Chapter - 06

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Author's pov

Yn was a few steps away from entering inside when she saw Luna coming with her minions. They were striding in her direction and smirking?

'Wait- they aren't planning something right ? oh god! not now...I have my exam though I came early I don't want to waste my time on this!' Thought Yn while proceeding to walk.

Yn pretended to ignore them but they surrounded her with Luna in front. Yn took a deep gust as she knew it was time to get aggravated.

"Hey, Miss Nerd saviour! Did you study well ?" Luna spoke in a mocking tone.
"Yes, I did. As you said it's my exam so don't waste my time." Yn spoke in a serious yet calm tone.
"Why in such a hurry, sweetie! You have exams but we don't, so we just want to chat with you. Aww..don't behave like an innocent kid you come with your boyfriend every day so-" Luna paused and sneered.

Yn fisted her palms now she was crossing her limits but Yn decided to deal with her after the exam ends.

Till now all the students circled them and started murmuring but none favoured Yn.
Yn took a deep breath to calm herself not in a mood to pick up a fight and spoke in an irritated tone as each spec of her tolerance have vanished by now "Move. away".
"Then we won't allow you to write your exam," Luna yelled and pushed Yn but she maintained her posture and glared at her.

'I wanted things to happen peacefully but seems like it won't, they are new to the school so they don't know the consequences of mistreating me. Till now Gummy bear used to protect me but today I'll stand for myself and I know he might be watching me right now, so I don't need to fear.' Yn thought while stepping ahead.

As soon as Yoongi saw Luna pushing Yn, he came out of the car in a hurry but paused watching the things unfolding in front of him and enlarge his eyes.

Yn pushed Luna with much more strength which made her stumble and eventually fall. What were her gang members doing ? well...they were shocked by the sudden outburst of a nerd...nerd? That's what they inferred her to be, but not anymore.

Yoongi stepped forward while smirking and stood right behind the crowd but didn't interfere as he saw something unusual. Yn's eyes, her eyes were sparkling with confidence and wish to fight for herself and Yoongi knew she wants to be independent, strong and fight for herself so he just stood there and observed everything in case anything goes beyond he will take control over the situation.

"How dare you bitch? I'll kill you!" shrieked Luna trying to get up while glaring at Yn.
"Oh come on Luna! you can't even stand on your feet and you are thinking of killing...ME" Yn mocked Luna while smirking.
"You morons help me," Luna yelled at her minions. They supported her to get and Yn knew after getting up she will create a fuss.
But soon she grinned watching a girl standing near her while drinking some coffee.

Within a blink of an eye, Yn grabbed the coffee and pour it upside down on Luna.
"WHAT THE HELL ?" tiled out Luna while all the students started laughing at her state.
Luna took a step forward but Yn moved back with a smirk.
"Omg! Luna! You don't have time to mess with me, did you forget your good-for-nothing boyfriend will be here soon and if he watches you in this state then- so better clean yourself. Meet you later." Yn waved and started walking again not before turning back and glancing at Yoongi who was smiling and gave her a thumbs up while mouthing 'I'm proud of you.

Yn smiled and walked away, as soon as Yn went inside Yoongi's expression turned stiff, he moved forward and stood in front of Luna who was trying to clean herself.
"This time I let Yn handle this since you need to know what she is capable of but next time if you trouble her, you will face me and you better know the consequences." saying this Yoongi went while the people in the crowd left the place and went back to their work leaving a restless Luna.

Yn entered inside and went to her locker but all of sudden someone squeezed her into a bone crashing back hug and she knew who it was.
"God! Lia, are you planning to kill me? let me breathe." Lia giggled and moved away and Yn turned around with a wide smile.
"So did my book worm study well ?" Asked Lia. "Yes, I was at gummy bear's apartment and I could study without any disturbance," Yn spoke with a genuine smile.
"Wait- you were at his house tell me truthfully, did you read or were you both-" Lia smirked and kept the sentence unfinished.
"Gosh! Lia, you pervert! Stop it, let's go or else we'll be late." Yn's face turned red but she pulled Lia with her and started walking. Lia cackled and followed her.

Lia was Yn's best friend. Since the time Yn joined the school no one talked to her, why? because it was a school where all the children belonging to rich families studied whereas Yn was poor and an orphan but she could get an opportunity to study here with a scholarship. Everyone treated her badly but Lia, though she belong to a rich family she was down to earth, she supported Yn from the beginning.

Meanwhile, Yoongi got into his car but couldn't help but smile thinking his Angel have grown strong, this is what he wanted from the beginning though he had promised himself to protect her he wants her to be self-confident and believe in herself because according to him, 'There will be a moment in our life where we have to walk alone, stand-alone and fight for ourselves.'

While watching today's scenario he got reminded of something.


4 years ago...

"Ah! I know I love my angel but didn't know to this extent. I can't even stay away from her though it's not even a few hours. Also, why does this school management makes different blocks for middle school and high school otherwise I could have seen her now and then." Yoongi walked to Yn's class while grumbling.

He reached the middle school block with a smile but it faded when he entered the corridor and witnessed the scenario in front of him.

He rushed towards the crowd and pushed everyone in his way not caring if they get hurt, also, they deserve it for just standing still and watching a poor soul laying on the ground and crying.

A girl was laying on the floor crying, her knee was injured and she wasn't able to get up. But soon she felt a strong arm wrapping around her fragile figure and making her sit in a half-laying position and the moment she opened her eyes she started crying more after seeing her life saviour.

Yoongi looked forth and observed a bunch of girls standing and smirking at Yn he already knew they were the bullies of this school but still how dare they hurt his angel?

One girl among them frowned and observed Yoongi as she speculated she have seen him somewhere. The moment it hit her she enlarged her eyes.

"Shit! We are in big trouble he is none other than Min yoongi, our senior who is dangerous and cold. Even teachers don't mess with him and we-- " the girl whispered and everyone was shocked and started shivering thinking about the consequences.

Yoongi moved his gaze to Yn and spoke while caressing her cheeks, "Are you ok Yn ?" asked Yoongi to the girl crying and shivering in fear.

As soon as the Yn nodded her head.



"How dare you bitches? huh? how dare you bully her, knowing the consequences, but don't worry.." Yoongi edged his finger towards the bunch of girls now shuddering in fear.

"I will make sure to get you all suspended and also that you won't get admitted to any of the schools of Daegu." Yoongi stood up picking Yn in his arms but he was continuously glaring at them.

One girl among those bullies came ahead, "s-sorry, we are s-so sorry Yoong-"
Yoongi's growl cut her sentence off, "Shut the hell up! also, everyone present over here, listen to me very carefully, don't you dare get your filthy existence near her with bad intentions, otherwise I will be sure to give you a ride of hell. So, stay away from MY Yn !"

With that Yoongi went away and placed Yn in the resting area of the school. Yoongi was searching for a first aid kit but Yn spoke in a shaking tone, "T-thank you for helping me," Yoongi gazed at her with his cold eyes making Yn more scared but was he angry with her? no, he was angry with himself for not being able to protect his angel.

Yoongi sighed and cupped her face and spoke, "Shhh..stop crying, I'm here now and don't be scared of me I'm not angry at you I'm upset with myself for not being with you when you needed me the most."
Yn shook her head and spoke "No, it's not your fault, the truth is I'm very weak and vulnerable." saying this Yn looked down controlling her tears. Yoongi felt a pang in his heart watching his love so broken.

Yoongi held both of her hands in his and squeezed them gently "I feel so horrible because I couldn't protect you today, but I promise I'll  make sure this never happens again but I want a promise in return," both were staring at each other and Yn nodded at him to continue.."This life..we never know which path it will lead us, there might be a point where we have to walk alone despite someone wanting to support us. So promise me that you will become strong to deal with them even if I'm not near you." Yn nodded.

Yoongi found the first aid kit on the side table but before he could move, Yn held his wrist.
"Do you want something angel ?" Yoongi asked worried if the wound is hurting more. But Yn left Yoongi's hand and started fiddling with her fingers. Yoongi knew this habit of Yn, she fiddles with her fingers only when she wants something but hesitates to ask.
"Angel you know right I won't deny any of your wishes so tell me," Yoongi spoke.
Yn didn't say anything but pointed her finger towards her forehead while looking down.
Yoongi frowned but soon realised what she was asking for and chuckled.

He came forward and kissed her forehead.
"I didn't know my angel remembered that every time we make a promise I kiss her forehead." Yoongi teased her and she become a red tomato.
"Okay, let's treat your wound now." Yoongi laughed and Yn couldn't help but smile.

Flashback ends...

"Things changed for good and my angel became strong." Yoongi chuckled remembering his memories with Yn and soon sighed recalling he have to complete his whole day's work within a few hours to spend some quality time with his angel and drove away.


"GUMMY BEAR" Yn howled in happiness while running towards Yoongi who was leaning on his car waiting for his angel patiently outside her school.

Yn hugged Yoongi and started uttering in excitement, "Gummy bear, you were right! my exam went well and I'm so relieved. Thank you for encouraging me."
"Angel, no need to thank me. It's your hard work. You are the best". Yn giggled and pulled away.
"Ice cream," Yn asked excited, Yoongi chuckled and nodded.

Both of them were going inside the car but Yn's phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID smiling and picked up the call. Yoongi started checking his phone's notification when he saw Yn talking to someone smiling, he thought maybe a friend called her to ask about exams and shrugged it off.

"How was your exam bubble ?" The person asked in a sweet tone over the other side.
"It went awesome!" Yn replied with the same tone.
"Is Yoongi taking you for an ice cream treat ?" Yn frowned but answered anyway "Yes, he is taking me for a treat." as soon as Yoongi heard Yn talking about their ice cream treat he lift his head, but the damage was already done.

"If Yoongi is with you keep the phone on speaker, I want to talk with him." Yn hummed and before Yoongi could ask she kept the phone on speaker and-


Both Yn and Yoongi were clutching their ears in a tight grip closing their eyes and when the person stopped screaming they opened their eyes.

"What was that!" Yn was still shocked.
"Ah! Jin Hyung, don't be a cause of noise pollution and previous time when I took her for ice cream treat, we came late because of traffic. This time we'll come early". Yoongi tried to convince Jin.
"I don't know anything! postpone your ice cream treat. No one will enjoy and have their lunch till Yn comes so bring her back soon." Jin spoke.
"Okay, we are coming." Yoongi sighed and hung up the call.
"It's okay Gummy bear we will eat our lunch with everyone and since you want me to stay in your apartment today while going back we can have it," Yn spoke merrily trying to convince Yoongi.
"Okay" Yoongi smiled and both of them entered inside the car and drove off.


As soon as Yn and Yoongi entered the orphanage they could see children laughing, enjoying and waiting for lunch. Why not? When the lunch is prepared by none other than WWH chef Jin.

Jin, who is going to be the owner of the orphanage never makes children feel that they have no one. Children of the orphanage were his priority, he loves spending a good time with the children and every time after exams get over he cooks food for all the children by himself and feed them. It was a tradition for him to treat the children after their hard work and sleepless nights.

Out of sudden someone lifted Yn in the air by gripping her waist from behind.
"Yn, we missed you so much." the person screamed in excitement making Yn giggle along.
"You shorty! Put her down what if she falls?" Yoongi yelled at him.

The person put Yn down and glared at Yoongi.
"Hyung, I'm no shorty. My name is Jimin. j.i.m.i.n, Jimin" he spelt it while everyone laughed.
"Hyung is right, you are shorty Jimin." someone came and gave a side hug to Yn and teased Jimin.
"Ah! taehyung, I taught you were my best friend but you are supporting this cold cat." this time Yoongi glared at Jimin and everyone laughed.
"That's enough everyone, let's go and meet the children, I want to know if their exams went well." saying this Yn started dragging everyone.

Jimin and Taehyung both are orphans and live in the sunshine orphanage. It's a rule that after a child crosses eighteen the orphanage won't be paying for any of their expenses but still, they can stay here if they want. Taehyung and Jimin are above eighteen but they decided to stay in the orphanage because they love this place and the people staying there. They do internships in hotel management to pay off their expenses.

When Yoongi was a child he used to come here often with his father with gifts and clothes for the children. So he met them frequently and become friends. The moment Yoongi took Yn to the orphanage he asked both of them to take care of her and they did. When Yn came here for the first time she was nervous and scared due to her trauma but they both approached her, talked with her, and comforted her whenever she saw a nightmare or got a panic attack they never failed to bring a smile to her face and soothe her.

Yn was walking around rummaging for her friends when someone held her wrist and turned her around.
"What happen Gummy bear ?" Yn asked Yoongi who was constantly staring at her.
"You are ignoring me since you came here," Yoongi spoke with a cold face.
"Hey! don't scare me with your cold face" Yn spoke trying to free her hand when Yoongi pulled her closer and rubbed their noses.
"You know I can never be cold towards you, I need your attention all time and that's it" Yn giggled. Yoongi's eyes were crammed with so much love and passion for his angel.

Whereas, Someone's eyes filled with so much hatred and enormity who was watching the young couple enjoying their time.

" got such a pretty girl Yoongi, but.." Her eyes turned dark.
"You both have to separate because your life should hold nothing but pain, the pain inflicted by me."  The person spoke with hatred visible in her tone. "Poor Yoongi, I wanted to have mercy on you, but see people around you don't want it. History will repeat itself but the only difference is, you lost your mother nine years ago but now you will lose everything even Yn oops- your angel."

So who do you think the person might be? What happened nine years ago which ruined yoongi's childhood? It's just the beginning of the upcoming storm.

3000+ words of what's happening with me. Hope you don't curse me for taking a little bit more time of yours for reading...haha

Hope you enjoyed reading it.

Borahae 💜 💜 💜

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