xxiv. bonus: christmas

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In the dim, somber atmosphere of the room, Cassidy materialized through the rift, a determined look on her face. Blood trickled down her nose, a consequence of the unconventional journey. Ignoring the discomfort, she found Max on the bed, a pillow obscuring her face.

"Max?" Cassidy called out softly, her voice tinged with concern. Tears welled up in her eyes as she confronted the sight of her friend's withdrawal. The room echoed with the weight of unspoken emotions, signaling Cassidy's unwavering resolve to break through Max's isolation.

Cassidy's heart ached witnessing Max's pain. As sobs filled the room, she gently removed the pillow, meeting Max's tearful gaze. Without a word, Cassidy settled beside her, eyes reflecting the shared sorrow.

"Max," Cassidy whispered, and in that tender moment, Max reached out, embracing Cassidy tightly. The room, once filled with isolation, now held the warmth of shared vulnerability and the promise of mutual support.

"It's okay, Max," Cassidy comforted, her gentle touch soothing Max's back. As tears continued to fall, Cassidy spoke with a mix of sorrow and urgency, "What's wrong? Please tell me. You shut me out for too long."

Amidst the sobs, Max uttered a heartfelt response, "Everything." Cassidy, pulling away slightly, locked eyes with Max. Lifting her hand to Max's cheek, Cassidy traced soothing circles on her skin.

"Max, tell me what's wrong. Please. I love you," Cassidy implored, the sincerity in her words echoing the depth of her concern and care.

Cassidy listened intently as Max opened up about her struggles. "Neil... he yells at me every day. Telling me it's my fault Billy died," Max revealed, her voice heavy with the weight of guilt and pain.

Cassidy shook her head, her hand remaining gently on Max's cheek. "It's not your fault, Max," she affirmed, determined to offer solace and counteract the damaging words that had taken residence in Max's mind.

"It is," Max sobbed, weighed down by the burden of guilt. Cassidy, resolute, continued shaking her head. "It is not, Maxine! Billy sacrificed himself for us! He did this for you. Don't believe what that asshole thinks! He wasn't there," Cassidy insisted, countering the destructive narrative that Neil had planted in Max's mind.

Tears streamed down Max's face as she shared her profound grief. "I miss El, Theo, and Will too. If... If Hopper hadn't died... If none of the things that happened in the past years... Billy wouldn't have died, and the Byers, El, and Theo wouldn't have moved," she confessed, intertwining past losses and the current void in her heart.

"I miss them too, Max. But if none of that happened, El, Theo, and I would still be stuck in that lab. Mildred would actually be dead. I wouldn't have met you," Cassidy admitted, her voice filled with both sadness and gratitude. As tears continued to fall, Cassidy's touch remained gentle, rubbing comforting circles on Max's cheek.

As tears continued to flow down Max's cheeks, Cassidy tenderly wiped them away with the sleeve of the sweater Max had given her for her birthday. In that simple gesture, their shared history and connection echoed, offering a fleeting moment of comfort amidst the emotional turmoil.

"Max Mayfield, you need to get out of this funk. It's Christmas Eve," Cassidy declared with a serious tone, urging Max to embrace the holiday spirit. Max gulped, and Cassidy leaned in to kiss her. The connection between them deepened as they shared a heartfelt moment, their lips intertwining in a dance of affection.

After a few minutes, Cassidy pulled away, a genuine smile on her face. "I missed kissing you," she confessed. Max returned the smile, saying, "Me too," as the warmth of the moment began to ease the heaviness in the room.

"Can you sleepover tonight?" Max asked, prompting Cassidy to respond with a kiss on the lips. "Of course, my love," Cassidy replied with a warm smile.

"My love? That's a first," Max laughed, and Cassidy joined in the amusement. "Well, I have been thinking for a long time when to call you that. I've been stuck calling you Maxine a lot," Cassidy admitted, their laughter filling the room with a newfound lightness.


As the morning sun gently lit the room, Max stirred, finding herself nestled against Cassidy's comforting embrace. Cassidy, with a soft touch, stroked Max's hair, creating a tranquil start to the day. Max lifted her gaze to meet Cassidy's, and a sweet kiss on her forehead ensued.

Cassidy delicately lifted Max's head, slipping off the bed to retrieve her hoodie. With a loving yet playful glance, she spoke, "Please get ready." Another affectionate kiss graced Max's head, marking the beginning of a day that promised shared moments of closeness and care.

"For what?"

"El, Theo, and Will are coming back. Mike's throwing a party at the Wheelers for them, especially since it's Christmas," Cassidy announced with an eager smile. However, Max frowned and stated, "I'm not going." The anticipation of the reunion didn't seem to lift Max's spirits.

"Why, Max?"

"I don't want to see anyone other than you."

Cassidy kissed Max on the lips, offering reassurance. "My love, it'll be okay. I'll come back over tonight, okay?" she promised. Max sighed and nodded in reluctant agreement. With determination, Cassidy made a rift with her fist, blood trickling down her nose. She jumped through the portal, facing her reflection in the mirror with a sense of purpose.

Cassidy, wiping her bloody nose, noticed the small hickey on her neck. Swiftly grabbing her makeup, she began the task of concealing the mark. Focused on her reflection in the mirror, she was interrupted by Lucas slamming the door open, calling her name. Startled, Cassidy turned with a glare, shouting, "What do you want?"

Lucas stood there in shock, his eyes widening as he pointed at her neck. "Is that a hi-hickey?" he stammered, his surprise and disbelief evident in his voice. Cassidy's irritation turned into a moment of awkwardness as she tried to hide the evidence of her recent intimacy.

Cassidy cleared her throat, the realization of the hickey's visibility sinking in. "Oh my god. Max gave you that?" Lucas asked, his eyes widening with both surprise and curiosity. Cassidy sighed audibly, confirming with a reluctant nod. Lucas, seemingly grossed out, gagged in a comical manner, "And that's why I don't date." With that statement, he left the room, ignoring Cassidy's plea to close the door.

Rolling her eyes at Lucas's dramatic reaction, Cassidy flicked her hand, and the door closed. She returned her focus to blending in the makeup, determined to conceal any trace of the intimate mark as she navigated the unexpected encounter with her twin brother.


Under the shimmering glow of Christmas lights, Cassidy arrived to pick up Max. As they jumped through the rift, the familiar sensation of being teleported brought them to the warmth of the Wheeler's basement. "Hey, guys!" Cassidy announced with a cheerful tone, their presence adding to the festive atmosphere of the party. Laughter, music, and the joyous chatter of friends filled the air as they joined the celebration.

Cassidy, hand in hand with Max, surveyed the room, searching for Mildred. Concern laced her voice as she inquired, "Where's Mildred?" Dustin, with a nonchalant shrug, responded, "I don't know, actually. She left a note the other day and said she would be back tonight." Cassidy shot him a scrutinizing look, the uncertainty about Mildred's whereabouts evident in her expression.

"Well, okay..." Cassidy replied, her tone betraying a lingering unease. As the festivities continued, there was an underlying sense of curiosity and worry about Mildred's absence.

"What are we doing? It's Christmas!" Mike exclaimed, wrapping an arm around El. Lucas, with excitement, threw his hands up in the air. "Oh my god, finally. I've been wanting to open presents!" he declared. Laughter filled the room, and someone teased, "Wow, great going Lukey Pukey."

Cassidy walked over to Lucas, ruffling his hair playfully, contributing to the jovial atmosphere. The spirit of Christmas and the anticipation of opening presents enveloped the group in a lighthearted celebration.

"Don't call me that!"

Theo, mischief in his eyes, silently approached Cassidy who was engrossed in the festive decorations. Gently placing his finger to his lips, he then leaped onto Cassidy's back. She felt the unexpected weight and stumbled backward, momentarily surprised. "Who's on my back?" Cassidy exclaimed, playing along with the playful mystery.

With a gleeful laugh, Theodore revealed himself, "Guess who!"


With a triumphant "Yes!" Theo hopped off Cassidy's back, and she turned around, immediately enveloping him in a warm hug. Breaking away from the embrace, Cassidy playfully pushed him, a smile lighting up her face.

"Where were you?" she inquired with curiosity. Theo chuckled before responding, "I was helping Joyce. She was trying to make brownies and failed horribly." Their shared laughter echoed through the room, enhancing the festive spirit of Christmas with the camaraderie of friends.

"I can believe that," Will chuckled, his arm wrapping around Theo as he planted a friendly kiss on his cheek. Theo blushed, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement playing across his face. The lighthearted moment, however, was abruptly interrupted by the shattering sound of breaking glass.

"Ouch!" Cassidy instinctively covered her head, turning around to witness Mildred jumping out, shards of glass falling around her. "What the hell, Mils? Why did you just break the window? You could've come through the front door," Cassidy questioned, a blend of surprise and irritation coloring her words. The unexpected entrance added a touch of chaos to the festive gathering.

"I need to end you, El, and Theo!" Mildred yelled, catching Cassidy by surprise. Reacting quickly, Cassidy pushed Mildred away, a mixture of shock and disbelief on her face. "What the fuck, Mildred?" she exclaimed, the festive atmosphere abruptly disrupted by Mildred's unexpected outburst.

"I've been working with the Mindflayer, dipshit!" Mildred snapped, her revelation sending shockwaves through the room. Cassidy instinctively took a step back, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What? Why?" she questioned, her voice laced with a mix of confusion and concern as she tried to comprehend Mildred's unexpected alliance.

"HAHA! I TRICKED ALL OF YOU!" Mildred laughed, Dustin's confusion deepening as he furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean," Dustin asked, tears welling in his eyes, the betrayal evident in his voice.

"I didn't want to do this to you, Dusty. But, he and dad need me to," Mildred explained with a heavy sigh, revealing a motive that added a layer of complexity to her actions. The room was filled with an awkward silence as the weight of Mildred's revelation settled in.

"Dad's dead?"

"Who's he?"

"He's not. Like I said I tricked all of you."

"Now, I need to end Cassidy Sinclair, Jane Ives, and Theodore Ives," Mildred declared with a chilling determination, her telekinetic hold firm on the three of them. Theodore's plea echoed in the tense air, "Please don't do this!" El, leaning into her brother's ear, whispered, "I don't have my powers. I can't help." Anxiety gripped the trio as they faced an uncertain fate.

"Both of you, hold my hands," Cassidy urgently whispered, sensing the gravity of the situation. Theodore and El exchanged a glance, their eyes reflecting shared concern, before nodding in unison. They each took one of Cassidy's hands, forming a connection that transcended the physical. Cassidy closed her eyes, a mixture of fear and determination etched on her face as they braced themselves for the impending threat.

With a swift shadow jump, Cassidy transported Theodore and El to the enigmatic shadow realm. As they arrived, Theodore furrowed his eyebrows, puzzled by their surroundings. "Where are we?" he questioned, seeking understanding from his twin.

El turned her head, surprised by Theodore's lack of recollection, and asked, "You don't remember?" Theodore shook his head slowly, prompting El to reveal, "You came here the night when Hop yelled at us." The shadow realm, with its otherworldly atmosphere, added a sense of mystery to their unexpected refuge.

"Oh.. right."

"Where did they go!" Mildred's voice echoed with frustration, her fists clenched in anger. Cassidy, standing firm, retorted, "Nowhere you need to know!" Tears welled in her eyes, a mixture of determination and sorrow.

Glancing back at her friends, Cassidy observed them holding ominous weapons, ready for the impending clash. Mildred rolled her eyes dismissively, declaring, "I just guess for now I have to end one of you!" The threat hung in the air, creating an intense atmosphere. Time seemed to slow down as Cassidy locked eyes with Mildred, anticipating the impending punch. The room brimmed with tension, capturing the gravity of the moment.

Cassidy swiftly grabbed Mildred's fist, leaving her with furrowed eyebrows and confusion. "How did you?" Mildred breathed out, blinking in disbelief. With a confident smirk, Cassidy flipped Mildred's arm backward, exclaiming, "Superspeed, bitch!" The revelation left Mildred and their friends staring at Cassidy in disbelief.

Seizing the opportunity, Cassidy followed up with a swift kick to Mildred's back, sending her crashing to the ground. The unexpected turn of events added a layer of surprise to the confrontation, leaving Mildred and the onlookers momentarily stunned.

Cassidy, fueled by determination, seized Mildred's collar and propelled them both to the wall. Pinning Mildred against it, blow pouring from her nose, Cassidy held her firmly. "You... You bitch," Mildred muttered, her hair falling over her face in defeat. The intensity of the moment lingered in the air as Cassidy confronted Mildred, the tables turned in their unexpected clash.

"Why would you do this?" Cassidy cried, a mixture of pain and confusion etched on her face as she bit her lip. Mildred, pinned against the wall, looked at Cassidy with a haunting laugh. "I never wanted to hurt you. But... but when I was taken to the lab. They showed me things. Powerful things," she explained, shaking her head as the weight of her experiences in the lab unfolded.

"Things I can kill you with or with my mind. Surprisingly, I haven't mind-controlled you yet! But, there's a reason for that. This isn't over yet, Sinclair!" Mildred finished, closing her eyes. Cassidy was left with a whirlwind of thoughts, trying to comprehend Mildred's cryptic words. "What?" Cassidy thought, a mixture of confusion and concern clouding her mind as the enigma of Mildred's motives deepened.

Cassidy felt an unusual urge to release Mildred, and slowly, she let go of Mildred's collar. However, she found herself frozen in place. Mildred, with blood dripping down her nose, spoke haunting words, "I'll see you again soon, Cass." Suddenly, Mildred Henderson vanished, and Cassidy regained her mobility. Turning around, she faced Dustin, who was visibly upset.

"I'm so sorry, Dustin. I don't know what happened to her. We'll save her," Cassidy reassured, determined to find answers and help their friend who had seemingly succumbed to unknown forces.

With a flick of her hand, Cassidy brought back the Twins. Theodore, visibly concerned, asked, "What happened?" Cassidy bit her lip, a moment of hesitation before she shared the unsettling truth. "Mildred Henderson has been brainwashed," she disclosed, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air. The room fell into a heavy silence as they grappled with the unexpected and concerning turn of events involving their friend.

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