Sinners of Ketterdam Updates!

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Hi squad! I know it's been pretty quiet on the Blythering side of things, so here's a few SOK updates. 

CHAPTER THREE is underway! I had to restart because, as predicted, Mercy is giving me trouble. His outtake chapter is "Mercy is a Loose Cannon Basically", and that sums it all up. Also Daji is in this chapter, and she is just as easy to work with as Mercy. 

Case in point, this is how we started off the chapter:

So clearly, cooperating in the least chaotic way possible! 

On a bright note, my outline is working with me tremendously well, I just need to muster up the grit to actually write it. Ah, writerhood. 

I've also been writing some scenes further down the line, as I feel inspired. They'll likely change, but I'll give you guys a few fun snippets as a teaser since I've withheld so much. 

(I promise there's no permanent damage. In this chapter, at least.) 

*shock* *horror*

Poor Caspian. Give him a break, Mercy.

So yeah! Quick update, but just wanted to touch base, say hi, apologise for not being around much. I know I have applyfics to catch up on, but I'm tiding myself over by waiting for a day to binge them all in a row. 

Also the college shenanigans have begun- move in day is August 22nd! Wish me luck, perhaps expect a college-themed applyfic because I've heard all college students think it's deep and wise to write about college students and I am just a girl.

See y'all soon! Lots of love! 

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