i. home at last

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Cassidy's world had condensed to the confines of her plain, age-worn room. With her knees pulled up against her chest, she became a silent observer of time. A whole year slipped by without her setting foot beyond those walls, untouched by the experimental clutches that once defined her existence.

The hum of her dormant powers reverberated through the stillness, awakened only during bouts of profound boredom. In those moments, she engaged in purposeful practice, a dance of abilities that, despite the solitude, she refused to let grow rusty. The room, a witness to her isolation, held the echoes of both confinement and the subtle resilience that manifested in the meticulous honing of her extraordinary skills.

Tangled strands of Cassidy's messy hair framed her face, and remnants of old tears left trails on her skin. As her door creaked open, Cassidy swiftly turned her head, her gaze fixing on a man—distinct from the familiar figure of 'Papa.' A new presence had entered her world, sparking curiosity and uncertainty in the stillness of her confined space.

"Cassidy, right?" the man inquired, drawing a nod from her. "You're being released; you'll get to see your family once again," he revealed. Cassidy's initial frown transformed into a radiant grin, the prospect of reuniting with her family illuminating a spark of hope in the confined shadows of her world.

Three years of separation weighed heavily on Cassidy's shoulders, each day etching deeper lines of longing for the family she had been kept away from since that fateful day in elementary school when, at the tender age of 10, her powers unleashed chaos.

As she rose from her bed, a mixture of eagerness and apprehension fueled her steps toward the door. The man's unexpected interruption injected a moment of tension, freezing her in place. The threshold of reunion with her family, once so close, now hung in suspense, as if the universe hesitated to grant her the long-awaited embrace she yearned for.

The man's caution echoed in Cassidy's ears, a stark reminder of the delicate balance she was about to navigate. He outlined the terms with a seriousness that tightened the air in the room. "You can't tell anyone where you've actually been, not about Military school," he emphasized, his words carrying the weight of consequence. The unspoken threat lingered in the shadows—disclose the truth about her whereabouts or unveil her abilities, and the prospect of reuniting with her family might slip away.

Cassidy's teeth sank into her lower lip, a physical manifestation of the inner conflict. The gravity of the situation hung palpably in the room as she hesitated before finally uttering a subdued "Yes," sealing her compliance with the imposed secrecy. The anticipation of seeing her family now intertwined with the burden of the unspoken truth she was compelled to carry.

Clothes in hand, Cassidy changed into the unfamiliar attire, a symbolic shift marking her departure from the confines of the past three years. As she was escorted to the waiting car, she climbed in with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The weight of time spent in isolation had left its mark—while not overpowering, anxiety and a lingering sense of depression accompanied her, silent companions on the journey toward a family she hadn't seen in years.

News of a girl named Eleven escaping the lab reached Cassidy's ears, igniting a flicker of yearning within her. A quiet wish lingered—that it had been her who found freedom. In the confines of the lab, Cassidy was coerced to wield her abilities under duress. The consequence of failure loomed in the form of a windowless, lightless room—the darkest abyss, a chilling reminder of the price she paid for every misstep.

The isolation deepened as Cassidy's family, oblivious to the reality of her situation, believed she was in a strict military school. The imposed distance, devoid of calls or visits, served as a buffer against the haunting specter of her past "prankster ways." Cassidy, harboring a fervent desire to avoid reliving that version of herself, yearned for the day when the truth could be shared, and the walls between her and her family would finally crumble.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Cassidy was enveloped in amazement as her eyes met the sunlight, a long-lost companion. The symphony of nature, once distant, now surrounded her. Amidst this newfound wonder, a voice reached her ears, a bridge between the memories of confinement and the unfolding reality of home.

The air filled with the joyous call of "CASSIE!" as Lucas, her twin brother, charged toward her. His arms enveloped her in a tight embrace, a physical manifestation of the years of separation coming to an end. Cassidy, basking in the warmth of the hug, responded with a soft, "Hey, Lukey." The tenderness in her voice carried a sense of familiarity, a shared language that transcended the time spent apart. In that moment, the weight of the past began to lift, replaced by the simple, cherished connection between siblings.

The siblings pulled away from their embrace, and Cassidy, with a keen eye, noticed the glistening tears in her brother's eyes. Concern etched across her face, she gently asked, "Hey, what's wrong?" He took a moment, gathering his emotions before responding, "It's just... I've been through a lot since you've been gone. Life got tough, and I missed having you around. I'm so glad you're back. I love you."

The weight of his words hung in the air, emphasizing the depth of their connection and the struggles faced in Cassidy's absence. The sincerity of his expression mirrored the profound impact her return had on her brother.

"I love you too, lil bro," Cassidy said, her grin widening with genuine affection. Lucas, ever the stickler for details, interjected, "By 5 minutes!" Their playful banter elicited laughter, a shared moment of sibling camaraderie that had been missing for far too long. Cassidy, still beaming, couldn't resist the teasing, "Well, come on! I have to see Mom, Dad, and Erica!" The levity in their exchange set the tone for the joyous reunion that awaited them as they headed together to reconnect with their family.

The front door swung open, and Cassidy couldn't contain her excitement. "I'm back!" she yelled, stretching her arms out as if ready to embrace the entire house. The first to respond to her enthusiastic return was Erica. They rushed into a tight hug, their embrace conveying the depth of the missed connection. "I missed you!" Erica exclaimed, her words filled with sincerity and affection, capturing the essence of the moment that marked Cassidy's joyful return home.

"I missed you too, E," Cassidy said, a warm smile lighting up her face as she held onto the hug. As Erica pulled away, she expressed, "It's nice to have you back. Now we can prank Lucas again together." A mischievous glint sparkled in Erica's eyes, anticipating the return of their sibling antics. However, Cassidy's initial smile started to fade, sensing there might be more to Erica's excitement about pranking Lucas than met the eye. The subtle shift in Cassidy's expression hinted at an unspoken concern or perhaps a change that she wasn't fully aware of yet.

"E, I'm not doing pranks ever again. Of course, we can tease him, but pranks? No," Cassidy assured Erica, her tone holding a firm resolve. Erica, with an eye roll, responded, "Yeah, okay," in that typical teenage way that suggested she might have other plans. Cassidy playfully ruffled Erica's hair, evoking a sassy protest, "Don't mess up my hair!" Laughter filled the room as Cassidy walked away, heading toward her parents.

Greeting her parents with hugs, Cassidy felt the warmth of their synchronized words, "We missed you, Cassie." In perfect harmony, she replied, "Me too," encapsulating the emotions of the heartfelt reunion with her family.

"Cassie, I need you to bring you to our next campaign! The party would love to see you again, and Mike would gladly welcome you back," Lucas excitedly told her. The prospect of rejoining the party seemed enticing, but before Cassidy could respond, her mother intervened. With a gentle yet firm tone, she halted the conversation, introducing a moment of suspense and curiosity. The interruption left the question of Cassidy's involvement in the next campaign hanging in the air, awaiting her response.

"Lucas, you two can go over after dinner," their mother declared, setting the plans for the visit with a sense of maternal authority. Lucas sighed in acknowledgment, a mix of eagerness and resignation in his response with a simple "Okay." Capitalizing on the moment, Cassidy, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, strolled over to her brother.

"Show me my room, dear brother?" she declared with a fanciful accent, her arm elegantly extended as if she were a character in a period drama, injecting a playful and theatrical touch into their sibling banter.

Lucas, embracing the playful atmosphere, linked his arm with Cassidy's and responded, "Yes, my dear sister," playfully mimicking her accent with a teasing grin. Cassidy, appreciating her brother's willingness to join in the lightheartedness, couldn't help but break into a genuine smile.

As they walked towards Cassidy's room, the echoes of their banter filled the air, creating a light and cheerful ambiance. Despite the challenges she faced and the mysteries unfolding around her, Cassidy found solace and happiness in the familiar warmth of her family and the simple joy of being back home.

Cassidy and Lucas crossed the threshold into Cassidy's room, and an immediate sense of déjà vu washed over her. The room, frozen in time, seemed to hold echoes of the past. Everything was precisely where she had left it, from the posters on the wall to the scattered array of personal items.

As Cassidy took in the room, she couldn't help but feel a subtle disconnect. Her tastes and style had evolved during her time away, making the room, once a perfect reflection of her, now seem like a snapshot of a different era. The realization dawned on her, leaving Cassidy in a moment of reflection as she uttered, "Whoa, it's just like I left it," recognizing the peculiar blend of nostalgia and the undeniable passage of time.

"Yeah, I always came in here when I was upset," Lucas confessed as they stood in the room. Cassidy turned her head towards him, a quizzical expression on her face. "What?" she inquired, genuinely curious about the memories held within these walls.

Lucas smiled, reminiscing, "Don't you remember? You always calmed me down and told me jokes." The room, it seemed, wasn't just a snapshot of Cassidy's past; it held echoes of shared moments, a sanctuary where Cassidy had played the role of comforter and comedian for her brother in times of distress. The realization added another layer to the room's significance, intertwining the siblings' history with the very essence of the space they now found themselves in.

Cassidy's laughter echoed in the room, a mix of nostalgia and a recognition of the changes she had undergone. The allure of her past jokes and pranks lingered in her mind, but she held a newfound commitment to avoid causing harm.

"Yeah," she chuckled, reminiscing about the antics that once filled her room with laughter. As Cassidy continued to explore the room, her eyes landed on a photo capturing a moment with her old friend, Mildred. The image held a special place in the montage of memories, offering a glimpse into a time when things were simpler, and the bonds of friendship were unburdened by the complexities that awaited them in the present.

The revelation hit Cassidy like a sudden storm, casting a shadow over the room filled with memories. Mildred, her old friend, had died while attempting to extinguish a fire caused by Cassidy's past antics. The weight of guilt and sorrow bore down on Cassidy as the echoes of laughter and shared moments in her room suddenly took on a somber tone. The room, once a refuge, now held the weight of an irreversible loss.


The memory played vividly in Cassidy's mind as she confronted the past. She had discovered her superpowers, and the only confidante she trusted with this secret was Mildred. In a quiet moment during class, Cassidy leaned towards Mildred, whispering, "Oh my god, Milly."

Mildred looked up, responding with a soft hum, "Mhm?"

Cassidy, a mischievous glint in her eyes, contemplated, "What if I do one of my 'magic' pranks with my fire ability?" A shared understanding passed between them as Mildred's face lit up with a grin, and she nodded, embracing the idea of Cassidy's newfound powers adding a magical twist to their mischievous escapades.

The classroom was temporarily transformed into a clandestine stage as Cassidy, emboldened by her newfound fire ability, lit her hand in flames. She glanced furtively from side to side, ensuring that no one was watching. Seizing the moment, Cassidy hurled a fireball toward the teacher's desk, the flames dancing in a mesmerizing display.

Swiftly, she made her way toward an empty desk in the front row, the flickering light casting a glow on her face. The thrill of her "magic" prank hung in the air, creating an atmosphere of both mischief and wonder.

The classroom erupted in chaos as a panicked shout of "FIRE!" pierced the air, followed by the shrill wail of the fire alarm. Students hurriedly fled the room, but Cassidy and Mildred found themselves frozen in a shared moment of realization.

"Shit," they both exclaimed in unison, exchanging a look that spoke volumes. As the room cleared out, leaving only the two of them surrounded by the flickering flames, Mildred, amidst the chaos, managed a cough and asked, "Do you have a superpower to put it out?" The urgency in her question echoed the gravity of the situation, their mischievous escapade spiraling into unforeseen consequences.

Panic seized Cassidy as the situation escalated. "No... No! I don't! This was stupid!" she exclaimed, desperation lacing her words. In a futile attempt, Cassidy extended her hand, hoping to somehow stop the flames. Instead, her efforts seemed to worsen the situation.

Turning to Mildred with a look of distress, Cassidy admitted, "I'm sorry, I can't!" The weight of regret and fear hung in the air, realizing the consequences of their impulsive actions.

A glimmer of hope sparked as Mildred suggested an alternative. "Can't you control the earth? Doesn't that mean water too?" she questioned. Cassidy's eyes widened with realization. "Yes!" she exclaimed. Taking charge of the situation, Cassidy instructed Mildred, "I'll be right back. In the meantime, try to put it out in another way!" Mildred nodded, their collective urgency propelling them into action to mitigate the unintended consequences of their prank gone awry.

Frantically, Cassidy sprinted to the bathroom, grabbing a cup and filling it with water. The urgency echoed in Mildred's desperate cries when Cassidy returned to the classroom. "HELP!" Mildred yelled repeatedly, the urgency in her voice piercing through the chaos.

Cassidy, realizing the severity of the situation, dropped the water onto the ground. The sight unfolded before her – Mildred surrounded by fire in a circle. The gravity of their impulsive actions weighed heavily as they grappled with the consequences of their misadventure.

"NO!" Cassidy's anguished cry reverberated through the room as the fire touched Mildred. In a horrifying moment, Mildred dropped to the ground, her figure engulfed in flames and leaving Cassidy in a state of shock.

The chaos escalated as firefighters stormed into the room, demanding an explanation. "Young lady, why are you in here!?" one of them shouted. Cassidy, paralyzed with guilt and grief, stood in place, tears streaming down her face.

As the emergency responders assessed the situation, Cassidy's sole focus was on Mildred's well-being. "Is she okay?" she pleaded repeatedly, the weight of responsibility and the consequences of their actions crashing down on her with relentless force. The scene painted a vivid picture of the tragic outcome of their misadventure.

Cassidy, shaken and tear-stained, was led outside where she was checked on by emergency personnel. Fortunately, she was physically unharmed. As her parents and brother, Lucas, rushed over to her, the relief at seeing Cassidy physically safe was evident on their faces. The family embraced, the weight of the incident and its emotional toll palpable in the air.

"What the hell happened?" Cassidy's mother demanded, concern etched across her face. Through tearful sobs, Cassidy explained, "Mildred and I just wanted to play another prank. I used a lighter, and I didn't know it would turn out this way." The confession revealed the unintended and tragic consequences of their misguided attempt at mischief.


"Cassidy! CASSIE!" Lucas's urgent voice penetrated the tumult. Tear-stained and overwhelmed, Cassidy turned to face her brother. "It was my fault, Lucas," she confessed, her voice choked with sorrow. Confused, Lucas asked, "What was?"

Through her tears, Cassidy revealed the heartbreaking truth, "Mildred... I killed her. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have used my abilities." The weight of guilt and the magnitude of the situation hung heavy in the air, a revelation that shattered the siblings' world and left them grappling with the profound consequences of Cassidy's impulsive actions.

"What do you mean, abilities?" Lucas inquired, suspicion clouding his expression as he began to consider the possibility of superpowers, akin to Eleven's. Before Cassidy could answer, their conversation was abruptly halted by their mother's call. "LUCAS! CASSIE! DINNER!" she yelled, interrupting the revelation and redirecting their focus to a more immediate concern.

"I'll tell you at Mike's tonight, I promise," Cassidy pledged, extending her pinky. Lucas, though still filled with questions, nodded and engaged in the solemn pact, intertwining his pinky with hers. The unspoken understanding between the siblings lingered, and the promise of an explanation at Mike's house later that evening hung in the air.



I think that's a good cliffhanger hehe. What do you think so far? What do you think is gonna happen next?

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