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He called the police right away using the Internet phone. However, the call was cut off in the middle. He tried calling twice more without giving up and got the same response each time.

Not at all!

In an attempt to locate himself and get assistance, Taehyung attempted to send out a distress signal to his coworkers at the company. However, he saw the three lines of text vanish in an instant after sending the information.


They vanished from sight.

Taehyung was shocked as she stared at the screen and quickly typed another sentence, but it vanished as well.

A terrible panic overcame him, and he called a newspaper office he remembered using the Internet phone. He desired to get away. He needed to get away!

The same outcome was obtained: the phone was automatically disconnected.


With ease, the locked door was forced open from the outside, causing Taehyung, seated in front of the desk chair, to look up in a panic.

A dining cart was being pushed in by Woo Lee.

With a serious expression, Woo Lee looked in her direction and said, "Mr. Kim, it is all in vain."

Hearing him say it with such earnestness astounded Taehyung.

They saw no value in anything he tried.

"Every information is closely watched here, and even the electronic devices that the Master has not personally registered is closely watched. He continued, looking at him pitifully, "And even if it is working and you use your phone to call out for help, it is still useless."


Woo Lee answered, "Because he is Jungkook."

Jungkook Rothschild. Two words that also mean privilege in this world.

Disappointed, Taehyung sat in his chair with his hands clenched around him in a defensive stance.

He was stuck here, unable to get out, and had no idea what to do.

"You are too weak, Mr. Kim. Please have something to eat," Woo Lee said, placing the hot, flavorful dinner on the desk.

With the last vestige of hope still intact, Tae muttered, "I really did not give birth to a child, I really did not have anything to do with him."

"Housekeeper Lee, would it help if I tried to ask Jungkook for something?"

He was prepared to plead and beg like a beggar if only he would just let him go and have his freedom.

Woo Lee looked at him pitifully and said nothing in answer to his question.

Taehyung was dejected when he realized what he meant. Can not he get that person to comply with what he asks of them? He did not want this, no, no.

In fact, Jungkook did not even give him another glance; he did not come to violate him.


By now Tae had been imprisoned in the Imperial castle for several days, and although his physical condition was slowly improving, his mental state was rapidly declining.

Castle bodyguards frequently patrolled his room, keeping an eye on him even when he was inside. He was never allowed to leave his room without being observed.

He could not contact any of her friends, family, or coworkers, and Woo Lee and the psychologists took turns questioning him daily regarding the baby's whereabouts.

They would threaten him with the law and question him nonstop, even when he was tired. They would not even let him use the restroom. It was things like that that nearly brought him to his knees.

Why Jungkook would have decided that he had given birth to his child was beyond him. Sometimes, when they pressed him so hard, he thought he had lost his own memories.

But everything, he could clearly recall, except the baby.

He should have known about the baby if one had existed, but he could not recall anything about it. It was completely illogical.


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