⠀⠀¹³ how did i make my profile aesthetic?

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˒⠀S T I L L . . . 𝙲𝙰𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙸𝙰𝙲


how did i make my profile
?  ━━  no. 013

     GREETINGS, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! Welcome to VOLUME THREE of this book, also known as the final volume! So great to have you here.

     In this closing section, I will cover an array of topics concerning aesthetics (layouts, symbols, fonts, graphics, apps, etc.). Aesthetics is my least favorite thing to talk about because I spend so much time making them that it now gives me a headache. However, I will speak about it in this book's portion for the final time.

     That said, I already have a writing tips book with an entire volume and chapters dedicated to aesthetics. Most of this volume is copy-and-pasted from there because, for the most part, none of my resources/tips/tricks have changed.

     Disclaimer: I am not an expert regarding anything I talk about in this book. So please, do not take my word as gospel. This is simply a resource for anyone to consult.

     Now, buckle up. Today I will be presenting an introduction to aesthetics/how I made my profile "aesthetic," also known as the (unofficial) most dangerous game to play, particularly on Wattpad.

     Honestly, I hardly know where to start because I have so much to say, yet nothing at the same time. The subject of aesthetics is not discussed in-depth like this. Typically, one person asks another on Wattpad, "Hey! Where'd you get that?" or "Hey! Where do you find those symbols?" However, I'd like to take a different approach.

     First, I'm going to start this chapter with the truth: having a nice layout, a pretty aesthetic, and a profile/layout theme is annoying. People who use symbols and fonts heavily in their aesthetics rarely admit this. I am not one of those people. Creating an aesthetic, keeping it, and putting it in all of your books for continuity and consistency is an ass and a half. It's annoying and a hassle that isn't necessary, but people, including myself, want to have a pretty book. So, we put ourselves through dozens of headaches and time staring at a screen.

     And as much as nobody wants to admit it (although it's true), a pretty book attracts more attention and readers. A book could be poorly written but have an incredible layout and receive more reads and votes compared to a brilliantly written book with a strong plot with strong characters. But people aren't ready for that conversation yet.

     Second, creating an aesthetic and applying it to your books is a tricky game. You might like the layout for a couple of days or weeks, but inevitably, you will change your mind and want to do an entirely new layout. It's taxing and takes time, only for you to hit the remix button and remake it again days/weeks/months later. I've done this many times, so I experience this struggle.

     Third, I will shut up because I know people are here for tips, answers, and symbols, not to read an accumulation of my thoughts on aesthetics. Let's get into it!

     The world of aesthetics is multifaceted and has many elements to it. There are visual graphics (gifs, pictures, banners, and headers), keyboard symbols, fancy fonts, themes, usernames, layouts, and bios. It's a lot, and I will break them down for you. Visual graphics, symbols, and fancy fonts will have chapters dedicated to them.


     ╰ THEME. . .

     Think of your Wattpad theme as your opening statement in an essay. It's what captures people's attention and either draws them in or pushes them away. Your theme is also a marketing tool, in a sense. Depending on the book genre or fandom you write about, you want to tailor your profile to fit that demographic. I'm not saying you need to, but often, people's themes naturally match their stories and what they write about, regardless if it's intentional.

     Furthermore, your theme is essentially the first impression you give to someone. What they see on your profile can be how they'll envision you. So, keep it clean and organized, and consider color schemes. There are tons of themes that you can choose from and create; the possibilities are endless. (Tip: You can find many ideas for themes on WeHeartIt and Pinterest.) These are just words of my own advice that I have used and stuck to. You do not need to do this.

     Some people choose only to use pictures of the same person on the cover of all of their books (it's me, I'm people), others choose a color scheme or filter that they put on each cover, or they choose pictures that have similar backgrounds (a field of flowers or city backgrounds with a person somewhere in the photo). Or none of the covers match and are tailored to fit each individual story, which is perfectly fine!

     My number one theme tip is ensuring your photos are high-quality and aren't blurry! That turns people off from a book pretty quickly, I've discovered. (I suggest using the app Remini to make your images less blurry. There is a free version on all app stores.)

     ╰ GRAPHIC TIPS. . .

     BOOK COVERS: I recommend using the dimensions 1,000 x 1,559. (Those are the dimensions I use for mine.) It'll help maintain the quality of the cover and not blur/pixelate it.

     PROFILE BANNERSI recommend using the dimensions 1,902 x 600.

     PROFILE PHOTOSI recommend using the dimensions 400 x 400 to 950 x 950. Regarding the photo file type, I advise using JPG and not PNG. PNG files tend to contain more megabytes, whereas JPG images do not. On Wattpad, your profile photo file cannot be higher than 1MB.

     ╰ LAYOUT. . .

     Everyone loves to talk about how vital layout is in aesthetics, and I'm here to confirm that they are correct. Layout, in my opinion, is the most essential element. A concise, organized, neat, and clean layout is key.

     Those with profiles and books whose layouts are clean, edited, and organized are watering their garden correctly. You wouldn't want to have your own plant family, leave them outside, and not take care of them. You would want to water them and put them in sunlight, ensuring they get everything they need to thrive and live.

     Similarly, think about your layouts. Don't overwater your plant. In other words, don't let your books and profile layouts become too cluttered.

     Some ways to do that are to use fewer keyboard symbols or to space them out, so they're not all bunched together. You can also space out words if you'd like if it helps you achieve your vision. Sometimes it helps if you use a series of the same symbols but organize them differently/in different orders.

     Additionally, someone wanted to know how I come up with my layouts. And honestly, that's a great question because even I'm not entirely sure how I do. Oftentimes, I copy and paste random symbols into a document and move them around to see what combinations I like most. Sometimes I'll use song lyrics or quotes with said symbols. I try to keep in mind whether I want a simple layout for my chapters or if I want to be extra and go ape shit with symbols and fonts.

     If that doesn't work or spark a bit of creativity in me, I'll go onto Pinterest and search "aesthetic graphics" or "graphic design posters." Usually, that helps spark an idea and potential book theme ideas as well.

━━━━╯ ⁰²  ,   USERNAMES & BIOS!

     ╰ USERNAMES. . .

     Creating a unique username that you like is literally the hardest thing ever because anything you can think of is most likely already in use. It took me two hours to come up with a username for my backup account... and still, I'm not too fond of it. The struggle is real.

     Once you can get the username you want, it's nearly impossible to change it. (Such as mine, which is cardiiac. It's what I'm known by now. I can't change it if I want my readers and mutuals to recognize me.)

     In a sense, your username is your brand— what you want people to know you by. So, I recommend finding the right one. I suggest something relatively short and simple, nothing over the top, and ridiculously long. Also, avoid using excessive numbers in your username if you can. Numbers have a way of making usernames look cluttered, in my opinion. If you do use numbers, don't do something like butterfly51277803. That's not necessary. Maybe use only one or two numbers, not all of them.

     If you ever have trouble coming up with a user, dozens of websites are designed to help you (for free)! All you have to do is go to Google and search "username generator."

     ╰ BIOS. . .

     Let's get one thing straight— bios with nothing but symbols aren't cute. All right? I said it.

     It appears cluttered and can be distracting from your stories. To craft an "aesthetic bio," use simple symbols or a specific set of symbols and text headers/borders if you wish. Keep it minimalistic to a degree and simple.

     Additionally, you can share your name, age, pronouns, sexuality, who you stan, favorite food, or the fandoms you are in. Quotes and song lyrics are also cute to add, especially with fancy fonts. Perhaps include a list of your books at the end that states which is ongoing, on hold, coming soon, or completed. Or maybe include your social media handles if you would like. However, for your safety, don't get too personal. Don't reveal sensitive information.

     I only share my name, preferred pronouns, age, sexuality, and zodiac sign. That isn't overly personal information. No one knows where I live, where I went to college, what I look like, or my full name— nobody needs to know that information. Do you know how many Graysons who are over twenty identify as she/her and are Capricorn exist? Probably a bunch more than I will ever know.

     Like I said before: keep it minimalistic and simple. Don't overdo it, and don't overshare. On Wattpad, people are here for stories, not always to meet people or get to know the authors too personally. However, remember also that your bio is part of your first impression with others. Make it unique and your own!

     And there you go! I hope any of this is helpful!



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