xv. the sauna test

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Cassidy gasps, the sensation of water in her lungs shocking her into consciousness. As she coughs up water, she finds herself standing, disoriented, in the eerie realm of the Upside Down. Her last memory is checking on Heather. Cassidy looks around and sees her house engulfed in gooey darkness.

"Max? El?" Cassidy's desperate yell echoes through the unsettling surroundings. Tears stream down her face as she grapples with the confusion. "Why am I here..." she mumbles to herself, a whimper escaping her lips. Determined, Cassidy walks through the twisted streets of the Upside Down, only to halt when an unfamiliar noise reaches her ears.

A fireball spontaneously appears in Cassidy's hand, casting an ominous glow in the shadowy environment. Simultaneously, blood trickles down her nose, signaling an unexplained connection to the supernatural forces at play in this disorienting alternate reality.

"Who is there?" Cassidy's voice reverberates through the eerie stillness, and she sharply turns toward the sound of a moving bush. To her surprise and unease, Billy emerges. "Billy?" Cassidy mutters, her uncertainty evident. Billy, in a mocking tone, replies, "Cassidy Sinclair," causing Cassidy to instinctively take a few steps back.

"Why are you here?" Cassidy questions, dispelling the fireball in her hand. Billy, visibly rattled, stammers, "How—How the hell did you do that!" He notices the fireball that had been in Cassidy's hands. "Fuck," Cassidy mumbles, a mix of frustration and realization dawning on her as the unexpected display of supernatural abilities becomes apparent in the unsettling Upside Down. The encounter with Billy raises more questions than answers, leaving Cassidy on edge in this nightmarish alternate reality.

"First off, where are we? Second off, you're explaining to me how the hell you did that, Sinclair!" Billy demanded, his voice laced with impatience. Cassidy let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the situation. "We are in the Upside Down," she explained calmly, her steps purposeful as she started walking away, with Billy hot on her heels.

"The Upside What?" Billy retorted with a glare. Cassidy turned around, halting abruptly, and shot a glare back at him. "Why did I have to get stuck in here with you," she scoffed, the tension between them palpable. Cassidy added, "I have a lot to explain, and Max is involved," as she turned back around and continued walking. Billy persisted, "Well, explain, Sinclair."

Cassidy sighed, feeling the gravity of the situation, and began to unfold the bizarre reality of the Upside Down. She recounted every detail, from the otherworldly dimension itself to the involvement of Eleven, Theodore, and the events that led them to their current predicament. "Okay, you have to be shitting me. That all happened?" Billy retorted incredulously. "Yes! I'm guessing the Mind Flayer is back and took over our bodies. So, now we are stuck here," Cassidy explained, the weight of their dire circumstances evident in her words.

"That's lovely! I had a date with Karen Wheeler," Billy exclaimed, his tone surprisingly cheerful given the bizarre circumstances. Cassidy's eyes widened in astonishment. "You were supposed to have a date with a middle-aged woman?" she raised an eyebrow, a mix of confusion and disbelief in her expression.

"Don't yell at me and judge my type of women, Sinclair," Billy declared defensively, his pride apparent. Cassidy, unimpressed, rolled her eyes in response to his defensive stance. "I'd rather be alone in this world than with you! I don't want to be here more than you do," she spat, frustration coloring her words as she expressed her discontent with their predicament.

"Whatever," Billy shrugged, his nonchalant attitude further fueling the tension between them. The exchange left an air of unresolved conflict as they navigated the challenges of the strange and unsettling Upside Down.

Cassidy stood up, determination in her steps as she started walking away. "Where are you going! There's monsters here! I can't be alone! I can get hurt!" Billy's shout echoed after her. Cassidy turned around, squinting her eyes at him. "Dude, you fought Steve 'Hair' Harrington last year, and basically won! I think you can fight off monsters alone," she said with a sarcastic smile.

"You're the one with the superpowers!" Billy spat, frustration evident in his voice. Cassidy rolled her eyes at the retort, acknowledging the complications that her abilities brought to their situation. The unresolved tension lingered as they navigated the challenges of the Upside Down, each facing their fears in their own way.

"Fine. If you try to touch me, kiss me, or get a date with me because you're a total pedophile and don't deny it, I will fucking kill you," Cassidy threatened, her words sharp and uncompromising. Billy nodded quickly in acknowledgment, realizing the severity of the warning. Cassidy resumed walking, and she noticed Billy keeping a distance, opting not to walk beside her. The tension between them continued to simmer in the unsettling environment of the Upside Down.

Cassidy emitted a frustrated grunt, pivoting to face him with determination. "Are you actually going to walk me through finding an escape route or not?" she spat. Billy approached her, and together, they set off. "Do you think there's a way out of this place?" he queried.

Cassidy nodded. "Two years ago, there were two entrances – one sealed off in Hawkins Lab and another hidden in a tree, the same one Nancy Wheeler used. Although it's closed now, reopening it could be our ticket to freedom."


Grinning, 'Cassidy' peered into the mirror, brushing her hair. She occupied a separate bathroom from Eleven, who was in the adjacent one. Suddenly, a jolt ran through her. "Ugh. She's awake," she mumbled, referring to the real Cassidy trapped in the Upside Down. Placing the brush on the counter, she exited the bathroom.

Cassidy walked over to Max's room, but her steps stalled when she overheard Eleven's conversation. Standing discreetly behind the door, she listened intently.

"What doesn't make sense?" Max inquired.

"Heather. The blood. The ice," Eleven responded with evident concern. In that moment, 'Cassidy' felt a knot tighten in her stomach, realizing the depth of the mysteries and challenges they were facing. Mentally cursing herself for the tangled web of circumstances, she absorbed the weight of the unfolding situation.

Eleven's growing suspicion lingered, contemplating the possibility that Billy and Heather might be Flayed. However, she hadn't extended that suspicion to Cassidy yet. Keeping her thoughts guarded, Eleven refrained from voicing her concerns, choosing instead to observe Cassidy closely.

Max attempted to allay Eleven's worries, stating, "Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. I don't know where that blood came from, but... we saw her. You, Cassidy, and I saw her. She's totally fine."

Despite Max's reassurance, Eleven's inquisitive gaze held a layer of doubt as she asked, "What about Billy?" The room filled with unspoken tension, as the mystery surrounding Billy's condition added an extra layer of complexity to their predicament.

Max's eyes widened slightly, a subtle curiosity in her expression. "What about him?" she questioned, seeking more information.

Eleven hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "He seemed wrong," she confessed slowly. Cassidy, sensing the tension, bit her lip and walked into the room, attempting to shift the focus. "Wrong is kind of like his default," she snickered, injecting a hint of humor.

"Agreed," Max nodded, and Cassidy took a seat on the bed between Max and Eleven. "But it's nice to know he's not a murderer because that would've totally sucked," Max said with a palpable sense of relief. Eleven glanced at Cassidy, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding. The room held a mix of relief and lingering unease as they navigated the complexities of the situation.

Eleven closed her eyes, focusing on probing Cassidy's mind. As she delved into Cassidy's thoughts, a trickle of blood started to descend from Eleven's nose, a visible sign of the mental strain. In the muted realm of telepathy, Eleven couldn't discern anything until 'Cassidy' thought, "I hope they're not suspecting anything about me yet."

A surge of fear gripped Eleven as she opened her eyes, still hesitant to confide in Max about her unease regarding Cassidy's peculiar behavior. Resolute in her determination to uncover the truth, Eleven found a momentary refuge in the fact that Cassidy and Max were sharing laughter, blissfully unaware of Eleven's use of her powers to peer into Cassidy's thoughts. The room held a delicate balance between the unspoken and the unknown.

Eleven gingerly wiped her bloody nose and shifted her focus to the comics. "Who... is that?" she inquired, pointing to Wonder Woman. A gasp escaped Cassidy as she swiftly picked up the comic and held it up.

"See, this is why you can't just hang out with Mike all the time," Cassidy and Max chimed in simultaneously, a shared sentiment of amusement.

"This is Wonder Woman-" Cassidy began, attempting to steer the conversation towards a more lighthearted topic, momentarily easing the tension in the room. The comic became a transient diversion from the unspoken concerns lingering in the air.

Back to Cassidy and Billy in the Upside Down

Cassidy and Billy pressed on through the hours, the persistence of Billy's questions starting to grate on her nerves. Suddenly, Cassidy halted in her tracks, a wave of annoyance sweeping over her. Yet, her irritation transformed into a frozen stillness as a vision gripped her—a glimpse of her physical body in the real world. Closing her eyes, a trickle of blood escaped from her nose, a tangible sign of the disconcerting link between her current reality and the one she glimpsed in that vision. The air hung heavy with the eerie resonance of the supernatural.

Memory: 'Cassidy', Eleven and Max reading comics and chuckling

Cassidy opened her eyes, wiping her nose as Billy stopped and turned to her. "Are you alright?" he inquired. "Just a vision of the Mind Flayer in my body," she replied, resuming her walk with Billy nodding in understanding.

As they continued, Cassidy blurted out, "Why are you a jerk?" Billy, taken aback, asked, "What do you mean?"

"You... You were racist towards me and my brother. You thought we would hurt Max. You abused Max mentally! You use girls for sex. You... You did so many uncalled-for things," Cassidy confronted him, laying bare the grievances that had weighed on her.

Billy's gaze lowered to the ground, and he sighed, the weight of his own history evident. "I wasn't always like that," he admitted, his tone carrying a sense of regret. Cassidy, frustrated and determined to understand, demanded, "Then why did you start being a jerk?"

"My father. He's... He's not a person you would want as a father. He abused me... physically," Billy confessed, the pain lingering in his voice. "It got to the point where my mom left, and ever since, I thought it was my fault. I started using my anger on others... After being stuck in here, I've realized what I've done." The vulnerability in Billy's revelation painted a complex picture of his past and the internal struggles he faced. The atmosphere between them shifted, laden with a mix of understanding and empathy.

Cassidy's eyes flicked towards Billy, a moment of contemplation passing over her features. The authenticity in his admission left an impression. "Well, we're gonna get out of here alive. And you're going to apologize to Max, but everything you did still doesn't excuse what you did in the past. I still don't like you, but I'm gonna help you get outta here," she declared with a blend of sternness and a begrudging acceptance.

Her pointed words carried the weight of unresolved history, emphasizing the tension between acknowledging a shared goal and the lingering animosity from their tumultuous past. The air hung thick with the complexity of their evolving dynamic.

Cassidy halted in her tracks, closing her eyes in concentration, attempting to sense an exit in the otherworldly realm. As she focused on the energy emanating from any potential escape, blood trickled down her nose. Billy, puzzled, stopped and questioned, "What are you doing?" Cassidy put a finger to her lips, signaling for him to be silent. "Shh. Focusing to find the exit," she informed him.

After a moment, Cassidy sensed the desired energy and opened her eyes. She grabbed Billy's wrist with determination. "Before I shadow jump us to the exit, I'm reminding you this: I'm only touching you to shadow jump us, alright? Don't forget I will kill you if you try anything," she warned, her gaze piercing and resolute. The air hung tense with the anticipation of their impending escape.

Billy nodded in swift acknowledgment as Cassidy clenched her fist, creating a rift. They were swiftly transported to a new location near a tree. However, Cassidy began to feel the strain, stumbling to the ground. Concern etched across his face, Billy reached out, steadying her as her ears rang, and blood dripped from both of her nostrils.

"You okay?" he inquired with genuine worry. Cassidy, her voice strained, explained, "I used... a lot... of energy." Billy's gaze remained fixed on her, a mix of relief for their escape and concern for Cassidy's well-being playing across his features. The aftermath of their venture through the rift left them in a moment of vulnerability and recovery.

Billy surveyed the area and located the portal near the tree. Helping Cassidy up, he wrapped her arm around him for support. "I'm only allowing this... since... you're helping me," Cassidy slurred her words, earning a nod from Billy accompanied by a subtle eye roll. Together, they moved towards the portal.

Before they could step through, a haunting screech pierced the air—a sound Cassidy knew too well, a demogorgon sent by the Mind Flayer. Cassidy grunted and limped toward the source, her vision growing increasingly blurry. Ignoring Billy's calls, she pressed on with determination. Billy rolled his eyes and sprinted after her, a mix of frustration and concern etched on his face. The imminent threat added urgency to their desperate escape.

Billy caught up to Cassidy, his expression a mix of worry and urgency. "What are you doing!? The portal might close," he urgently warned. Struggling to articulate, Cassidy explained, "Demogorgon... was sent by... the Mind Flayer."

As they heard another screech drawing closer, they turned toward it. In the distance, a shadow sprinted towards them. "Billy... get out of the way!" Cassidy shouted, forcefully pushing him against a tree. The demogorgon reached her, and Cassidy extended her hand, manipulating it to float in the air. Blood dripped from Cassidy's ears as she grunted, using her supernatural abilities to choke the demogorgon.

With her other hand, Cassidy clenched it into a fist, and a surge of antimatter coursed through the demogorgon's body, turning it a vivid orange. The intense confrontation unfolded amidst the urgent threat, Cassidy revealing a surprising and potent command over the supernatural forces at play. The air crackled with tension as she faced the menacing creature sent by the Mind Flayer.

Cassidy summoned every ounce of her remaining energy, letting out a primal scream that echoed through the otherworldly space. The Demogorgon, now just a cloud of dust, dissipated into nothingness. Cassidy's ears rang from the exertion, and as she locked eyes with Billy, her words slurred. "Billy..." she murmured, her eyes rolling back.

The strain took its toll, and Cassidy collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Billy rushed to her side. "Cassidy! Wake up! We have to get out of here!" he urgently yelled, shaking her in a desperate attempt to rouse her. The urgency of their escape loomed large as Billy grappled with the unconscious girl, the surreal and dangerous world around them adding to the intensity of the moment.

Back in the real world

'Cassidy' stirred from her sleep to the urgent voices flooding through her supercomm. "Do you copy? This is a code red. I repeat, this is a code red! Cassie, do you copy?" Lucas's messages blared urgently. The imposter Cassidy sat up with a scoff, her disinterest evident, and leaned over Max to reach her Supercomm. The abrupt movement unintentionally woke Max from her slumber.

"What... are you doing?" Max questioned, her voice laden with fatigue.

"Lucas is spamming through my supercomm," the fake Cassidy replied with a dismissive tone, betraying her annoyance at the interruption. The room held a mixture of urgency and irritation as the coded messages hinted at a potential crisis unfolding.

"Tell him to go away; we are sleeping," Max grumbled, turning away from the disturbance to face Eleven. Cassidy, grabbing her supercomm, sat up against the wall of the bed. "Go away! We are sleeping, you ding-dongs!" she seethed, her annoyance evident in her sharp response.

With a dismissive flair, Cassidy turned off the satellite, letting the supercomm drop to the ground. It floated down gently, and as blood trickled down her nose, Cassidy wiped it away before smoothly sliding back under the sheets. The room settled back into a restless quiet, occasionally punctuated by the faint beeping of the deactivated supercomm.

Seconds later, the room was disturbed by the ringing of Max's phone. Groans echoed in response, prompting Max to quickly get out of her bed and sprint over to her phone, snatching it up. "Go away!" she yelled into it, the frustration evident in her voice. Cassidy and Eleven sat up, curiosity etched on their faces.

They observed Max's expressions shift, and a moment later, Max took the phone away from her ear, examining it with a worried furrowed brow. The unexpected interruption had injected a palpable tension into the room as they awaited Max's explanation for the disturbance.

"What did he say?" Eleven asked, her concern evident in her tone.

"Something happened last night, and it's urgent," Max responded, her voice carrying a sense of urgency and worry. Cassidy and Eleven exchanged a meaningful look, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Their attention returned to Max, anticipation etched on their faces, as they awaited further details about the pressing matter that had disrupted their sleep. The room held an air of uncertainty as they prepared to confront the unfolding urgency.


They all gathered around Will, their faces reflecting a mixture of concern and anticipation. "I didn't think it was anything at first. I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it," he explained, his voice carrying a weight of unease. 'Cassidy' sat beside him on the couch, her nails bitten down to the quick, a visible display of her anxiety. In her peripheral vision, she sensed Max's penetrating stare.

Cassidy turned her head slightly, locking eyes with Max. The moment held a tension, and the Mayfield girl responded to Cassidy with a subtle smile. The room became a stage for unspoken dynamics and underlying tensions as they braced themselves for the revelations that were about to unfold. The air buzzed with a palpable sense of anticipation.

Will continued, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "The first time I felt it was at Day of the Dead." The room hushed, absorbing the gravity of Will's revelation as they awaited the details of this ominous experience.

Mike nodded solemnly as Will continued to unveil the unsettling pattern. "Power went out that night too," Mike observed, connecting the dots between the peculiar events. "And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day. Then again yesterday outside Castle Byers," Will added, the weight of each location emphasizing the recurrence of this mysterious phenomenon. The room hung heavy with a mix of concern and realization as they grappled with the implications of these disturbing experiences.

Max furrowed her eyebrows, the weight of concern in her gaze evident. "What does it feel like?" she inquired, seeking to understand the nature of Will's experiences. Eleven narrowed her eyes, her heightened sensitivity attuned to the nuances of the situation.

Will sighed, grappling with how to articulate the inexplicable. "You know when you drop on a roller coaster?" he posed to his friends, attempting to draw a comparison to the unsettling sensation he had been feeling. The room fell into a hushed pause, tension mounting as they grappled with the elusive and eerie nature of Will's encounters.

Cassidy shook her head, a hint of uncertainty in her expression. "Sort of," she shrugged, acknowledging the challenge of putting such an elusive sensation into words.

Mike nodded in understanding, acknowledging Will's attempt to convey the strange sensation. "Sure."

"Yeah," Max echoed, her response a subtle reflection of the shared unease in the room.

El shook her head, her response carrying a soft undertone of concern. "No."

Will struggled to articulate the indescribable sensation. "It's like... everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but... this is worse. Your body... it goes cold and — and you can't breathe," he explained, painting a vivid yet haunting picture of the experience. El's eyes widened in shock, her lips parting in a mixture of understanding and concern. Cassidy noticed El's reaction, her own eyebrows furrowing slowly.

"It's always when he is close..." Will added, his words hanging in the air, the weight of his revelation settling over the group. Max, now with a tilted head, sought clarification. "Whenever who was close?" she interrogated.

A knowing look passed between Cassidy and Will, their eyes briefly meeting before turning to Max. In that shared look, it was evident that they were both thinking the same thing. Together, they spoke the words, "The Mind Flayer," with a sense of foreboding, acknowledging the ominous presence that seemed to be at the heart of these disturbing events. The room tightened with an unsettling tension as the group grappled with the implications of this revelation.

"I closed the gate," Eleven reminded them, her voice carrying a note of assurance. Her words served as a reminder of their past triumph over the Mind Flayer, but the current unsettling events suggested that the shadows of the Upside Down still lingered, leaving the group to confront new mysteries and challenges.

Will shut his eyes for a moment, wrestling with the unsettling thoughts. "I know, but... what if he never left?" he suggested, looking up from the ground and turning his head. "What if we locked him out here with us?" He locked eyes with El. "Still confused," El stated, her expression reflecting the lingering uncertainty surrounding the Mind Flayer's presence.

Max, recognizing the need for a visual representation, suggested, "Draw us a picture." They gathered materials and convened around the D&D table. Will, driven by a sense of urgency, slammed the piece of paper onto the table. "This is him," he declared as he began drawing, capturing the essence of the Mind Flayer. "All of him, but that day on the field, a part of him attached itself to me." Will finished the drawing, his creation serving as a chilling visual account of his haunting connection.

The imposter Cassidy bit their lip, a subtle sign of discomfort as the group delved deeper into the unsettling revelation. It became clear that the friends were unraveling the threads of a mystery, casting a growing shadow of suspicion over the imposter's true identity and the lurking threat they were collectively facing.

The Byers boy held his hand up. "My mom got it out of me... and Eleven closed the gate," he explained, flipping the paper over. "But the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world?" He looked up, pressing his hand onto the paper. "In Hawkins," he added, his words carrying a weight of concern. Max shook her head, trying to make sense of it. "I don't understand. The demodogs died when El closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies," she reminded him.

Mike gave her a knowing look. "We can't take any chances. We need to assume the worst. The Mind Flayer's back," he concluded, a sense of urgency underlining his words. The room now hung heavy with the realization that the threat they believed they had conquered might still be lurking, presenting a new and ominous challenge.

Max stared at the drawing, contemplating how to respond. She sensed that Eleven might be considering the possibility that Billy was the new host, a thought she didn't want to entertain. Despite Billy's flaws, Max still harbored some care for him. Meanwhile, the imposter Cassidy's mind raced as the group seemed to be closing in on the truth.

Will sighed, a heavy acknowledgment of the potential danger lingering in the air. "Yeah, and if he is, he'd want to attach himself to someone again. A new me," he explained, underscoring the eerie possibility of a new host emerging.

Lucas spoke up, redirecting attention and prompting Max to snap her head over to Eleven, who was now the focal point of the room. "How can you tell if someone is a host?" El questioned, her inquiry opening the door to a realm of uncertainties and the pressing need to discern friend from foe.

Cassidy huffed, offering her own theory. "Yeah, and I got a theory. Billy Hargrove is the new host. Whenever I'm near the guy, I throw up or faint," she sneered, attempting to divert attention and cover her tracks. Max shot her a glare, immediately catching on. "Cassie!" she scolded, giving a disapproving look, sensing that Cassidy might be trying to shift suspicion away from the true imposter.

Mike ignored Max's scolding look and pressed on. "You two think Billy is a host?" he questioned, earning a nod from both Cassidy and 'Cassie.' "Okay, then, we go to the pool and do a stakeout. He might be the new host," he declared with determination.

Max scoffed lightly. "Mike, he's not a new host," she denied, but Mike rolled his eyes. "We're not taking any chances, Maxine. We need to assume that he is," he shot back, his tone firm and resolute. The room crackled with a tense determination as the friends grappled with the need to protect themselves against an unseen threat.

The redhead turned to Cassidy with a snarling expression. "Thanks a lot, Cass," she said, her smile laced with sarcasm. Cassidy looked down at her feet with a hint of sadness before suddenly smirking, revealing a layer of cunning beneath the facade. The


The group of teens stood outside the pool area, their eyes fixed on Billy. 'Cassidy' continued her pacing, drawing occasional glances from Eleven, who couldn't help but wonder about the genuine concern etched on Cassidy's face. Max, holding the binoculars, observed Billy and then looked back at her friends. "I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me," Max asserted, denying the possibility of Billy being a new host.

Cassidy walked up to Max, positioning herself next to her with a subtle yet deliberate move. The air grew tense as their unspoken dynamics played out, leaving the group on edge, trying to decipher the truth amid the uncertainty surrounding Billy and the looming threat of the Mind Flayer.

Cassidy locked her hand with Max's, a gesture that carried both camaraderie and an underlying sense of tension. She sent Max a smile, injecting a hint of uncertainty into the atmosphere. "Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" Lucas questioned, his words laced with a subtle suggestion that there might be more to Billy than meets the eye.

Cassidy shot a glare at Lucas, a silent exchange acknowledging her displeasure with his observations. "I mean, it's a little weird," Max admitted, her gaze shifting between the pool and her friends. "More than a little. He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold," Will added, the group grappling with the peculiar circumstances surrounding Billy.

"But he's lounging at the pool, which is like, the least Mind Flayer thing," Max pointed out, highlighting the apparent contradiction in Billy's behavior. 'Cassidy' closed her eyes, a subtle move suggesting a possible attempt to communicate with Billy through some form of telepathy.

"Cassidy" sent a warning through Billy's mind. "Careful. You are getting visitors tonight. Act like you don't know when it happens. The test isn't gonna work since we cranked up our power. I will have to fight you with Jane. It may hurt you, but you'll heal fast." Blood trickled down Cassidy's nose as she conveyed the message.

"Yes," Billy replied, acknowledging the warning that had been communicated telepathically. The room remained oblivious to this exchange, as the friends

Eleven observed Cassidy's closed eyes and the blood on her nose, her expression growing more puzzled. Cassidy opened her eyes, wiped her nose, and Eleven continued to look at her with a mixture of concern and confusion.

"Where are you going?" Max exclaimed, her attention now divided between the unfolding situation and Cassidy's strange behavior.

"I have an idea! Boys only," Mike suddenly yelled, signaling Lucas and Will to follow him. The group was taken aback by the sudden decision, especially considering the absence of Theodore and the inability to contact him, Mildred, or Dustin. Unbeknownst to the others, Will's calm demeanor masked an undercurrent of fear, driven by the uncertainty surrounding Theodore's well-being.


Will slipped away from his friends unnoticed, finding solace at a table in Scoops Ahoy. The announcement from the girl at the counter echoed through the shop, "Theodore! Will is here," drawing Theodore's attention. He emerged from the back and took a seat across from Will at the table.

"Why did you lie?" Theodore's question carried a hurt tone, filling the quiet atmosphere with unspoken tension. Will lowered his gaze, wrestling with the weight of the unspoken truth that lingered between them. In the nostalgic surroundings of Scoops Ahoy, their conversation unfolded against a backdrop of shared history and complicated emotions. The air hung heavy with the unresolved issues that had brought them together in that moment.

"Mike... he forced me. He said if he can't see Eleven and had to lie to her, so do I," Will explained, his voice carrying the burden of coercion and the pressure he felt from Mike.

"But... you didn't have to listen. You could've come with me, Mildred, and Dustin to the mall to crack a code. But... you chose not to and followed what he said," Theodore responded, a hurt tone emphasizing the depth of his disappointment and the weight of unmet expectations.

"I'm sorry, Theo. I messed up; you know I'm not like Mike... I just..." Will began, attempting to offer an explanation, but Theodore cut him off. "You just known him longer, I get it. You chose your friend over your own loyal boyfriend," Theodore said, holding back his tears. The emotional exchange laid bare the strain in their relationship, with Will torn between loyalty to an old friend and his commitment to Theodore, leaving a palpable tension in the air.

"So what are you saying?" Will glanced at Theodore, their eyes connecting in a silent exchange of emotions and unspoken words.

"I think we should take a break. Not forever, I just... I just think it's the best," Theodore conveyed, sitting up from his chair. The room seemed to hold its breath, heavy with the weight of the decision. A poignant silence lingered between them as Theodore walked away from Will, tears tracing the path down his face.

In the back, he connected eyes with Mildred, and she sensed the somber atmosphere. "Hey? What's wrong? I thought you were gonna tell him you love him," she asked the Ives boy, trying to understand the emotional turmoil.

"I broke up with him... I chickened out... I did it wrong! I-I broke up with him on accident! Damn it," Theodore cried, the words heavy with regret and frustration. His emotions spilled over, revealing the turmoil within him.

Mildred, sensing his distress, wrapped Theodore in a comforting hug. The weight of the unintended breakup hung in the air, accompanied by a profound sense of helplessness and regret. Amidst the emotional storm, Mildred offered solace and a promise, saying, "It's okay, we will fix this," attempting to instill a glimmer of hope into the situation.


They meticulously set up the plan, ensuring everything was in place. Mike took the lead, initiating the ruse by taunting Billy through the supercomm attached to the dummy. Meanwhile, Billy walked into the sauna, confidently holding up the dummy.

As part of the orchestrated act, Cassidy and Eleven approached stealthily from behind. "Hey! Behind you!" Eleven smirked, diverting Billy's attention. Taking advantage of the distraction, Cassidy subtly tilted her head, signaling the cue for the next phase of the plan.

In response to Eleven's warning, Billy turned around abruptly. Cassidy's calculated move caused him to slam into a wall, disoriented and off balance, ultimately colliding with the floor. The execution of the plan unfolded with precision, leaving Billy momentarily incapacitated and the friends cautiously observing the aftermath, eager to see the effectiveness of their strategy.

Back to Cassidy and Billy in the upside down..

The real Cassidy's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in a library. Sitting up, she scanned her surroundings before calling out, "Billy?" Soon, Billy emerged from an aisle.

"Sorry, I was looking up stuff," Billy explained, gesturing to the computer displaying a comprehensive article he had found. Intrigued, Cassidy walked over to him. "What do you mean?" she inquired. Billy cleared his throat before revealing, "I wanted to know more about Hawkins Lab. It seems like they took hundreds of children and experimented on them. Many parents complained he took their child, and some were found dead later after complaining to the cops."

"Wow," Cassidy murmured, processing the shocking information uncovered by Billy's research. The details painted a grim picture of Hawkins Lab's dark history, involving the abduction and experimentation on numerous children, leaving Cassidy and Billy to grapple with the unsettling truths they were uncovering.

Billy's revelation hung in the air, creating a palpable tension in the library. "There was even stuff about you," he disclosed, capturing Cassidy's attention. As he scrolled through the information, a photo of her and an article detailing her 10-year-old self burning down a classroom came into view.

Cassidy's eyes widened with surprise, and she involuntarily looked down, grappling with the unexpected disclosure of her own tumultuous past. The library's serene atmosphere provided a stark contrast to the turbulent emotions stirred by the articles. Cassidy's internal reflections mirrored the library's quietude as she came face to face with the shadows of her history, prompting a moment of introspection in the wake of the unexpected revelations.

"The thing is, I did burn it down but with my abilities... It's a long story," Cassidy shared, her voice carrying the weight of her past. As she exhaled, Billy grunted in response, but his attention remained fixated on the computer screen. Concerned, Cassidy reached out, "Hey. Are you okay?"

Amid her worried inquiries, Billy's demeanor shifted. "Billy?" Cassidy exclaimed, touching his shoulder. Suddenly, she found herself back in the real world, witnessing a jarring scene: Billy violently thrown into a wall. The abrupt transition from the library to this perilous situation left Cassidy startled, her concern now extending beyond the revelations in the library to the immediate danger faced by Billy in their shared reality.

The dual existence between the library and the real world added a layer of complexity to their predicament, leaving Cassidy grappling with the unsettling intertwining of these two realms.


Back to the real world.

"Now!" Mike's urgent command cut through the tension. Eleven swiftly responded, extending her hand and slamming the door shut with a powerful surge of telekinetic force. The resonating thud of the door echoed through the room. Mike and Will, acting in synchronized motion, rushed to the door, quickly locking it with a pole to fortify their barricade.

As the door resisted Billy's attempts to break free, the group of teens stood in collective anticipation. Billy, frustrated and trapped, pounded on the door with desperation. In the midst of this intense scene, his muttered words carried weight, connecting eyes with Max.

Their gaze held a complex mix of recognition, history, and the impending confrontation that loomed beyond the barrier. The locked door symbolized the divide between the two sides, setting the stage for a dramatic clash that would unfold within the confined space of the room.

"Do it," Max instructed, her resolve evident in her voice. Will, taking charge, walked over to the sauna and initiated the plan by powering it on. As the room started to heat up, 'Cassidy' closed her eyes, appearing to play her part in the orchestrated sequence.

Standing by her side, Eleven observed 'Cassidy' with a growing unease. The telepathic message from Cassidy to Billy added a layer of complexity to the situation, marked by the telltale sign of blood dripping from her nose. Eleven, ever perceptive, began to sense that this version of Cassidy might not be who she seemed.

The group's confidence in the plan started to waver as they grappled with the realization that their assumptions about Cassidy might be fundamentally flawed, injecting an element of doubt and tension into the unfolding events.

In the intense situation, Eleven remained determined to unravel the mystery of how and why the Mind Flayer had taken on Cassidy's form. As Billy, unknowingly influenced by the Mind Flayer, slammed his hand on the door, his frustration and anger erupted.

"Max! Let me out of here!" Billy's voice reverberated through the confined space. "Let me out. You kids... You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" he shouted, his words laced with irritation and confusion. The group exchanged glances, sensing that something was amiss.

Meanwhile, Cassidy, seemingly focused on Billy, was secretly controlling him, a revelation that became evident through the blood trickling from her nose – a physical manifestation of the toll the manipulation was taking on her. The unfolding events heightened the tension, leaving the group grappling with the challenge of distinguishing between reality and the manipulative influence of the Mind Flayer.

Eleven's keen eyes caught another instance of blood dripping from 'Cassidy's' nose, a telltale sign of the Mind Flayer's influence. Meanwhile, Billy, still under the sway of the unseen force, spat in frustration on the door. "You little shits think this is funny?!" he bellowed.

As 'Cassidy' ceased her control over Billy, she stumbled back, visibly affected. Wiping her nose, she attempted to conceal the toll it was taking on her. However, Eleven, attuned to the subtle details, was the only one to notice 'Cassidy's' momentary struggle, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding situation.

Eleven's gaze bore into Cassidy, her suspicion intensifying as she observed the unsettling dynamics at play. The room echoed with Billy's desperate demands, "OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" The intensity of his cries reverberated, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension.

Billy, in an apparent moment of anguish, stepped away from the door and unleashed a primal scream that resonated through the confined space. The emotional tumult within the room reached its crescendo.

Amidst the chaos, Will took a decisive step forward. He walked to the door, turning to face the group, and delivered a crucial piece of information, "We are at 220." His words hung in the air, emphasizing the significance of the current situation and the urgency of their decisions.


Back to the Upside Down

In a moment of realization, Cassidy withdrew her hand from Billy's shoulder, murmuring, "Holy shit." As Billy stood up, Cassidy recognized the ominous transformation – this was no longer the person she knew. Locking eyes with him, she discerned the dialed gaze, a clear indication of the Mind Flayer's control.

"Billy, I know this isn't you. This is the Mind Flayer," she asserted, taking cautious steps backward. However, 'Billy,' under the sinister influence, advanced toward her. In response, Cassidy grunted, summoning her own strength. With a swift motion, she extended her hand and hurled 'Billy' into a bookcase, a desperate attempt to resist the encroaching threat of the Mind Flayer's control.

Cassidy's desperate cries echoed in the tense atmosphere as 'Billy,' under the complete control of the Mind Flayer, continued his assault. Choking her with a firm grip on her throat, Cassidy felt the air being mercilessly squeezed out of her. As she dangled in the air, her feet kicking in futile resistance, the strain on her voice intensified.

"Bill... Billy. Stop," she managed to breathe out, her plea a haunting reminder of the battle between her own will and the overwhelming force of the Mind Flayer. Blood trickled from her nostrils, a physical manifestation of the toll the confrontation was taking on her.

The room pulsed with energy as Cassidy harnessed her augmented abilities, the rainbow cosmic waves shimmering around her in a dazzling display of power. Her bright pink eyes conveyed both determination and a fierce readiness to face the Mind Flayer.

"Hey, Mind Flayer!" Cassidy's defiant yell reverberated through the space. The cosmic aura intensified, signaling her strengthened connection to the supernatural forces at play. Unfazed by 'Billy's' laughter, Cassidy issued a bold warning, asserting her newfound strength.

As 'Billy' approached, seemingly undeterred, Cassidy rolled her eyes and took control of the situation. With a swift and decisive motion, she slammed 'Billy' into a wall, the impact sending him crashing through multiple barriers. The cosmic energy around Cassidy remained vibrant, indicating her mastery over the formidable abilities she had acquired.

In a seamless transition, Cassidy, now covered in the radiant cosmic waves, effortlessly shadow-jumped to 'Billy's' location. The air crackled with tension as she confronted the Mind Flayer's influence head-on, her every move a testament to the evolving dynamics in their supernatural battle. The room bore witness to the clash between extraordinary forces, with Cassidy standing as a beacon of resistance against the encroaching darkness.

With her foot firmly planted on 'Billy's' chest, Cassidy exerted her newfound strength, demanding the release of the real Billy from the clutches of the Mind Flayer's control. "I told you not to try anything. Now... bring the real Billy back!" she yelled with unwavering determination, her eyes ablaze with intensity.

'Billy,' under the influence of the Mind Flayer, chuckled in response. "You haven't seen the last of me. You'll see me once again. Looks like I have to go back to torturing your little friends," he smirked, leaving an ominous warning hanging in the air.

The room resonated with the echoes of their confrontation, marking a moment of triumph for Cassidy but also underscoring the persistent threat posed by the Mind Flayer. As the cosmic waves surrounding her gradually subsided, Cassidy stood resolute, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the battle against the supernatural forces that sought to infiltrate their world.

Cassidy's hand extended toward 'Billy,' a gesture of assistance that conveyed both relief and an unspoken camaraderie after the intense ordeal. "The Mind Flayer took over your body. My powers grew stronger, and I had to kick his ass," she explained with a matter-of-fact tone, briefly summarizing the supernatural battle that had unfolded.

As Billy accepted her hand and rose from the floor, he looked at Cassidy with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Did I hurt you?" he inquired, concern etched on his features. Cassidy, opting for a reassuring facade, replied with a casual "Nope," downplaying the toll the confrontation might have taken.

With a subtle closing of her eyes, Cassidy commanded the vivid rainbow cosmic waves that enveloped her to fade away. The room transitioned from the ethereal glow to a more mundane reality. Cassidy opened her eyes, revealing their usual hue, and wiped her bloody nose—a visual reminder of the strain that accompanied her heightened abilities.

The atmosphere in the room held a lingering tension, a testament to the unforeseen challenges they faced and the enigmatic nature of the supernatural forces at play. Despite the temporary reprieve, the underlying uncertainty hinted at the ongoing struggle against the unseen threats that sought to infiltrate their world.

Billy surveyed the aftermath of the confrontation, taking in the damage to the walls. Cassidy, however, swiftly transitioned to a more pragmatic mindset. "I have an idea," she declared, placing her hand on Billy's shoulder. In an instant, they were transported back to the room with the computer, utilizing Cassidy's shadow-jumping ability.

As they regrouped, Cassidy began unraveling the events that had transpired. "So, you were knocked out, and the Mind Flayer took over your body. And before that, I touched your shoulder, and I could see what was going on in my body in the real world," she explained. Billy regarded her with a mix of curiosity and caution, prompting Cassidy to acknowledge the unspoken question. "So, what's the catch?" he asked, probing for potential risks or consequences tied to her proposed strategy.

Within the ethereal confines of their shared mental space, Cassidy and Billy found themselves immersed in a surreal dance of consciousness and reality. The interplay between their mental projections and the tangible consequences in the physical world created a visually intricate and dynamic landscape.

As Cassidy's mind intertwined with the remnants of her enhanced powers, the vibrant cosmic waves surrounding her became a pulsating manifestation of the internal conflict she harbored. Shades of uncertainty and determination danced in tandem, reflecting the delicate balance of their metaphysical journey.

Billy's resolute determination to confront the Mind Flayer echoed through the mental corridors. His focus shifted seamlessly between the consequences of their recent struggle and the prospect of facing the malevolent force once more. The intricacies of their minds interweaved with the echoes of their past encounters, creating a unique tapestry within this transcendent realm.

Yet, the palpable tension persisted—their willingness to revisit the mental connection held an inherent risk. The unknown consequences of this exploration loomed, casting shadows on the ethereal space where Cassidy and Billy navigated the delicate boundaries between consciousness and the looming presence of the Mind Flayer.

back in the real world

Billy groans and sobs while initiating a conversation with Max, who approaches the door. Sensing something awry, Eleven seizes Cassidy's arm, pulling her aside. "You've been acting strange," Eleven observes. Cassidy protests, "What? No, I haven't—"

"Max, away from the door!" Mike's yell pierces the air. Eleven and Cassidy react swiftly, turning to witness Billy breaking the window with a shard of glass. With protective instincts kicking in, Eleven and Cassidy jump in front of their friends, arms outstretched, urging them to step back. Billy's relentless screams at Max intensify the tension.

As Billy fumbles to unlock the door, Lucas seizes the opportunity, swiftly slingshotting a rock that connects with Billy, forcing him to stagger backward. In response, Cassidy, her eyes tightly shut, undergoes a peculiar transformation. Obscured by her covered shoulder, sinister black veins begin to surface, and with an ominous resolve, she opens her eyes.

"Now!" Cassidy's command echoes not audibly but directly into Billy's mind. Startled, he recoils. Seizing the moment, Cassidy pulls Max away from the unfolding chaos. Simultaneously, the room is plunged into a disorienting flicker as lights dance erratically.

Billy, now unhinged, bursts out through the door with a force that sends it swinging open. In this charged moment, Eleven and the transformed Cassidy lock eyes with Billy, a palpable intensity hanging in the air—a silent clash of forces on the brink of eruption.

Eleven, fueled by determination, lifts a weight and forcefully slams it onto Billy. The impact jolts him, leaving him stuck against the wall. Standing sentinel, Eleven extends her arm, creating a barrier between Billy and the impending chaos.

Sensing the need for added strength, Cassidy rushes to Eleven's side. Together, they intensify the grip of the weight, making it harder for Billy to break free. Blood drips from Cassidy's nose, a visible toll of their exertion.

As the intensity escalates, Eleven and Cassidy channel all their energy into a collective scream. In a desperate move, Billy retaliates by hurling the weight back at them. In that suspended moment, time seems to slow down, revealing a precarious situation.

Amid the chaos, Cassidy experiences a sudden revelation. She glances at herself, realizing that the real Cassidy possesses superspeed. With Eleven stumbling, Cassidy, empowered by newfound abilities, swiftly intervenes, altering the course of the impending catastrophe and saving them from Billy's counterattack.

In a blur, Cassidy employs her newfound superspeed, whisking herself and Max out of harm's way. As time resumes its natural pace, the urgency of the situation unfolds.

Billy seizes Eleven by the hair, a sinister grip that sends a shiver through the room. In an unsettling moment, Cassidy, standing in front of Max and holding her hand, locks eyes with Billy. A silent communication transpires as Cassidy sends a chilling command directly into Billy's head.

"Do it."

Responding to Cassidy's mental directive, Billy's hand tightens around Eleven's neck, choking her. The room fills with tension as the consequences of Cassidy's ominous command reverberate through the harrowing confrontation.

Eleven's desperate gasps for air echo through the room as Billy cruelly lifts her into the air, a haunting display of his power. Panic rises, and Max's plea cuts through the tense atmosphere, "Do something, Cassie!"

Cassidy, torn between the urgent need to act and her internal struggle, turns towards Max with a momentary hesitation. The weight of the situation bears down on her, and as Cassidy's vision blurs, she closes her eyes in an attempt to regain control.

In that moment of internal conflict, Cassidy battles with the force that had taken over. When she opens her eyes once more, a subtle but profound shift occurs. The real Cassidy, now back in control, confronts the dire circumstances with a determination to alter the course of events and save Eleven from the perilous grip of Billy.

Cassidy runs over to Billy with Mike, Mike slams Billy with a pole and Cassidy pushes Mike out of the way to make sure he gets back over to Max safely.

"Guys, the Mindflayer, he's con—" Cassidy's warning is abruptly cut off before she can fully convey the impending danger. The insidious entity seizes control of her body once again, leaving the real Cassidy relegated to the back of her own mind, a helpless spectator to the unfolding chaos.

Now a puppet to the Mindflayer, 'Cassidy' resurfaces with a fierce declaration aimed at Billy, "Go to hell, you piece of shit!" She extends her hands, commanding an unseen force that lifts Billy into the air. A haunting scene unfolds as 'Cassidy' walks in a circle, manipulating the suspended Billy—a stark reminder of the Mindflayer's malevolent influence over her.

Eleven, recovering from the ordeal, stands up with determined hands extended, aligning her power with 'Cassidy'. A simultaneous scream reverberates through the room as they combine their forces, propelling Billy forcefully through the brick wall. Eleven stumbles slightly, finding solace in Mike's supportive arms.

Cassidy, having played a crucial role in the confrontation, exhales deeply. She walks over to Max, offering not just a physical embrace but a comforting presence. Max, overcome with emotion, cries into Cassidy's shoulder. In that moment, Cassidy reassures her, "It's okay... We will get him back." The two pull away from the hug, interlocking hands—a symbol of their unity.

The group of teens, still processing the intense ordeal, walks over to inspect the aftermath. The brick wall now bears a gaping hole, a tangible reminder of the recent struggle. However, as they arrive, they discover 'Billy' conspicuously absent, leaving behind an unsettling sense of uncertainty and unanswered questions.

Back to the Upside Down

Cassidy's gasp is sharp, her hand instinctively retracting from Billy's shoulder. Their eyes lock in a shared moment of horrified realization. "Oh my god. Oh my god... They're in trouble!" Cassidy's panic reverberates in the air, a tense recognition of the consequences unfolding.

Billy, equally shaken, stammers in response, "I-I did that to them! I mean, not me exactly—Holy shit..." The weight of their inadvertent actions sinks in, and panic intensifies.

Cassidy, fueled by urgency, asserts, "We need to get out of here fast." Her words carry a sense of responsibility and determination. Billy, nodding in agreement, acknowledges the gravity of the situation. Together, they grapple with the aftermath, realizing the need to act swiftly to address the unintended turmoil they've unleashed upon their friends.



this was a long one! I finally got this chapter out! This was super long so it was taking me awhile.

Also, if you want a plot or graphic go to my graphic shop; Utopia and my plot shop; Creeps! :)

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