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NED was finally home. Catelyn knew he had arrived when the excited shouts of men outside their chamber window could be heard, joyous as they greeted the young Lord of Winterfell. It made the lady unable to contain her excitement as she shifted Robb in her arms, standing from her seat near the fire. Her infant son grunted lightly at the sudden movement and she smirked with love seeping from her Tully blue eyes.

The babe of only a fortnight was drifting to sleep and she thought he was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. She'd prayed to the Seven many times that Ned would think the same. Even if their marriage had been arranged, born of tragedy and circumstance, she was already feeling the blossom of love taking root in her heart. The quiet wolf wasn't so bad, after all, she'd determined.

Quickly making her way out the door, through the halls, and to the court yard shd was met with a large crowd of northmen surrounding their lord where he stood dismounted from his horse.

With excitement filling her to the brim, Cat was in high spirits. She couldn't wait for Ned to see him: his boy, his heir. Her first child was the heir he needed and she couldn't wait to have more. She briskly covered the expanse of the courtyard, Robb clutched to her chest. Men surrounded the young Lord of Winterfell, excited at his presence after having returned home from the Rebellion. As she wandered up, the men noticed the Lady Stark and respectfully parted.

Ned's back was to her, only his broad, armored shoulders and usual dusty brown hair visible. She felt a proud grin forming on her lips as she gazed in admiration at her lord husband. Once he turned, all her joy disappeared and whatever trace of admiration she'd had was gone.

Ned clutched two babes in his arms, wrapped in crude wool blankets from the battle front. Both bore dark hair and porcelain skin, one slightly larger than the other. She felt her heart drop and her stomach flip as she began to realize what it meant.

Even if they didn't seem to bare any significant real semblance to him, what else could their presence mean? She didn't allow her anger to control her despite wanting to strangle him in that instant. No one could see the new Lady falter under the control of wrath. No, she kept her composure.

He'd not only managed to strike her honor and his own with bringing a bastard home from the war front at all, somehow managing to bring twins.

Ned's expression was still and unreadable as he looked to her with his Stark grey eyes. He didn't look remorseful about it all, as if they were somehow not his, but he didn't look proud either. Her lips were a flat line as she looked at him, blue eyes like arrows even though hot tears threatened to spill over.

"They will be staying with us," he murmured, his voice monotone. He looked to the babe in her arms, at Robb. At his child. Handing the two bastards to the nearby men, he gingerly took the his own babe from her arms and looked down upon him as if he had not been holding his bastards just moments ago.

"He's strong," Ned murmured, seeming to forget what he'd brought home with him. There was even a hint of pride twinkling in his eye. "You did well, Cat."

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