85. shaken

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"Where did they come from?"

My question wasn't directed specifically at Clarke, but realistically she was the only one who could answer it. 

She turned to look at me, her face taut in desperation as she shook her head slightly. "Through the bridge." She cried. "They were invisible when they came through, I-"

A sob tore through her chest as she leaned against the wall. "We need to get out of here. Damnit!"

I flinched at the rising of her voice, pursing my lips as I looked to Hope and Jordan who stood with distressed expressions. 

"Move." Murphy ordered, causing everyone to step away from the door. Once the path was clear, he rose a crowbar and began ramming it into the window. 

The glass was thick, proving almost impossible to break through. Even after almost five minutes of relentless hits, the glass still stood. 

"Give it up, Murphy." Clarke pleaded, seemingly admitting defeat. "It's never going to break."

Ironically, as soon as the words had left her mouth, the glass shattered. Murphy looked to her with a quirked brow. "You were saying?"

"Good job, Murphy." Jordan praised as Murphy reached through the freshly broken window to unlock the door from the outside. 

"All in a day's work, my friends."

Clarke was the first to rush by him, beckoning for the rest of us to follow her. "Let's go!"

Giving Murphy a small smile, I took the crowbar from his hand. "This might prove to be useful once again." I muttered. Who knows what we were about to go up against. If this Disciple had come to Earth solely for Madi, I had a feeling they were not going down without a fight. 

"Come on!" Clarke called again, causing me to shoot Murphy a weary smile before the two of us followed after the rest of the group. 

The walk-more like sprint- to the rec room was full of nervous tension. I think all of us were afaid we were going to find a dead little girl when we arrived. I know that's what I was scared of. 

However, as we rounded the corner to the room, it wasn't Madi who was hurt. In fact, she wasn't even in the room. 

Who was in the room, was Gabriel. He laid on the floor by the piano, his white Disciple uniform coated in dark blood as he sputtered for breath. 

My eyes widened, the crowbar falling slack in my hand as Hope and Octavia rushed forward. "No!" Hope cried. "No, no, no!"

"Hope...my friend," Gabriel rapsed.

 "I'm right here with you." She assured, holding his head in her lap.

"Where is she?" Clarke questioned, giving no time to fuss over Gabriel's current state. 

Gabriel's eyes fluttered for a moment. "Madi," he breathed, focusing on Clarke. "Sheidheda. I tried-" A pain-filled gasp from his own lips cut him off.

Confusion swept over me...how was Sheidheda here? How was he alive? Raven had been right in her worries about him.

Pushing my curiosities aside, I knelt down on the other side of Gabriel, hoping that there would be something that I could do. My eyes scanned his wounds and I soon realized that even with more medical training, there was nothing I could do. 

My eyes met Octavia's and I gave her a small nod. She instantly knew what it met, and she gripped onto Gabriel's hand. 

"I'm right here!"

We all turned to see Madi rushing into the room, her face paling at the sight of Gabriel. After a quick embrace with Clarke, she was joining me next to Gabriel. "He saved my life." She announced, her eyes locked with Gabriel's for a moment before she looked to the rest of the group. "Sheidheda got away. He stabbed himself in the gut and...disappeared."

"I know how that works." Octavia declared. "Cadogan will send more Disciples."

"How is this possible?" I demanded. "How is Sheidheda here?"

Clarke pushed a lump down in her throat. "Russell Prime."


"He took over Russell's body." Murphy clarified. "You should have seen what he did to Sanctum."

My chest felt tight as I looked down at Gabriel. He was apparently just another one of the casualties caused by Sheidheda. 

Pulling Madi closer to her, Clarke addressed all of us. "We have to get back to Sanctum, now."

"The stone." Gabriel's voice was getting weaker with every passing moment. "Find the Stone."

Raven shook her head. "I couldn't fix the helmet."

"Sheidheda's." Gabriel's voice was almost non-existent at this point. "He left his."

Picking up the discarded helmet that was sitting next to me, Raven pulled it over her head. "It's damaged." She announced, turning slowly. "It can't pinpoint the exact location...but the stone's here."

Just as we all began to digest the information she had given us, another voice cut into the room. "What'd we miss?"

Miller and Jackson stood in the doorway, oblivious looks on their faces until they spotted Gabriel. 

"Oh my God." Jackson gasped, instantly rushing toward us. "Tell me what happened."

My eyes met his and I gave him a small shake of the head. I didn't want to say it out loud, I didn't want to say that there was nothing to be done. 

Gabriel somehow noticed my expression and placed a gentle hand over my own. "It's okay." He breathed. "I'm ready."

I hadn't known Gabriel for long, nor did I know him very well. But that didn't diminish the wave of sadness that washed over me. 

He refocused his attention on Hope, which allowed me to look up. When I did, I could see Clarke waving me toward where the others stood.

Keeping my gaze locked on her for a moment, I stood. Gently, I gave Octavia's shoulder a squeeze as I made my way past her to join the rest of the group. 

"What do you mean the stone's here? Where?" Murphy pressed Raven.

"I don't know."

Clarke looked hopeful. "We find it, we go back to Sanctum, we get our army."

"Clarke," Madi asserted. "You're not going to war over me."

"If they try to take you, I am."

That right there, those motherly instincts to protect her child was exactly what got Bellamy killed. 

I wasn't a mother so I didn't fully understand Clarke. Perhaps now, thanks to her,  I never would be one. 

"All of us are." Murphy added.

Gabriel let out a grunt of pain, causing Madi to look down at him before shaking her head. "No one else is getting killed because of me."

I felt guilt wash over me. Had I inadvertently placed the blame of Bellamy's death on this little girl? That was never something I wanted to do. 

Madi walked toward the piano, picking up a vial of pills that had apparently been brought over by Sheidheda. "Maybe I should just--"

"Absolutely not!" Clarke snapped, ripping the pills from her hand. 

Gabriel let out another choked cough which caused Hope to look to Jackson with pleading eyes. "Do something!"

"It's okay." Gabriel assured. "Hope, I want this."

I reached out and took Raven's hand, sadness rushing through both of us as we watched Gabriel's final moments. Sometimes it was nice to know you were not alone in moments like these. 

"In peace may you leave this shore," Octavia said softly. "In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground."

Gabriel spoke back in a language that I didn't quite understand. 

"May we meet again." Octavia whispered. 

All of our heads dipped slightly as we repeated her words. "May we meet again."

Gabriel died moments later, leaving us all in a sadness filled silence before Clarke broke it. "Madi?"

I turned to look at her, noticing the absence of our youngest group member...where did she go?

Clarke's face was frantic as she looked around. "Madi?" 

"The vent." Jordan announced, his eyes widening slightly. 

"What?" Clarke bit out, her eyes scanning the room, as did the rest of ours. 

Soon enough, I spotted what Jordan was talking about. An air vent was popped open, and was easily big enough for Madi to fit through. 

Clarke was running toward the door within seconds, most of the others following after her. "Raven, Murphy, Avery- find that stone!"

I scowled slightly as she rushed from the room. The leader just never seems to stop leading..


The rest of the group had only been gone for maybe five minutes as Murphy, Emori, Raven, Jackson and I remained in the rec room. We had searched every inch of the room, but to no avail. If the stone was in here, it wasn't visible. 

I closed the last door to one of the closets, letting out a defeated sigh. "No luck in there--"

My words were cut off as a loud rumble caused the ground to shake beneath us. It were as if an explosion had gone off. 

"What the hell was that?" Emori wondered as the room finally stood still for a moment. 

All of us were silent, none of us knowing what had caused such a rumble. Emori didn't wait around, within seconds she had taken off into the hall, Murphy following after her. 

"It felt like an Earthquake." Jackson whispered, his eyes still holding a look of awe. 

I started to speak, but was soon distracted by the sound of rumbling once again. This time it was quieter, but it was there. 

And then suddenly, a loud boom sounded from within the corridor, the impact knocking the three of us to the ground. 

As quickly as I hit the ground, I was up and scrambling into the hall, my heart hammering against my ribcage. "John! Emori!" My voice tore through my throat, panic lacing my words as my eyes landed on the chaos in front of me. 

The ceiling had given in, rubble littering the hallway and not only blocking our way out of here, but also trapping Murphy and Emori. 

"Avery, be careful!" Raven warned, trying to pull me back as I attempted to climb over the rubble. "It's not secure!"

I shrugged from her grasp, and through the haze, my eyes fastened on Murphy who was slowly get to his feet. "Emori?" he called, his voice slightly slurred. "Emori!?"

"John!" I called, rushing toward him, trying to avoid the large pieces of cement. "Are you okay?"

He looked over at me, appearing dazed as he pointed toward the large pile of rubble. "I can't find Emori."

"Where was she?" Jackson asked calmly. 

Murphy winced. "She was right in front of me! She was-she was right here."

Nodding, I pulled him back slightly. "We'll get her, John. Just--"

He pulled away from me, turning back toward the rubble. "Hey," Jackson called, grabbing onto Murphy and turning him to face him. "You're probably concussed. How many fingers am I hold up?"

Murphy shoved Jackson's hand away. "Too many. We need to find Emori, now."

"If she was with you then she couldn't have gotten too far." Raven assured. "We'll work a grid."

But a grid wasn't necessary, as moments later a quiet cough could be heard from beneath the pile of dust and crumbled stone. 

"Emori!" Murphy yelled, the four of us already rushing toward the noise. "Emori, say something!"

The ceiling above us shifted again, sending debris showering down on us. I let out a small cough, wiping the dust from my eyes.

"Something." Emori groaned, causing me to crack the smallest of smiles. Maybe she would be okay. 

"We got you!" Murphy assured as he, Jackson and I began trying to pry back the large pieces of rubble. "We're coming!"

I let out a small grunt as I moved the final rock, some relief flooding into me at the sight of Emori looking up at us. 

"Thank God." Murphy breathed, leaning over her. "I thought you--"

He cut himself off, causing me to still. My eyes scanned Emori's body, soon coming to realize what had caused Murphy to quiet. 

A rebar was lodged into Emori's torso, blood seeping from the wound. 

"Were hurt." Murphy finished his earlier sentence, his voice full of dejection. 

"What this?" Emori panted, looking down at the wound. "It's just a scratch."

Murphy turned to Raven and I. "Go find supplies." He ordered, already pushing away more rocks to free Emori. 

"No." I argued, tears brimming in my eyes. "I can help. I can--"

"Go!" He shouted, causing me to flinch. "Jackson and I can handle this for now. Just hurry back."

My eyes flickered to Emori who looked up at me from where she was trapped. A meager smile came to her face. "Go." She nodded. 

"Down the hall." Jackson pointed to the end of the hallway that wasn't caved in. "The infirmary is on the first door to the left."

I let out a distressed sigh, turning and pulling Raven along with me. She had been standing with wide eyes, seemingly frozen in place. 

Once she seemed to snap out of her trance, the two of us took off running in the direction Jackson had sent us. 

My whole body felt as if it were buzzing with nerves as our feed pounded against the ground. Quiet repetitive rumbling could be heard signalling that the bunker still wasn't secure. We were at risk of another cave-in.

"Here." Raven breathed, pulling me from my trance as she pointed toward a door with a red cross on it. "This must be it."

I nodded, throwing the door open and rushing inside. My eyes quickly scanned the door, trying to figure out what we needed. 

"Grab the stretcher." I ordered, running toward the shelves to scavenge through the limited materials that were left. 

I grabbed every bandage and piece of gauze that I could find, shoving them onto the stretcher that Raven had pulled toward the door. 

"Okay." I nodded, my hands shaking as I threw the last pile of bandages onto the gurney. "Let's go."

Raven and I ripped through the hallways, going as fast as we possible could to get back to them. Just as we turned the corner, a blood curdling scream echoed off the walls. 

The two of us shared a wide-eyed look, wordlessly agreeing to pick up our pace even more. I was sure Raven's leg was in pain, but she wasn't letting that slow her down. 

As we neared the trio once again, I could see that Emori had been pulled from the rubble. Jackson stood overtop of her, a scalding blade in his hand. My guess was that he had just cauterized the wound. 

"We heard screaming." I breathed, struggling to catch my breath. 

"Did you find Echo?" Emori panted through gasps of pain. "Or any sign of the others."

Raven shook her head. "No. Whatever that explosion was, the hallway is completely closed. For now, we assume they're okay. But we did get into the infirmary."

"This is all we could find for now." I announced, picking up the pile of bandages I had thrown onto the gurney bed. 

Jackson wore a look of distress. "I can't do surgery out of my pack. I need an actual operating theatre, sterile equipment, medicine." He let out a low sigh. "I need to get to Sanctum."

"The helmet showed me the stone was in the rec room." Raven declared. "We find it, open the bridge and jump over."

Emori had tears trickling down her cheeks. "What about Madi? What about the rest of our friends?"

"We'll worry about them later." I affirmed, kneeling down so I could take a hold of her hand. "We'll come back for them once we get you to Sanctum. You are our priority right now."

"Damn right." Murphy breathed, not taking his eyes off of Emori for a moment. When he did, he was looking at the rest of us. "We only have one problem. We couldn't find the stone."

Raven kept his gaze. "Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there."


ahhh guys we only have two episodes left. i cant believe 

but there's for sure going to be more than two more chapters so do not fear

i hope you're all enjoying the best you can after we lost bellamy :(

love you all

-maddy xoxo

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