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After a long and hard day of work with barely any breaks like Seo-Hyeon normal work routine would be like, it was mostly like that when she had nothing to do with her not going to school like her grandmother wanted her do to.

She was kicked out of the restaurant again for working to much when her brother came to pick up a delivery.

Driving for a few minutes they got to a red light where her brother drove up next to a bus that was waiting for the light to change, and from absolutely nowhere he start honk the horn of the scooter over and over again.

When he finally stopped honking the horn he stopped the bike as well and began waving his hand at someone sitting inside, looking over to see the boy they had disturbed two nights ago when they got the wrong apartment building.

He continued to wave his hand till the boy finally opened the window next to him.

"What are you doing here? We keep running into each other." spoke Su-Ho to the guy who looked a bit confused at the conversation that suddenly started.

"Well where are you going kid?" the girl called out to him when her younger brother didn't get a response from him.

"I'm going home."

"What?" said both siblings at the same time because they couldn't really hear him thanks to the engine in the bike.

The boy looked away from them and to the front of the bus before looking behind him and then he looked back at the two on the scooter that was standing still beside the bus.

"Home." he said a little louder, which they actually heard this time.

"After academy classes?"


"I see."

Seo-Hyeon nodded her light brown head a little as it got a little quiet between the three, but thanks to the bike it wasn't completely silent.

She looked at the boy on the bus and she could see in his eyes that he was debating something in his head, and then he spoke up.

"Sorry about yesterday."

"All of a sudden? Buy me lunch sometime if you're so sorry."

The boy on the bus nodded his head at him slightly and looked to the front of the bus again.

The girl who had been on the side almost the whole time really needed one thing from the boy she didn't know the name of, and she was gonna get that before they took of.

"Hey kid."


"What's your name?"

"Yeon Si-Eun."

"Ah now I can finally put a name to your face." Seo-Hyeon said with a small laugh before she continued to speak to the boy.

"Well it's nice to meet you Si-Eun, I'm Ahn Seo-Hyeon, this idiots older sister."

"Only by two years."

"I'm still older."

"Two years is barely anything."

"Two years is everything."

The younger boy had turned his upper body to look back at the girl sitting behind him with a glare on his face and a clenched jaw and his sister only smiled brightly back at him, he turned back to the bus.

"Aish whatever. We're off then. See you tomorrow." he threw up a finger heart to him.

"See you around, Si-Eun." Ahn Seo-Hyeon called out with a wave of her hand.

As her brother began driving again when the light had turned green she wrapped her right arm around his waist and left arm around his shoulder.

An hour or two later with the siblings driving around together and deliver food to people went by pretty fast and they got a lot of orders out during the time which was very good.

And when they had stopped to take a quick break at a convenience store with a red bull each, the older girl had asked her brother what the Si-Eun had meant earlier when he was sorry about something.

Which ended in a bit of a story time about how the Yeon boy had beaten up one of their classmates with a book and sent him to the hospital with a broken nose.

The girl's jaw dropped when she heard that and quickly question if it was actually the boy she meet earlier that night who did that, because he didn't look like he could do that, yeah he looked a little weird but not beat one of your classmates up and send them to the fucking hospital weird.

But Su-Ho then further explained that he stopped Si-Eun from doing anything more or worse then what was already done, and it led to the boy trying to fight the Ahn boy instead, and that was the part he was sorry about.

The oldest Ahn had the proudest look on her face after hearing that story, she wasn't expecting to hear all of that so she was a little shocked at the beginning but now she's very proud at what she heard and let out a small 'God he's so cool'.


Ahn Seo-Hyeon was currently walking down the street after one of the longest days of work for her, just kidding, she wasn't work a second that day, the only thing she's done is been at boxing training where she normally is when she has no work.

And she had been there for almost three hours, after that she decided to take a break and walk to her brothers school so they could drive to work together thanks to them starting at the same time.

So walking with her hands in her beige cargo pants as she was getting closer to the school, she walked next to stone wall and passed a couple of students walking away from the building she was walking towards, she let her hand just slide against the stone.

Looking a head she saw four guys and one girl just standing there like they were waiting for someone, and then around the corner that was further away came Yeon Si-Eun out as he had made his way down the hill from the school.

The boy didn't notice her but he noticed one of the four guys who were just standing there with a cap on, he slowed down a little till he completely stopped and the other guy turned his body towards him.

Walking closer the Ahn girl noticed herself that the two guys were standing pretty close to one another, and when she finally got close enough herself she bumped her shoulder with the guy who had his back towards her, as she heard the guy standing on her left with a grey jacket ask 'Is this the guy?'.

"Move you weirdo." she just said to him and let a smile break out on her face when her friend finally noticed her there.

"Si-Eun, my friend." exclaimed Seo-Hyeon as she wrapped her arms around his shoulder and she took a step or two forwards to move the two a bit away from the group of weirdos she just passed.

"What are you doing here?" the boy asked her when she removed her arms from his shoulder after him just standing still.

"I'm here to get my brother so we can drive to work together."

"Okay." Si-Eun mumbled lightly and took a glance to his left where the four guys and one girl where still standing watching them.

Looking over herself and leaned back slightly on the railing that were separating the side walk to the road as she looked at the five of them, noticing that one of them or more like the guy wearing the cap had a patch on his nose.

And realization came upon her her when she remembered the story she heard the night before, looking back at her new friend and pointing at the guy with her right thumb.

"Si-Eun, is that the guy you beat the shit out of with a book?"


"Oh my god, when my brother told me that story last night I was so proud." leaning back on the railing dramatically with a hand placed over her heart.

"Gosh, I feel like a proud parent." before taking the hand over her heart and held it out for him to give her a high five, but he only looked at her hand and then back at her face as slight confusion flicked in his eyes.

"High five." and then he lifted his own hand to finally slapped it against hers.

"Bet he deserved it." said Seo-Hyeon a bit of a mumble with her hands placed on her hips and a happy grin plastered on her face.

"Hey, who do you think you are, huh?"

Looking over at the five again she saw the guy who Si-Eun beat up had a glare on his face with his eyes trained on her.

"Me?" she asked pointing her finger to herself as she looked over at her shoulder to make sure the guy was actually talking to her.

"Well yeah obviously, who else?" he boy said with full irritation in his voice.

Was she about to get the opportunity of a life time? Hell yeah she was.

After hearing that she started to get ready to do an over exaggerated introduction and of course, she wasn't gonna let this moment get away from her, so she took a step back away from the boy and lifted her right hand in the air to do an elegant bow after she spoke a little.

"Well I think of myself as an guardian angle." she began her sentence before she finally did her dramatic bow.

"Seo-Hyeon, guardian angel one at your service." placing her hands on her hips again with a proud smile on her face, definitely one of the best introductions she has ever done.

"Is this some type of joke to you?" the guy who had his hair tied back into a man bun asked her.

"No I'm very serious about that title, but I got to go." Seo-Hyeon said while pointing both of her pointer fingers at the man who just spoke to her, turning to the boy on her left.

"How do I get to your classroom?"

"Just turn right and walk down the hall and you will get there."

"No stairs? Just right?"


"Alright thanks." moving forwards and wrapping her arms around his shoulder again to hug him again, and yet again he just stood there still not daring to move so she mumbled slight to him.

"Hug me back idiot, this feels awkward." surprising her and himself, Si-Eun actually placed his hands at her upper back before dropping them to his side again.

The Ahn girl let go of the boy and lifted her right hand to his head and ruffles his hair a bit.

"See you around, Si-Eun."

Walking up the hill she passed a few students who were just watching the situation, and sadly for her she missed what happened to her friend just as she rounded the corner to walk up the hill towards the school.

Finally as she reached the top and walked into the school to the right just as the Yeon boy and instructed her to do, she saw the sign with the numbers of her brothers class so she opened the sliding door.

Seeing her brother sleeping on the desk in the last row by the other door, she closed the one she open after walking inside and made her way to sit at the desk in front of his.

Seo-Hyeon with out hesitation slapped her younger brother over the head which got him to sit up and swear.

"ssibal mwoya?"

"That's not how you greet your older sister, now is it?"

Actually looking at her this time he mumbled some light apologies because he thought it was one of his classmates that hit him.

"Didn't think you would actually use that."

"Hm? Oh I use it everyday. Well except on weekends."

"Obviously you sleep at my place during weekends and you don't have school."

Getting up from the chair she was sitting on as her brother stretched his body after the small amount of sleep he just got.

"Wanna get some food before work?"

"You paying?"

"Of course. Anything for my favourite younger brother." placing her hands on his face to squish his cheeks a little to try and make him look a little cuter, which didn't work so she let go with a slight disgusted look on her face, but quickly changed it to smile.

He smiled at that before stopping to think for a second and then realization came upon his face when he had processed what she just said to him.

"Wait a minute, I'm your only brother."

"I know."

And before he could get another word out to say to her the door at the front of the classroom opened and a boy wearing glasses and had the same uniform as her brother came in.

"Ahn Su-Ho, Seo-Hyeon. Yeong-Bin dragged Si-Eun away." said the boy as he was slight out of breath, probably thanks to the hill.

The siblings looked at each other and then back at him and let out a 'What?' at the same time, which really was one of their specialties.

"Jeon Yeong-Bin dragged Si-Eun off somewhere."

"So what?" let the younger Ahn boy out not understanding the whole situation.

"What? Help me. We should help him. You guys are fighters, aren't you?"

"We're not that close to him." said Ahn Seo-Hyeon not thinking much of the thinks the boy was saying.

"What? You two hugged before you left him. How close do you need to be to help a friend out." said the boy with glasses hoisted up on his nose with a bit of panic in his voice when the two didn't see the problem with everything he just told them.

"Just go get our teacher. We have a part time job. And Seo-Hyeon is treating me to food before it." So-Ho tried to explain to the boy about how they were busy with other stuff, he wrapped his am around his sisters shoulder and pulled her to the door closest to them so they could go out of it.

"I'll pay you both. I'll pay double of both your wages."

The two stopped for a second as they both though the offer they just got from the boy through, looking at one another they nodding their heads at each other they turned to the guy behind them and took a some steps so they were standing right in front of him.

"Thank you very much." the younger Ahn said and bowed his head a little at him, he lifted his left hand and placed it on the boy with glasses arm for a slip second before turning to the door again.

"Let's go, shall we?" Seo-Hyeon asked the guy as she made her way to the now open door and walked out of it, and he of course hurried out after the twins but now before closing the sliding door when he walked out of it.

Walking down the hall to the entrance of the building Su-Ho let the way to where his bike was park, and the Ahn girl found the silence they were walking in a bit awkward so she turned to the boy she hasn't gotten a name from.

"So, I'm I gonna get a name from you kid?"

"Oh um, my name is Oh Beom-Seok."

"Okay Beom-Seok, were does other guys who looked like adults with as well? Or just the dude Si-Eun beat up?" she asked him while opening the metal box on the scooter when they finally got to it and took out her brothers helmet.

"The adults too, and two guys from our class are with them as well."

"Ah, okay." said the Ahn girl before tossing the helmet in her hands to the boy, and then she got on behind her brother and scooted to lean her back on the metal box.

"Come on, jump on then." said the younger Ahn and quickly pointed his left thumb behind him.

Unclipping the helmet to put in on his head as he took a step closer to the bike, he took a hold of the hand that was stretched out by the female and got on with the help of her, he put his hands on the male twin's shoulder in front of him and he felt the girl put one hand on his shoulder and one on his side.

Driving down the hill from the school and down the road the three started to look in all the ally's they drove past to see any trace of the group, the Ahn boy told them to 'Look carefully' which they of course did as they continued to drive.

And finally after a few minutes of searching they Seo-Hyeon sees the girl that was with the group standing against a wall that led to the back of a building.

"Su-Ho, there she's with them." the girl said and pointed to the girl she saw, that got the boy to drive past her and drive it up on the side walk to park it.

Getting of the bike and locking it the younger Ahn tried to run towards the ally but got stopped.

"Wait Su-Ho."

"What we need to go."

"Yeah I know but listen, there are six guys with Si-Eun right now, three adults and three that are your classmates."

"Okay." said the Ahn boy and tried to calm slightly down to listen to the plan he was about to be told.

"If they try to fight us then you take your classmates and I take the adults, okay good, end of discussion."

"Absolutely not!"

"I said end of discussion, and I don't really care if I get hurt fighting them I just don't want you to get hurt. All right?"


"Just get Si-Eun out of there. But if it's really necessary take the two adults that aren't that big while I take the big guy."

"Sounds a little better, but not the best."

Seo-Hyeon could see the hesitation in her brothers eyes with the plan she came up with, but he knew he couldn't argue with her because she always wins the arguments they have.

And he most defiantly knew that she would do anything to make sure he didn't get hurt, evenย  if it meant that she would get hurt or maybe even worse.

"What should I do?"

Looking over at Beom-Seok who was still holding the red and black helmet in both his hands.

"You should stay out of it, I don't want you to get hurt for no reason."

Slapping the boys arm when walking past him before taking off into a sprint in the direction of the ally, she could hear her brother being right behind her as they rounded the corner and ran right past the girl standing there.

And when they got around another corner the older girl stopped because she could see one student holding down Yeon Si-Eun to the concrete while the guy with a broken nose was standing over him, and of course she wasn't gonna go against the plan she just made.

So letting her brother run past her and coming with full speed he jumped to place his left on the neck of the guy who was straddling their friend to the ground, and he used the guy to take a power step towards the guy names Yeong-Bin, he kneed him in the chest so he fell to the ground, and when he landed back on his feet he did a quick round house kick at the boy who was holding Si-Eun down so he fell off him and to the ground himself.

When the female Ahn got closer to where her brother was as he got the Yeon boy into a standing position, placing a hand on his shoulder which made him turn to her and his face was very red and a bit dirty.

"You okay?" she asked and lifted her hand to his face to try and wipe away some of the dirt, which kind of worked but not that well.

When Seo-Hyeon got a nod from the boy she patted him on the shoulder to take a step in the direction her brother was standing in looking over at the six guys watching them, placing a hand on his shoulder and pushed him slight back to stand next to the boy they just helped, she held her hand out telling him to stay and not say anything which he nodded too.

"Let's leave it here. All right Jeon Yeong-Bin?" she asked looking directly at the boy wearing a cap, looking at the rest of them before moving her eyes to the guy with his hair tied back in man bun.

And when she moved the bottom of her black and beige flannel to placed her hands in her pants pocket she could see the guy look her up and down, so she looked him up and down with furrowed eyebrows before mumbling kinda loudly not even trying to be quiet.


Walking towards her brother and the other boy she pushed them a little to walk and her brother turned to her with a slight amused look on his face.

"It's kinda your fault he's a pervert, you know."

"Yeah well I was training for three hours before this and my tank top got sweaty, and I didn't think this would happen today."

They both kinda laughed at that which probably wasn't the best time with the situation they were about to get into.

And with the siblings laughing at what Seo-Hyeon said, she almost missed it when she heard footsteps walking towards them and the voice of the man wearing the grey jacket.

"Hey, you."

Turing around just to see a punch being thrown towards her brother, but like she had said about their plan earlier she was gonna stand by it, so she quickly pushed her brother out of the way and stepped into the line of fire, grabbing the mans hand stopping him mid air and then kicking him in the chest to get him a bit away from her.

When the guy got his footing back he took a step forwards again to try and throw another punch at her with she dodged by going under his arm, standing upright again he came running at her and wrapped his arms around her waist to try and push her backwards, when noticing he couldn't get any further back then what he had hoped he lifted her feet off the ground and than just throwing her back down.

Catching herself with her hand and feet so she wouldn't land so hard on the ground, but she still had to do one quick roll before standing and the mans foot almost hit her in the face while she did so, then he began throwing multiple punches at her which she dodged by leaning back and going under his arm.

And after leaning back dodge another one she threw one of her own and landed it on his left cheek when he didn't have any time to react, she threw a few more which made the man block them with his arms, before she kicked him by the knee with her right foot, throwing another kick to the side and finished it of with a roundhouse kick to the face which got him to fall to the ground.

Hearing movement behind her, Seo-Hyeon looked over to see the other two adults standing there, and just as she was about to call her brother over he came running towards them to be in their line of vision instead.

Looking down at the guy who was still down after the blows she gave him, and it looked like he was kinda struggling to get up so walking towards him she held her right hand out in front of him so he could see it, he actually took her hand so she pulled him up but he immediately pulled her towards him and threw her over his shoulder.

Letting out a groan when her back hit the ground hard but she had to ignore the pain when she noticed the fist coming towards her face, rolling over on the ground and getting up, the man came towards her and wrapped his arms around her mid section and actually pushed her back this time towards the truck that was just standing there.

But before her back could hit it the guy let go of her and landed a punch in her face when she wasn't ready for it, she hit the truck with her upper body then she got hit in her stomach with another blow to her face not even a second later.

And the thing the least expected with this fight actually happened, it startled her when the mans grabbed her flannel and kicked her feet from underneath her so he could harshly slam her to the ground, straddling her waist he looked at her for a few second before wrapping his hands around her neck to squeeze the air out of her.

Feeling genuine fear and nervousness go through her body with the action from the man she began to squirm in his hold, as she started to lose air in her lungs she began to kick her legs a bit and claw at his hands to pry them off her, she then repeatedly tapped on his lower arm but he didn't remove his hold on her neck just squeezed a little harder as his fingers started to dig into both sides of her neck.

As pure panic come upon her so she had to think of the fasting way to get out of it, she grabbed the collar of the mans jacket and pulled his head down towards hers to head budded him, and it got him to let go of her do to the pain in his scalp.

And that gave her the opportunity to push him to the ground and move slightly up to trap his head between her thighs, she took ahold of his left arm and wrapped her arms around his to told him in place, squeezing her thighs together while letting out a cough thanks to the loss of oxygen she had not long ago.

Seo-Hyeon's right thigh was under his head while her left one was over his neck and her legs where right by his left arm which was grabbing on to one of her legs while he was kicking his own.

When he finally realized that he wasn't able to get out of the chokehold he was in he started to repeatedly tapped her leg, but she only tightened the hold just like he had done to her, and after a bit of him continuously trying to get out, he began digging his nails into her leg when his vision became to get blurry and small black dots started to appear, and not even a second go by after that and the hold around his neck was released and he get rolled over on his side as he began toย cough hysterically.

He felt the girl slap his back a bit mumbling 'You're okay' a few times to him as he coughed, he felt her push him down to lay his head down on her thigh so he could catch his breath a bit before being pushed up in a sitting position.

The Ahn girl got up from the concrete and walked to stand in front of the man who was still lightly coughing with a hand on his throat, crouching down to get to eye level with him.

"You alright man?" with the lack of response she got, she lifted her right hand to his forehead and pushed his head back so he would actually look at her, raising her eyebrows at him to wait for a response she received nod from him.

During the time she fought with the man, Si-Eun had been ganged up on my his classmates again which she hadn't noticed till she heard someone being knocked to the ground and a glass bottle hit the ground as well.

Looking over to see Beom-Seok standing and clutching his side while Yeong-Bin was on the ground, standing up from her crouching position she looked down at the man again with an outstretched arm again so she could pull him up.

The Ahn girl didn't spare a glance at him after getting him upright again and walked over to where her brother was standing with the two other boys.

"Nice job there, Beom-Seok." said the Ahn girl and threw him a thumps up, before leaning on her brothers left shoulder with her right arm as he began to speak.

"Come one, guys. Aren't you ashamed of ganging up on one guy? I'd die of embarrassment."

When her brother didn't get a response from either of the boys he was talking to, she shook her head a bit before looking to her left when she heard footsteps walking towards where they were standing.

"Hyung, what are you doing? Do something." said Yeong-Bin when he also noticed the man walking over to them, he didn't say anything to the boy just stared.

The man away from the boy and down at the ground in defeat just as the younger Ahn said a quick 'Hello' to him.

"At least he seems embarrassed." Su-Ho said which made the man look up from the ground and to the siblings.

"Let's call it a day." he said after looking away from the siblings and began to walk past them.

"He's just leaving." said the younger Ahn as he just kept his eyes on the Jeon boy.

Seo-Hyeon kept her eyes on the man in the grey jacket as he walked past them to walk completely away form everything that had just happened not even a minute before, but he didn't get to far when the girl he fought with called out to him.

"Hey, Man-bun."

The man rolled his eye at the nickname he had just gotten from the younger female and closed his eyes in annoyance, but nevertheless he still turned his whole body around to see the girl standing there staring at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"If you ever try to throw another punch at my brother, we're gonna be right back here and I'm the only one walking away alive, you got that?" she explained to the man while pointing to the boy standing next to her and then to were they fought each other, and she continued to speak after a few seconds of no response, she lifted up one side of her that held it out to show the big rip at the back as she also pointed at it with her left pointer finger.

"And you owe me a new flannel, I bought this yesterday and it's already ruined." and she only got a slight head nod from the man before he turned to walk away with the other two adults.

"Have a nice evening!" she called out once more as she also waved her hand to them, the three hurried away from where they were not daring to look back at them.

After a bit of silence between the seven kids that were still standing behind the building just staring at one another.

"Stop it. Just stop." Si-Eun said breaking the silence as he hadn't taken his eyes of the boy with a broken nose.

The four turned away from the other three to walk back down the ally way to where the bike was parked, the Ahn girl walked next to the Yeon boy as she checked on his hand when she noticed the blood and small wounds.

"You good?" and getting a nod from the boy she lifted her right arm and wrapped it around his shoulder and brought him closer to her side to give him a small side hug.

He shrugged her arm off of him when they rounded the corner that led to the sidewalk, and the younger Ahn led out a yawn before speaking.

"Gosh, I'm hungry after that workout. Let's go eat. I know a good place." said Su-Ho while stretching his legs bit, he then held out the helmet he had taken from the boy with glasses hoisted up on his nose earlier.

"You can pay me and Seo-Hyeon there."

"Agreed. I'm starving."

Walking to the bike and getting on it after her brother did she moved to lean her back against the metal box just like she sat before and put her feet up on the foot rest on the sides.

"What are you doing? Hop on." said the Ahn boy after starting the scooter up when he noticed that Si-Eun was still standing on the sidewalk just staring at the three.

"I have to study."

"Seriously? We just saved you. Show some gratitude. You didn't even thank us." with the lack of response he got from the boy he continued to speak trying to get him to join.

"Come on. I know a good place." the youngest Ahn moved his right hand from the handle and placed it on his sisters thigh and jerked his head behind him to urge him to get on.

The Yeon boy just started at him before looking away and letting out a sigh when he knew he couldn't argue with him, but then he asked a question to make kind of a good point.

"How am I even gonna fit on there?"

The question Si-Eun had asked before they drove off was answered quickly when the only girl made the two boys with backpacks put them in the metal box on the bike and made one of them sit in her lap during the drive.

The drive to the restaurant the Ahn siblings work at and it toke a little longer then they expected because it was a bit of traffic on their way, so when they arrived the sun had just set.

Getting off the bike after the boys Seo-Hyeon opened the box she was just leaning her back against, for the two who had their bags in it to take them out, walking away from the park bike that her brother was locking up with the two boys.

She let them to the double glass door and pulled it open for the two and walked in after them letting it close behind her.

"Sorry I'm late, ma'am." she called out to the woman behind the counter when she passed the women and gave a quick bow as well, she made her way over and walked behind the counter and to a employees only section where her locker was.

Taking of ripped fabric she was still wearing and held it up in front of her to look at the teared before crumbling the flannel up in a ball and tossed it into her open locker, picking up the folded red shirt and black apron she ties around her waist to put them on and finally start the shift she was supposed to start a while ago.

The three boys came in just as she was about to walk out, her brother started to change into his red shirt and the two others placed down their bags on the floor and anything extra they didn't need on them at the moment.

Walking out and picking up a notepad and a pen she used on a daily basis and to a table that were just sitting and waiting for someone to come to them.

So she went out to them and wrote down their order on her notepad before turning to walk to the kitchen to prepare their food, but she didn't make it so far when she saw Si-Eun who had began to mop the floor with his still injured hand.

Shaking her head with a sigh she made her way behind the counter and ripped the paper she had written on off and slapped it to her brothers chest when she came face to face with him.

"Fix this order for that table." Seo-Hyeon instructed her brother as she pointed to the table she were just at.

"Of course."

Mumbling a quick 'Thank you' to him before walking to the backroom again and crouched down to opened a cabinet that was across from where the lockers stood, taking a small box she was very familiar with mostly do to her almost needing to use it everyday.

Closing up the door and getting up from her position she walked out to the main area of the restaurant with the box in hand to see the boy still moping the floor while slightly wincing in pain.

Going over to him she ripped the stick out of his hand with her empty one, and when he looked at her confused she only pointed to an empty seat at one of the grill tables that no one was at.

"Sit down."

Placing the mop against a communal fridge they had with drink inside she looked back at the boy to see him sitting down so she took an empty chair herself and sat down in front of him and placed the box on the table on her right.

Opening it up and looking through it she put her left hand out so she could take her Yeon Si-Eun's injured one, but he being himself didn't really understand what she was trying to do.

"What are you doing?" he asked her while looking between the girl across from him to the open box.

"I need to clean and wrap your hand, so you don't get an infections or something worse." after the Ahn girl finished speaking he placed his hand in hers and she immediately began to turn it lightly to inspect the cuts.

Grabbing some wet wipes out of the box she tore them open to clean of the blood and dirt from the boys hand, putting some medicine on the open wounds she heard him wince a little at the stinging feeling.

Wrapping his hand tightly but not to tight so he can still use it, she let go of his hand put everything back into the box and closed it, and just as she was about to stand up the Yeon boy stopped her as he spoke.

"Shouldn't you do something about that?"

"About what?"

"Your neck."

The Ahn girl let out a sigh as she let her head fall backwards after she looked at her own reflection in the mirror in the staffs restroom, looking back at the glass in front of her and down at her neck she only saw the big bruise that had started to form.

Reaching a hand up to touch it she let her fingers just glide over it as she felt nothing from it, she kinda thought it would hurt a little, but there was no pain at all.

Turning her head more to the side she noticed the bruise was worse on the side of her neck, she could only assume it was from when the man dug his fingers into her neck a bit, when she touched that exact spot she grimaced in pain.

Letting out a sigh she looked away from the mirror and turned to the door that was on her right and walked out of it and back to the main area of the restaurant where her brother and the two other boys where all ready sat at a table.

And as she was about to walk past them to clean of some stuff from a table with no one at it her brother took a hold of her forearm and stopped her from walking any further.

"Sit down and eat."

"I'm good, So-Ho." she just waved him off and tried to walk away from him but his grip tightened a bit so she couldn't walk further that she did.

"If I know you, you haven't eaten anything today so just sit down and eat."


Seo-Hyeon walked around the table to the empty seat and sat down and immediately picked a up a pear of chopsticks and then some lettuce to place the meat that was already being grilled on it, scooping up some thick past and smeared it on, balling everything up before stuffing everything in her mouth at once.

As she began chewing she looked across the table to her brother who did the same thing as her before stuffing the food in his own mouth, and the boy on her left looked between her and her brother as they did the same thing with their food.

"Does it taste good like that?" Beom-Seok then asked the two which he only got a thumb up form both of them as they continued to chew the food in their mouths.

The siblings just nodded their heads at him while throwing up a thumbs up to the boy with glasses hoisted up on his nose, so he did the same thing they did and shoved the food into his own mouth.

"Incredible, right?"

"Yes, but it's hot." the boy said as he tried to cover his mouth as he spoke while still chewing the food.

"All right. Will you try one too, Si-Eun? Meat tastes the best when you eat a whole mouthful like this." So-Ho explained to the guy who has been quiet the whole time as he did his normal thing, just as he had balled up the food in his hand and held it out for the boy.ย 

"You can have it."

"Jeez. Look, trust me. My advice is golden."

Ahn Seo-Hyeon tuned out her brother voice as he tried to get the quiet boy to eat what he had fixed for him, and it didn't take long for him to get the food shoved into his mouth.

She looked over at Si-Eun after he went quiet again while chewing his food, and he only looked down at the pot plate before his phone buzzed against the metal of the table.

He looked away from the device and placed it down on the table again.

Moving her eyes from the boy she quickly put som meat in some lettuce she had picked up, she balled it all up and shoved it in her mouth as she stood up from her seat and made her way from the table to continue to work.

A few hours had passed now and the restaurant had been closed for a bit, and the Ahn girl was there cleaning some final dishes and helped prepare for the next days work.

So-Ho offered to stay behind with her to help but she had insisted that she didn't need the help and that it wouldn't take that long.

Which was a lie because she had been working two hours after closing, but she wanted her brother to drive the two boys that were with them home, and for him to get some sleep before school the next day.

Even though she already knows he isn't gonna go home but to deliver food to people instead, it was worth a shot.

And as the close was close to hitting twelve at night she was finally done, so Seo-Hyeon looked all the doors, turned of the lights and stored the stuff she prepared in the fridge before walking out of the backdoor and locked it up.

She zipped up the Zip up hoodie she kept in her locker incase it got cold on late nights, and now she really needed it do to her not having anything but a sports bra on.

It didn't look before she was at her apartment, so she took a quick shower before setting a few alarms on her phone and then go to sleep in her bed.


Milo's Small Note:

This is the first ever fight scene I've written so it's probably bad, but give me some feedback, yeah?

I'm so grateful for the people who are taking the time to read this chapter of my book, and waiting for the next one to come out!

I hope you guys still like it enough to read it and wait for the next chapter to come out! <3

Don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment <3

Have an amazing day or night wherever you guys are in the world <3

Love you guys <3

Google translate:

ssibal mwoya? - What the fuckย 

Words - 7229

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro