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You and Alex went on a search around the school for your friends. You clutched your clear book, which contained your physics essay, as well as a bookbinder. Suddenly, you came dangerously close to tripping and dropping your items. "Do you want me to carry it?" Alex offered.

You shook your head. "I can handle it." You looked up at the banner and gasped. "There's an open house here tonight?" You asked in shock.

"Yeah," Alex replied. "Why?"

"Nothing, it's just... I didn't know it was tonight."

Nico snuck up behind you and startled you by grabbing your shoulders. You squeaked and dropped your things, causing you to pout. "Nico, stop that!" You scolded, placing your hand in your chest. Nico chuckled and gave you a side hug. "Sorry."

Alex picked up your things, and you were about to take them back until Alex shook his head. "No, no, I got it." He reassured. The three of you continued walking around the school, and you heard Alex sigh. "Stuck with our families for an entire evening, acting as if everything's fine."

"Not our parents," Nico stated as she glanced at you. "Our dad moves out today. He told me before you left." She informed you.

You looked down in sadness while Alex sighed. "Damn. Nico, (Y/n), I'm sorry."

Nico shook her head, sliding her arm around yours as she halted from walking. She was much more clingy than she ever was when it comes to you. "Doesn't make any difference if they all end up in jail anyway."

"Well, if there's anything that I can do..."

"One thing." Nico turned her head to Alex as he fixed his glasses. "How did you know how to get into our mom's office at Wizard?" Alex was about to speak, but Nico shook her head. "And, please, just don't tell me some bullshit that her password was 'Password'."

You looked up at Alex, who was staring down at Nico, trying not to make eye contact with him. He was hesitant to respond, and he was relieved to see Karolina and Chase join the three of you. "Any chance our parents can get arrested before they talk to our teachers?"

"Yeah, I can't say that I've been a banner student lately," Alex responded.

"Who can even think about homework?" Nico snickered.

Alex lifted your essays up, telling everyone about what you have been doing. You shrugged. "I have priorities, okay? I hate doing homework, but I don't want a failing grade either."

"Guess we'll have a hell of a personal essay for our college applications," Chase stated. "Do you guys even have a plan on going to college?"

You pushed your bottom lip out as you think, tilting your head to the side. "I was thinking of MIT. It's on Boston; that's far enough from our parents."

"Isn't this adorbs!" You and the others turned to Gert and Molly, who walked towards you and the others. "You guys planning a big double date?" Gert questioned. "What do the kids do for fun these days? Is it a... escape room? Karaoke? A knitting circle?"

You shook your head after Gert's mention of planning dates, and you instantly stood next to Molly, who was holding her project.

"No one is planning a date." Nico shook her head, earning a glance from Alex.

"Escape room does sound sick, though," Chase commented.

"We should all try that sometime." You suggested, slightly nudging to Molly, who was a bit distracted.

"If it means escaping from here," Karolina replied as she crossed her arms.

"Woah, zinger!" Gert exclaimed. "Karolina, you should sign up for the school improv troupe." She told sarcastically.

"Guys," Alex called out. "We're supposed to be taking on our parents, not each other."

Molly glanced at Alex before looking down, her grip on her project becoming tighter.

"Well, what's happening with the video data?" Chase asked.

Alex sighed. "I'm still working on it. (Y/n) helped earlier. It's harder to unlock than I thought, and now my parents are on my ass."

Gert nodded. "Yeah, mine too." She said, causing Molly to roll her project around with her hands in nervousness.

"Do you think they know?" Karolina asked.

Alex shook his head. "I'm not sure how."

"Oh!" Molly gasped out loud when her project dropped from her hands. You and Nico began to crouch down to help Molly fix her project. "It's okay. We can put it back together." You reassured Molly.

"Who cares?" Molly snapped as she grabbed her broken project. "Who cares about a double helix!"

You stood back up and looked at Molly in worry. Gert faced Molly in confusion. "Molly, is everything okay?"

Molly slumped her shoulders down in defeat, sighing heavily. "I screwed up, you guys." She admitted. "I got something to tell you."

Molly continued explaining what was bothering her as you and the others sat down on the stairwell. Alex had returned your things to you and had begun to listen to Molly's speech. It all started yesterday night when, in her eagerness to learn more about her biological parents from Catherine Wilder, she inadvertently slipped some information regarding her inability to perceive something. Of course, Catherine quickly realized what Molly was talking about.

Molly has also confessed to the others, except for you, since she had already told you, that Catherine was suspicious about her after you and the group's first encounter with the PRIDE's secret meeting.

While you held Molly's hand to soothe her, the group fell silent as they pondered everything Molly had just told them. Gert was the first one to speak up. "Are you kidding?"

Molly sighed. "I know, I panicked." She explained. "Your mom is very intimidating," Molly told Alex.

"Well, she has the conviction rate to prove it," Alex muttered. "Now, you're telling me she's been suspicious of you from the beginning." He raised the tone of his voice, causing you to clutch on Molly's hand.

"Not to mention, you're responsible for only one working bathroom at Timely Coffee," Chase added as he looked at Molly.

"If they know you saw the robes, they know you got down the staircase," Nico said.

"Unless they wear their robes to other places, like the gum or Whole Foods," Gert added.

Chase shrugged. "Then again, nothing in my house has changed. In fact, it's gotten better."

Nico gave a look to Chase. "Except for the fact that our parents are having an affair."

Chase shook his head. "No, that's all over. My mom told me this morning."

Alex huffed. "Well, at least I know why my parents are living in my room."

Molly sighed for the hundredth time. "Dude, I said I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell us, Molly?" Gert questioned her adopted sister. "Why didn't you tell me? What, did you tell (Y/n) instead of your own sister?"

You looked away while Molly scoffed. "Every time I try to tell you guys stuff, you act like I'm some kid who can't be believed," Molly argued. "(Y/n) doesn't."

"Guys, this is not her fault." You defended Molly from the others. "I should've told you guys once she told me, but I wanted her to tell it herself because I didn't want you guys to hear it from me first."

"It's okay," Karolina reassured, taking Molly's side. "This is too much for us to handle, let alone someone your age." She tried to comfort her, but Molly got angrier. "You're, like, three years older!"

"This is why I literally tried to protect you from seeing this," Gert stated.

"We can't do this thing if we can't trust each other." Alex scolded Molly.

"I'm super honest," Molly reasoned back.

"Yeah, Molly," Gert replied. "Maybe a little too honest sometimes."

Molly scoffed loudly. "You know what?" Molly exclaimed. "Forget it." She stood up, taking your hand off of her. "If after all, we've been through this is how it's gonna be, then I don't want anything to do with you guys!"

You stood up as Molly walked away, throwing her double helix down the trash can. "Molly, hold on!" You and Karolina went after Molly, but Nico held your wrist, so it was only Karolina who chased after Molly. "Nico, let go."

"Not until you tell us why you didn't inform us about Molly." Nico scolded.

You yanked your arm back. "For the record, I only know about what happened at the Timely Coffee."

"We could've figured out a plan," Alex argued. "A plan that can make my mother stop being suspicious about Molly, but you two kept it a secret."

"I didn't mean for it to keep it a secret! I thought she would've told you already after telling meโ€”"

"You tell us, (Y/n)." Alex scolded. "Tell us everything when it comes to our safety and our parents. We could have handled the problem sooner if you had told us immediately. You shouldn't keep it from us just because you're a new member of this group. We have been friends long before you showed up."

"Alex!" Nico hissed.

You tilted your head, glaring at Alex intensely. Usually, you would cry, but you weren't really having the best day. "Fine." You gave him a fake smile. "I'll get out of your business from now on." You walked away, and Alex ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit." He muttered.

"What the hell was that all about, Wilder?" Chase asked. "That was a dick move."

Alex nodded. "I know, I know." He huffed. "I was stressed out."

Nico stood up and looked down at Alex. "You better apologize to her, Alex. Because if you don't, I won't let her come near you again." Nico warned before walking away to follow you, leaving Alex with Gert and Chase.

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