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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter Four❞
                                                   ━━━ Harry's Enemy: Emotions. . .

A black dog caught the corner of his eye. It wagged its tail upon being spotted, then ran deep into the woods. Harry had a feeling he knew this canine. "Come along," Harry remarked. Grabbing Ginny's shivering arm, he dragged her towards the woods. The atmosphere was silent and a serene psithurism settled around. Broken branches and icicles cracked below their feet as they ran. Harry's breath was visible like a fog.

"H-Harry!" Ginny panted, pulling him to a stop. Harry turned around sharply to face her. A loud roar echoed throughout the silent place, startling the redhead and propelling her to the ground. Harry was dragooned into the snow pit as well.

"G–" But no words came out. Ginny was below him, pink and blinking. Her breath smelled of chocolate and Harry's starvation rid his mind of all common senses. They drew close, so close that Harry could almost feel her lips on his. . .


Harry jumped away from the girl, mentally wanting to murder himself. What the hell was I thinking?!

The black furry in front of them was opening and closing its mouth, wagging its tail enthusiastically. It barked again before starting to lead the way. Harry forced himself to his feet and offered Ginny a hand. Instead of taking it, she frowned.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, worried.

"I'm fine."

"I don't think you are." He bent down to examine her covered leg. "Can I?"

Ginny just nodded, her red bangs falling over her eyes. Slowly taking her shoes off, Harry saw her feet red and swollen.

"I think I sprained my feet," Ginny mumbled. Harry strapped her shoe back and offered his hand again. Having second doubts about Harry's sanity, which was clear in her eyes, Ginny took his offering and stood up shakily.

"Can you walk?"

"I'm alright."

"As if. Lean on me."

"For support?"

"Yeah, why else? What more do you expect, Señorita? For me to carry you?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, thank you, Hissarold. Supporting me is quite rich since it's coming from you," Ginny shot back. Her cheeks were still coloured and Harry assumed it to be because of frost bite. The dog was waiting for them a few feet away. It started leading them slowly when Harry nodded as a signal.

Soon enough, they were in the lobby of the Shrieking Shack.

"This is my latibule, at times." Harry turned around to see the dog, or rather, his Godfather, standing behind them. His hair was neat and his chiseled face was shining brightly at the sight of Harry. "Sirius Black here, in case you forgot," he stated. Harry smiled knowingly at Ginny. She already knew about Sirius, having always played with Harry when she was little.

"Mr Black, how do you think I forgot you?" she asked skeptically. Sirius smirked, leaning on an old piece of furniture which looked rather vulnerable. "Hold on, you are Snuffles, aren't you?" the redhead wondered before clicking her tongue teasingly. Harry broke into a laughing fit at Sirius's dumbfounded expression.

"Alright, fine, Young Lady, but remember that my Godson is your boyfriend. I can make him break hearts, if you like," Sirius shot back, looking triumphant. Ginny harrumphed and crossed her arms across her chest.

"He's not my boyfriend!" she exclaimed.

"I'm not her boyfriend!" Harry added.

"You guys aren't serious," Sirius stated, throwing an arm around Harry and Ginny's shoulders. The black-haired boy met her brown eyes awkwardly. "I spied with my doggy eyes you both snogging in the snow!"

"No!" Ginny denied, breaking away from Sirius.

"We were not – not snogging. Merlin, why would anyone like to kiss her?" Harry grimaced. A frozen silence suddenly fell around him. He felt cold, as if he had just entered Antarctica. "What?" he asked, oblivious to the situation. Sirius shot him an apprehensive glare. Harry turned to Ginny, realizing what he had spoken in haste. "I-I didn't mean it, Ginny! I swear–"

"Thank you for inviting me, Mr Black, but I must get going. It's getting rather chilly out here," she said in a deadly quiet voice. Before Sirius could say goodbye, however, Ginny had rushed out of the Shack. Harry tried running after her but his Godfather grabbed his hand and pulled the brakes.

Shaking his head, Sirius spoke, "No, kid. Let her cool down. Besides, you have some explanation to give to your dogfather." Harry knew that it was the doom of his plan.

Wandering hopelessly with a silent and pensive mine, Harry could not imagine why he felt so lost. It felt as if someone had questioned his sanity. Truthfully, Sirius did, but Harry felt as if someone inside him, something internal, had been disgusted with his behaviour. Where have my Gryffindor traits of chivalry gone? Probably to the bin. Ever since I've been conversing with Señorita, my anagapesis towards Cho is becoming evident.

The brumous weather did not abate his bad mood. Harry felt himself turning into a solivagant soul as he strolled down the bubbling street, pretending to be deaf. "Harry! Harry! Harry!" A feminine voice called, forcing the Gryffindor out of his reverie. It was Cho.

"Cho?" Harry's voice broke. Is it really necessary to meet her now?

"Can I have a word with you if you don't mind?" she asked, smiling lightly. Harry's stomach gave a lurch and he nodded without a thought. They walked to a secluded place before she started talking. "Marietta told me you had a thing for me. . . well, I just wanted to tell you that. . . I might like you as well." A lump formed in Harry's throat. "But you seem quite happy with Ginny and I-I still can't forget Cedric. . . You knew him. . . so can you tell me more about him? W-why was he killed? Ju-just why?" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she began to sob. Harry felt several emotions at once: pity, despair, depression, rage, tiredness; but a particular feeling shot up at the most inappropriate time.

"Look, Cho. I might have had a fancy for you, but right now, I don't. And please don't ask me about Cedric! I really can't- I-I am trying to forget it all!" Harry shouted. His sulky mood from before and the trigger of a series of unfortunate events came afresh to his mind.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same because, truthfully, I never did either. My heart still belongs to Cedric a-and I can't forget him! He meant a lot to me. . ."

The increasing urge to walk out consumed Harry's mind. "I'm sorry but I gotta go." Breaking out of the emotional cloud which Cho had formed in his mind, Harry journeyed back to Hogwarts in one of the Thestral carriages, hoping to fix everything soon.

Dear Dad,
I'm totally hopeless with girls.

Prongs says,  'I knew it, son.'

I don't think I would be able to handle Cho's melancholy. She triggers my depression.

Prongs says, 'Then don't go near her.'

Besides, I'm falling out of love. Technically, I'm falling for Señorita. . . I guess. . .

Prongs says, 'I knew it, son.'

You did? How?

Prongs says, 'Fatherly instincts.'

. . .

Prongs says, 'Trust me.'

. . .

What do I do now, dad?

Prongs says, 'Listen to your heart.'

. . .

Okay. . .

See you soon. . .
Determined Harry :3

"Ron! Have you seen Señorita?" Harry asked his best friend on his way to the Common Room. The redhead shrugged.

"She's probably in the Great Hall, the Pitch or the common room. Where else would she go?"  Instead of replying, Harry gave a simple nod and dashed his way downstairs. The sight in front of the fireplace did not greet him warmly.

Ginny was on the couch, with Dean beside her. Dean! He seemed to be talking about something serious with her. Using his stealth, Harry approached the sofa and crouched behind it in order to eavesdrop.

"It's okay. I'm sure you are not a bad girlfriend." He heard Dean tell Ginny. A small sniffle was heard and Harry felt his heart twist. It was entirely his fault that she was in a depressed mood. Sirius's words echoed in his ears, 'if you really like her, then you would feel a heavy weight on your chest for angering her'. Harry's chest seemed to agree with his Godfather. "Y'know, why don't we go for a midnight stargaze tonight? I find the starry sky the most picturesque view in the whole of this universe. It's the best one to sketch. If you like, I can take you to the perfect place to stargaze. I'm gonna send my mum a sketch of the night sky for her birthday and if it helps you to feel lighter, well, my purpose would be achieved."

"Thank you, Dean. I would love to take up your offer. Sketching does seem quite intriguing. Perhaps it will make me feel better." Ginny's response along with the image of her watery smile made the black-haired Gryffindor's heart drop. Oh, what have I done?

One more chapter to the ending! Can't believe this story is coming to an end soon. :)

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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