FOURTEEN| john booker cameron

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EDEN sat anxiously in the hospital.

After answering questions from paramedics for Sarah—who was still hysterical, her answers coming out all shaky and barely understandable—as well as some herself, the Bexley was quick to lie and say she was the unconscious boys sister to receive a ride to the hospital too.  Anxiety was eating her up, and Eden just needed to make sure her friend—hell, her brother—was okay.

But, these paramedics must have been letting whoever looked worked up enough into their vehicle because as Eden buckled herself up, she watched as Sarah goddamn Cameron was escorted into the ambulance too.

Now, Eden wasn't about to lash out at the paramedics, but to say she was completely calm about the situation was a lie.  Why the hell was Sarah Cameron here?  Sure, there was clearly something going on between them, but Sarah wasn't the one who's been at the boy's side since first grade.  She wasn't the one who stood with him as he grieved, the one who made sure he took care of himself.  She wasn't his best friend.

In simple words, Eden didn't believe she deserved to go to the hospital with them.  

But, she didn't have time to argue because the moment Sarah was in the vehicle, it rushed off to the hospital, barely giving her time to yell to Kiara that she'd call with updates—to which she ended up doing.

The minute John B. was admitted to the hospital, the doctors shoved the two girls to the side and told them to sit and wait for further instruction.  Sit and wait for instruction Eden's ass.  She wasn't going to sit and wait for anything.  She wanted to know here and now that John Booker Routledge was okay.

"Don't, Eden." Sarah had said as she noticed the Bexley getting up from the chair they'd seated her in, "They need to check on him first, to make sure he's gonna be alright." She then had looked at the Bexley with a worried expression, eyes still filled with tears, "He is gonna be okay, right?"

Maybe it was Eden's motherly instinct kicking in, or just the way Sarah Cameron looked so pathetic and weak in tears—the way she looked like an innocent puppy and not like the spitting cobra she was—that caused her to stay and comfort the Kook.  She was clearly distraught and, maybe if the brunette stayed here and just listened, it would cause Sarah some relief.

"He's gonna be fine." Eden sat herself back down, letting out a sigh.  He'd had a pulse when she checked him over, which gave her reassurance he would be okay—or at the very least he wouldn't die on them from his fall. "He's going to be more perfectly fine than Joe Jonas." 

Her response had caused Sarah to laugh, "Wait, did you seriously just make a Taylor Swift joke?"

"It was more sarcasm, but I guess so." the Bexley had shrugged, "I am a Swiftie after all." 

"Really?" Sarah questioned, receiving a nod in response, "I guess you and me have more in common than I thought."

"That's up for debate." the brunette muttered in response.

And it still was, as Eden sat watching over her unconscious friend.  After running tests, the doctors had admitted him to a room and finally allowed the two girls to visit, though both had yet to leave.  Though the night had been filled with events, the brunette nor blonde dared to sleep and instead kept busy by watching over John B. like a hawk—no pun intended.

Sarah was situated at the end of his bed, rolling her thumb over his limp fingers in comfort—for herself, or to show the boy she was there, the Bexley didn't know—while Eden had moved a chair to the side of his bed, watching the monitor to make sure everything was okay.  If something changed, she'd be the first to know. 

It was completely silent between the two girls—what can she say? Pogues and Kooks just didn't get along.  And, honestly, Eden was okay with that because did she really want to start a conversation with the Kook Princess? The girl who'd hurt Kiara, a girl who's family had harmed all of her friends?

Yeah. No.

But......the way the Cameron rolled her thumb over the boy's fingers, the way she stared at his unconscious figure with nothing but adoration made it hard not for Eden not to comment.  Their little trip to Chapel Hill really shifted something between the two teens, because last time she saw the two interact it was nothing like this.  Instead of acting like enemies, they were acting like they were in love. 

Maybe John B. had been right about the Kook. 

"You really love him, don't you?" Eden looked at the blonde girl.  Now, she was no expert on what love looked like, but the small glimmer in Sarah's eyes as she stared at John B. was more than just mutual affection. 

Sarah seemed slightly surprised that the Bexley was talking, but didn't hesitate to answer. "Yeah. I do.  He—" she glimpsed away from Eden and back at the unconscious boy, "—is nothing like Topper.  He—he cares about me, and doesn't care what I do.  He doesn't care that I'm a Cameron or the 'Kook Princess', and sees me for who I am and I really love him for it."  She gave a light smile.

Eden wouldn't lie and say the blonde's words didn't make her gain some trust towards the girl because they did. Knowing that she really loved the Routledge boy and wasn't just using him to get back at Topper or to steal some of the gold once they found it—but, then again she could never be too sure.  Kooks were backstabbers, after all.

"Is that okay with you?" Sarah was next to ask, looking at Eden.  She knew the tension that was between Pogues and Kooks—even if she found the whole 'two tribes, one island' thing rather stupid.  She also knew how much of a vendetta the Bexley held against her, being friends with Kiara who did nothing but spew how much of a cunt she was, as well as JJ and Pope who'd been beaten by two boys close to her.  "I know there's, uh, a lot of tension between me and your....friends.  I promise I'm not here to start any drama."

"As long as you treat him right, it's none of my business what you two do. I won't intervene." Eden stated, pursing her lips at the Kook. Sure, she didn't like Sarah Cameron—not by a long shot—but this wasn't her love life.  If John B. loved her, so fucking be it.  "But, I just want you to know, if you two are really serious and you fuck up......I'm not standing at your side.  No 'girls stand by girls' shit.  I will always stand next to John B."

"Note taken." Sarah gave a meek nod before a small smile graced her face—her ever so perfect teeth showing.  Eden brushed it off until she noticed the boy's fingers starting to move, and as if her celebrity idol was standing in front of her, the girl's eyes lit up.  He was waking up.

John B.'s  head—which had been limply tilted to the side—slowly moved so it was now in the center of the pillow he was being propped up upon, the boy stirring awake.  His eyes barely opened, taking in the sight of his two favorite girls.

His eyes landed on Sarah, and the girl greeted him, "Hi."

"Hi." John B.'s voice was almost a whisper as he closed his eyes again—he was knocked up on pills and had just awoken from an induced sleep. He then went quiet for a moment before asking, "Where am I?"

"St. Olives." the Cameron informed. The boy opened his mouth to ask another question but Sarah took it from his mouth, "You fell from the Hawk's nest."

 Sure, it slightly bugged her how focused he was on Sarah—she hoped he knew she was there too—because she was the one who was always with him, not Sarah—but she wasn't going to flare at the boy when he'd just awoken. 

Running a hand through the boy's hair, Eden spoke up. "You have a concussion and a broken wrist—I can send a thank you card to Topper later, if you'd like."  

At the mention of a broken wrist, John B. lifted his arm to look at the dark blue cast that covered it, "Whoa."

"Pretty cool." Sarah added.

Sitting more upright, John B. changed the topic through a groan, "I need to get out of here. DCS is gonna find me."

Oh shit. Eden had forgotten about DCS, "We'll figure—"

A different voice cut the Bexley off, "Hang on there, kid. Hang on."

Eden looked behind her to see none other than Ward Cameron standing in the doorway.  Her eyebrows furrowed—there was absolutely no reason for this man to be here unless it was to take Sarah home.  He wasn't close with John B. and definitely didn't deserve to be here after firing him, after cutting off his money supply. 

"Sarah told me everything." Ward started, looking at the injured boy.  Eden sent a small glare towards the blonde—of course she ran to her daddy and told him about the gold when she called him.  Tattle-tailing seemed to be one of Sarah's best qualities.  "About your little adventure,  about you running from DCS, about how you were protecting her in the tower." 

At the mention of that, the couple gave each other a small smile.  Ward then continued, "John—" what was it with this man and calling him John?—I believe I owe you an apology."  He came up beside the Bexley girl and looked at John B. with a firm expression, "You were honest with me about a small indiscretion, and I went ahead and fired you anyway.  And I shouldn't have."

"Damn right."  Eden muttered under her breath.  

Ward didn't seem to have heard her and continued, "Unfortunately, from time to time, I have a bit of a....short fuse." He glanced at his daughter, "Ask her." 

"It's true." Sarah nodded.

"I'd like to make up for it, if you'll let me." Ward stated, "I spoke with Sheriff Peterkin, and....I've offered to be your legal guardian, if you'll have me."

What. The. Fuck. 

Eden couldn't help the way her jaw dropped.  There was no way that Ward Cameron—keeper of the Kooks—was taking John B. under his wing.  Not only was he man who they all deliberately despised but this was just flat out unheard of.  Hell was really freezing over. 

"Excuse me?" Eden guffawed, "You want to....adopt him? Like, John B. lives with you and your family, legal guardian?" This was not happening.

"If he allows me too." the older man spared the Bexley a look before giving persuading reasons to the Pogue boy, "It'd mean a roof over your head and no more runnin' from DCS." 

When Ward said it like was hard for John B. to say no.  While the Chateau was his home, he couldn't live there anymore—even if it's where all his memories are, where he and his friends could be Pogues.  Not without DCS catching him and sending his ass to some foster home, away from his friends, his family.

So, looking at Sarah, who bit her lip with a smile, John B. muttered a small, "Sure, yeah.  Uh.....sounds good."

Eden slightly frowned, watching as Sarah's smile grew, a small one appearing on the brunette boy's face too.  While it was for the better, it still hurts to think her friend was choosing Sarah over them—Ward's shiny palace over the Pogue's cozy abode. 

"Okay, then, it's settled." Ward states with a warm smile. He places a hand on John B.'s shoulder and adds, "Welcome to the family."

Eden tried her best to give a weak smile, but inside, she didn't trust a word that was leaving Ward Cameron's mouth. 

A little while later, Eden was sitting down at The Wreck.  Ward had dropped her off at home—to which Eden had walked the few houses down to the Carrera's  to update Kiara, who hadn't stopped spamming about John B. 

Instead of telling her friend the news, she decided it would be best if John B. did it.  She wanted him to state out-loud that he was now living with Sarah Cameron—or maybe she just wanted to see everyone's reactions.

So, now, here she sat at The Wreck, where Kiara had decided for the meet-up to be—she currently had a shift and it wasn't too difficult to help out while also talking.  But, currently, she was doing a lot more work than talking, because John B. hadn't said a word since getting there.

The boy had opened his mouth a few times, but nothing came out.  He was rather unsure on how to tell them he was now living with the Cameron's—especially Kie, due to her reaction the previous night.

At first, it was honestly funny watching as John B. tried to find the right words but eventually it started to seem like they'd all just come here to watch Kie work instead of talk about the night before. 

"So...." Eden trailed off, leaning against a counter, "You wanna tell them or do you want me to be the bearer of bad news?"

"What's the bad news?" JJ perked up, looking between the two teens who knew something he didn't.  

John B. looked at Eden, muttering, "It's not necessarily bad news, Eds."

"Yeah, but with the way they are going to take it, it will be—"

"What do you two know that I don't?" Kie cut off the Bexley, eyebrows raised.  Very few secrets were kept between Pogues and the way Eden said 'they' caused her to grow very curious.  What was this info and why was she going to take it bad?

"John B. is moving Tannyhill." Eden stated, watching as John B. side eyed her.  What did he expect? If he wasn't going to say anything, she wasn't going to hold back from saying it instead, "He's gonna be a Cameron."

Kie took a double take, passing behind the two brunettes, "I'm sorry. You're staying where?"

"Tannyhill." John B. simply replied, as if his answer was something usual.

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron." Kiara translated, grabbing a tray full of drinks to give to the table where JJ and Pope were saying.  Hanging around the blonde girl was one thing but living with her?

Eden nodded, walking away from her friend and to the rest of them who sat at a table slightly away from the counter, "Precisely." 

John B. sighed and began walking towards the table, "Okay, look, the only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out, right? And it's way better than foster care, which, by the way, was where I was about to go if Ward didn't—"

"How many times have I stated I would adopt you, bro?" Eden states, crossing her arms over her chest.  She'd forge her mother's signature if it meant John B. could stay in her life and not get forced into some family off the mainland.

John B. retorted, "Okay, Eden, I've loved your support but you know damn well your mother would never let me on her property." 

"You're her third favorite out of you four." the Bexley shrugged, watching as the boy rolled his eyes, "Hey, it's better than last."

"I'm last, aren't I?" JJ asked, getting a nod as a reply.

Returning them to the topic at hand, Pope questioned sarcastically, "Hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?"

"I don't know, Pope." John B. took a seat at the table.  He knew his friend was being sarcastic, but he truly hadn't thought about the perks of Ward being his new legal guardian—of living a Kook life.

"What about those little golf carts they get to drive around? You get one of them?" the Maybank began to walk around the table, taking a sip out of one of the drinks Kie had provided.

Pope continued the thread of sarcastic comments, "Does it come with a sweater-vest or do you have to buy one of those on your own?"

Eden walked past JJ, grabbing the drink from his hands and taking it for herself, "I can see it now.  John Booker Cameron."

"Look, you promised." Kiara's comment was more serious, reminding the boy of what he'd said last night, "You said you weren't with her."

Before John B. could even protest, JJ stated, "Bro, just own it.  She got you."

"Look, if you wanna hang out with her, that's fine." the Carrera stated, sending a very serious look towards the brunette boy sitting down beside her, "But I'm letting you know right now that I'm not doing anything with Sarah."

"The last thing I want is for her to go tattle-tailing to her daddy about the gold." Eden agreed, setting the cup down on the table, "Because this is our gold and you know when Ward get's it, he isn't sharing."

"Do you guys see her here?" John B. retorted, watching as everyone looked down, "No, right.  Okay.  A little focus would be fantastic."

"Number one; lose your new-found attitude. Just because you're living with a higher rank doesn't mean you get to act like that. " the Bexley crossed, narrowing her eyes at her best friend, "Also, when you were macking Sarah Cameron at Chapel Hill, JJ and Pope got their asses kicked and, uh, if you haven't noticed—" she gestured towards her nose, which still held the bandage, " —I got hurt, too.  I had to pull a JJ and pull a gun on Rafe.  So, I'm sorry if we're weary of you living with the Cameron's."

John B. ignored his friends words, and continued talking on their main goal; the gold, "We've got the map, right?"

"It's all out of whack 'cause the guy who drew it was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ looked down at the map, which the Routledge had brought to The Wreck.

Kie looked at him, "It's 'cause the coast has changed."

"Dumbass." Eden remarked, causing the blonde boy to smack her shoulder.

Despite the small different between map and real life, Pope gave a way to figure the map out, "So just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed." 

"What about the old forts?" John B. questioned.

"Battery Jasper."  Kiara pointed to the landmark on the map.

With that information in hand, the group of Pogues exited The Wreck and instead hopped into the Twinkie, headed to the old Civil War fort in search of clues.

The group set themselves up at Battery Jasper, Pope front and center—being the smartest of them all—with the map.

"We're in Battery, right here." the Heyward pointed to where they were situated, his fingers moving as he continued speaking, "So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here."

Kie pointed in the direction, "Somewhere over there."


"Over there?" JJ said in confusion, looking off into the distance where the Carrera girl had pointed, "Guy's, that's not Tannyhill, it's a subdivision."

John B. corrected him, "Tannyhill Plantation used to be the entire island.  It got sold into smaller pieces over time."

Pope pointed at another landmark on the map, "So we're just looking for an old stone wall."

"Which could be.....anywhere." Eden replied in a monotone voice, looking out towards the distance.

This was going to be one hell of a treasure hunt.

mara's misc

im sooooooo sorry for not updating for like two months.

i lost motivation for this fic and while i love eden, i got caught up in writing for my steve harrington fic and just couldn't find the motive to write for eden.  but......i hope this decently long chapter makes up for it?

everyone, thank KENSSS for telling me to update, (love you <33).  you owe me a chapter of waves babes. 

also how tf did i write this in one day.  like.....since when do i do that.

anyway, i can't guarantee when the next update will be, since......yeah.  im going to try and update at least once a month to stay constant but nothing is for sure!

hope you enjoyed<3 see you back with chapter fifteen. 

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