v. trick or treat, freak

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After finishing school, Cassidy magically teleported to the Cabin. With a warm smile, Cassidy greeted Nine and Eleven who were sitting on the couch. "Hey there! What's going on with you two?" Cassidy asked curiously. Eleven's face fell as she shared, "Hop doesn't want us to go out for Halloween tomorrow." Nine quickly defended himself, saying, "It's her decision, not mine."

Cassidy felt a pang of sympathy and concern. "I wish there was something I could do to help... Maybe I could bring back some candy for you guys, if you'd like?" Cassidy offered, hoping to bring a little joy to their Halloween. A bright smile lit up Eleven's face as she nodded in agreement.

"Hey, how was your first day of school?" Nine asked curiously, eager to hear about Cassidy's experience. "It was really good! Guess what? I met another new girl named Max, and we became friends right away," Cassidy shared excitedly, taking a seat between Nine and Eleven.

As Cassidy thought about Max, their cheeks turned a shade of pink. Wanting to discuss something important, Cassidy turned to the twins and asked, "Hey, do you guys know what LGBTQ+ is?" Eleven shook her head, and Nine joined in, indicating that they were unfamiliar with the term. It seemed like the topic wasn't commonly discussed, but Cassidy had done some research and delved deep into understanding it.

Cassidy took the time to explain to both Eleven and Nine what the LGBTQ+ community was all about. Eleven quickly grasped the concept, and Nine followed suit, although they seemed a bit confused at first. Nonetheless, both of them showed unwavering support for Cassidy, which made them feel incredibly grateful.

Just as the conversation was winding down, Nine couldn't help but tease, "So, do you like this Max girl?" Cassidy's face turned a bright shade of red, giving away their true feelings. "Oh my gosh, you totally do!" Nine exclaimed with a mischievous grin. Cassidy couldn't help but shyly admit, "Yeah... I do."

"She actually asked me to go to the arcade around 6, but I told her I couldn't because I wanted to check on you two," Cassidy explained to Nine and Eleven. The twins exchanged a knowing look, and Eleven couldn't help but smile. "Cass, I think she asked you out," Eleven said, her smile growing wider. Cassidy sat there for a moment, the realization sinking in. "Holy shit. She really did," Cassidy exclaimed, using a bit of colorful language to express their surprise.

Cassie glanced at her watch, her heart pounding with anticipation. The time read 5:57, and a surge of excitement rushed through her. "Oh my god... I think I still have time!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and exhilaration. "I'll catch up with you guys later," she said, flashing a wide smile to Nine and Eleven before dashing off to the arcade.

As Cassie teleported to the arcade, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in her stomach. She positioned herself outside, eagerly scanning the area. In the distance, she spotted Dustin and Lucas, engrossed in a game. Cassie rolled her eyes playfully at their antics, grateful for their presence but also eager for her own plans.

Leaning against the wall near the entrance, Cassie tried to contain her excitement. She kept her eyes fixed on the door, eagerly waiting for Max to arrive. Time seemed to slow down as anticipation built up within her. And then, in a burst of energy, a car zoomed up to the front of the arcade. Cassie's heart skipped a beat as Max emerged from the vehicle, exuding confidence and a hint of rebelliousness. As Max walked towards her, Cassie couldn't help but admire her free-spirited nature, even as she flipped off the driver with a bold and defiant gesture.

Max turned around, her eyebrows furrowing in surprise as she laid eyes on Cassie. "Cassie?" Max mumbled, her voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and joy. A smile spread across Cassie's face as she responded, "Maxine." The use of Max's full name caused a rush of warmth to flood Max's cheeks, her blush betraying her feelings. "I thought you couldn't come?" Max asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a glimmer of hope, eager to understand the change of plans.

"Trying to get rid of me?" Cassidy playfully quipped, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Maxine's response came out in a nervous stammer, "N-no-No." Cassidy quickly reassured her, "Aw, don't worry, I'm just joking. My friends didn't mind me coming. I managed to find some time to make it happen." A sly smirk danced across Cassidy's lips as she noticed Maxine's quivering lips forming a smile. "You know what? I'm genuinely happy you made it," Maxine admitted, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

"Let's go have a blast!" Cassidy exclaimed, a beaming smile lighting up her face as she extended her arm. Max happily intertwined her arm with Cassidy's, and together they strolled into the venue.


After spending a few incredible hours together, the night was starting to wind down. Max and Cassidy stepped outside, the cool evening breeze brushing against their skin. Cassidy turned to Max, her eyes filled with curiosity. "So, spill the tea, who was that person who dropped you off?" she asked, a playful smile on her face. Max let out a sigh and replied with a touch of sarcasm, "Oh, just my lovely stepbrother. Let's just say he's not the friendliest guy around." Despite the situation, Max couldn't help but flash a small smile.

Cassidy returned the grin and said, "Well, I had an absolute blast tonight. Catch you later, Maxine." As Cassidy made her way towards the corner of the arcade, she turned around and gave Max a cheeky wink. Max's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she hopped onto her skateboard and glided away. Little did Max know, Cassidy noticed Dustin and Lucas observing them from a distance.

Cassidy couldn't help but smirk mischievously as she swiftly knelt down and seemingly teleported to the car on the other side. With a loud bang on the car, she stood up, confronting the boys. "What's the deal with you guys stalking Max?" Her voice had an edge to it, causing the boys to jump in surprise.

Folding her arms with a stern expression, Cassidy continued, "We-well, we just wanted to know if she was MadMax," Lucas stammered nervously. Cassidy's frustration was evident as she exclaimed, "You idiots! You could've just asked me, you numbskulls!" Dustin and Lucas exchanged a guilty glance as Cassidy muttered under her breath, "You bunch of weirdo stalkers," rolling her eyes in exasperation.

The two boys sat there, silent and defeated. Cassidy let out a frustrated sigh, muttering, "Whatever. I'm outta here." With a quick turn, she flipped them off, expressing her annoyance. Clenching her fists, Cassidy closed her eyes and focused. In an instant, she seemed to teleport back to the comfort of her room.

The next day rolled around, and Cassidy found herself waking up a little earlier than usual. She groggily got out of bed, stretching her arms and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. After quickly getting dressed, Cassidy made her way downstairs, where her mom greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey Cassie. I didn't see you come home last night," her mom said in a gentle voice, concern evident in her eyes. Cassidy hesitated for a moment, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. "I was out a little late, Mom. I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I snuck in through my window," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of guilt.

Her mom nodded understandingly, unaware of the secret powers Cassidy possessed. It was important for Cassidy to keep her abilities hidden, so she had to be careful with her lies.

"Okay, I'll let it slide this time," her mother told her, a hint of leniency in her voice. Cassidy nodded, a relieved smile spreading across her face, as she took a seat at the table beside her friend Erica. "Nicee," Erica chuckled, clearly amused by the situation. Cassidy playfully rolled her eyes at Erica's reaction, enjoying their lighthearted banter.

With a sense of urgency, Cassidy quickly devoured her pancakes, savoring the delicious flavors. As she finished her last bite, she felt a pang of anxiety, knowing she had to make a quick exit. Getting up from the table, her mother called out, breaking the momentary silence, "Hey, aren't you gonna dress up this year?" Cassidy shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, not wanting to reveal her true intentions. She bid her mom a quick farewell and left, hoping to avoid witnessing Lucas being coerced into awkward family photos.

Cassidy couldn't resist taking a moment outside to gather her thoughts before embarking on her teleportation journey to the Cabin. It was her way of preparing herself for whatever she might encounter. As she materialized near the Cabin, her eyes immediately fell upon a van parked nearby. It sent a jolt of recognition through her veins. It was the same van she had seen countless times before—the one belonging to the lab.

Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the implications. They were still relentlessly searching for Nine, and it seemed they had tracked him to this very location. Panic started to creep in as she noticed a man standing near the van, his eyes fixed on her. He waved, and Cassidy couldn't help but wave back, although her hand trembled nervously. She knew all too well who he was. It was Dr. Jones, the relentless pursuer always on parole, tirelessly hunting down Eleven and Nine since their daring escape. The tension in the air was palpable as Cassidy braced herself for what might unfold next.

Cassidy teleported to the Cabin to see Nine on rhe couch, and Eleven not in the room. "Hey, Ni. Where's El? I wanted to come over real quick, and see how you guys are doing."

"Ugh, she's beyond furious. Hop is being a total buzzkill and won't let her step foot outside on Halloween," Nine vented, frustration evident in his voice. Cassidy couldn't help but bite her lip, feeling a mix of empathy and worry for her friend.

"Gosh, I really wish things were different. I'd love nothing more than to bring you guys along for the Halloween fun. But, you know the deal. The lab is still hot on the trail of El, and they're desperate to find both of you. Especially you, my friend. You're their primary target right now," Cassidy explained, her words laced with a sense of urgency and caution. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, leaving them both longing for a different reality.

"W-what do you mean?" Nine asked, his voice filled with confusion and curiosity. He was eager to understand the situation fully.

"Before coming here, I saw Dr. Jones," Cassidy explained, her tone slightly somber. "He was out there, actively searching for you." She let out a sigh, as if carrying the weight of the revelation.

Nine's voice trembled as he asked, "Why did you break me out?" The fear of being caught again was evident in his shaky voice.

Cassidy's response was filled with empathy and determination. "You were my only friend in that awful lab," she confessed. "I couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer, enduring torture and being forced to do things against your will. I had to take the risk and get you out of there. You mean too much to me." Her words carried a sense of deep friendship and a strong desire to protect Nine from further harm.

Cassidy could sense Nine's emotional state, his vulnerability on the brink of breaking down. Without hesitation, she took a seat beside him, offering a comforting presence. "Hey," she said softly, her voice filled with compassion. "I won't let those monsters take you or El back there. I promise."

As Nine's tears began to flow, Cassidy instinctively wrapped her arms around him, providing a much-needed embrace. Their bond was akin to that of siblings, forged through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of the horrors they had endured in the lab.

Feeling the weight of their connection, Cassidy spoke with sincerity, her voice filled with love. "I'm going to check on El now," she said gently, her hands resting on Nine's shoulders. "Ni, I love you. Okay? You're like a brother to me."

A smile, genuine and heartwarming, graced Nine's face as he replied, "I love you too, Cass." In that moment, their friendship became a beacon of light amidst the darkness, reminding them both of the strength they found in each other.

Cassidy rose from her seat, her determination driving her to take action. With a sense of urgency, she approached the door and rapped on it, the sound echoing through the room. Leaning in closer, she pressed her ear against the cold surface, straining to catch any sign of sobs coming from within.

Frustration washed over Cassidy as she attempted to turn the doorknob, only to find it locked. She turned her attention to Nine, who was seated on the couch, and inquired, "Hey, how long has she been in there?" Her voice carried a mix of concern and curiosity.

Nine's response revealed the passage of time, as he said, "Since Hopper left. So it's been about an hour now." The weight of the situation settled upon them both, fueling their determination to find a way to help their friend.

Cassidy's teleportation abilities allowed her to effortlessly appear in Eleven's room, where she was met with a bittersweet sight - Eleven sitting with a blindfold in her lap. A wave of sadness washed over Cassidy as she couldn't help but ask, "You checked on Mike, didn't you?"

Eleven silently nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and guilt. Sensing the weight of the situation, Cassidy settled down next to Eleven, their closeness offering a comforting presence. "I'm so sorry, El," Cassidy murmured, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "I wish there was a way I could stop Dr. Owens from relentlessly searching for you and Nine."

A pained expression crossed Cassidy's face as she continued, "But if I were to intervene, he would undoubtedly capture me as well. And if I were to reveal that I know your whereabouts, he would be onto us in no time." The helplessness in Cassidy's voice was palpable, a reflection of the difficult choices they were faced with.

Cassidy's arms wrapped around Eleven once again, embracing her tightly as she rubbed her back in a soothing manner. Just as the warmth of their connection began to ease the heaviness in the room, Cassidy's gaze shifted to her watch, revealing the harsh reality of their limited time together. Panic welled up inside her as she realized she was already three minutes late for school.

A tinge of sadness laced Cassidy's voice as she reluctantly shared the news with Eleven. "I have to go, Eleven. I'm really sorry," she murmured, her words filled with genuine regret. Eleven nodded, her expression a mixture of understanding and acceptance, silently acknowledging the obligations that pulled them apart.

Cassidy's teleportation abilities never failed to impress Lucas, and as she materialized beside him in the bustling schoolyard, he couldn't help but whisper-shout her name in excitement. "Cassie!"

Caught off guard by Lucas' enthusiastic greeting, Cassidy chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "What's up?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity and a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

However, Lucas quickly shifted from excitement to concern, his tone taking on a hint of anger. "You can't just teleport in the middle of the schoolyard! Someone could see you," he scolded, his worry for Cassidy's safety evident in his words.

Cassidy, on the other hand, remained nonchalant, her playful nature shining through. "Calm down, ding-dong," she retorted, her voice laced with a playful teasing tone. "Trust me, no one's paying attention to me," she reassured him, her chuckle echoing in the air. Despite Lucas' frustration, Cassidy's carefree attitude seemed to ease the tension between them, reminding Lucas of the unpredictable and exciting adventures they shared.

"Finally, Cassidy is here!" Mike exclaimed, crossing his arms and wearing a slightly annoyed expression. "Why aren't you wearing a costume?" he asked, rolling his eyes in a way that showed his frustration.

Cassidy couldn't help but smirk, her playful nature shining through. "Don't feel like it?" she replied, her voice dripping with sass. She loved teasing Mike and pushing his buttons.

Lucas, always curious about Cassidy's mysterious disappearances, couldn't hold back his questions. "Why do you keep being late? Where do you sneak off to?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine curiosity.

"That's none of your business," Cassidy shot back, her arms crossing defiantly. She was a free spirit who didn't like being questioned about her whereabouts.

Lucas, caught off guard by Cassidy's response, let out a gasp of surprise. "Do you have a boyfriend?!" he blurted out, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

Cassidy's eyes widened momentarily, taken aback by the unexpected question. She quickly cleared her throat and composed herself. "Well, for one, I'm not interested in boys," she clarified, emphasizing her own truth. "And two, I'm just enjoying being single and focusing on myself," she added confidently, making it clear that she didn't need a romantic partner to be happy.

"Oh my god, boys suck, okay? I mean, seriously, girls are just so much better," Cassidy yelled, her frustration pouring out. She stood there, taking a moment to process what she had just blurted out, realizing she had inadvertently revealed something about herself.

The boys' jaws dropped in shock, their faces displaying a mix of surprise and confusion. Cassidy quickly made a beeline for the nearest building, blocking out the yells from her brother and friends. She sprinted through the hall, completely disregarding the glares she received from others.

In her haste, Cassidy accidentally collided with Max while zooming on her skateboard. "Oh my god, Maxine-" Cassidy mentally cursed, realizing she had slipped up and used Max's full name instead of a nickname.

"Oops, my bad," Cassidy whispered, her voice filled with remorse, as she reached out her hand to help the red-headed Max up from the ground. "It's fine, don't worry about it," Max replied with a sweet smile, their cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. "You know, you called me Maxine earlier, but I actually go by Max. So technically, it's like a nickname you gave me. I think it's only fair that I come up with a nickname for you." Max stood there, their eyes fixed on Cassidy, waiting eagerly for her response.

Max's eyes slowly traveled up and down Cassidy's form, causing a rush of warmth to spread across her cheeks. She could feel her heart skip a beat as Max's gaze lingered on her. "Well, my nickname for you is..." Max's voice trailed off, their eyes darting back to Cassidy once more. "How 'bout, Cass?" Max finally suggested, a playful smile tugging at the corners of their lips.

Cassidy's blush deepened, a mix of surprise and delight flooding her. The only other person who had ever called her Cass was Nine. He had always been like a brother to her, but now, with Max using the same nickname, it felt different, special. It was as if a new bond was forming between them, one that went beyond friendship.

The mere presence of Max has a magical effect on Cassidy, causing her cheeks to turn a rosy shade and her stomach to flutter with excitement. With a bright smile, she playfully quips, "Who you gonna call? The nerds!" A mischievous chuckle escapes from a nearby boy, but Cassidy's attention quickly shifts as she notices her brother and friends walking into the school, becoming the target of laughter. Determined to stand by her friends, Cassidy winks at Max and confidently strides towards her other companions, ready to face whatever comes their way.

Max's face turned a deep shade of crimson, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and her stomach fluttering with a swarm of butterflies. Lost in her thoughts of Cassidy, Max made her way to her locker, her mind consumed by the image of Cassidy's captivating smile. Meanwhile, Cassidy's eyes locked onto the boy who had dared to mock her friends, her gaze filled with an intense fire. And in a surreal twist of fate, the boy's hair suddenly burst into flames, leaving him bewildered and his friend bursting into laughter.

Blood trickled down Cassidy's nose, but instead of being alarmed, she wore a mischievous smirk, reveling in her newfound power. "Oh, dude, your hair is on fire!" the boy's friend exclaimed with a mix of shock and amusement, joining in Cassidy's laughter. As the bell rang, signaling the start of class, Cassidy couldn't help but carry the memory of Max calling her 'Cass' with her, a warm feeling of affection filling her heart.


Later that day, Max and Cassidy arranged to meet up at Max's locker, eager to share the amusing incident that had occurred earlier. "You won't believe it! Just before the bell rang, his hair was literally on fire," Cassidy began, but her words were abruptly cut off as Lucas and Dustin approached them. Panic washed over Cassidy as she thought, "Oh no, this can't be good." Sensing Cassidy's unease, Max asked, "What's going on? Who are Lucas and Dustin?" Cassidy let out a sigh and explained, "Lucas is my brother, and Dustin is his friend. Looks like they're heading our way." Max furrowed her brow in confusion, trying to make sense of the situation.

Dustin and Lucas finally arrived at Max's locker, and Dustin cleared his throat to grab their attention. Cassidy couldn't help but silently facepalm, knowing that this encounter might not go as planned. "Hey, Max. I'm Dustin," Dustin introduced himself, and Max completed his sentence, saying, "And this is Lucas. I already know." Cassidy couldn't help but chuckle and jokingly added, "Our very own little stalkers." Max responded with a sarcastic smile, saying, "Oh, really? You two already know each other?" Dustin nervously laughed, realizing the misunderstanding, and replied, "Uh, no. Actually..."

"I'm going to let you handle this," Cassidy said, placing a hand on Max's shoulder before she confidently walked away. Max couldn't help but playfully roll her eyes at Cassidy's gesture. However, as Cassidy made her way, she seemed completely oblivious to her surroundings and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" Cassidy began to apologize, but then she turned to see Nine standing in front of her. Cassidy couldn't contain her surprise and excitement, so she whisper-shouted, "Nine?"

Cassidy's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and urgency as she firmly grasped Nine's arm, swiftly guiding them both into the girls' bathroom. "What the hell, are you doing here?!" Cassidy exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and frustration. Nine, seemingly unfazed, simply replied, "I was bored." Cassidy's tone turned serious as she scolded Nine, reminding them of the danger they were in. "Ni, Hawkins Lab is still looking for you!" she said sternly.

Nine quickly reassured her, "They didn't see me, I promise." Cassidy let out a relieved sigh, her worry easing slightly. Wanting to confirm the safety of their mutual friend, Cassidy asked, "Is El here?" Nine shook his head, indicating that El was not present. Cassidy's expression softened as she responded, "Okay, good."

Cassidy's voice quivered with a sense of urgency as she leaned in closer to Nine. "I have to get you home before Hopper sees you're gone," she whispered, her eyes darting towards the bathroom entrance. Just as her words hung in the air, the door swung open, revealing Max standing there, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. "What the hell," Max cursed, causing both Cassidy and Nine to turn their heads towards her.

Max's suspicion was palpable as she questioned, "Who is this?" Cassidy quickly responded, trying to think on her feet, "He's my friend, Nichols." Max's curiosity didn't waver as she pressed further, "Is he your boyfriend?" Both Nine and Cassidy spoke simultaneously, their voices filled with conviction, "Oh, no. No!" They wanted to make it clear that their relationship was purely platonic.

Max's suspicion lingered in the air as she pressed further, her voice tinged with jealousy. "Okay, but why is he in the girls' bathroom?" she asked, her doubt evident. Cassidy could sense Max's skepticism and the underlying hint of envy.

Determined to convince her friend, Cassidy quickly came up with an elaborate story. "He's new to our school, you know? And he wanted to ask me some questions about it. Even though I'm new too, I already know my way around thanks to Lucas," Cassidy explained, trying to make it sound plausible. Max's response was hesitant, her voice trailing off. "Oh, okay..." she murmured, still unsure and perhaps still grappling with her own feelings of jealousy.

"Hey, I saw you come in here, and I wanted to catch you before I left school to ask you something," Max said, her voice filled with anticipation. Cassidy responded with curiosity, "Oh, sure. What is it?" She was eager to hear what Max had to say.

"Do you want to go to Halloween together? I told your brother and your friend, Dustin, that we were already going together. So, we kinda have to," Max chuckled mischievously. Cassidy's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "Sure, I would love to," she replied, unable to hide her smile.

Just as Max was about to leave the bathroom, Cassidy's realization hit her like a lightning bolt. Panic surged through her as she grabbed Max's arm, desperation evident in her eyes. Max turned to look at her, a puzzled expression on her face, waiting for an explanation.

Cassidy's voice filled with disappointment as she admitted, "I don't have a costume." Max, understanding her predicament, chimed in, "Me neither. Hey, how about we meet up at the costume shop in downtown in half an hour?" Cassidy's face brightened as she nodded in agreement.

As Max made her way out of the bathroom, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment, Nine couldn't contain her excitement. "Oh my god. Was that Max?" Nine exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. Cassidy blushed, feeling a mix of nervousness and happiness. "Yes, it was," she admitted shyly. Nine's smile widened mischievously. "She literally asked you out, again!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

Cassidy reached out her arm, gesturing for Nine to join her. "Well, come on. I gotta get you home," she said with a hint of urgency. Nine, intrigued by the idea of teleportation, questioned, "Why can't we just teleport?"

Cassidy paused for a moment, considering the situation. "Because Will saw me come in here with you," she explained, her voice tinged with concern. Nine shrugged nonchalantly, not fully grasping the potential consequences. "So? What's the big deal?"

Cassidy leaned in closer, her voice filled with urgency as she explained her plan in more detail. "Listen, here's what we're gonna do. We'll pretend you're from our school, like a new kid. You'll ask for advice about something, but make sure to act clueless about everything that happened." Nine's eyes widened with understanding as she absorbed the information. "Ohh, I see," she responded, acknowledging Cassidy's explanation and the importance of their acting strategy.

Cassidy and Nine walked out of the bathroom, their conversation interrupted by a loud shout from Will. "Cassie!" he called out, causing both of them to stop in their tracks. Cassidy muttered a curse under her breath, realizing they had been caught. They turned around to face Will, and as Nine caught sight of him for the first time, a mix of excitement and nervousness filled her. "Who...who is this?" Will stuttered, clearly surprised by Nine's presence.

Cassidy quickly came up with a cover story, trying to ease the tension. "Oh, um, this is... Nichols," she stammered, introducing Nine as the new student. "He wanted me to show him around the school, you know?" Will nodded, his voice lowering as he glanced at 'Nichols,' feeling his cheeks heat up.

Cassidy's jaw dropped as she noticed both of them staring at each other, lost in the moment. "Uhh, Will? Nichols?" Cassidy waved her hand in front of their faces, trying to break the spell they seemed to be under.

"Mhm?" Will hummed, turning to Cassidy with a curious expression. "Um, let's go, Nichols. I gotta take you to the office," Cassidy informed Nine, motioning for him to follow. Nine nodded in agreement, and the two of them walked out of the school together. Once outside, Nine used his teleportation ability to whisk them back to the cabin in an instant. Cassidy couldn't help but yell, "Nine!" as she caught him in a trance-like state. Startled, Nine looked at her with confusion written all over his face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Cassidy couldn't contain her excitement as she grinned and exclaimed, "You have a crush on Will!" Nine's face turned red as he quickly denied it, stammering, "N-no, that's not true!" Just then, Eleven emerged from her room, looking puzzled. "What's happening? What's this about Will?" she asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Ni snuck off to the school, and now has a crush on Will!" Cassidy exclaimed, her smile stretching from ear to ear. Eleven looked at Nine with a mix of sadness and concern in her eyes and softly asked, "You-You left?" Nine's expression turned remorseful as he looked down and replied, "I'm sorry, El. I didn't mean to worry you." He then suggested, "Let's forget about the whole school incident, okay? And please, let's keep it between us and not tell Hopper." Cassidy paused for a moment, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "But hey, let's shift gears and talk about something else exciting! Did you know that Nine is gay?" she blurted out with a grin, unable to contain her enthusiasm.


Cassidy eagerly met up with Max at the costume shop, her excitement palpable as she stood against the wall, waiting for her friend. Max arrived, effortlessly stepping off her skateboard, and couldn't help but tease Cassidy, "How are you so fast? You don't even have your skateboard." Max chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. Cassidy, always quick with a comeback, playfully winked and replied, "I don't tell my secrets."

Their playful exchange continued as Cassidy grabbed Max's hand and confidently led the way into the store, saying, "Let's go, Maxine." Max blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as she realized she was holding hands with the infamous Sour Prankster. Once inside, they scanned the store, but with Halloween just around the corner, there wasn't much left to choose from.

"There's not much left to choose from, so I guess we should go for the Michea Myers and Freddie Gruger costumes together," Max suggested, holding up the costumes for Cassidy to see. Cassidy nodded in agreement, excited about the idea. They made their way to Cassidy's house and quickly got dressed up in their chosen outfits.

As they prepared to head out, Max couldn't help but ask, "So, any idea where they might be?" Cassidy shrugged, not having a specific plan in mind. Undeterred, they each grabbed a pillowcase and began their adventure, walking down the street. Max, eager to spot their targets, asked, "Do you see them anywhere?" Cassidy scanned the surroundings and replied with a hint of disappointment, "Nope, not yet. Let's keep looking."

Cassidy closed her eyes, trying to focus her mind. In that brief moment, she saw them, just a street down. Her heart raced, and as she opened her eyes, she quickly wiped the blood dripping from her nose. Worried, Max called out, "Cass?" Cassidy hurriedly caught up to Max, her mind racing for an explanation. "Sorry, Max," she muttered, trying to hide her unease. "I-I had a sudden itch." Cassidy knew she had to come up with a plausible excuse to avoid alarming Max with the truth.

"I saw them!" Cassidy exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. She tightly grabbed Max's arm and practically dragged her down the street, their hearts pounding with anticipation. As they reached a suitable hiding spot behind a bush, Cassidy and Max crouched down, their eyes locked on the unsuspecting boys. They exchanged mischievous grins, ready to unleash their perfectly planned scare.


As Cassidy and Max burst out from their hiding spot, their hearts racing with excitement, they let out a synchronized scream that echoed through the air. The boys, caught off guard, let out a startled shriek in response. Cassidy and Max couldn't help but burst into laughter, their joy filling the night. "Holy shit!" they exclaimed in unison, their laughter mingling with their words. With a mischievous grin, they swiftly removed their masks, revealing their true identities. "You should have seen the look on your faces!" Cassidy laughed, her voice filled with playful delight.

Max playfully pointed at Lucas, unable to resist teasing, "Who screams like that? You sounded like a little girl!" Max's laughter added to the playful atmosphere. Cassidy chimed in, joining the banter, "Yeah, Lucas, you really nailed the scream! You sounded like a little girl getting their head chopped off by a bread slicer!" Their laughter filled the air as they relished in the shared amusement of their prank.

Lucas's puzzled expression deepened as he shot back, "What? It's called jokes, moron." Cassidy couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lucas's response, clearly unimpressed. Max and Cassidy exchanged a knowing glance before turning around and leisurely strolling down the street, leaving the boys behind.

As Max glanced back over his shoulder, a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Hey, you guys coming or not?" he called out, his voice filled with excitement. "I heard we should hit up Loch Nora." Max's words hung in the air, a tempting invitation for the boys to join in on the adventure.


As they walked away from the house, their bags filled with delicious candy, Dustin couldn't help but blurt out, "Tublarr." Cassidy burst into laughter at Dustin's random and silly remark. Just as they were about to continue their journey, a voice suddenly pierced through the air, calling out, "Cass! CASSIE!"

Intrigued, Cassidy turned around to find a kid dressed in a ghost costume approaching them. Surprised but curious, Cassidy told her friends, "Uh, I'll catch up to you guys." Understanding her need to investigate, they nodded in agreement. Cassidy cautiously greeted the mysterious kid with a friendly, yet slightly confused, "Hi?"

"It's Nine," Nine whispered, barely audible. Cassidy's eyes widened with excitement as she whispered-shouted, "Nine!" Nine nodded and leaned in closer, sharing the reason for being out trick or treating. "Hopper is running late, so I thought I'd make the most of Halloween," Nine explained. Cassidy's expression turned serious as she whispered back, "But, you know the lab is still after you, right?"

"I'm being extra cautious," Nine whispered to Cassidy, emphasizing the importance of staying incognito. "I've cleverly disguised myself in a ghost costume, so those who are after me won't recognize me." Cassidy's concern grew evident as she nervously bit her lip, contemplating Nine's risky situation. Unable to contain her curiosity, she inquired, "What's Eleven up to?" Nine leaned in closer, his voice filled with mischief as he replied, "She's glued to the TV, fuming at Hopper. He made a promise to her, to come home early for a movie night and indulge in some candy."

"How much candy did you and Nine manage to score?" Cassidy asked eagerly, wanting to know the extent of their sweet treasure. Nine couldn't help but grin mischievously as he replied, "We got a ton! I've been out for about an hour, and the loot is overflowing." Cassidy let out a sigh, her worry for her friends from the lab evident on her face.

She didn't want them to go back and put themselves in danger. Just then, a familiar voice called out, interrupting their conversation. "CASSIDY!" It was Mike, running up to her with a look of panic. "Have you seen Will?" he asked, his voice filled with urgency. Cassidy shook her head, concern filling her eyes, and asked, "No, why? What happened?" Mike's face was etched with worry as he replied, "I can't find him. He ran off."

"Oh no," Cassidy mumbled, her voice filled with concern. Mike's suspicion was evident as he asked, "Who's this Nichols?" Cassidy quickly replied, trying to ease Mike's suspicions, "Nichols is a new student at our school, just like us."

Understanding Mike's unspoken request, Cassidy could tell he wanted her to use her unique powers to find Nichols. With a knowing look, Mike made a face, silently signaling Cassidy to tap into her extraordinary abilities. In his thoughts, Mike couldn't help but wonder if Nichols was aware of their own special powers.

"Got it! Cassidy nodded in understanding, her eyes squeezing shut as a small trickle of blood dripped from her nose. In her mind's eye, she visualized Will's location just a house down the street.

With determination, Cassidy opened her eyes and exclaimed, "Follow me!" She firmly grasped both 'Nichols' and Mike's arms, leading them swiftly towards the source of Will's distress. As they approached, they found him curled up, his knees pulled tightly to his chest, and his breathing ragged. It was clear that he was in a state of deep distress."

"Will, what's going on?!" Mike shook Will, causing his eyes to snap open. Cassidy gasped, her hand flying to cover her mouth in shock. Nine, who was standing next to Cassidy, instinctively held her hand tightly, unable to bear seeing Will, someone he had a crush on, in such a distressed state. Leaning closer to Cassidy, Nine whispered, "What happened?" Cassidy responded in a hushed tone, "I'll explain everything once we get to the cabin. It's safer to talk there."

Lucas, Dustin, and Max came rushing over, their excitement evident on their faces. Max's eyes landed on Cassidy and the mysterious ghost, whom she quickly deduced was 'Nichols'. A twinge of jealousy tugged at Max's heart, but she tried to bury that feeling, reminding herself of societal expectations. A slight frown formed on her face, a reflection of her internal struggle.

Meanwhile, Mike made a quick decision, taking charge of the situation. "I'll bring Will to my house," he declared, concern evident in his voice. Cassidy nodded in agreement, adding, "I'll make sure Nichols gets home safely too. They shouldn't be out trick-or-treating right now."

The group exchanged glances, a mix of worry and determination in their eyes, as they prepared to take care of their friends in need.

As Cassidy and Nine strolled away, Lucas couldn't contain his curiosity and turned to Max, his voice filled with intrigue. "Yo, who's this Nichols dude?" he inquired. Max's face took on a hint of sadness as she responded, "He's Cassidy's new friend. Apparently, he's a newbie at our school, just like us." Lucas's eyebrows furrowed, and he probed further, "I noticed them holding hands. Do you think they're, like, dating or something?"

"I don't know! Why are you asking me?" Max retorted, "You two are friends and hang out 24/7, so I thought you would know." Lucas agrued. Max felt jealousy, her blood boiled. She wanted to get know this "Nichols" person.

Cassidy and Nine pulled off a mind-blowing disappearing act, teleporting themselves back to the safety of the Cabin. As they materialized, Hopper was perched on the couch, his eyes fixed on them with a stern expression. "Alright, spill it. Where the heck did you two vanish to?" Hopper demanded, his voice laced with authority.

Cassidy's nerves got the best of her as she stumbled over her words, desperately trying to come up with a plausible explanation. "Well, uh, I, um... I just went out trick-or-treating," she stammered, her voice tinged with guilt. But before she could finish her sentence, Nine swiftly intervened, cutting her off. "Hold up, Hopper. Let me explain. We were just out having some harmless Halloween fun. No one saw us, I promise," Nine interjected, hoping to diffuse the tension.

Hopper let out a long sigh, his stern expression softening into a slight grin. "Alright, alright, I'll let it slide this time," he said, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and leniency. "I guess we lucked out with double the candy to munch on," he added, a mischievous snicker escaping his lips.

With Nine securely holding Cassidy's arm, the two of them made their way over to the kitchen. As they walked, Nine leaned in closer, a serious look on his face. "You know, I couldn't help but pick up on Max's vibes," he said, his voice filled with empathy. "She's feeling a bit jealous and seems to think that I'm your boyfriend. But we both know that's not the case. I'm gay, and you're a lesbian. It's important that you have a conversation with her to clear things up," he advised, his tone sincere and understanding.

"Okay, thanks, Ni," Cassidy said, her smile widening as she expressed her appreciation. She leaned in and gave him a heartfelt hug, the warmth of their friendship evident in the embrace. Just then, their attention was drawn to the sound of sobs nearby, causing them both to pause.

Cassidy turned to Nine, her voice filled with determination. "You go ahead and talk to Eleven. I'll take the responsibility of having a conversation with Max," she assured him, her tone confident and reassuring. She understood the importance of addressing the situation head-on and was ready to handle it with grace and understanding.


Cassidy's determination surged through her as she balled her fists, channeling her teleportation abilities. In an instant, she vanished from her previous location and reappeared right in front of Max's house. With a mix of nerves and excitement, Cassidy approached the door and rapped her knuckles against it, the sound echoing through the quiet evening.

The door creaked open, revealing a woman standing on the other side, her expression curious. "Hello?" the woman greeted, her voice tinged with a hint of surprise. Cassidy took a deep breath, mustering her confidence. "Hey there! Is Max around?" she asked, her tone friendly and eager.

"I'm here for Max. I'm her friend, Cassidy," Cassidy said, her smile radiating warmth and genuine affection. "Hi, Cassidy. Max is upstairs. Let me get her," Mrs. Mayfield replied, acknowledging Cassidy's presence. Cassidy nodded in gratitude, patiently waiting for Max to join them.

As Max made her way towards the door, Cassidy couldn't help but notice the eye roll. She understood that Max might be skeptical or annoyed, but she was determined to clear the air. "Hey, Max," Cassidy greeted, her tone gentle yet resolute. "I just wanted to assure you that I'm not dating Nichols. We're simply friends. I've known him since my time in Military school," she explained, hoping to dispel any misconceptions.

Max crossed her arms, her guard still up. "What do you want?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Cassidy took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding. "I just wanted to make sure you know the truth. Nichols and I have a long history, but it's strictly platonic. I value our friendship too much to jeopardize it," Cassidy emphasized, her sincerity shining through.

Max's expression softened slightly, her arms relaxing at her sides. She closed the door behind her, creating a more private space for their conversation. "Okay, Cassidy. I appreciate you clarifying things. It's just been a bit overwhelming lately," Max admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. Cassidy nodded empathetically, understanding the weight of the situation. "I get it, Max. Life can be tough sometimes, but we're in this together. You can always count on me," Cassidy reassured her, her voice filled with unwavering support.

The tension between them began to ease as they engaged in a heartfelt conversation, reaffirming their friendship and trust in one another.

Max's eyes locked with Cassidy's, searching for any trace of deceit. As she gazed into Cassidy's sincere eyes, Max felt a sense of trust wash over her. Over time, Max had honed her ability to read people, to decipher the subtle cues that indicated whether someone was being truthful or not.

"Okay," Max said, a genuine smile forming on her face. She could sense that Cassidy was being genuine and had no ulterior motives.

Cassidy, feeling relieved by Max's acceptance, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. "Can I sleep over tonight?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Max's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Sure!" she replied enthusiastically. She was thrilled at the thought of spending more time with her friend, knowing it would be a fun and memorable night together.

Cassidy and Max walked through the doorway, entering the familiar sanctuary of Max's room. The soft carpet cushioned their steps as they made their way inside. Cassidy's eyes roamed around, taking in the personal touches and cozy atmosphere.

"I love your room," Cassidy said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. Her words carried a sense of warmth and appreciation for Max's personal space.

Max, always considerate and eager to make her friend feel comfortable, opened her drawer and pulled out a vibrant yellow shirt and a pair of shorts. With a friendly smile, she handed the clothes to Cassidy.

"Here," Max said, her voice filled with kindness and generosity. Cassidy's face lit up with gratitude as she accepted the clothes.

"Thanks," Cassidy grinned, her excitement evident in her expression. She couldn't help but feel touched by Max's thoughtfulness.

Feeling the need to change, Cassidy informed Max, "I'm going to go change." Max nodded in understanding, giving Cassidy the space she needed to get ready for their evening together.

Cassidy finished changing into the borrowed clothes, feeling refreshed and ready for a cozy night. Max, already nestled in her bed, looked up as Cassidy approached.

"Where will I sleep?" Cassidy asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I don't have a sleeping bag."

Max grinned warmly, assuring her, "Don't worry, you can sleep right here with me on my bed. No need for a sleeping bag."

With a flick of the switch, Max turned off the room light, casting a gentle darkness over the space. Cassidy settled herself on the bed, feeling the softness of the sheets beneath her.

As Cassidy closed her eyes, she became aware of the comforting presence of Max. She felt Max scoot closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. A warm flush spread across Cassidy's cheeks as she savored the closeness, a reassuring and intimate gesture from her friend.

With a contented smile, Cassidy allowed herself to drift off to sleep, feeling a sense of comfort and security in Max's embrace. The peaceful slumber awaited them both, creating a bond of trust and friendship that would carry into the morning light.



This is a long one! Loved this chapter. Did you get the bread slicing? I got it from Fearstreet. Even though I haven't watched it yet😂

edit august 13th 2022: i'm sorry for the cringe. i promise when you get to season three it will be much better. also sorry about the whole oc yelling their gay thing. i wrote this book shortly after joining wattpad😭😭

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