chapter seventeen.

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( ACT II; the age of the dragon. )
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chapter 17: mingled hearts.

EYES wide, Daenerys' gaze could not be torn from the pile of charred bones lying within an opened burlap sack on the ground in front of her. The receiving chamber of the pyramid had grown eerily quiet after having been so busy with the hearings from the residents of Mereen who came seeking assistance from the king or to voice their complaints. This encounter quickly became the most grim of the day.

The farmer that presented the charred bones spoke in Old Ghiscari, therefore Missandei was needed to translate. The longer she looked, Daenerys' thoughts flashed back to the children that had been crucified, as well as the sickening feeling she'd felt when her body wanted to react to the heiress sight by expelling the contents of her stomach. Rage and disgust and remorse filled her in the same way it had with the slave children. Yet the death of this child was not at the hands of a crucifixion, the princess knew.

Missandei gave Daenerys a concerned expression once the man finished his claim, every ounce of his pain and grief written on his features. "He says that 'the silver one' came upon his herd mercilessly, burning the majority of his livestock as well as taking his son with it."

"Rhaellor," Daenerys stated grimly with a thin lip, knowing that of the three dragons it was obviously Vaegon's. Rhaellor was the most volatile of the trio, reserving his more gentle disposition to Vaegon alone. Her brother was off with Grey Worm, Selmy, and Jorah, sorting out options for the possible expedited journey to Westeros. Leaving Daenerys to handle some of the courtly duties, she remained on the conquered throne of Mereen, deeply troubled by the issue they were being presented.

Her expression hardened as she contemplated how she could manage the situation, at least for the time being, if at all. Dragons were not controlled, the history of their family told enough of that. Their obedience was often mistaken for control. The most she could do was offer as much consolation as was possible after such an event, if any were to be offered. A decision couldn't be made until she discussed it with Vaegon.

"Please," Daenerys told Missandei. "Tell him that the His Grace is deeply sorrowful to hear of the losses he has faced. He will be compensated three times that of what his flock was worth. And the crown offers its sincere condolences for the loss of his son."

Once Missandei has translated Daenerys' decree, the farmer was dismissed with the burlap sack of his child's remains as two Unsullied flanked him and left the receiving chambers. "Please inform the rest of those that wish to be seen that it will have to wait," she mumbled as she flattened her dress on her thighs. "This matter in particular is too pressing to wait. Im going to need to speak with the king soon."

Missandei nodded, saying, "Of course, princess. I'll see to it. Though I believe His Grace is likely still busy at the moment."

"He can spare a moment to discuss this situation," Dany stated. "Our dragons have begun to cause issues."

The princess stands, ready to make her way back toward the wing of the pyramid that held their living quarters and the common rooms. Her violet eyes catch Raina as she turns, who had been present for the entire ordeal off to the side but had remained silent. The sight of her managed to uplift Daenerys' spirits slightly, but she still remained heavily troubled by the dilemma they were facing.

"What is there that can even be done?" Raina asked her, sincere concern written all over her features. "The people of this city will not take kindly to being burned by dragon fire."

Daenerys sighed, taking Raina's hand as a way of directing them toward the opposite wing of the pyramid. "I wish I had an answer," Daenerys replied grimly. "But this situation is going to be a little complicated. If we could truly control our dragons, this would have never happened."

As they turned, they didn't get too far down the hall way before Missandei came trailing after them. "Your Grace, there's another that wishes to be seen by you," the Naathi woman told the princess. "Of much urgency, if I might add. I tried to relay that you were finished receiving for the day. But he insisted."

Stopped in their tracks, Daenerys shared a look with Raina before letting loose a sigh and following the translator to return to the receiving chambers. Once seated on the throne again, the citizen was brought before the princess to speak his concerns.

Daenerys was surprised to see this man was likely of noble birth, garbed in the same fine robes of the masters that were crucified. He was younger, bearing one of the many shades of olive toned skin that Essosi people bore. On his features, grief was evident, but he didn't appear to have come to the pyramid to unleash any sort of fury for Vaegon, whatever it might be. He merely dipped his head in respect to her before speaking.

"Princess, my name is Hizdahr zo Loraq. I come with a very simple request of the king, if it would please His Grace to lend an ear," he said in the common tongue, surprising her. Missandei had been assisting for nearly every audience they held prior to the nobleman's appearance.

Daenerys cocked a brow, but nodded her head. He proceeds. "I wish the right to bury my father's remains in the Temple of the Graces. By the order of King Vaegon, he was one of the Great Masters crucified."

Daenerys pursed her lips and crossed her legs. She almost couldn't believe what he was asking. "One of the Masters that crucified the one-hundred and sixty-three slave children? And you wish for your king to allow your father an honorable burial?" She seethed at the request. Part of her wished to simply leave the audience without another word. The man held his ground none the less.

"My father was one of the Masters that protested against the crucifixions," Loraq stated evenly. "He was overruled. Yet, he died along with the others."

Taken aback by the information, Daenerys hesitated for a moment. A sense of guilt washed over her even though she hadn't been the who'd ordered the Masters to be crucified. She'd been in support, though. What might Mereen thing if their ruler dealt in absolutes? Vaegon's reign could dwindle and toil just as quickly as it built. Mollified, she found her words.

"On behalf of the king, I permit you to bury your father according to your customs," she stated, aware that her cheeks burned from emotion. "As well do I offer the sincere condolences to the treatment your father and house faced. As does the king."

Unable to read his expression, the man dipped his head in brief gratitude to her. "Thank you, princess."

Upon the release of Loraq, leaving with two Unsullied at his flanks, Daenerys looked back to Raina from where she still sat on the throne, a brow raised.

"This will be my last audience today," she stated to Missandei. "Please ensure I am not bothered again."

Daenerys once again left the seat of the throne, weary of the day's challenges that had presented to her. Internally, she cursed Vaegon for not being present to carry out his own duties. Though she needed to gain experience if she wishes to become a good queen. She was done for the day and wished clear her mind.

"I think I've had enough grim news for the day," Daenerys stated as she flattened her dress against her thighs and sighed through her nose. Dany paused as she looked her up and down after noticing Raina was eyeing her. It was apparent that the Stark woman was asking her an unspoken question, as her own brown eyes shared the sapphic gaze that Daenerys felt.

"Perhaps we find some time for relaxation," she suggested, offering a slight smirk. "It was indeed a long day where I had plenty of time to contemplate on my own," she drew close to Dany, reaching for one of her hands. "Command befits you. I like it." Raina was was suddenly making her way down the hall, her dress billowing as if it were hands beckoning Daenerys to follow.

The princess was on the lady's heels as soon as she began her trek down the hall, following the trail of her flowing gown as a lioness pursuing its prey.

FINDING the king on the balcony hours after having spent time with Dany, Raina stood in the doorway quietly. Likely peering off into the distance in hope of catching a glimpse of the pearlescent dragon, the king showed every ounce of his frustrations in his tense shoulders. The sunset was far more than just beautiful, painting perhaps a perfect setting to speak with Vaegon. She recalled the feelings of when she'd approached Daenerys in the same scenario, anxious and tentative as if approaching a real dragon with a real threat of flames. Yet her admiration for him drove her to pursue conversation that was seemingly long over due and likely the lighter subject; she knew he was troubled with the news of Rhaellor's actions today.  It presented enough issues on its own that made ruling a foreign city that much more difficult.

"I know you are worried about him," Raina managed to say after chalking up the courage to finally make her way out onto the balcony, hands clasped in front of her indigo and gold embroidered summer gown. Her words earned the look of Vaegon, who tore his gaze away from the city below and appeared reasonably troubled.

After the Merenese farmer had presented the charred bones of his child, Vaegon and Daenerys had immediately been struck with the dilemma of the dragon's actions. Rhaellor, at least, who had been responsible for the unruly attacks on the farmer and his livestock. There was no telling if the other two would join in to pose a greater threat.

The king sighed as he turned to lean his lower back against the balcony, his arms crossed. Tilting his head back, he looked up toward the sky that was painted with the pastel colors of the setting sun. A site Raina would love to see painted. She analyzed his expression with a frown, wishing she could miraculously conjure some solution for him out of thin air.

"Rhaellor has proven to be the most unruly of the three of them," he muttered, referring to the dragons. "And if I'm being completely truthful, I'm not quite sure how to handle it."

Raina found a place beside him. "If I've learned anything about them since joining your company, they have most definitely lived up to the reputation their ancestors made." She said as his head turned down once more, his violet eyes trained on the floor.

"Locking them away is futile," he muttered. "My ancestors made that mistake as soon as they chose to build the dragonpit in King's Landing. That alone began the downfall of the dragons thriving. Yet we cannot allow the people they ruled over to face dragon fire unprovoked."

"At least you are heeding the past mistakes of your family," she pointed out. Her focus turned to her hands, where she would usually fidget anxiously. "I remember reading from a text when I was younger, one of the few books in Winterfell's library that gave any sort of detailed description of your family's legacy," offering him a smirk, her heart fluttered to see it returned. "I dreamed of having a dragon with all my heart. I might have begged my lord father for one if not for my brother reminding me of it's futility."

Together, they shared a chuckle. She noticed the way his smile lingered when looking at her, which did no good but drive the anticipation she was already facing.

"Well, they do once more," Vaegon cocked his head, violet eyes focused on solely her. She could feel her cheeks beginning to burn. "And from what Dany tells me, it appears that Haelyx has taken a particular liking to you."

The emerald green she-dragon had shown a sliver of obedience toward Raina that Dany had confirmed no others than she or Vaegon had managed to barter. She would be lying if she claimed she hadn't envisioned herself on dragon back, the remnants of her childhood fantasy stewing since the moment she'd learned of their dragons existence returning to the world. No matter how speculative sources had been about the authenticity of the claim.

"She has. I'm not sure why, but I feel honored to have earned the attention of one of three dragons in the world." She thought on Haelyx, her heart warmed.

The two remained in quiet silence for a while, seeming to enjoy each others presence. The fantasy of flying in the clouds on Haelyx's back drove a sense of excitement and eagerness within her that she found herself ready to discuss the topic that which she'd sought him out for. Though almost wildly brusque and perhaps inappropriate for a lady to speak with a king in such a way, she didn't care anymore. Passion superseded her wise mind on that balcony.

Her courage pushed her to break the silence. Despite the roaring of her heart beat in her chest. "I wish to be plain with you, Vaegon, if you will allow me."

"Always," he tells her, his attention now fully focused on her. "You can always be plain with me. I prefer it."

The pounding of her heart

"I will admit, Your Grace, I have found myself entirely arrested by you since the moment I lied eyes on you in that tent in Astapor," she murmured almost breathlessly, cheeks burning and heart seemingly lodged in her throat as she spoke. Passion and anticipation shook her to her core. "I have desired you in a way I have never felt toward a man."

His gaze softened as he looked down to her, the two of them having grown closer without Raina realizing.

"As I now have no true reason to return to Westeros on my own leave, I wish to be within your company, permanently. As you see fit."

"What I see fit," he murmured, a hand reaching up to cup her flushed cheek. His expression was so gentle."Is something you must agree to on your own terms."

"Whatever might it be?" She whispered.

"Be my queen," he stated, immediately to the point. A hand reached to wrap around the small of her back, bringing her closer. Her stomach leaped and her core stirred. "If it please you, perhaps one of my queens, whom may love each other as they love me."

He knew about she and Daenerys, then. The spark that had slowly begun to burn between the two, what was once resentment blossomed into something far more passionate. The bond that had formed between the two women was nurtured into something beyond companionship in the time that Dany was taking responsibility during Vaegon's healing.

"Two queens?" She asked breathlessly, mind racing as she tried to comprehend and recall a time in history when there'd been a king with more than one queen, to no avail. "What would the lords of Westeros think of such a thing? Would it not present issues with the realm and the faith?"

"My ancestor Aegon the Conqueror took both of his sisters to wife," Vaegon said softly as he pulled her all the way against him, their bodies leaving no space between them. "Rhaenys and Visenya, I know you have heard of them. Damned be what the realm sees right. I will be it's protector." She smiled as they began to come together into a kiss, him whispering as their lips hovered over each others. "Daenerys is fire, consuming and wild. You are ice, preserving, still. I wish nothing more than for you to be a part of such a balance."

The touch of their lips was seemingly effortless. It was as if she'd done it a thousand times while having not at all, tingling rippling through her body at the utter satisfaction of his intimate touch. Her core now aching, she wished nothing more than for his hands to pull away the fabric of her dress and begin roaming every inch of her body, leaving no place unexplored. Her thoughts led her believing she'd let him take her right there on the pyramids balcony. He was so tall and muscular, so smooth with his words. She found him irresistible.

As they eventually pulled  apart, Raina looked him in his violet eyes. "I will be your queen," she murmured. Their lips still hovered over each others. "Though I am still navigating the dynamics of such a relationship as this... I want this. I've thought on it for some time since I realized I harbored some sort of affection toward you and Dany. I never expected it to be possible."

Vaegon grinned. "For me, I didn't want to make a decision."

"How dare a king make a tough decision," Raina teased with a grin.

DAENERYS was caught between a state sleep and being awake. She'd curled up in the bed of her chambers fairly early in the evening that day, far too tired after spending a long after with Raina. She still couldn't believe how wild the Stark woman could be, particularly for a quiet northerner. When the lady had left her room and ventured off to carry on with her own affairs for the evening. Dany had quickly fallen asleep after pulling her night gown over her head and landing on the silken pillows.

The sound of her door opening quietly drew her attention to Vaegon, who entered as if he were trying his best not to wake her. What surprised the princess was Raina following close behind, the two of them making their way to her bedside. Vaegon crawled on the sheets at her left, while Raina found a spot against her on the right. Though still groggy with her sleepiness, Dany expected for their presence to bring about a situation she'd only dreamed of.

Yet, as the king and the lady found their comfort in the spots next to the princess, she soon realized they come to sleep beside her. To not leave her alone. She knew then that Vaegon had likely spoken with Raina about the arrangement they'd agreed to. Their entry into her chambers had been proof enough. Their presence brought back a comfort she hadn't felt in very long time. Part of ached bittersweetly. She'd longed for closeness and comfort for so long, closeness that didn't include sex. 

Jumbled together in a mess of limbs and legs, the three of them lied together in silence and listened to the quiet of night. A warm breezed wafted into the room from the open window, offering comfort that soon had the three of them lulling asleep together. Their warmth mingled under the sheets as the three of their hearts beat slowly through the night.

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