SIXTY-SEVEN| john b's going to church

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EDEN and Rafe got off the truck as soon as they could. 

The vehicle drove the two far from Singh's mansion, eventually halting in one of the towns the island held. There's sounds of chatter of townspeople and passersby, honking of horns, the wind blowing against palm leaves and disturbing pieces of trash upon the streets. It seemed much less tense than the mansion was. 

Eden thinks it would be a fine place to live in if she wasn't trying to escape it. 

As the truck halts, Rafe jumps out and starts to examine the perimeter. Eden does the same, standing next to him and looking out into the clear ocean surrounding them. Different boats and ships line the coast. Somewhere, a far somewhere, the OBX sat out there, too. 

The fact that Eden had truly escaped Singh for the time being hadn't truly hit, but the fact that she was going to return home soon was. As soon as she could ditch Rafe, she could find her friends, hug them, tell them what happened and flee back to Kildare. Back to the Chateau and her Redbulls. To familiarity and Back to her dad

During the silence that her and Rafe fell in on their way to town, Eden had also created a plan to get rid of Rafe—if he wasn't going to help her friends, she'd do it by herself. 

The Cameron boy had a boat, and Eden had learned to steer one from her father when she was younger—while it wasn't her main job, she'd also steered the HMS Pogue from time to time before, too. All she had to do was somehow get rid of the boy once he showed and welcomed her onboard, and she'd be good. Then she'd be free to drive it wherever her friends were....which she wasn't sure of. 

"Come on," Rafe speaks up eventually, beginning to walk. "My boats down here."

The marina is filled with fishermen and marketers, different little shops set up. Seagulls flock the blue skies. Eden sends kind smiles to anyone she makes eye contact with, Rafe keeping his gaze forward as he treads towards his boat, ready to leave. 

The two make quick work to get to the dock and Rafe speeds up as he spots his boat. It's a nice white boat—of course it is—and it's something JJ would dream about having. 

"Make sure your shoes are off." the Cameron comments as they walk the side of the boat. Eden can't tell if he's joking or not—regardless, she's not listening. 

Eden follows him down the dock, hair slightly blowing in the the light breeze. "Who are you? Isla?"

Rafe begins to untie the bowline, the Bexley gets onto the boat, scuffing her dirty shoes along the floor as she wanders. She tries to take in as many details as she can for when she gets rid of the Cameron, since he won't be here to steer for her. 

"Okay, we should have enough juice to get to St. Lucia, no problem." The blonde continues with the bowline. After a moment he shuffles away from the rope, "Hey, Eden, help me with the bowline. I'm gonna get her started up."

Eden walks towards the bowline, beginning to form a plan in her head—the Cameron can get the boat started, leaving the keys in and engine going. Eden will pretend to not be able to get the bowline. He'll come to help and she'll push him off. Simple enough. 

Rafe takes her words and heads up to start the bow, Eden crouching down. She stalls with the bowline for a minute, fiddling around with the rope until she hears the start of the engine. Knowing the boat was ready to go, she looks back at the Cameron boy. 

"Hey, Rafe! I can't get it!" the Bexley lies, standing up.

Rafe looks up at her, "What?" 

"I can't get the bowline! Can you help me?" Eden yells, acting innocent. "I think it's stuck."

The blonde mutters something under his breath, sliding down from the helm to where Eden was standing at the bow. "Did they teach you anything? Move—" He brushes past her and throws a leg over the railing to reach the line. 

Eden backs up, watching carefully as he undid the bowline.

"Oh, seriously? Eden, it's not even—" Rafe barely has time to finish his sentence before Eden runs at him, shoving him backwards.

 With the shallow footing and a light grip on the rail, the Cameron boy is easily sent flying down into the ocean below. A splash! echoes his descent and Eden is quick to finish untying the bowline before running back up to the helm to start steering the boat.

"Eden! Hey!" She can hear Rafe's exasperated call, and knows he's watching her. 

Yet, Eden doesn't feel an ounce of regret for pushing him off. She needed to find her friends, and Rafe was never going to help her do that.        

Eden sets her hand on the wheel firmly, beginning to steer out of the dock.

"Eden! Eden—what are you doing!" Rafe exclaims, watching as she pulled away from the dock in his boat. "You don't know what you're doing! Hey! Shit! I'll find you, Eden! I'll find you!" 

The Bexley could care less about his words and sticks her middle finger up for him to see.

"Eden, you're gonna regret this shit! Eden! You're done!" 

Rafe's yells fell deaf to Eden's ears. Her lips upturn as she steers out of the dock.

One step closer to her friends.

Eden has no clue where the Pogues have ended up. 

The last place they would have been at is wherever they tried to fake-bait Singh, which if he did storm the place, she's sure they've disappeared by now. Run off somewhere to lay low and try and think of a Plan B to rescue their friend—hopefully somewhere close.

She hopes Singh didn't catch any of them.

Eden's no JJ Maybank when it comes to plans either, so in the end, she decides her best hope at finding the group is texting her location to Jimmy Portis' number—which was luckily a saved contact—on Fenton's phone and adding a few details to let her friends know it was truly her and not Singh baiting them back to him.

She parks Rafe's boat in the harbor and drops the pin of her location to Jimmy, texting a simple 'Meet me at the pin at 6:15. New bracelets if you're not late.' She adds a middle finger to the sentence and sends it out, hoping the Pogues would believe it's her—Singh wouldn't know about the bracelets.

For further proof, Eden takes off her Pogues bracelet—the matching ones the core four of the group wore—and snaps a quick photo of it, adding it to her words. Bracelets had to tell them she was there. 

She hopes they believe it, because, while she left Rafe stranded, she's sure he's on the hunt for her. As will Singh once he realizes both his captives had escaped—simply, the quicker Eden left the island, the better. She didn't like being a sitting duck.

For the next thirty minutes, the Bexley sits and waits in the boat. There's no reply to the message, but there's no sign of Singh's guards or men coming her way, either—either the Pogues were indeed coming, or Singh was planning a way to capture her back. There wasn't an in between. 

She raids the small pantry the Cameron had set up, having not eaten shit for a decent twenty-four hours. While not a fan of Rafe, she does appreciate the supply he has. There's a cabinet full of snacks, some different drinks, and alcohol—not surprising. 

Eden finds a glass, pours herself a glass of Titos to take the edge off of her anxiety and grabs a bag of chips while she's at it. She ends up lounging on the lower deck of the boat, messing around with her bracelets and drinking  as she counts down the minutes until 6:15. 

Her eyes were trained on the dock, looking out for her friends or Singh's men. There's aimless chatter of those walking the harbor, stopping at the little shops and places to the side. As the minutes ticked by, she saw neither group. She didn't know whether that was good or bad.

Eventually, there's a bunch of hushed whispers back to back and the scuffing out feet. Eden perks up—here went nothing. That was either her friends using their definition of quiet, or Singh's men trying to sneak up on her.

The Bexley quietly treads to the railing and peers over. There's none of Singh's guards and she doesn't catch John B's Hawaiian shirt or Cleo's thick curls. 

There's just a single guy with his back turned to her. He has a rather dirty shirt paired with a pair of camo pants—what the hell was this guy thinking?—and a bucket hat on his head that covers his hair. He has combat boots to finish off the look. There's a gun sticking out of the back of his pants.

Odd and uncaring sense of style. Combat boots. A gun in the back of his pants.

There was only one person that Eden could even think of that fit those three descriptions.

JJ Maybank.

"You've got to be shitting me." the Bexley breathes, running down from the helm to the bow. JJ is aimlessly standing with his back turned still, not realizing the girl he'd been searching for was right behind him. 

God, it felt good to see him again. To know that her friends were back to her, unscathed. To know that she was home

With a smile on her face, Eden echoes. "What colors you want for your bracelet, J?"

The Maybank's brows furrow at the familiar ring of her voice. No way. He whips around, eyes locking on Eden's figure with a shocked yet starstruck expression. It felt like a weight had lifted off his chest seeing his best friend in the flesh, safe

Without blinking, JJ brings his hat off of his head and almost gawks at the girl. Eden takes it up on herself to start moving, missing a few stairs as she leaves the bow and starts running down the dock towards the blonde boy.

The blonde boy starts pacing towards her and they meet in the middle. Relief and joy is the only emotion in the air as Eden runs into the Maybank, who had his arms outstretched ready to hug her. 

The Bexley wraps her arms around him tightly, feeling JJ's arms do the exact same around her figure. Eden feels her feet slightly lift the ground, the Maybank supporting her tightly—he didn't think he'd see her again, if he's honest. 

"Hey," Eden manages into the boys chest, voice light yet relief audible within it.

JJ whispers, "I'm so glad you're safe."

Before Eden can even reply to the Maybank, John B. comes running up—the rest of the group closing in around her with excited smiles and cheers of relief. The Pogues hadn't felt right without Eden Bexley, even just for a few days.

"God, you need to stop getting kidnapped, Eden." the Routledge practically shoves JJ away and yanks Eden into his own chest, to which she melts into without hesitation. "This is twice now." 

"My bad," Eden pulls away, wiping her eyes for any tears that could have fallen. She was feeling a rush of emotion. "I'll try a little harder next time."

"Don't let there be a next time, Eden Bexley."

"I'm supposed to be the mom here, dude."

The Routledge boy lightly shakes his head before pulling Eden close again, lightly pressing his lips to her head in a show of familial love. The Bexley smiles again, leaning closer to her brother. 

Kiara comes running up with an unimpressed expression. John B. sees it and lets go of the Bexley, the Carrera immediately throwing herself at the girl. Eden tightly hugs Kie, knowing the curly haired girl was upset.

"No more self-sacrifice bullshit ever, you bitch!" Kiara felt guilty for how Eden had been the one kidnapped, knowing it could have been her. Should have been her—if the Bexley hadn't shoved her, they would have at least gone together. 

Eden holds Kiara's shoulders as she pulls back, nodding, "Yeah, no, I'm done with that shit." 

Pope and Cleo run up next. Cleo laughs joyfully and Pope has a real smile on his face as the two collide with the Bexley. A laugh escapes Eden's lips as she grabs a hold of their figures. Sarah runs up next, wrapping her arms around the Bexley's neck with a tearful squeal as the other two still hold on to her.

JJ, John B., and Kiara come back forward, and Eden is suddenly encompassed by her family and their warm embraces. She feels like she could cry. 

She'd found her friends. She'd escaped Singh and Rafe. She was going home

"We thought you were dead." Pope admits. It had been hell not knowing where Eden was.  "You're an idiot for pushing Kiara, you know that?" 

"I missed you too, Bubs." the Bexley sarcastically hums. Everyone pulls a way, still a mess of happy tears and relieved sighs and Eden sends a pointed expression to the group. "And correction, ya'll are the idiots for trying to save me like that. I mean, seriously, location on?" 

John B. raises his hands in defense. "Don't look at me."

Sarah jabs a finger at the Maybank. "JJ's fault."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Eden looks at the blonde boy.

"My bad, guys." JJ admits, already having heard the worst of it from the Pogues when he originally forgot to turn the location off. "That was my bad."

"You guys might be idiots, but I'm not." the Bexley says, gesturing to the boat standing behind them. The group all look at the white ship, jaws dropping and eyes widening in shock and excitement as they take it in. "I scored us Rafe Cameron's boat." 

"Are you kidding me?" JJ guffaws, taking a second glance at the boat. He merely blinks at it. "Eden..."

Pope breathes in disbelief, "Is this you?"

Sarah knows her brother, and he certainly wouldn't just give up his boat like that. She raises her brows, "Rafe gave you his boat?" 

"More so I pushed him off into the ocean and stole it, but..." Eden trials off, shrugging, "Same thing."

Cleo smiles brightly, almost proud of the Bexley. "You stole a boat?" 

"He had terrible footing." the Bexley smiles innocently.

"That's my girl!"

John B. gapes. "Holy shit."

Eden pulls the keys from her back pocket, dangling them in front of the group. "Let me sugar mamma you guys back to the OBX." 

"Mhm. I'll take those." the Maybank snatches the keys from her fingers, skipping off towards the boat to start it up joyfully. Eden rolled her eyes, chasing the blonde boy back up to Rafe's boat, the rest of the group falling into happy chatter, musing on about the white ship in awe.

No one notices the way John B. stalls behind for a few seconds, and makes their way onboard, separating into different groups. Everyone examines different nooks and crannies, as well as checking everything over to make sure the boat was ready to un-dock. 

"There's some alcohol up there. Rafe is stocked." Eden announces, as if it were her boat.  

"We thought you were dead and you were drinking Titos on this nice ass boat." Kiara shakes her head in amusement, brushing past the girl. She takes the glass of alcohol from where Eden had left it. "Never worrying about you again." 

"That was mine." Eden rolls her eyes, before adding to her previous statement, "Oh, and there's food here too. I know you're all starving."

Pope leads himself and Cleo to help ready the boat, "We just got you back and you're already feeding the family."

The Bexley shrugs and walks the stairs up to the helm, "It's my job." 

Cleo furrows her brows, "Feeding the family?"

Kiara lets out a light laugh, "You need to catch up, Cleo." 

Eden makes her way up to the helm, leaning over the railing. She watches as all of her friends do their part, smiling lightly.  JJ glances up at the girl against the railing from where he stood untying the bowline. "Yeah, so I have just a couple of questions." 

The Bexley hums, "Shoot."

"A Lagoon 620 with twin 150 Volvos—you understand we can go anywhere with this thing, right?" the Maybank muses, Eden smiling as the watches the boy admire the boat. 

"Personally, I vote on going home with her." Eden shrugs, looking out into the ocean. It seemed to stretch on for miles, but the Bexley knows if they go far enough, they could find their way back. "But, you know, maybe we can keep her an go on that surf trip around the world too. I don't think Rafe will want his boat back after it's been infested with us Pogues."

"Way to be discreet, by the way." JJ smirks, dragging the rope with him as he walks. Eden turns  and starts climbing down the stairs to meet him so she could help. "What did they want, anyway? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"No, I'm fine. They actually treated me kind of okay for being kidnapped—other than locking me in a room with Rafe." Eden reassures, before continuing on about Singh. "You're never gonna guess why he took me, though." JJ's brows furrow, silently asking the Bexley to spill. "He wanted Denmark's diary."

The blonde frowns. "Why?"

"Seemed pretty delusional over being the guy to find El Dorado. You know, the lost city of gold, or whatever." the Bexley casually adds, like anything Singh had told her had been normal. "He said the diary could help him get it. Convinced it would lead to something bigger than the Merchant gold ever was."

JJ climbs back on to the boat, "You're saying there's a bigger treasure?"

"Singh might be a little delusional, but he doesn't seem stupid." 

"Then, sign me up."

Eden let out a light laugh—didn't matter if it was big or small, JJ would always be on the hunt for treasure. She decides it's best if the group starts heading out and gives instructions, "Start up the boat. I'll round up the children."

JJ gives a mock salute, brushing past her towards the helm. "Yes ma'am."

The Bexley walks down to the lower deck and cups her hands around her mouth to call out, "We're gonna start heading out—" 

She barely gets the words out as John B. comes barreling past her, almost knocking her over with how quickly he was speeding off. "Sorry Ed'!"

"Jesus fuck—John B., where are you going? We're leaving." Eden recovers, lurching forward to grab him by the back of his Hawaiian shirt. 

The boy whirls around, unable to ignore his best friend—when Eden stopped you, you stopped. However, the Routledge boy couldn't fully listen to whatever she had to say. He had to leave the boat now. "I'll be right back, I promise—"

"Back from where?" the Bexley asks in confusion.

John B. put an arm on the girl's shoulder, pointing upwards. Eden looks at where his finger is and spots a broken down and old building sitting far up upon a hill. "Just look up at that church and listen." 

 She lets out a sigh, "John, we don't have time to sit and listen. I want to go before Singh realizes that me and Rafe are gone—"


"I—okay?" Eden concedes to his desperate plea, looking at the building sitting atop the hill. She focused in on the structure—a church, as John B. had called it—and after a moment, she could faintly hear a sound coming from it. A ringing. A bell chime. 

"You hear it right?"

"Yeah, I hear a bell chiming. So what?" Eden doesn't know what day of the week it is anymore, but if there's a bell chiming in a church, she can only assume it's apart of a service of kinds. "It's probably Sunday—don't tell me you're going to church."

"No, no, Eden, listen." John B. pleads, "Listen to the pattern of the ringing. Tell me it doesn't sound familiar."

Eden huffs and listens in to the ringing. She expects to hear nothing but a dull chime, but focusing in harder, the girls brows furrow in confusion. The pattern of the ringing was familiar.  It reminded the Bexley of when she was younger, sneaking away from her house to hang around with John B. at the Chateau under her parents nose.

Why? Because the chiming matched the tolling of the bell Big John Routledge would yell when it was time for John B. to leave his boat and come back to the house.

The Routledge looks over her expression, seeing her thoughts without even asking. "You hear it too."

"I mean, yeah." Eden doesn't need to say anything more. She knows that they were both thinking the same thing. "It does." 

"Sarah's letting me go." John B. explains, and the Bexley assumes that he was leaving to go to the church. To figure out who was making the familiar chiming of bells—to come back home, as his dad always said to him. "I know it's been a year, but....."

"But you don't wanna miss your chance. Fine." Eden would never fully tell John B. for the sake of his feelings, but she'd stopped believing that his father was alive months ago. A year at sea was practically the OBX's way of telling the Routledge to move on. Alive or not, he wasn't coming back. Get over it before it truly was announced he was dead. 

But, that never stopped the Routledge from believing. Deep down, despite everything, he knew that this tolling of the bell meant something; lead to something. He wasn't about to miss his shot at possibly finding something to do with his dad.

And Eden knew that. If she vetoed this idea, he'd sit moping around on the boat. Moping around everywhere

"You can go. Me and Sarah can try and stall the others, but you have to hurry." Eden firmly says to the boy, watching his eyes light up—his girlfriend and best friend were both allowing him to do this. " I don't want Singh to have too much time to find us before we're out towards the OBX, and JJ might explode if he doesn't get to steer this boat in the next hour." 

"I'm Eden approved?" The Routledge slowly starts to back up.

Eden rolls her eyes, "Yes, you're Eden approved, now get going." 

John B. doesn't hesitate before sprinting once more, sliding right past Pope as he hops over the railing down to the dock. The Heyward boy's brows furrow, and he yells the same question the Bexley had, "Hey! John B! What are you doing?!"

The brunette runs down the dock, "I'll be right back!"

"What are—what?" 

"I'll be right back!" John B. repeats to the Heyward, pointing up at Sarah, "I love you, Sarah!"  Eden throws him an unimpressed look and he rolls his eyes, adding, "Eden, I love you too!"

Eden shakes her head amusedly as the Routledge scurries off. 

Pope doesn't blink. "What the hell?"

"John B.'s going to church." the Bexley bluntly comments, leaving the Heyward in utter confusion as she moves back to help Sarah stall the others.

John B. rarely showed up to events on time. 

Ever since, Eden Bexley had known the boy, he'd been the slightest—more so, longest—bit late to things. Whether it be classes or parties, Halloween at his own house, or a simple trip to the beach. He always managed to show up past a curfew. 

So, Eden's not terribly surprised when the sun starts to set and John B. hasn't returned to Rafe's boat.

Sarah and Eden had managed to hold off Kie, Cleo, JJ, and Pope but it's growing close to night, and no one's sure how much longer they could wait. Eden wanted to go home—to at least leave the island—and everyone else knows it's not safe for her to still be on the island, especially when Denmarks diary was what Singh wanted.

He wouldn't hesitate taking anyone from the group if they were all trapped in one place. 

"I can't believe he just took off." Pope scoffs, annoyed. He too had wanted to evacuate the island as soon as possible.

Everyone was anxiously crowded in the helm. JJ was leaned against the wheel, fingers fidgeting,  Pope was sitting tense, Kiara stood with a solemn expression, Cleo pacing back and forth, while Sarah stood looking down at the streets for the ratty brown hair and unbutton Hawaiian shirt of John Booker Routledge.

Eden was standing still, messing around with one of her bracelets to take up her time. Despite the chatter that usually came with the Pogues, everyone sat in a tight silence, tired of the days events and yearning to just go home.

Everyone was bored, impatient, and annoyed. 

"I mean, we all know John B." Eden slightly defends her friend, though she can't help but grow impatient with him too. The one time he chose to be slow happened to be the one time they needed to leave as soon as possible. "He would have moped if me and Sarah didn't let him go."

"Guys, incoming!"

The sudden shriek from Kiara causes the Bexley to close her mouth, knot growing in her stomach. 

Everyone looks back to watch as ATV bikes and trucks filled to the brim with men and guns rolled down the road right across from them. 

Eden doesn't even need to focus to recognize who it is. "Shit, that's Singh's men!" 

Singh was hunting them down with a ton of men and ammunition. They were stuck in a dock, in a white boat that sat in plain view. John B. wasn't back yet—nothing about the situation was good.

Cleo groaned, "No, no, no."

Pope whips around to look at Sarah, "Where's John B?!"

"I don't know!" Sarah cries out. She doesn't like the way Pope's looking at her like this is entirely her fault and she doesn't like that her boyfriend isn't back the way he promised her he would be. "He said he'd be back by now!"

"Okay, well, he's not!" Pope snapped, looking behind him at the blonde who stood at the wheel. "JJ, what are we gonna do?"

Eden doesn't know what makes her feel worse. The fact that they were about to go up against Singh's men, or the fact that Pope Heyward just asked JJ Maybank for the next step. Neither reassures her that they were going to get out unscathed. 

JJ pulls out the gun he'd been keeping in his pants. "We gotta make a stand. That's what we gotta do. That's the only option—" 

The gun cocks and Kiara gapes, "What?" 

"Kiara, we're not splitting up again!" the Maybank yells. They had just gotten Eden back, he wasn't going to lose her for a second time to Singh, or anyone else for the matter. Until John B. got his ass back, they had to defend. "We just got Eden back from him—"

Eden wants to agree with JJ. She really fucking does because the last thing she wants to do is abort and leave her best friend stranded. But, the Pogues didn't see what Singh had done to Jimmy. How Singh was a cold killer who didn't care what he had to do to get his way. They didn't know the true power he held over everything, how easily he could capture and kill any one of them if he needed to do it. 

She can't leave without knowing her brother was safe, but Eden would rather have John B. have to find his way home then have to watch her friends all get shot. 

"You guys don't know Singh, okay!" the Bexley abruptly yells, trying to get her point across. "I watched him kill Jimmy without another thought. He'll have you all dead in five seconds if we stay here." 

JJ scoffs, "So what? You want us to leave John B. here? We're not leaving John B!" 

Pope nods in agreement, "No Pogue left behind—"

Eden frowns. "I know Pogues don't leave Pogues behind. Believe me when I say I don't want to leave him, but we are outnumbered when it comes to weapons and out-manned. And in the scheme of it all, we are so little compared to Singh." 

John B. would understand them leaving him if he knew what was happening.

"We're not leaving John B!" JJ shouts once more.

Sarah screams, "What are you gonna do—"

Eden gets lost in the chaos that is the Pogues arguing. JJ's clenching the gun and everyone is screaming back and forth, as if they have the time to do so. Singh's men start to close in on them as the group loses time fighting one another.

"Guys, they're here! Guys, they're getting closer!"

"Did you hear Eden? They killed Portis—"

The Bexley lets out a frustrated cry, "Fuck!"

Before any more time can be lost, Eden slides past all of her friends to the steering wheel. She starts up the engine, the hum of it sounding soon after. The Bexley sets a firm hand on the wheel, almost locking herself in place so she didn't back out. The other rests on the control.

"We're not splitting up again!"

"We don't have a choice anymore!"

A hand suddenly rests atop hers upon the control. Eden looks back to see Sarah standing behind her, the blonde solemnly nodding. It's a silent plea for the Bexley to do it—it hurts her heart to leave John B., but she hears Eden's point loud and clear. They could come back for him, but not if they were shot. 

Eden nods in response and both girls thrust the control forward at the same time, the boat backing away from the dock. The Bexley uses the wheel to steer outwards, all teens within suddenly realizing which plan was being followed.

They were aborting. Leaving John B. behind.

Pope at the two girls, coming to his senses. This was safer. "Go!"

"John B—"

"Shut up! Shut up!"

"We need to get John B!"

Kiara reasons, "We'll find John B. later!"

The Heyward is holding the Maybank back from tackling the two girls, Eden unable to hide the frown the toys on her face as she listens to the blondes scream for them to go back—she can't blame him at all. If she didn't know what Singh would do, she'd be thrashing to stay for her best friend, too.

As the Cameron and Bexley work to pull the boat out of the harbor, more men start to fill the docks. Guns aim straight at the white boat.

"We can't just leave him like that, Pope!" JJ's still arguing.

Kiara screeches, "JJ, get down!"

Gunfire starts to echo through the harbor. Pope forces the Maybank down to the ground. Eden feels slightly lightheaded as she quickly drops to the floor, putting shaky hands behind her head. She was reminded of the night Rafe shot up the Chateau, bullets flying in her direction without warning.

 She's scared that she'll be caught again by Singh and treated worse than before, and she's sure if this doesn't stop, she'll have another panic attack. 

Bullets hit different parts of the boat, shrapnel flying left and right as the ammunition struck. Sarah somehow managed to keep a hand on the wheel and console because the boat continues to speed away.

As soon as the gunfire started, it seemed to stop. Most of the Pogues look at the dock to see all of Singh's men holding still, one holding a fist in the air. JJ keeps his head down and punches something. Eden slowly moves her hands away from her ears, looking around for confirmation the shooting was over.

"Shit." Kiara runs her hands through her hair. "Shit!"

Sarah takes full control of steering and looks back. "I'm so sorry, John B."

Eden finally stands up, feeling her nerves drop ever so slightly. She looks out into the orange sky, watching as the group sails far away from the island.

Far from John B. 

mara's misc

time for the bane of my existence to enter the plot 😃

sorry for the disappearing from this book for a month. i have like a chapter and a half written in advance but i lost motivation for a hot minute which is MY BAD. genuinely needs to stop happening bc this is annoying asf

BUT BUT BUT with the official obx4 release date being october 10th, that gives me a month ish to finish act three because i really want to be writing for s4 when it drops, given that's when a spree of new obx/new acts of obx fics will be dropping. so, with my busy schedule, i'm going to have to get on it and start writing again (someone yell at me bc i can't afford one month of no writing again)

ALSO OBX4 TEASER???? the two parter is killing me (it actually gives me more time to write) BUT IT LOOKS SO GOOD AND IT'S ALREADY GIVING ME MORE HOPE THAN S4 EVER DID???? MY BABIES ARE ALL BACK???? 

also guys it's taken kensie a whole ass month to read a single chapter of ss i don't think she loves me anymore 

anywho, this chapter is just up in honor of us getting real obx4 news!! go and watch the teaser on insta if you SOMEHOW haven't seen it yet (kensie literally texted my ass in school about it and i had to ditch lunch for 15 minutes to go and watch it) 

hope you enjoyed <3 see you back with chapter 68!!

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