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"It's time to come home, son," Geoffrey told Alex sternly.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Alex yelled as he moved forward a few steps with you and the others. As you faced your parents, you all stood next to one other.

"Alex, please." Catherine sighed.

"We know you have a lot of questions." Leslie tried to calm the situation.

"You mean like how could you murder fifteen kids?" Karolina exclaimed while Alex expressed disappointment to his parents with a shake of his head.

"We promise you everything we've done, we've done for you." Leslie tried to reassure you and your friends.

"How can you even say that!" Nico shouted.

"Because it's true," Robert replied.

"We love you," Janet added.

"You guys don't get it." Chase shook his head. "We're not on the same side anymore."

"Sides?" Dale questioned. "There aren't any sides."

"We're a family." Stacy urged.

"We are a family." Gert corrected her mother, her remarks implying that she was referring to her friends. You and Karolina exchanged a friendly grin with her.

Molly came closer, her eyes glowing orange as if to intimidate the adults. "And we'll fight you if we have to!"

Molly's change of eyes caused the grownups to take a step back in amazement and terror. Chase, who was already wearing his Fistigons, raised his fists in the air, preparing for the fight. Karolina removed her Church of Gibborim bracelet, showing her luminous figure to everybody. As the grownups' eyes expanded, especially Leslie's, Karolina smirked.

"Holy..." Stacy gasped.

"...shit." Dale finished his wife's sentence.

"Did you know about this?" Geoffrey asked of Leslie, his gaze remaining fixed on Karolina before turning to face the surprised woman. Leslie shook her head. "No. But it's what I was afraid of."

Chase clenched his fists, his Fistigons whirring. Karolina's glow slowly died down, still smiling to see the adults' shocked faces. Catherine gulped. "Looks like all your kids have a little something extra."

"Not (Y/n)." Robert insisted, earning a look from Tina.

"And not Gert either," Dale added. "She's just a regular kid."

The adults heard Gert's dinosaur grumble just as Dale ended his comment about his daughter. Gert's dinosaur appeared, leading her to smile and stare at her. "Disobeyed me. Good call."

"That could've only come from one place." Tina gasped.

"I've been meaning to bring you all up to speed on that," Stacy replied.

Dale coked his dart gun, aiming it at the dinosaur. "I got this."

"No!" Gert attempted to approach the dinosaur right away, but she was too late because Dale had already launched his dart at it. The dinosaur strained to stay upright but soon gave up and collapsed. Gert walked up to her dinosaur and stroked her head.

"Fine." Chase hissed. "If that's how they wanna play, then let's bring it!" Chase raised his fists in the air and launched two energy blasts at the grownups. Tina took a step forward and shielded herself and her accomplices with the magical staff.

You assisted Chase and used your powers, firing psionic energy blasts to the adults as well, much to Robert and Tina's surprise. Your eyes glowed blue, and you pushed your powers more, letting Tina to move back a bit from the force. When Chase's Fistigons couldn't hit the adults, he huffed.

Karolina walked up to you, her skin glowing. She sent a beam of light down to assist you in bringing the adults down. The grownups covered their eyes from the light, and you and Karolina gradually came to a halt. You stumbled back and felt dizzy until Alex and Nico caught you and helped you regain your footing.

"Karolina." Leslie cried out, pleading for her daughter.

Robert grabbed Tina's arm, and his eyes widened from the revelation. "So you were right all along. About feeling something odd on (Y/n)."

Tina nodded. "Of course, I'm right." She replied, looking at you. "She has something powerful inside of her."

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Nico asked worriedly.

You just slowly nod. "I've never used my new powers too much before." You explained. "But it's draining me. I think I grew tired from how much I used it."

"I can help them!" Molly shouted as she dashed towards a stack of huge barrels near a truck. Molly used her powers to lift the heavy barrel until she was hit by a light burst sent by someone from the adults, knocking Molly out of consciousness.

"Molly!" You yelled. You and the rest turned your heads to the adults to see a man in a black suit calmly striding his way to the members of PRIDE. Behind the man was Frank Dean, following him.

"Chase, run!" Janet yelled to her sun.

"Jonah, stop!" Tina tried to stop the man. "Let's try to reason with them."

Jonah's chest glowed as he locked his gaze on Tina, and he raised his arm, throwing a light beam towards Tina's staff, deflecting it away from your adoptive mother. "Tina!" You heard Robert cry out. Catherine held onto Geoffrey as her husband looked at Jonah. "I swear, Jonah. If you hurt my son...!"

"Geoffrey, please," Catherine whispered.

Leslie approached Jonah, grasping his arm. "Jonah, this isn't necessary." Jonah looked at her as Leslie shook her head. "Please." She begged.

When Jonah glowed again, the rest of the grownups took a step back, leading Leslie to shake her head once again. "No." She pleaded to the man.

Despite the PRIDE's protests, Jonah remained deaf, and his body continued to glow. He used his powers, which were similar to Karolina's, to attack you and your friends. You moved away from Alex and Nico, shielding yourself and your friends with your powers. Jonah was taken back to your actions until he slowly crept a smile. "Ah, so this is the new kid, hm?" He glanced at Tina and Robert while chuckling darkly. "The special kid you two adopted."

Jonah stared at you while you glared at him. Jonah unleashed yet another light blast at you and your friends, sending you all back. Your parents gasped in surprise as you all dropped to the ground. Chase, Nico, Alex, and Karolina groaned as they slowly rose to their feet. Alex noticed you lying on the ground and raced over to you.

You opened your eyes and winced in pain. "Ow, what the hell." You groaned as you sat up. "He's ruthless." You told Alex as you eyed Jonah.

"Oh, my God." The adults gasped in horror.

Alex assisted you in rising up, and you noticed Molly doing the same. Gert threw the dart from her dinosaur and gave a quick peek at her parents before assisting her dinosaur in standing up. The adults stood helplessly by while you and your friends walked forward together, unfazed.

As he took a step forward, Jonah locked his gaze on Karolina. Karolina became aware of him and turned to face you and the others. "You guys have to go." She urged. "He came for me."

You and the others look back at her. Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" He asked.

"Are you crazy?" Chase questioned.

Nico shook her head. "No, we're not leaving you."

"We can stop him." You tried to reason, but Karolina shook her head. "I'll hold him off, and I'll meet you outside, okay? It's the only way."

Nico moved closer to Karolina, her eyes pleading for Karolina to run with her. "Don't do this, please, I'm begging you!" Her eyes welled up with tears. "You can't do this alone!"

"Chase, run!"

"Alex, go!"

You heard the two boys' mothers cry out. Karolina glanced at the adults before facing Nico, you, and the others again. "Go." She insisted. "Go!"

The others began to run, but you waited for Nico. Nico held Karolina's arm, shaking her head vigorously. "I'm not leaving you."

"Told you to go. Go." Karolina stared down at Nico seriously. You held Nico's arm, lightly tugging it to catch her attention. "Nico, go. You have to go." Karolina told Nico. You and Gert yanked Nico away from Karolina and bolted, leaving Karolina to deal with Jonah as you chased Chase, Alex, and Molly. As you ran, you turned back, and the last thing you saw was Karolina and Jonah glowing.

"How is that the biggest nerd of the group is much faster in running than any of us?" You questioned as you continued to run with your friends. Alex was in the lead, followed by Molly and Chase. You were entirely correct. Alex was a speedier runner, which surprised you, given that he had never mentioned doing sports or even working out.

Maybe he did, and he just didn't bring it up.

You all got out and came to a halt in front of Gert's parked car. The skirmish between Jonah and Karolina had left the lights flickering. "Who the hell is that guy?" Alex questioned out loud. Jonah and Karolina's battle unleashed a lot of energy, which caused electric devices all throughout the construction site to fail. You instantly used your powers to create a shield dome around yourself and your friends, sparing everyone from the impact.

The lights busted out, causing your friends to flinch in surprise. You let go of the shield dome and fell to your knees after everything had calmed down a bit. While Alex and Nico snapped their heads toward you, Chase and Gert were quick to catch you. As she looked around, Gert drew you closer to her. "Maybe Karolina won." She whispered.

"Then where is she?" Nico asked.

As everyone stood up slowly, Gert assisted you in getting up. When Gert unlocked her car door, Gert lent you to Alex. She attempted to start the car using her key, but it was ineffective. She let out a sigh. "Car's dead."

Chase looked down at his Fistigons and sighed as well. "So are these."

As he tried to get his phone out of his suit, Alex wrapped his arm around your waist. "An EMP, it fried everything," Alex stated.

Nico shut her eyes. "Oh, my God, stop talking about how everything is fried and dead right now, please!" Nico pleaded.

Gert tried calming Nico down. "Hey, maybe Karolina's okay." She tried to reassure the black-haired girl. "Maybe she escaped."

"To where?!" Nico exclaimed.

"Maybe she's hiding."

Nico shook her head, slamming her hands to Gert's dead car. "I just, I can't take this anymore. I'm going back." Nico stood up and marched her way back, but Alex stopped her. "Come on, Nico. You've gotta be smart. I mean, look at us."

Nico looked at you and the others. She took a deep breath. "Yeah." She nodded at Alex. "We're missing someone!"

"Nico!" You tried to stop her but ended up losing your balance once again, causing Alex and Molly to hold you. "That's a heavy amount of power you used tonight," Alex stated. "Don't overwork yourself."

"Take a rest." Molly insisted.

You sighed in defeat and leaned against the car with Gert, waiting for Nico. Chase stood next to you and nudged you slightly. "Can you walk?"

You shook your head. "I really need to start practicing on how to use my powers more. So that the next time anything like this happened again, I won't be wasted after the fight."

"Guys! Guys!" You heard Nico yelling. 'Well, that was fast.' You saw your adoptive sister running towards you and the others. "They're coming!"

Nico took your hand and started running with you as the rest did not hesitate and ran as well. "Go, go, go, go!"

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