「 ᴾᴿᴼᴸᴼᴳᵁᴱ」

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      IN all his years of working for the CIA (which was a long time) Mr. William Fairfield had seen a lot. From torn apart war zones to spies disguised as his very neighbor.

But never had William Fairfield seen anything like this.

They—"they" meaning a good portion of the federal government, CIA, and other various organizations that were too secretive to even think the names of were crawling around a small cornfield in a relatively quiet corner of Kansas.

Or at least, it had been a rather quiet corner in the great state of Kansas before this took place. And by this, Mr. William Fairfield meant the incredibly large glowing silver space ship dug halfway into the ground.

It crashed about an hour previous, many locals claiming they watched what they perceived as a star on fire heading straight for the cornfields. Everyone in the small town of Kensville was too scared to even consider heading in this direction, including the local authorities who had decided to call in much bigger means.

The ship—or rather flying saucer seemed more appropriate—created a crater that took up nearly a third of the field. Everyone was apprehensive of the flying saucer, as they should be. After all, it's not every day that science fiction becomes reality, and what could only be deemed as an alien spaceship crash lands straight on Earth in some shithole little town.

At first, the ship had been glowing silvery and purple as well as emitting some type of odd buzzing noise. Everyone made sure to stay a good distance away as it did this. Eventually; however, the ship's noise died and most of the glowing faded.

Before it almost the ship seemed alive with the way it worked, now it was as though it were dead and just another hunk of fancy looking metal.

The workers were now more confident to approach the UFO, all wielding flashlights, tasers, guns, and instruments of study. Anything to help them identify what this was.

From what they could tell, there was no foreseeable door to the inside and it did not seem as though one was due to appear anytime soon.

Yes, William Fairfield thought he had seen it all, but with the appearance of this flying saucer—he had been proven wrong. Now, he was sure he had seen it all.

"We found something!"

...But wait?

He recognized the voice as one of his close colleagues. Fairfield along with more than a dozen other workers ran to the source of the noise immediately. William's breath caught in his throat when he saw what the others were staring at.

There, feet away from the flying saucer buried slightly beneath the dirt and other muck was a woman. A young woman at that, no older than sixteen or seventeen.

She was very odd-looking, incredibly beautiful... but very odd-looking.

For one, while her hair was long and thick, it was glowing pink, purple, and blue. An odd assortment that somehow seemed to work naturally together and fade into different arrays, shades, and highlights.

Oddest about this was that it was natural. You could tell from looking at it that no hairstylist—even the best on the planet could be capable of creating something as unique and natural-looking as this masterpiece. It fell in long matted wavy curls over her body.

Next came the skin, while it was very tan there were also odd markings skimming across nearly every inch of her body. At first, one might believe it to be tattooed on, but upon closer inspection, you could tell that this was far more than tattoos.

The markings were tough ridges of gold etching her tan skin, something one might find in a Star Wars movie. Again, this was very obviously natural, not even the best movie artist could create this skin effect.

Her body was made of muscle, an extremely strong frame that stood a tad above average in height. Many of the government agents could not help but compare her frame to the Wonder Woman comics. This girl could easily pass for an Amazonian.

She sure looked the part of a warrior Goddess, after all.

Such a unique beauty.

She adorned some type of suit—a skin-tight protective suit of shimmering gold and black. There was a helmet made of metal with the same colors not far away.

They all crowded around her, one man, in particular, taking the lead as he had a medical background.

"She's breathing!" He announced making everyone sigh in relief at the fact that she was alive. "Although... no pulse? What? That's not possible—" The medic along with everyone else was confused, but confusion washed away as the girl suddenly let out a loud yelp.

Everyone jumped as she shot up like a canon, her eyes wide and frantic. But upon seeing her eye color, Fairfield nearly shit his pants.

Those were not human eyes. No animal eyes—not even contacts could cause an appearance like this. This was nothing of Earth. No, this girl's eyes reminded Fairfield almost of a bright and colorful universe.

Blue that turned into purple which swam into pink that also connected to green, and you could not deny the molten gold also hiding within the array of colors. Truly, it was beautiful and amazing.

The girl had an overall figure that was similar enough to a human, as well as features that—while odd—were also striking in similarity to a human. Some could possibly even think she was just extremely into cosplay, but there was no mistaking anything about her as being a fake. Everything was natural: the hair, the skin markings, the warrior-like frame, and even the color of her eyes.

It all added up—this was a prime example of an extraterrestrial lifeform. This girl, she is an alien, there could be no other explanation.

She looked human but she was not. Or at least, she was not the Homosapien Sapien. Perhaps she was part of another hominin group like the Neanderthal or the Australopithecus had been when they walked the Earth millions of years ago.

And her words which came next proved it.

Well, not exactly words, whatever language she was speaking no one could understand. Her mouth moved to form a series of complex syllables, phrases, and pronunciations in a tone that nobody had ever heard nor could even hope to replicate. Let alone try to understand.

It would be a miracle if any human vocals had the capability of speaking as such. The way she rolled her syllables, the purrs, the noise, the pure sound seemed impossible to even be hearing—let alone speaking.

Finally, someone spoke up, interrupting the near musical chanting. As interesting as listening to it was, there was no way anyone could understand her. She was not even using hand motions to try and help.

"We..." someone was overdramtically motioning to everyone while speaking very slow and louder than necessary—but it got the alien female's attention, "cannot understand YOU! Do you speaking English or any other language of OUR pla-net?"

"Of course she does not speak English, you idiot—!"

However, that agent ate his words for he was cut off by a powerful female voice. While powerful, it was also raspy as though in desperate need of water. There was also an undertone of exhaustion slipping through.

She gasped, her voice getting quieter with each word—her struggle to stay conscious becoming apparent.

"Warning—must warn..." she grunted, her multi-colored eyes moving to her side as she rested a hand in a partulcarly painful spot.

"You're hurt," Fairfield acknowledged causing those odd eyes to befall on him.

He nearly jumped at the sharpness but stayed strong.

She ignored his previous words, "danger..."

"What's danger? Who's in danger?" Someone demanded.

"Let her talk!"

"Where am I?!" The girl suddenly yelled before coughing.

"Calm down, you're safe, you're in Kensville, Kansas!"

"The United States," another voice added.

"On planet Earth in the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy..." everyone turned to the man who said that with weird looks, the man shrugging in response.

"Earth?" She sounded confused before her eyes lit up in apparent recognition, "Amirale," she groaned, laying back down while staring into the sky, "planet Amirale..."

Everyone was confused.

"No, Earth," someone cleared their throat as even more agents arrived on scene and more crowded around her.

She simply stared into the heavens, her head pounding and thoughts racing. But she was just so... tired. Too tired to move—her eyes drooped.


Everyone was staring at the woman's hands which were encased by a bright golden energy force. It appeared mystical and nothing less than one might see on a high-budget science-fiction movie.

But... it was so beautiful and they could feel the warmth emitting from it even from where they stood.

However, no sooner did it fade away as though her skin absorbed it.

She gasped, her chest constricting as she ripped her gaze away from the heavens. Her stare bore straight into Fairfield's, he almost thought she was peering right into his very soul. It was unnerving, but there was something about it that left him unable to turn away.

When she spoke, she was speaking to everyone, but to William it felt as though she was talking directly to him.

"I come from the sky," she all but whispered, everyone straining to hear her. Although, it was apparent she was more than a little out of it, "my name is..." she trailed off, clearly falling unconscious once more.

"No, no, no: what is your name?!" People were desperate for this mystery alien's name.

She tried to speak before her consciousness depleted, her train of thought losing its course very quickly.

"My name—my name is..." she was thinking, what was her name?

"A-A-A," oh yes, it started with an A, "And—And..." but she was already unconscious before she could finish her statement.

"Andi," Fairfield breathed after a moment of silence, everyone waiting to see if this woman would wake up once more.

But it became clear that she was not to wake up anytime soon. However, not that anyone knew it then, when she did wake up—there would be a problem even bigger than an alien crash landing to Earth.

"By God," someone gasped, "what's happening to her?"

Before their very eyes, this woman was changing.


Her features transformed, everything that made her an oddity—an outsider to the human race disappeared.

It started with her hair, no longer was it colorful and near glowing, but rather it shifted from her roots to a plain mousy brown. Her skin was next, the ridges of gold disappearing and leaving behind nothing but soft caramel skin. No blemishes or markings in sight.

Her features even twisted ever-so-slightly, something about them now more... human.

The Homosapien Sapien

And, not that anyone knew it yet, her eyes from where they were closed, changed to most intriguing of hazel in color. No more amazing kaledescopic starry eyes, but simply plain hazel human eyes.

Everything about her was human. If it were not for the very futuristic protective suit she wore—some believed it to be a space suit of sorts—you would not be able to tell that she was anything more than a pretty teenage girl.

Well... pretty was an understatement, she was beautiful in an otherworldly type of manner.

William Fairfield could not help but believe that with these new looks, the alien appeared Hawaiian in descent.

He hummed, listening as choppers came in and government officials arrived on the scene. It seemed no one could take their eyes off either the alien or the saucer dug halfway into the ground.

"Hmm," William hummed, "Andi," he finally breathed out, and right then he just knew.

This was the start of something spectacular—something the world may not even be ready for, but it was coming anyways.

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