chapter one.

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( ACT II; age of the dragon. )
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chapter 1: astapor.

OCEAN mist blew past Daenerys' face, bringing on the scents of salt and crisp air. Aboard their ship they'd acquired with Xaro's riches, they were bound for Astapor and not far from it. It had been some weeks since they'd left Qarth, making their along the coast of Essos to reach the slaver city in search of an army. She was not the most pleased knowing they were in search of soldiers that were slaves, but Vaegon had promised the troops would be treated fairly.

She watched as Drokar, Haelyx, and Rhaellor dove into the sea and caught fishing, flying back up into the air to roast their catch mid-air with their flames. She smirked to herself at the marvel they had grown into, nearly three times the size and growing bigger with every passing day. Nearing the size of large dogs, she knew they would grow into massive beasts.

"They still amaze me to this day," Ser Jorah commented as he came to stand at the edge of the railing with her.

"I still marvel at the reality that we have them at all," Daenerys replied. She chuckled as Rhaellor and Haelyx bumped into each other, causing each of the dragons to hiss in annoyance and begin a chase that was carried out in the sails above them.

"One day, they will tower over buildings and swallow cattle whole," Jorah remarked jokingly. "The Seven Kingdoms will tremble at the sight."

"They're still not large enough to use in war yet," Vaegon says as he makes his appearance, walking up the steps to the upper deck where Daenerys and Jorah were.

"That is why we are here," Ser Jorah tells the king. "The warrior-eunuchs known as the Unsullied are trained here in Astapor. They are said to be among the finest soldiers in the known world."

"They are still slave-soldiers," Daenerys pointed out. "A distinction that may be viewed negatively in Westeros."

"Have you any better idea?" Vaegon asks her. "We are in a tight spot, Dany. We have no other options."

"I pray this excursion in Astapor goes by quickly," Daenerys sighs. "I would much prefer to expand my Khalasar."

Their attention is turned toward the lower deck, where many of the Dothraki are sickly and vomiting from seasickness. Vaegon chuckles at the sight.

"They are not built for the sea it seems," He comments with a laugh.

"Other Dothraki will only join if they think you are strong, Khaleesi," Jorah tells her. "For that, you need an army."

Daenerys frowns to herself at the truth. They did need this army if they planned on getting anywhere.

Eventually, they arrive at the docks of Astapor and navigate their way to the Unsullied barracks. Daenerys is still disgusted with the thought of their army being made up of slaves, but she still comes along.

They are greeted by the owner of the Unsullied, called Kraznys mo Nakloz. He seems to be an arrogant, speaking low Valyrian to his translator. The translator, a woman with olive-toned skin and gentle features, obediently translates the man's words into the Common Tongue for Daenerys and Vaegon. She holds a solemn expression on her features that makes Daenerys sympathize with her.

Little did they know that Daenerys was fluent in the language, with Vaegon not far from it. She was able to hear the insults that the slavemaster threw at her as they walked, calling her disrespectful and degrading terms yet saying nothing of Vaegon. She fumed internally but kept her composure. She knew they would hear plenty of Vaegon's thoughts once they had left for the day.

"The Unsullied are trained for battle from the age of five years old," the translator tells them while they walk, while the Kraznys continue to speak in Low Valyrian. "Only one in four recruits survives training."

They are brought to the training yard where the Unsullied are formed up in their ranks, standing incredibly still at the position of attention. Kraznys stops in front of one of the soldiers and takes his dagger from his side, pulls away his leather armor, and proceeds to slice his nipple off with a blade. Daenerys is horror-stricken at the sight. The soldier is unphased by his wound and thanks the slavemaster for the opportunity to serve him in low Valyrian.

Kraznys goes on to explain more after he shoves the blade into the hand of the soldier and continues walking. His translator speaks for him.

"The Unsullied are trained to show no mercy or weakness by killing a newborn slave child in front of its mother at the end of their training," the woman tells them in the Common Tongue.

Daenerys is once again horrified. She sees that Vaegon is as well, who holds an obvious look of disbelief as they walk.

"How many are available?" Vaegon asks after clearing his throat.

After a translation between the woman and Kraznys, she speaks.

"There are eight thousand available," she tells them. "Master Kraznys urges you to make your decision soon, as he has many interested buyers. He says that you have until tomorrow to make your decision."

"YOUR Grace, this is your best option in acquiring an army," Ser Jorah tells Vaegon en route back to their ship. Daenerys was dwelling on the thought of the gruesome display the slavemaster had deemed a good demonstration for them. She still couldn't believe how unphased the Unsullied had been after such a violent act.

"I agree," Vaegon tells the knight as they walk. "I think they would be a fine army. The only matter of discussion now is to determine our payment method."

"They are still slaves," Daenerys argues at Vaegon's other side. "We can't take back the Seven Kingdoms with an army of slaves. We would be abhorred by the people."

"And you expect us to take it with Dothraki?" Vaegon retorted. "They're savages that are hardly contained. As much as I appreciate them, the Seven Kingdoms are going to be angered either way we go with this. We might as well come with a well-trained army."

"He is right, Khaleesi," Jorah says. "You must do whatever it takes to take back the Throne. The Unsullied will have a far better quality of life serving you than under Kraznys and his ilk. You would be doing a great service to them by saving them from the grasp of the slavemasters."

As Vaegon and Jorah continue with their conversation on the pros and cons of taking up the Unsullied army to recover the Seven Kingdoms under the rule of the Targaryen's once more, Daenerys' attention is drawn by a child nearby. It seems to be a little girl, whom Daenerys had noticed was following them for quite some time. She loved children and often enjoyed playing with them.

Forgetting the negative thoughts that had been present in her mind, she stops to face the child. She offers a playful and warm smile before a wooden ball rolls toward her feet. Believing that the child wanted to play, she leans forward to pick it up. Just as she picks it up, it is suddenly swatted from her hand by an unknown figure.

The stranger that had knocked the ball from her hand is quickly restrained, but in their struggle Daenerys finds herself knocked to the ground. In front of her, the wooden ball cracks open, exposing a venomous manticore posed for an attack.

Before the manticore can reach her, the stranger has broken free of Vaegon and Jorah and impales the creature with a dagger. Before Vaegon and Jorah can catch him again, he charges for the child. Daenerys is horrified to see the child hiss in a reptilian manner, baring fangs and features reminiscent of Pyat Pree. Suddenly, the child flees, gone as if having vanished in mid-air.

"It must have been the Warlocks," Vaegon is quick to acknowledge as he stands defensively between Daenerys and the stranger that had saved her. The cloaked man takes a knee, bowing lowly toward the Targaryen's.

"Your Grace," He utters, pulling away his cloak to reveal an older man with graying hair.

"Do you know this man?" Vaegon asks Jorah, not pulling his gaze away from the kneeling man for a moment.

"You should know me, Your Grace," the man said. "I personally guarded you and your brother when you were but children."

Daenerys watches as she gets to her feet. Vaegon is frozen for a moment, his eyes narrowing as if he is trying to recall a memory. He relaxes his stance after a few moments.

"Ser Barristan Selmy," Vaegon states with a smile. "Rise. It has been many, many years and I was a young boy the last time I saw you, but I'd know the most skilled swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms anywhere."

Selmy rises to his feet and meets Vaegon in a hug of comradery. They pat each other on the back before pulling apart.

"My have you grown, Vaegon," Selmy says, looking him up and down. "As tall and hearty as your brother Rhaegar."

"And you've grown old," Ser Jorah grins.

Selmy grins, acknowledging another one of his old friends. "And you as well, Ser Jorah."

"What brings you here?" Vaegon asks. "To us? Has something happened in Westeros?"

Selmy's expression falters into a grimace. "After King Robert's death and my dismissal by the wretched boy King Joffrey, I've come here to beg of your forgiveness and offer my service. I know that I had served King Robert, but I hope to make amends for failing House Targaryen during and after the Rebellion when I served in your father's King's Guard. You are the true and rightful King of the Iron Throne."

"There is no need to ask for forgiveness," Vaegon tells the old knight. "I know you are a man of honor. Any discretions are obsolete. I would be more than happy to accept you into my King's Guard."

Ser Barristan looks relieved as ever. All of their attention is drawn to Daenerys, who makes her first appearance to them since Selmy saved her.

"Princess Daenerys," the knight bows. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I had never gotten the chance, considering the unfortunate time of your birth."

"Thank you, Ser, for saving my life," she thanks him. "It appears that the warlocks are still after us. You served our father, you said?"

"I did. I protected Vaegon and Viserys from the day they left your mother's breast. I knew Rhaegar as well," the old knight tells her.

"Shall we make our way to the ship?" She suggests to them all. "After this eventful day, I wish to hear more stories of our brother Rhaegar."

They all agree, beginning to make their way toward the docks. Daenerys is weary, fearful that another assassin will come for them. Yet, she feels safe, surrounded by three men that would protect her in an instant. She takes comfort in the thought as they make their way to their makeshift home.

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