chapter fifteen.

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( ACT II; the age of the dragon. )
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chapter 15: dohaeris, haelyx.

THE princess of House Targaryen gazed over the city of Mereen from its Great Pyramid with reserved indifference. Evening had fallen, a beautiful sunset cast a crossed the sky. The uprising that Vaegon had hoped to spring forth with Grey Worm's efforts to convince the slaves to take up arms themselves was a resounding success. Yet, now that they had taken residence inside the pyramid, assumed control over the city's inhabitants, and enacted the desired revenge of crucifying the 'wise masters' in the same way the slave children had been upon their arrival to the close proximity of the city, she felt hollow.

The slaves seemed to number in three times that of Yunkai, with the enthusiasm to be liberated audible all over the city. Mereen was the largest of the cities they knew, but most of the people who had witnessed them enter through it's gates and journey toward the base of the pyramid where they made their ascent were those who had participated in the uprising. The slave masters that had survived were handed over to the Unsullied to face their judgement.

They may have freed the slaves of Mereen, securing the last of the Slaver cities she'd been so passionate about liberating, but Daenerys was consumed with deep rooted guilt. Because of her negligent, unhinged reaction to the lie Daario had spun to bring him closer to her bedside, Vaegon was in his chambers somewhere in the pyramid receiving the healing he'd needed after she'd assaulted him.

Even as she watched their dragons gracefully coast over the city, she couldn't get the thought of the damage she'd caused him off her mind. She'd been left unscathed, the fire a warm and comforting presence on her flesh. Vaegon had been left with seared palms and two deep wounds into his abdomen. He was weakened by the wounds, a fever mercilessly taking him into a deep, sweaty sleep. She cursed herself anytime she thought of it. She tried to think of how she would ask for his forgiveness, how she would make things right.

Her guilt didn't stop at merely her brother, but the Stark woman she'd also unleashed her fury on. She hated to consider what she might have done to her had Vaegon not made the effort to stand between them. The woman had done nothing wrong. And Daenerys was ready to unleash her unbridled rage on her for merely speaking with Vaegon in private.

She needed to find a sense of control within herself. Her realization that he had grown feelings toward the Stark woman hadn't been easy to swallow, but it gave no just excuse for her to do what she'd done. Now, she had to step forward in Vaegon's position as her duty as princess while he recovered from his injuries. Caused by her.

At the sound of shuffling within the common chambers within the door way, Daenerys turned at the presence of someone making their way onto the balcony. Much to her surprise, Raina Stark locked her dark eyes with the princess, a sudden wave of fear flashing on her features.

"I'm sorry, princess, I was merely seeking out Ser Barristan—," she was quick with her vehement apology, but Daenerys stopped her.

As if dealing with an injured animal, she made her movements slow and gentle as to not cause anymore harm. "Please, come visit with me," the princess murmured. She was terrified of scaring the woman anymore. Shame enveloped her entirely.

Tentatively, Raina stepped onto the balcony to stand with Daenerys. After arriving to Essoss in her northern garb, the woman had opted for more suitable garments for the hot and humid nature of the continent. Now, she wore gowns similar to what Daenerys did. Today, she wore a thin, deep blue gown that exposes her shoulders and the slightest bit of her breasts. Though still consumed with shame, Daenerys had to advert her eyes from gazing upon Raina for too long.

"I wanted to ask for your forgiveness," Daenerys stated immediately. The shame made her heart pound as she spoke.

"Your Grace, you don't need to apologize—,"

"My actions were unfit and far below my station," Daenerys was quick to say as she looked to Raina. "Not only that, but they were dishonorable. I should have never acted in the manner I did, especially to you."

Let alone Vaegon, she thought to herself.

She wasn't convinced that her words would be enough to barter a shred of forgiveness from Raina, but the softening of the Stark woman's features gave Daenerys hope. Raina pursed her lips as if to find the words, her eyes focused on her hands that fidgeted on the balcony's ledge.

"If I can be plain, princess, I have suffered far worse at the hands of the Lannisters," Raina stated softly. Her eyes trained on the length of her dress. "It merely reminded me of harder times, that is all."

Daenerys felt a twinge in her heart. She'd cause Raina to relive her trauma because she couldn't rein in her own raw emotions. She didn't want to consider if someone had made her relive her traumas of being used and bartered like a brood mare, or even loosing her son with Drogo. Yet she'd done such a thing to someone who was far from deserving.

"I cannot express how horribly I feel for the behavior I showed to you and my brother. As my apology toward him will likely involve more effort," Daenerys uttered. Her eyes began to well with guilty, hot tears. "Since you've come into our care, I have not been kind to you.

Raina's hands reached forward the grasps Daenerys'. She looked the princess in the eyes as she spoke. "Your efforts to ask for my forgiveness are more than anyone whom has caused ill on me has ever done," Raina stated. The tears that Daenerys had been holding back began to roll down her pale cheek. "For that, I can put the events of last night aside."

Daenerys is thankful for the gesture, but notices a sense of sadness still lingering in her eyes. She didn't deserve such quick forgiveness from her. "What else troubles you?" She asks.

Raina seems to hold back her words for a moment, as if she were trying to find the best way to express them. She clears her throat after a few moments and speaks. "I received news last night— after everything," she stated softly. Daenerys noticed her lip trembling. "My brother is dead. The northern host slaughtered."

Daenerys felt her heart leap at such horrible and abrupt news. Just recently Vaegon was speaking of making the journey a crossed the Narrow Sea early to secure the north as an ally if they took Mereen quickly. Her first instinct was to rush forward and pull Raina into a comforting embrace, but she remained stationary as the dark haired woman continued.

"They were lured into a false sense of security. For a wedding, no less. The Frey's of the Twins slaughtered them in their hall while they feasted as honored guests."

Realizing what the information meant, Daenerys frowned. "What will you do now, then?" She asked softly.

Raina drew in a shaky breath, tears rolling down her cheek. "That is the question I have yet to answer myself," she uttered. She wiped away the tears and sniffed. "I have nowhere to go now. My home is overrun with enemies, my family slaughtered. My brother whom I haven't spoken to in moons is fulfilling his duty at the Wall."

She could easily stay with them, Daenerys knew. Once they held King's Landing again she would have an honored place at court. The princess would make sure of it. It was the least she could offer after such an event as the previous night. She wanted to do more, offer revenge or reconciliation if there were any to give, but for now she would bring Raina into her care. Their care. For good.

"You have a place at our table, now and always," Daenerys declared. Her hands went forward to embrace Raina. The two latched onto each other as if they desperately needed the grounding affect the embrace gave them. As Daenerys looked out over the city, she said, "You may remain with us for as long as you wish."

When they pulled apart, their eyes lingered on each others for moment longer than usual. Daenerys could have sworn she saw a hint of longing in Raina's eyes, but she pushed aside the thoughts.

"From now on, Dany will do just fine," she told Raina with a warm smile.

A distant shriek draws their attention out over the balcony where the emerald scaled Haelyx began to ascend from below toward the top of the pyramid, her clutch-mates still coasting in the distance. The women part as the dragon swooped up, displaying her large membranous wings before flapping them in the effort to lower herself to balance on the pyramid and the balconies edge. Once perched, her gaze focused on Daenerys.

"My, have they grown since I've joined you," Raina murmured through her emotion as she watched Daenerys step forward.

The two woman gaze up at the she-dragon, a guttural sound akin to a purr emanating from her throat as Daenerys stepped forward to stroke her muzzle. The dragon leaned into Daenerys' touch, the princess smiling as she looked up. Glancing back, Daenerys gestures for Raina to step forward.

The princess waited for the Lady Stark to step forward to her side, the woman obviously nervous at the proximity to the dragon. Any normal person would be smart to be so cautious, but Raina was different. Daenerys liked that.

"Offer your hand, like this," Daenerys demonstrated with her palm, showing it upward toward Haelyx. The dragon sniffed as Raina tentatively raised hers toward her muzzle. Daenerys watched with a smirk as Raina's hand made contact with the dragons rough, leathery skin.

As Raina's hand moved along Haelyx's muzzle, the dragon gently drove her head closer to the Stark woman. No one had ever been able to touch any of their dragons in such a manner, leaving Daenerys astonished as she witnessed Raina's ability to step forward and grow closer to her head.

Haelyx allowed Raina to freely pet her, the sound of a pure still emanating deep within.

Extremely curious, Daenerys said, "Say this word, dohaeris, followed by her name."

Raina, confused, asked, "What does that mean?"

"Try it first," Daenerys told her. "I want to see."

Raina looked back to Haelyx, her eyes level with the dragons large one. She seemed to consider the words in her tongue, before ultimately testing the words.

"Dohaeris, Haelyx," Raina managed to say despite the words being obviously foreign on her tongue. After a moment, Haelyx lowered her neck and large abdomen in a way that would allow for the Stark woman to climb onto her back if she wished to. The princess didn't have words for a moment.

"Sōvēs," Daenerys tells Haelyx in Old Valyrian, her eyes wide as a realization began to hit her. Raina was capable of commanding a dragon, or least gaining their respect enough to serve it seemed. Haelyx had offered herself to the Stark woman. But how?

The dragon pulls away from Raina, lifting her wings up before diving away from the balcony and assuming her flight with the two others.

"Dohaeris in Old Valyrian," Daenerys murmured as she looked out of the balcony, at Haelyx who was coasting over the city. "Means to serve."

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