Chapter vii: The Chosen Ones

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Maybe two or so weeks after the waterpark day, everything is going normal.

The drama was still very high key from the few things that went down, and they're surely about to burst into something much bigger. But that was normal for Sapphire Hills.

Classes, training, mild drama. The usual.

That is until everyone gets an email.


Hello, Sapphire students! I bear the long awaited news you all have been waiting for.
The athleticism and talent of all of you is incredible. Sapphire Hills has a very strong future ahead of it if your kids are the future.
However, there were some more talented than others and some that specifically stood out. I have got to know you all extremely well with the past few months of training, and I'm excited to see where you all will go, as I, and the rest of my training squad, continue to work with a select bunch of you.
If accepted, the following group of you will be entered and trained with me for the 2022 Winter Olympics hosted by Beijing:
Jasper Westcott and Queeney Lexington, pairs figure skating,
Queeney Lexington, ladies' single figure skating,
Mason Lockwood, halfpipe snowboarding,
Jay Adler, halfpipe freestyle skiing,
Phillip McCoy, downhill alpine skiing,
Alya Calloway, ladies' single figure skating,
Logan Arlington, ice hockey, and
Keenan Kingsley, downhill alpine skiing
Every single one of you have unbelievable talent, but the training program is small, and I could only pick a select group, who I thought could really excel in the Olympics by 2022.
However, on a note other than training for the Olympics, I am notifying miss Aspyn Arlington about an opportunity to be an assistant trainer by my side. She is fantastic and I think with the two of us, you all could really soar during the Olympics.
Please notify me as soon as you can with your acceptance or denial to your seat in my two year training program. I hope to see yeses from all of you!
- Tony Smythe, Olympic Scout and Trainer

The news was huge. The students chosen from the training program were ecstatic, and those who weren't, were upset, to say the least.

Even with the huge, happy news for some, the drama of the past few weeks is still bubbling and is about to blow up in everyone's faces.

And Sapphire is going to make sure of that.

*Role-play in the main chain! This will be where everyone is reading the email/reacting. They can be anywhere but they should probably meet up at the cafΓ© or something to congratulate and talk about the tea bELoW vv
Separate chains are allowed and encouraged! Make this petty drama blow up, y'all. Last chapter was just a beginning*


Today, I want to skip the introductions and threats (which of course are still in place) and get to a more pressing matter; the excitement of the Olympics decisions!
Despite my upmost respect for our beloved Tony Smythe, I'm afraid he made a mistake on choosing some, if not all of you. Maybe he possibly hasn't seen what you've all been up to. But I'll definitely make sure he sees this and catches up.
First, of course, we have our favorite couple, Jasper Westcott and Queeney Lexington. Most of us saw that one coming, I will admit. However, the pair definitely isn't innocent, as we've seen from past events. And I'm pretty sure they can't have unstable athletes in the Olympics. We've all seen the cuts, Jaspie. I'm just finally pointing them out for your little squad to notice; what great friends.
Moving on, we, again, have Miss Queeney Lexington. This did surprise me, however. How, without Jasper to cover up all of your mistakes (and believe me there are tons), I simply can't understand how Tony still decided you were a good fit. Especially after the stunt you pulled on Instagram a few months ago. Up on the internet for everyone to see forever. There's no hiding your bitchiness online.
Next on the list is Sapphire's personal heartthrob and heartbreaker, Mason Lockwood. While I have nothing against Mason, I do have to see that he's a little rigid and too uptight for my liking. But who can blame him after the awful choice in girls he's had recently.
Now we have Jay Adler. Though his close relationship with sister, Zoie, was quite suspicious, I realize that was all in an attempt to cover up the real relationship. Jay is not dating Zoie. But instead, Jocelyn McCoy, sweet cousin to our very own Zach. I bet nobody saw that coming.
On that topic, Zach McCoy, Sapphire's very own charity case. I suppose you're a pretty nice boy. Not much to say. But are you really that talented? Are we sure Tony just didn't have a burst of sympathy and decided to give the boy with a dead mother a chance? Mommy never liked shortcuts, Zachie.
Alya Calloway. Possibly the fakest person at SHA. The girl who claims to always be smiling and happy, but is really just as cold hearted and cruel as every student here. No wander baby sister Summer is such a brat; look at the influencer she has.
Next we have our beloved merman, Logan Arlington. I'm here to ask; how was your little swim at the water park? I hope it wasn't too bad of a concussion you got, or you may be losing your chance at the Olympics, just like Aspyn did all those years back.
And finally, Keenan Kingsley. It's 2020. Being gay isn't a crime, or course. But sexually harassing other people, opposite gender or the same, definitely is. I saw the way you were looking at Tony. Hopefully he has bodyguards around during training with you.
And that's the total of our little Olympic athletes. I hope this news wasn't supposed to be a secret; this is the Internet after all. Anyone can see it now.
I really do hope with Tony's new knowledge of what you all have been up to that he doesn't let any of you out of his program. What a tragedy that would be.
Don't be disappointed if you weren't featured here today, if you weren't chosen. I still have a lot coming that none of you can begin to guess.
Watch your back snowflakes.
I can ruin your lives in the snap of a finger.
In fact, I've already started.

~ Sapphire

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