him. But they're coming. They have to be."

My terror was tenfold at this point. I had left Murphy behind. I did that. And now they were going to die because of it.

My eyes begun to stung as I looked over at Bellamy, noting that he was already watching me. "I shouldn't have left him." I whispered, already hating myself for what I did.

"They'll be here." he assured, and it sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was me.

Something in the sky suddenly caught my attention, and my eyes fluttered upward to see the bomb rushing down toward us. It was through the atmosphere, and was minutes, if not seconds, away from impact.

"Oh my God." I whispered, panic constricting my chest so tightly I felt like passing out.

"Bellamy! Avery!" Clarke yelled from the entrance of the ship, her voice full of urgency.

Bellamy stood his ground. "I'm waiting for them!" he asserted, his eyes locked forward.

Standing there, Clarke begging Bellamy to get on the ship brought me back to our first war with the Grounders when her and I had stood by the Drop Ship begging my brother and Bellamy to get on. I had lost both of them that day, and I was determine to not allow history to repeat itself.

"Please!" Clarke screamed. "We have to go!"

Bellamy glanced at me before looking back at Clarke, "Clarke, you do what you have to. I am not leaving my friends. I can't do that again." With that, he turned to me, "Avery, go." he whispered.

I shook my head, reaching out to take his hand in mine. "I'm not leaving either." I declared. "I'm not leaving them, or you."

It looked like he wanted to argue, but he knew he couldn't. The only way I was getting on that ship was if he and our friends were coming with me.

"Clarke!" Raven's voice came through the speakers, "We have to fire up the engines. So close the doors or I will."

Clarke had tears in her eyes as she raised the walkie to her mouth, "Raven, we need a little more time."

"No!" Raven argued, "There is no more time."

"Thirty seconds until impact."

A shaky breath fell from my lips as Bellamy tightened his grip on my hand. "I love you" he whispered over the sound of the countdown to what was most likely our death. "I always have and I always will."

I turned to him, giving him a small smile. "And I love you."

"Now!" Raven screamed. "Get on the ship!"

Twenty seconds until impact. I knew that this was it. They had to fire up the ship or everyone would die.

I didn't turn around, I couldn't. But soon a loud noise filled the air, meaning Raven had begun to fire up the thrusters.

I closed my eyes as I leaned into Bellamy. All of this to get back to each other, and we were both going to die anyway...at least we'd be together.


My eyes sprung open at the sound of someone's voice. It was almost drowned out by the noise of the ship, but it was there.

I began vigorously scanning the thick it line. After what felt like way too long, my eyes finally landed on Monty who had Murphy on his back, Emori behind them.

"There!" I screamed, pointing towards our friends. In a split second, Bellamy and I were rushing towards them, each of us grabbing one of Murphy's arms and flinging it over our shoulders.

"Ten seconds."

"Time to spare." Bellamy muttered as we rushed towards the doors.

I rolled my eyes at his attempt at comedic relief. But at the same time, I couldn't help but smile as we boarded the ship, all of us. We had made it.

The four of us collapsed onto the ground as Clarke pulled the lever that closed the door. As they began to close, I was once again transported back to our early days on the ground when she had closed the Drop Ship doors. I was fully convinced in that moment that both Finn and Bellamy were dead. And now, here we were, Bellamy by my side. I knew, that although Finn wasn't physically here, he was always with me, and knowing that gave me more peace than I could ever explain.

"We made it." I breathed, tears of joy falling down my cheeks as Bellamy pulled me into his chest.

"We made it." He repeated.

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