FIFTY-SIX| a pediatric dose goes a long way

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EDEN doesn't have time to scream before the Cross of Santo Domingo came crashing down onto the cushions Pope had been laying on.

Despite being in a hazy mind after falling off the ceiling, Pope knew he wasn't dreaming when he saw the cross leaning eagerly forward out of its wooden shelter; certainly not when he saw the hunk of gold falling straight towards him and his friends. 

 Luck seemed to dash in to save him, the boy instinctively tensing up and rolling off the cushion as the cross toppled over the edge.

"Hey, hey—Pope! Don't move your..." Eden begins to reprimand the boy for moving so fast after falling so hard, especially after not speaking to the group on how he felt, but she suddenly sees a small amount of debris falling from the ceiling and looks up to see the cross mere feet from her face. "....head!"

Everything happens rather quickly. The Pogues all let out panicked exclaims and scramble to their feet, up and away from the cushions. 

JJ abruptly yells, "Eden, move!"

Eden barely has time to process the fact that the cross is falling towards the group and swiftly scooches back as far as she can in the seconds she has, placing her head down in between her knees with her hands, shielding her head and face with her arms as if it were a tornado drill. 

The cross hits the cushions where Pope had been lying milliseconds before with a thud, gold clattering against the wood. Debris and chunks of wood fly out to the side as the Pogues collectively pant, adrenaline rushing through their veins at what almost happened.

Realizing she was not indeed under a giant cross, Eden slowly uncurls her hands from around the back of her neck. She peeks upwards to see the cross mere inches away from her feet, Converse brushing against the thick gold. 

"Holy shit." the Bexley breathes, eyes wide. She was almost crushed by a giant, gold cross. Gazing over at John B. she manages a light chuckle, "So much for being gator food, I was almost crushed by a giant ass cross." 

John B. breathlessly states, "You're clearly fine—Pope?"

Pope lies curled up near the cushions, hands wrapped around his head in protection. Unlike the Bexley, however, he hadn't gotten up, which causes the group to show concern once more.

JJ bends down, rubbing his back, "Hey, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Pope manages, slightly out of breath as he chokes out,  "Just give me, like, one second to, like, catch my breath." 

John B. stares at the cross lying before them, rubbing the boys calf, "You did it, Pope."

Eden begins to rise to her feet, staring at the cross in front of her. The gold was beautiful, intricate designs engraved over the item making it even more delicate and alluring than before. If there wasn't a healing garment inside, the Bexley felt as if the cross itself was enough.   

JJ delicately grazes his hands over the cross, running them all over the bumps and grooves of the item, unable to tear his gaze away from it, "Pope, she's....she's beautiful."

"I've never seen anything like it." Sarah humbly agrees.

"Man, the detail's insane." 

John B. runs a hand over a keyhole in the center of the cross, "Well, here's why Limbrey wanted that key so bad."

 Eden gently brushes her hand against the top of the object, "Well, too bad she's not getting it." 

"How much do you think she's worth?" JJ looked between the two brunettes beside him, hands still grazing over the cross' surface as he tried to picture the amount of cash they could get out of this. "Like, if we melted her old bones down, dude, I'm talking like high billions—"

"This belongs in a—" John B. gets cut off by the Maybank's money making fantasy and he firmly states, "No. This belongs in a museum." 

"What?" JJ whirled around, surprised his best friend has disagreed, "So no one see's her?"

"In a museum where everyone sees it."

"Are you kidding me—"

"Hey!" Pope echos, finally standing back up upon his feet, "It's my ancestor's cross!"

JJ backs off, "Right, okay. Alright, alright, well—"

Pope leans against one of the pews the group had moved, "This is bigger than money, and the world's gotta know the truth."

Eden's brow furrows at his figure, leaned up against the pew in support. She watched his chest heave rather heavily, and it was clear he had a swollen eye. Concerned, she softly asks, "Yo, Pope—"

"Yes," John B. cuts her off, continuing on with what the Heyward was talking about, "And if we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. So, saddle up." 

JJ comes forward, "It's heavy like right here."

The group crowd around the cross, Pope even joining with a small wave of his wasp-stung hand. Each teen hunches or crouches down to grab a separate part of the gold—Kiara takes the head, Sarah and Eden claiming an arm, JJ wrapping his arm around the middle while John B. grabbed the head a little above the Maybank. The Heyward came down to help where he could.

"Wait, hold on, hold on." JJ glances toward the boy above him, knuckles white as he grasped the cross. "John B, you're gonna pull, alright? Pull down."

The Routledge nods, "Alright, I'm gonna pull down. You guys pull up." Everyone hums in agreement of the plan before the boy counts down, "One, two, three—"

The second the cross was beginning to get lifted, grunts, groans, and curses of exertion flew from the Pogues' lips. Muscles straining and teeth seethed together, they used all of their collective strength to lift the heavy gold off of the floor—they knew it would be heavy, but holy shit, it was heavy

"JJ, watch you foot—"

"Shit! Okay!"

"Okay—I got it! Okay." JJ chokes on his own words as they begin to shuffle the cross towards the door, teeth gritted together from the heaviness of the object. As they begin to move, the cross starts tilting downwards, "Who's—who's not lifting right now? Sarah, are you seriously—"

At the accusation, Sarah exclaimed, "I'm lifting!"

JJ shoots back, "Doesn't feel like it." 

Kiara grunts, "Move forward, people."

Pope's side of the cross suddenly began to lower as the boy grunted in pain rather than muscle exertion, "Ah, ah! Okay, guys—I can't. I can't." 

Eden tried to keep the arm lifted, though she lost much of her strength without Pope helping, "No! Pope! Come on—"

"No, no, no, Pope! Hang on there!" JJ calls out, "No, no, no, no, no—"

The Cross of Santo Domingo falls yet again with a dull clank, the group panting heavily as it falls from their grasp. Pope stumbles back into a pew, grasping his hand with a heavy chest, though it falls short to his friends as they begin the blame game yet again. 

"Damn it, yo!" JJ huffed in frustration, whipping around towards Sarah, "You almost dropped it on my foot!"

Sarah argues, "'Cause I'm the only one lifting it!"

"Oh, you sure—"

John B. puts his hands out between the two blondes before they can start fighting, "Okay, okay, okay, okay! Listen, we'll make like a sling, like a little—"

Eden wipes her hands against her jeans with a pant, turning around to try and think of how they could haul the cross out without holding it. As she does so, she's quick to catch Pope in her peripheral vision, quickly whipping towards him instead when she notices the Heyward clutching at his chest.

"Hey, hey, hey." Eden quickly steps away from the conversation, approaching the boy with furrowed brows. His eye seems to be even more puffy, though they're both squeezed shut as he wheezes for air. "Pope, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." Pope chokes out, a groan following. He struggles to capture enough air to speak, and seems to be trying to stop his eyes from rolling to the back of his head, "Can't—can't breathe, Eden. I can't—" 

"Hey, don't waste it. Try to get as big a breath as you can. I'll get their attention." Eden doesn't know what's happening to the boy, but he's clearly not okay. She whips around to look at her friends, who still proceed to argue over how to haul the cross, utterly unaware of their friends condition. "You guys! Become aware of what's happening for five seconds, please!?"

Sarah, Kie, JJ, and John B. all turned to look at the girl at her request, expressions of concern growing when they saw Pope splayed across the bench. Quickly, just as they had when he'd fallen into the cushions, the group crowded him.

"Guys, I'm not okay." Pope pants, "I'm not okay—"

Eden stands at his side, leaning forward as she puts a hand on his shoulder, "Stop talking. Keep trying to breathe."

John B. breathes, "Shit!"

Kiara frowns, "Your eye —"

"—it looks all puffy." Sarah finishes grimly, staring at his puffed up eye. 

JJ leans forward, "You don't look too good, bro."

The Heyward wheezes, "I can't—"

Kiara turns towards the Bexley, "He's having an allergic reaction."

"Shit." Eden curses, beginning to grow panicked. He'd been stung by all those wasps and if he was allergic, that was sure to do the trick of anaphylactic shock—which would be sure to cause his tight chest. However, if he was reacting this bad, they'd need an EpiPen, which Eden doubts anyone happens to have. "Hey, hey, Pope? Are you allergic to wasps?" 

Sarah concernedly asks, "How many times did you get stung?"

Pope fumbles his hand against Eden's upon his shoulder, wheezing, "Eden—"

"I'm right here, I'm here—" Her words get caught in her throat as Pope's eyes roll back into his head, body limply sliding down the pew. She's quick to lurch downwards, grabbing a hold of one of his arms and throwing it over her shoulder to live him. "Shit. Someone help me get him up!"

Kiara rushes to the other side of the Heyward, maneuvering his limp body upwards to help Eden, "What about the cross!?"

"JJ, try and hide it!" John B. came to Eden's side, trying to help the girl support Pope's dead weight, even with his injured foot.

JJ rushes to throw cushions over the gold cross, "I got it! I got the cross!"

"We'll come back!" Kiara calls out.

"Did anyone know that Pope was allergic to wasps?" Eden panics, shifting forward with the boy lolling against her and Kiara. She can't recall the boy ever saying anything about being allergic to the stinging insects, and he seemed too calm around them when he climbed around on the banisters to know that he'd react this bad if anything happened. 

Getting him to his feet seemed to cause Pope to regain some recognition of consciousness, another rasp falling from his lips, "I can't breathe."

"I know." Kiara heaves, trying to be reassuring through not much could soothe the boy's panic. 

JJ scrambles to get the cushions positioned over the cross in a way that hid it—it was giant and it was gold, so no matter how he tried to cover it, a sliver always peeked out and caught his eye. "Guys, I don't know how I'm gonna hide this!"

Eden calls back to the boy as she shuffles to the door, "It doesn't even matter right now, J!"

"Sarah, can you get the door?" John B. rushes—Eden's sure it's the nicest he's spoken to the girl since they broke-up.

Sarah does so without question, "Yeah—"

"Goddammit! It's so heavy—" JJ echoes from inside.

As the five teens exit the church, Kiara hollers to the Maybank, "JJ! We gotta go!" 

"It's so heavy, I can't—I'm coming, I'm coming!" JJ quickly backed away from the cross, cursing himself internally as he shut the church doors at the shit job he'd done at hiding the thing. "Jeez, that thing's heavy. Sarah, I didn't hide it well enough—" 

Sarah runs past the blonde boy, opening the truck door for the three hauling Pope, "Don't worry about that! We gotta get Pope some help!"

Eden, Kie, and John B. reach the truck and the Bexley enters the vehicle, helping the Carrera girl slide him inside. The Heyward boy struggles to lift himself inside the truck, Eden diving down pull him up from under his elbows, a light groan falling from his lips as he lies over her figure, head trying to find it's way out the window.

"Pope, what do you need, buddy?" JJ shouts, "Pope, what do you need?" 

From Eden's lap, Pope mimicked a stabbing motion to his elbow, croaking sounds coming out of his throat as he attempted to speak. Kiara began to get into the vehicle herself, interpreting his actions, "A shot!"

"Ricky's!" Eden suddenly blurts, head running a thousand miles a minute. Pope needed help now, and they didn't have the time to drive across the island to the nearest hospital. However, Ricky lived close enough and certainly had an EpiPen or some other tool to help the Heyward. "J, go to Ricky's! Hospital is too far!"

Sarah calls out, "Keep his legs elevated!"

JJ gives a curt nod to Eden's words, scrambling for the drivers seat, "Keys! Give me the keys—Kie, give me the keys!"

Kiara sets the Heyward's legs against her lap, "They're in the ignition! Go!"

"Right, I knew that—"

Sarah, who'd hopped in the front seat between the Routledge and Maybank, turns to face Eden and Kiara, "Keep a hand on his pulse."

"On it." Eden places a light hand on his chest, taking note of his still beating heart. 

Kiara reassures through shaky lips, "We got you, we got you—Pope?!"

Pope almost lifelessly hung his head out the side of the window, desperately trying to find some air.

Eden didn't even care about her weight upon his figure as she cried out, "JJ! Please, hurry!"

JJ twists the keys and immediately hits his foot against the gas, truck speeding off, "Hang on, Pope! We're going! We're going—we're going!"

"We're gonna get you some help, Pope." Eden reassures the boy gently, though panic is desperately clear in her voice. "Ricky's gonna help you."

The car ride to Ricky's felt dangerously long as Eden held on to the Heyward boy. As JJ sped past stop signs and earned multiple obnoxious horn honking from other drivers, the Pogues collectively fussed over Pope's condition as the boy fell in and out of consciousness, the only sigh he was still alive being the sudden wheezes and croak's he'd let out to show he was somewhat breathing. 

The only thing Eden could do was pray that Ricky had what they needed.

Slamming his hand against the horn, JJ swirls into his cousin's driveway, barely even allowing the truck to stop fully before flying out of it. "Ricky!"

The rest of the group does the same, flinging their car doors open to heave Pope's body out. Eden makes sure he's securely with Kiara and John B. before leaving the Heyward's side, dashing up to follow the Maybank to the door—Ricky would listen to her over JJ any day. 

"Ricky! Hey! Bro!" JJ makes it to the front door and begins rapping his fist against the screen, restlessly trying to get the attention of his cousin. "Ricky! Ricky! Ricky! Hey, Ricky!"

From his side, Eden bangs her fist against the door, "Ricky, I know you're inside! Get your ass out here, we need help!"

Suddenly, Ricky appears at the door, unamused as he looks at JJ and Eden standing at his doorstep. The man is wearing nothing but his boxers, unruly curls falling all over his forehead—he's clearly not in the mood for company. His mutters a light grumble under his breath as he looks between the two, clearly waiting for an explanation.

Seeing his cousin, JJ jumps to explain, jamming on the door handle to signal he needed inside, "Ricky, hey, I got a problem, bro! I know you're mad at me!"

Ricky comes closer to the glass separating them, angrily retorting, "Remember that time you stole my ambulance?!" He sends a pointed glare to the shorter girl beside his cousin, "And remember the time you let it happen, Bexley?!"

"You got it back!" Eden spits.

Ricky's eyes widened, "Yeah, and I have to pay—"

"I know, I know. I know you're mad—" JJ attempts to speak, but is immediately stopped as Ricky flicks up the middle finger and shuts the main door without a care. "No! Don't do that—"

"Ricky! Ricky—no!" Eden slams a fist against the door as he shuts in their faces, "We need help—actual help!"

"No! Please!" Sarah hoarsely yells, "Please! We need help!"

Kiara explains, "He got stung by a wasp! He's having an allergic reaction! Please help!"

As his friends continue banging on the door, JJ runs over to the nearest window and raps on that instead, "Yeah, he—he can't breathe, Ricky!"

John B. hoisted Pope to the front door with Kiara, "Ricky!"

"He can't breathe, Ricky!"

Sarah yelps, "He's right here, please!"

The group crowds around the front door, fists rapping against the door and panicked pleads falling from their lips. 

"I don't care if you don't want us here, my friend can't fucking breathe!" Eden pounds against the door, trying to keep her voice confident despite how desperate she was for the man to let them into his home, "You're a fucking paramedic, do your job! I don't think you want his dead body on your lawn—"

Suddenly, their cries seem to get through to the man, because the door flies open and Ricky returns with a concerned yet calm, "Who can't breathe?"

"Look at him!" John B. shouted, nodding towards Pope. The boy's head limply dangles in his arms as he leans against Kie and the Routledge, hoarse wheezes falling from his lips, "Help my friend! Help!"

It's silent for a moment, Ricky turning away before conceding with a sigh, "Alright, Jesus Christ." He finally unlocks the door, which is immediately thrown open by Eden, who storms through to clear off the man's dinner table. "Watch it, Bexley."

"Hey! Nice to meet you!" Sarah squeaks as she rushes after Eden, helping the Bexley clear off Ricky's belongings off the table and on to the floor. "Sorry!"

JJ runs a hand through his hair as his friends all parade into Ricky's house, "You know, I wouldn't come to you if it wasn't an emergency." The Pogues lay Pope's body upon the now clear table and the Maybank leans over him. "Hang in there, buddy. Hang in there."

Ricky comes over to to see the reason why the teens had feverishly barged into his home, "What's wrong with him?"

Sarah simply exclaims, "Wasps!"



"He was playing Spiderman and a shit ton of wasps stung him, and now he's going into anaphylactic shock." Eden rushes, coming opposite to Ricky, looking at him expectantly—she was ready to help with whatever she needed too.

Ricky looks at the Bexley, "Is he allergic to wasps?"

Kiara impatiently exclaims, "Clearly!"

"I don't know—"John B. shrugs.

"We weren't made aware until now." Eden summarizes. 

Ricky sighs, "Okay."

"—a beehive worth of wasps." John B.'s words are muffled by the panicked chaos in the room and the Family Feud running in the background. 

JJ elbows the Routledge boy, lifting one of Pope's legs, "Raise his legs, raise his legs—"

As the two boys keep the Heyward's legs elevated, Ricky looks between the group, "What's his name?"

Sarah breathes, "Pope."

"Hey, Pope?" Ricky spoke to the boy on the table, the Heyward staying unresponsive. He lightly groans, beginning to back away from the group, "Hang tight. I gotta get my kit—" He darts away before any Pogues can argue.

"Hang tight?!" JJ gapes, scoffing humorlessly, "Hang tight, Ricky?!"

John B. places a hand on the Maybank's shoulder, "He's looking for a kit—go help."

"J, give me your jacket." Eden speaks to the boy, wanting to use it as support for Pope's head.

JJ shrugs his jacket off without a question, but double takes the Routledge's words, "Kit?"

"Go help, yeah." John B. mutters.

JJ throws his jacket to Eden before rushing to go help his cousin find his kit. The Bexley folds the jacket with shaky fingers, lightly lifting the Heyward's head so he could have some support as he laid upon the table. 

"Breathe a little, okay?" Kiara tearfully states, cupping Pope's face with her hands, "Like a little bit. I just need you to focus. Focus on your breathing, okay?" 

Eden feels horrible as she simply stands there. Her friends had helped her breathe through different panic and anxiety attacks over the years, yet she couldn't help Pope do the exact same now. 

From behind the group, JJ barks out, "What does it look like?!"

"Like a duffel bag!" Ricky rushes from the room he'd disappeared into, running right by the Pogues and towards the garage, "A duffel bag!"

Kiara whirls around to scream, "Where's your kit!"

"Out in the garage, maybe?"

Pope's wheezing got progressively louder as the Pogues awaited Ricky, the man finally rushing back to the table with his kit, "Okay, I got it! I got it, I got it, I got it—"

The group crowds around the table again, ready to help. JJ is first to speak, "What do we do now?"

"You don't do anything 'cause you're not a paramedic." Ricky unzips the kit, shifting through different sections to find what he was looking for. Kiara backs away from the table, hands on her face as she held back tears. The man pulls out a vial of liquid and a needle, "Okay. Hey, Pope. How you doing, man? You look like shit."

Eden watches as Ricky carefully injected the needle into the vial, filling it to the brim with the clear liquid inside.

"Here's the thing," Ricky begins to explain, flicking the needle with his thumb and pointer finger, "This is a pediatric dose of epinephrine—"

Sarah's brows furrowed, "Is that gonna be enough?"

John B. scratches his head, "Pediatric like kid, right?"

Kiara quickly shakes her head, "He's not a kid."

"It is ten times a normal dose." Ricky states firmly, voice slightly breaking, "So, if...if it doesn't stop his heart, it'll help him—" 

Eden's never taken a man in his underwear so seriously. Eyes widening she scoffs, "So, what? You're telling me this might kill him?"

"I gotta use the whole thing, or it will kill him." Ricky stares at her with a shrug—he didn't have any other way to help Pope out if it wasn't this. Quickly, he turns towards JJ for approval, "....and I'm not going down if he dies."

The blonde's lips press into a thin line, debating whether or not to let his cousin do this—if he did, there was a chance Pope could come out alive, if he didn't.....there was a bigger chance he'd die—before blurting, "Okay! Fine! Do it! Hit it!" He rushes his cousin in a panic, "Come on, hurry up and hit him with it!"

"Okay, okay—"

"Come on, hurry up!"

Ricky steps closer to the limp boy, sliding the arm of his jacket off, eyes searching for a vein. He finds one and places the needle against his skin, "Alright, Pope, hang in there, buddy."

"Just fucking do it, Ricky." Eden sighs, anxiously bringing a hand up to play with her bracelet as she watched the scene.

Ricky injects the needle into Pope's arm, the boy lightly groaning at the feeling. He pushes the plunger down, epinephrine injecting itself into the Heyward boy's system.

JJ choked out a quiet mutter at the sight, "I hate needles, man."

Ricky pulls the needle out of the boy's arm and blankly states, "Okay, um, that's it." 

Sarah questions, "Now what?"

"Now we wait." Ricky backs away from the table, zipping up his kit.

 The Pogues sit in a deafening silence, guilt and fear that Pope was about to be killed by the amount of adrenaline in his system eating away at their stomachs. Eden felt sick at the thought of the Heyward not waking back up—she'd suggested they come to Ricky's. If he died, she wouldn't forgive herself.

"Well let's go." Steve Harvey's voice echoes from the television, breaking the silence the Pogues held. None of them react to the episode playing upon the screen, more so keeping their eyes locked on Pope. "We asked 100 married people, name something your wife thinks she does really well, but she doesn't."

Staring down at the bracelet she was toying with, Eden mumbles, "Clean." 

"Eden, not now." JJ spares her a glance, the TV echoing her answer—the woman who'd answered having guessed the same thing.

"Sorry." the Bexley doesn't look up. 

Kiara, growing impatient with how Pope showed no signs of life despite the adrenaline shot through his system, sends Ricky a fierce glare, "You killed him." 

Ricky whipped to face her, "No—"

"Yes, you did!"

"I didn't do shit."

Kiara hollers hoarsely, "What did you do!"

Firmly, Ricky stepped forward to reiterate, "I did exactly what you asked me to do." 

"Kiara, give it—give it a minute. It's gonna work." Eden anxiously punches the inside of her palm lightly, wanting to keep her own breathing steady before they had to get two teens to breathe. It was gonna work. Pope was okay. "It has to work."

"Please! Please!" the Carrera girl began to sob, voice breaking as she began to shake the boy, begging for him to wake up. "Pope, please, come on!"

JJ gripped the front of his shirt and his jacket, shaking them, "Pope, come on, bro!"

Suddenly, a loud gasp echoed through the room, and the Pogues all look down to see Pope Heyward coming back to it. 

"Wait, wait, wait—" JJ stutters at the sudden breathing.

Kiara gets close to him, "Pope? Pope, Pope, Pope?"

The Heyward boy suddenly arises from the table, coughing hoarsely. The others begin to sigh in relief, Ricky letting out an abrupt chuckle before placing a hand over his mouth to stop.  Pope blinks away the weariness in his head, eye still swollen, sitting fully upright.

"Oh, thank God." Eden breathes in relief, running a hand through her hair as stress and guilt rose off of her shoulders. 

"There he is." JJ points at Pope, grin on his face, "That's my boy, right there!"

"It's hot." Pope speaks for the first time, trying to shrug off his jacket. "I'm, like, real hot, guys." 

JJ holds the boys shoulders as Sarah helps him take off his jacket, "It's okay. Take it easy."

Pope gets off the table, heading straight towards the door without another thought. Pushing right past John B., he states, "I gotta get outside—"

The Routledge mutters, "Hey, simmer down."

Eden comes forward beside John B., watching as the Heyward boy abruptly walked out the house with a proud expression—he was alive, who cared what he was doing. "Let him go. He just about died."

JJ pats Ricky on the shoulder, "I owe you."

Kiara chases the Heyward out the door with a chuckle, "Take your time. Take a second, take a second—"

Pope repeats, "I need to get outside." He rushed into the yard, "It's hot!"

"Hey, you're good—" John B. files out the door next, "Woah, woah—"

Eden grabs the Maybank's jacket from the table, placing it on her figure before joining the two remaining blondes at the door. Sarah is quick to speak to Ricky, "Thank you so much—are there any side effects we should be worried about?"

Ricky mutters a small 'your welcome' under his breath, fingers fiddling around with the joint he'd been smoking before the group interrupted his day. "He'll have a rocket up his ass for about half an hour, then he'll be fine."

Eden looks outside to watch as Pope runs down the lawn, leaping into the air as he screams and exclaims in excitement—rocket up his ass? More like a whole firework show. John B. plays along with the boy's adrenaline pumped attitude.

"Perfect." Eden hums as Sarah and JJ run outside to join their friends. She sends the paramedic a genuine smile of gratitude, "Seriously though, Ricky. Thank you. I owe you every bracelet my kit can make."

Ricky holds up his wrist to show the bracelet he'd been given by Eden Bexley after befriending her, "I think one is enough." 

"Aw, you wear it." The Bexley hums sarcastically, quickly snatching the joint from between his fingers. Ricky fumbles to snatch it back but the girl is too quick, taking a drag of the item with a smirk on her face.

Ricky grabs the joint back, shoving her towards the door with a playful yet serious, "Get the fuck out of my house, Bexley."

Eden scoffs as she steps outside, Ricky shutting the door behind her. The girl looks forward to see Pope leaping in the air towards John B.

"Let's go get that cross! Whoo!" the Heyward exclaims, punching at the air and the ground as he hollered, "Game six, baby! I'm Micheal Jordan!" 

Eden smiles at the scene before running down into the lawn, "Let's go get that fucking cross!"

mara's misc


i just want to say ricky is my certified pookie and no one can tell me otherwise.

no bc he is so funny  like bro really could give less fucks right now

anywho, this is my last week of school!! this year has been a challenge but it's also been really fun! it's the first year i've ever gotten a b in a class, and that i've really had to study to do decent on's also been my first year in math honors which was VERY difficult but i got recommended for the class again next year so 

idk if ya'll have seen the tiktok trend but me and my two friends are baking cakes for two of our teachers that say "i'm sorry for yapping in ur class" or something. i'll show ya'll how they turn out....

with summer coming up, now there's no excuse for me not to write so hopefully i'll be able to push out more updates! that's not a promise tho with my unproductive ass.....

hope you enjoyed <3 see you back with chapter 57!!!

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