50. planet alpha

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"Here's what we know." Bellamy announced to the small group of us that were gathered in the mess hall. "Eligius III was a colonizing mission. According to the file, the mothership went to five planets that met necessary conditions for life, dropping mission teams on each one."

He stood with his hands on his hips as he addressed us. "Monty picked Planet Alpha for us because it's the closest and probably the most like Earth."

"Probably?" Murphy questioned from the seat across from me.

Shaw, who had just made his arrival along with Raven a few moments prior, spoke up. "We have to assume they couldn't know for sure until they got there. We can scan the atmosphere from the bridge."

"Actually, we can't." Jordan advised. "None of the equipment we used to monitor the Earth is working. I'm guessing it's interference from the ionosphere."

Bellamy didn't look fully discouraged. "Bottom line is, we won't know it's survivable until we get down there."

I let out a humourless laugh. "Sound familiar to anyone?"

Murphy cracked at smile at my comment as Raven spoke from beside me. "What about radio signals? Anything from the ground that says the mission team survived?"

"No radio signals."

"Likely also the ionosphere." Jordan explained. "There is an ultra-high-frequency ping on radar, faint but--"

"A rescue beacon." Shaw concluded, realization sparking in his expression. "We used them on Eligius IV to--"

"Great." Emori cut in. "If there's a beacon then that means someone's down there, right?"

"Not necessarily. They're solar so--"

"They can last forever." Raven mumbled, finishing Shaw's sentence and diminishing Emori's hope. 

"How long ago did Eligius III get here?" I wondered, shifting the discussion slightly. 

Jordan gave a small nod. "Hard to tell since they never radioed back, but best estimate--200 years, give or take."

"That's a long time to wait for a rescue." Murphy muttered. 

Silence fell across the room as we all weighed our options-currently, there weren't many on the table.

"I trust Monty." Echo finally declared, her declaration not being met with any immediate protest. 

"Great." Bellamy announced. "Then it's settled. We land at a distance, give us time to acclimate. We'll wait for them to come to us."

"Let's talk about guns." Clarke advised. "If we have them, we'll us them."

Bellamy let out a small sigh. "We're taking guns." he assured. "We're also taking nonlethals. Now, Eligius IV had gas grenades and shock batons to control the criminals."

"Look how that worked out." I muttered, earning a quick glance from Shaw. 

"We won't shoot first this time." Bellamy finished, either not hearing, or choosing to ignore, my comment. 

"In that case, Clarke should stay here." Raven argued.

"Raven," Bellamy started. "You're the one that's staying here."

I watched as shock rippled across her face as she looked over at him. "What?" she demanded. "Like hell I am."

"Look," Bellamy reasoned. "We can't take both our pilots. And since we'll be flying blind until we're below the ionosphere, it has to be Shaw."

"That's not all." he announced, not giving Raven a chance to argue as he shifted his focus. "Jordan, you're staying, too."

"Me?" he wondered, slightly dejected. "Why?"

"I know it's hard." I reasoned. "But your parents asked us to keep you safe. This is how we do that. We have no idea what's waiting for us down there."

"Which is why we should take our best fighters." Echo bit out, looking over to Bellamy.

He shook his head. "My sister is the last person I trust not to shoot first. So she stays on ice with everyone else until we know what we're dealing with."

"And if it's too late by then?"

"Fine." Bellamy conceded slightly. "I'll wake up Miller."

When Echo gave a small nod in agreement, he looked to the rest of us. "Say your good-byes. Head to the transport ship."

"Well," Murphy grinned. "I call shotgun."


I felt the nerves coursing through my body as the group of us made our way toward the transport ship, packed and ready to go. 

This was a new start, and I only hoped that it was going to be a pleasant one, unlike our last. 

I readjusted the bag on my shoulder as I turned the corner, my eyes landing on Shaw and Raven who were in the middle of an embrace. 

A small smile cracked onto my face at the sight of them. I was truly happy for Raven, grateful she finally found someone to treat her right. 

"Aves!" Raven called, reaching out to me as I went to pass them. "I need to talk to you for a minute."

I nodded, giving her an unsteady look. "What's wrong?"

She let out a sigh as she glanced over at Shaw who had begun to make his way toward the ship. "Will you look out for him?" she wondered, a tint of nervousness in his voice. 

A comforting smile came to my face as I gave her hand a squeeze. "He doesn't need it, but of course I will."

"Thank you." she whispered, pulling me into a tight hug. "Be safe down there."

"Always." I assured, pulling away to give her another smile. "I'll see you soon. Hold down the fort up here."

She saluted me with a grin. "You got it, boss."

I jokingly rolled my eyes as I backed toward the transport ship. "Try not to miss me too much!"

Waving me off, Raven's face fell ever-so-slightly. She was nervous about Shaw, and it was obvious. 

I turned away from her, trying to shake out my own nerves as I boarded the Dropship that would take us down to our new planet. 

The rest of our group was already there, save for Clarke who was saying her final goodbyes to Abby who decided to stay behind to try and save Kane. 

"Here." Bellamy said softly, taking my bag from me as I entered. "Go strap in."

I nodded, giving him a brief smile before lowering myself into the seat next to Emori. She looked over at me, giving me a nervous smile. "You ready?"

A small laugh escaped my lips as I pulled my seatbelt on. "As ready as I can ever be." 

"Okay!" Bellamy announced as he and Clarke joined the rest of us Lowering himself into the seat directly next to me, he looked to the front. "Shaw, whenever you're ready."

Shaw nodded powering up the control panel, preparing us for takeoff. "Everyone strapped in?"

A chorus of 'yeses' came from the group of us, anxiety and excitement mixed within our tones.

"Let's go to Planet Alpha." I mused, repeating similar words I had spoken when we were sent down to Earth all those years ago.

Bellamy looked over at me, reaching out and silently taking my hand as we took off from the mothership. 

My grip on his hand grew tighter and tighter as we flew through space, quickly approaching. 

Minutes passed, and soon enough we were nearing the planet, my nerves jumping in my chest.

"Get ready!" Shaw called to us, his eyes scanning the control panel as he brought us closer and closer. 

A sudden lurch in the ship caused me to jump slightly, gripping onto my seatbelt with my spare hand. 

The ship shook violently as we sped through the atmosphere, nothing but clouds and mist in our immediate vision. 

"We're below the ionosphere and I still don't have any instruments!" Shaw announced, his face written in concentration. "There must be something else. Hang on."

I looked over at Bellamy, noting the worry that was present on his face like everyone else's.

"Anything I can do?" Emori offered. 

"Yeah." Shaw affirmed. "Pray."

"Well, that's encouraging." I mumbled, my worried eyes locked on the front window as we continued hurdling downward.

I wasn't sure if Emori took Shaw's advice and said a prayer, but someone was looking out for us because soon enough the dark clouds broke, and we emerged into a breathtaking sight. 

Large mountains warmly lit by the descending suns fell into my line of sight, and I felt myself let out a small gasp. 

My grip on Bellamy's hand loosened, and I pulled it away, holding onto my seatbelt in awe. 

"Boys and girls, meet Planet Alpha." Shaw announced, turning to us with relieved smile. 

I gave him a grin as I shook my head with a laugh. "God, you sound so much like Raven."

Shaw sent me a quick wink before focusing back on his task at hand. Meanwhile, I looked back toward the beautiful view, a small sense of relief washing over me as Shaw began to lower us to the ground. 

Soon enough, I could feel the ship touch the ground beneath us, meaning it was time to find out whether or not we could survive here. Whether or not this was our chance to do better. 

"Everyone ready for this?" Bellamy called, looking around at the group of us. 

No one protested, which must have meant that we were all prepared for what was to come next. 

"Good." he asserted, undoing his belt. "Gather up all your stuff. Let's get moving while we still have light."

I released myself from my seat, making for the back of the ship where we had left all of our supplies. I pulled my pack onto my back, reaching down to pick up my gun as well as one other weapon.

"Where did you get that?" Bellamy wondered, watching me as I slung the bow over my back. 

I gave him a small smile. "Arsenal on the mothership. I figured it was time to give this thing a try again."

Bellamy gave me a wide smile as he pulled me toward him, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. 

"Okay, break up it." Murphy drawled, stopping next to us. "We have to go find out it we're living or dying here, people."

I sent him a quick glare as I stepped away from Bellamy. "Would it kill you to think optimistically about anything?"

Murphy feigned concentration for a moment before nodding. "Probably."

"Alright!" Bellamy addressed everyone as we gathered by the ramp. "Anyone have any last minute regrets?"

I held my shaky hands at my side as I focused my eyes on the ramp that would open in a matter of seconds. 

"Would it matter if we did?" Shaw wondered, a hint of worry in his voice. 

"No." Bellamy admitted. "Let's open it up then."

Shaw reached out, and after a moment of hesitation, pulled down on the lever that sent the ramp slowly opening.

"Please be breathable. Please be breathable. Please be breathable." Jackson repeated as the ramp got lower and lower. 

I gripped onto the strap on my bag as the ramp finally hit the ground, bringing the full scenery into view. 

It was even more beautiful than what we had seen upon landing. The tall mountains we had seen on our way down silhouetted the horizon, meanwhile tall, luscious trees towered above us from all directions. 

It was simply spectacular. 

I felt as in awe as I was that day we had been sent to Earth. It was so beautiful in that moment.

"Breathable air." Jackson announced as we all took a deep breath. "Check."

"Radiation levels good, too." Emori added, looking down at the dosimeter in her hand. "Eligius III didn't need to send Nightbloods after all."

"How about that beacon, Shaw?" Bellamy wondered, instantly getting down to business. 

"Eight clicks due eats." Shaw answered, turning his head in the direction we needed to go. "I think it's on high ground. There's a water source about halfway."

"You should go first this time." Clarke advised Bellamy as she looked over at him with a smile. 

He shook his head as he took a hold of my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "No. We go together, all of us."

With smiles written on all of our faces, we all slowly made our way down the ramp, stepping onto the soft ground of Planet Alpha. 

"Anyone got anything better than 'we're back bitches'?" Miller wondered, a clear reference to the words Octavia had spoken when we arrived on Earth all those years ago.

"Oh, come on." I teased, turning to him with a small grin. "That was a pretty good one."

"Monty would know what to say." Murphy declared, his voice hinting at the grief we all felt for our late friend. "He should be here."

I nodded, giving him a gentle smile. "He is. Harper too."

"He already said it:" Clarke interjected. "'Do better there.' So let's do better."

"That's easy to say." Shaw argued. "But talk is cheap." I could hear the resentment in his tone, and honestly I couldn't blame him. 

I pulled my hand free from Bellamy, turning to catch up with the others as he stayed behind with Clarke for a moment. 

I wasn't exactly sure how he had forgiven her so easily, I know I hadn't. Sure, I understood why she did what she did, but did it really excuse anything?

Shaking my negative thoughts about Clarke, I refocused on the planet around me. It was everything we could have dreamed of thus far. 

Enough like Earth, but with a certain accelerate beauty. 

Monty had done well, and it was very possible that this would be the place where we could all grow. 

We could never repay him for what he did for us...so all we could do now was make him proud. 

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