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Kim Taehyung, a 26 year old renowned psychiatrist from Daegu was transferred to Seoul in order to take care of a special case. It was a record set up by Taehyung that he never failed to cure a patient.

So there he was,standing in front of the Seoul psychiatric hospital,dressed up slightly less formal and ready to take care of his new patient.

Upon entering the building,he made his way towards the front desk, clearing his throat in order to make his presence known for the receptionist who was busy inputting texts on her computer.

"Hello,I'm Kim Taehyung-"

"Oh Doctor Kim! Dr Jung informed us about you beforehand. I'll escort you to his cabin in the crisis stabilization unit." She said and got up from her seat which was soon replaced by another lady.

"Crisis stabilization. More serious than i expected." He thought and started walking behind the attendant.

[Crisis Stabilization unit - emergency department for psychiatry, frequently dealing with suicidal, violent, or otherwise critical individuals.]

As soon as they reached Mr Jung's cabin,the lady knocked on the door before opening it for Taehyung to enter.

"Doctor Kim, I'm so glad to finally meet you. I've heard many good things about you." Doctor Jung Hoseok, the head of the Crisis Stabilization Unit stood up and motioned the male in front of him to take a seat across him.

"The pleasure is all mine," Taehyung replied with a warm smile as he took a seat in front of Dr Jung. Dr Jung opened his drawer and took out a file and placed it on the desk.

"These are your transfer documents, you can go through them before signing. Also,you will start from tomorrow." He said, handing over the file to Taehyung.

"I'll sign them," Taehyung said and took out a pen from his pocket, "but can you tell me about my patient. You were supposed to mail me his file." he continued while going through the pages and signing them.

"Patient's name is Jeon Jungkook. He was admitted when he was around 15 years old. Its been two years and there's no progress." Dr Jung paused before continuing, "You must be familiar with the name Lee Sang-Ook."

"Yeah, one of the best psychiatrists in Seoul." Taehyung answered slightly annoyed because he knew what was about to come next.

"Yes,him. Even he was unable to treat-."

"Can i meet my patient?" Taehyung interrupted Hoseok before he could complete his sentence.

"Uh,yeah about that. I'll accompany you to his room but let me warn you, he's unpredictable so you need to be careful." Hoseok warned Taehyung before standing up and motioning Taehyung to follow him. They passed through a long corridor which had a faint smell of antiseptic lingering in the air and a few janitors who were busy mopping the floor.

Finally Hoseok stopped in front of a specific room as Taehyung assumed it to be Jungkook's room.

Room 101.

"Is he violent?" Taehyung asked curiously as he stood next to Hoseok.

"Not with others but himself." Hoseok answered before unlocking the door and opening it.

Both the males entered the dimly lit room.

"The room itself is depressing." Taehyung thought and peeked over Hoseok's shoulder revealing a tiny figure lying on bed.

"Hey there," Hoseok said to the puny male lying on the bed.

No response.

The fragile boy blankly stared at the ceiling, eyes void of any emotion.

"So, this is Kim Taehyung, he will replace your previous psychiatrist." Hoseok introduced Taehyung to his new patient, Jeon Jungkook.

"Hey there little guy," Taehyung spoke softly and got closer which caused the aforementioned male to frantically get up and drag his bony figure to the opposite direction.

"I,i'm sorry," Taehyung stuttered out an apology upon seeing the male look at him with fearful eyes. His thin hands reached out to grab the white sheets in order to cover his body with it.

"I won't hurt you,please trust me." The doctor said delicately, trying his best to calm the patient down. Surprisingly, it seemed to work as Jungkook loosened his grip on the white sheets and his fearful gaze were replaced by curious ones.

"I'm Kim Taehyung and I'll be your new friend. Nice to meet you,Jungkook." Taehyung smiled at the younger who didn't say anything in response and continued staring at the elder with his innocent eyes.

"We will see you tomorrow." Hoseok interrupted them before smiling brightly at Jungkook and exiting the room along with Taehyung who wanted to stay there for a bit longer.

As they were walking down the silent hallway, Hoseok tried to initiate a conversation, "It will be hard for you to deal with-"

"It will be fine, its my job to heal him. Just because "one of the best psychiatrists in Seoul" aka Lee Sang-Ook gave up on him doesn't mean he can't be cured." Taehyung was annoyed by Hoseok for losing hope in curing Jungkook.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok apologized and raised his arms up in surrender before continuing, "you sound more like a psychologist."

"Do i? Maybe because I like to communicate with my patients and know about what worries them, what they like to do or what is going on inside their head and make them feel safe rather than prescribing them various medicines in the name of treatment."

"I completely agree with you. Good luck." Hoseok patted Taehyung's back and smiled at him. This was the first time he saw someone so passionate about healing someone and making their lives better. All the previous psychiatrists gave up on treating Jungkook but Taehyung seemed to be a stubborn one.

Hoseok was now sure that Taehyung was different from the rest.


I'm not confident about this book.
There will be many errors because I don't have enough knowledge about psychology.

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