3.5 | Graduation

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Annabeth pulled on the ringlet watching as it bounced back, "Curls feel so different, Rose." Rosalie grinned as she finished off Anna's hair for her graduation. "Jasper still being protective?" Rosalie asked despite knowing that he was downstairs waiting for Anna. "He's just worried after that weird dream world I was dragged into which caused me to faint in the middle of the living room," Anna reminded Rosalie who nodded in understanding, the blonde had been passed out for almost a full day which scared Jasper. Rosalie firmly believed that if Jasper was human, he'd have had a panic attack already.

"All right, your hair is done," Rosalie told her before stepping back to admire her work. Anna wore a navy blue dress that Jessica had chosen for her along with some black ankle boots chosen by Angela. "You look beautiful," Rosalie complimented with a grin, Anna rolled her eyes fondly. "Thank you, Rose," Anna told her before the two hugged. "I told Bella my story," Rosalie told Anna as she pulled out of the hug. "Rose, I adore you. You're my family at this point and I know your past haunts you but remember that its different for others," Anna told her softly before giving her another hug knowing not to push any further.

Anna grabbed her gown after Rosalie left and headed downstairs to where Jasper was sitting at the table waiting for her. "I'm ready to go now," Anna said as she reached the bottom step, Jasper looked up at her and smiled as he admired the way her navy blue dress flowed to her knees. "You look... wow," Jasper breathed out as he stood up and approached her, taking her hand in his before kissing her. "You look very handsome... you're graduating for the what? Eighteenth time?" Anna teased after he pulled back, he laughed at her question before standing straight. "Tease all you like but I'm still smarter," Jasper told her as they headed out of the house, Anna laughing at Jasper's comments.

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"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up," Jessica began her speech in front of students, families and teachers. "Our answers were things like astronaut, president... Or in my case, princess," Jessica said with flare making everyone laugh with her. "When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - Rockstar, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist," Jessica continued while Anna looked at Jasper at the mention of cowboy and winked making him smirk. "But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: Who the hell knows?" Jessica exclaimed bringing a smile to Anna's face, she shared a glance with Bella.

"This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, it's a time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love ─ a lot. Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of that," The audience laughed, "Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be... we won't have to guess. We'll know," Jessica finished off with a grin on her face. After collecting their diplomas, the graduates cheered as they threw their caps into the air; Anna wrapped her arms around Jasper as they shared a kiss. High School was over.

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Anna and Jasped had reached the Cullen residence before the party began, the couple headed upstairs to his room where Anna dropped her cap and gown onto his desk before falling back against the bed. "It feels so weird to be done with high school," Anna told Jasper, her eyes focused on the ceiling. "It gets weirder after years of doing it," Jasper told her as he placed his own gown to the side, undoing his tie and throwing it aside. "That's something to deal with then," Anna mumbled as she closed her eyes. She felt the bed dip, soft cold lips pressed against her jaw making her smile. "I'm proud of you, darling," Jasper whispered.

"I'm proud of us," Anna whispered back before kissing him, the two enjoying the moment knowing that things were going to escalate with the Seattle situation getting worse. They both firmly believed that Victoria was behind the Newborns and knew she wasn't going to be backing down until Anna and Jasper suffered the price of James' death. "We better get out there before Alice comes in and drags us out," Jasper told Anna who sighed. The two made their way downstairs where Alice was greeting people and socialising happily. "If it becomes too much, let me know," Anna told Jasper who nodded before noticing Carlisle motioning him over.

"Enjoy yourself, darling," Jasper whispered to Anna, kissing the side of her head before making his way over to Carlisle. She watched him walk away before turning to see Tyler and Lauren walking into the house, she knew Jasper would tell her himself. "Hey, we're graduates!" Tyler cheered as he hugged his best friend, Anna laughed at Tyler's happiness before she gave Lauren a hug. "Well, let's celebrate together," Anna told them before they moved to the space cleared for a dancefloor, the trio began dancing together laughing and having fun. Jasper heard Anna's laughter and felt her joy, his empathy focused on her to help him deal with the thirst.

Anna's mind felt woozy for a moment, she stepped to the side informing Tyler she needed some water before noticing Alice's distant expression making her rush over; Bella not too far behind her with Jacob. "What did you see?" Bella asked Alice who swallowed and glanced at Anna. "I... need to talk to Colton," Alice spoke up but Jacob stopped her, "Why don't you talk to me?" Anna glared at Jacob, she had a real problem with the males competing for her sisters heart; both were obsessive and possessive. "I suggest you remove ─ your ─ arm before I do," Colton threatened as he appeared near them, Anna watching as Jacob lowered his arm.

"The decision's been made," Alice told them though her eyes were focused on Annabeth more than Bella. "What's going on? You're not going to Seattle?" Bella inquired while Anna clicked on to what had changed. "They're coming to Forks, aren't they?" Anna asked recieving a nod in return, Anna closed her eyes to steady her racing heart; truthfully, she was terrified of what was to come. Anna leads Alice, Colton, Bella, and Jacob into the back den where Edward, Jasper and Carlisle were discussing something. "How long?" Edward questioned her. "They'll be here in four days," Alice answered her as Jasper held Anna's hand.

"This could turn into a blood bath," Carlisle warned them with a frown. "Who's behind it?" Edward asked Alice. "I didn't see anyone I recognize. Maybe one..." Alice trailed off as Edward peered into her mind. "I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He didn't start this," Edward spoke as Bella looked around at everyone. "Whoever is doing this is staying out of the action," Alice said. "They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision," Carlisle told her while Anna sighed, still firm about it being Victoria. "Either way, the army is coming," Jasper warned with Colton nodding in agreement, "And there aren't enough of us to protect the town."

"Hold up. What damn army?" Jacob asked gaining the room's attention, Edward shares a look with Carlisle shaking his head no to signify that he didn't want Jacobs help but Carlise looks at Anna who raised a brow and he nodded; he was in charge of the family, not Edward. "Newborns. Our kind," Carlise told Jacob pulling Embry and Quil into the conversation. "What are they after?" Embry asked them. "They were passing around Anna's scent. A blue blouse," Alice answered him making the three shifters tense, an imprint in danger was something the Pack needed to know about. "They're after Anna?" Embry asked next feeling worried for the girl.

"And Bella," Edward added as he looked from Anna to Bella who nodded to his words. Truthfully, they'd target Bella to get to Anna therefore, Bella was in danger too. "What the hell does this mean?" Jacob asked, his anger getting the best of him. "It means an ugly fight. With lives lost," Carlisle answered him truthfully. "Alright... we're in," Jacob told them, the look on Edwards face showed his disapproval of working with Jacob. "No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way," Bella denied immediately while Anna bit her lip, it wasn't Bella or Anna's choice to make; it was the packs choice to fight. "I wasn't asking for permission. Besides, Anna's an imprint, her protection is absolute law," Jacob told Bella.

"Edward?" Bella questioned him but the vampire realised they'd need the help. "It means more protection for you," Edward replied to her, Annabeth rolling her eyes at Edwards lack of acknowledgement that she too was in danger. "Jacob?" Bella's last ditch effort was futile, Jacob was gonna fight. "Do you believe Sam will agree to... an understanding?" Carlisle asked to be certain. "As long as we kill some vampires," Jacob answered him. "Jasper?" Carlisle turned to him, Jasper looking from Anna to Jacob before looking back at Carlisle. "They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge," Jasper expressed as Anna leaned into him.

"We'll need to coordinate," Carlisle told Jacob who nodded in agreement. "Carlisle, they'll get hurt," Bella spoke up making Anna roll her eyes, they all could get hurt but its their lives; Shifters protect the land from Vampires, that's their purpose. "We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper and Colton have," Carlise stated, the two mentioned vampires shared a look and nodded. "You're welcome to join us, alright?" Carlise said turning to Jacob. "Name the time and place," Jacob told him before Anna left the room, she headed straight to Jasper's room to process everything and stop herself from blowing up on Bella and Edward who seemed to be in their own world.

"Darling?" Jasper's soothing dulcet tone made Anna shiver, she lifted her head from the pillows and looked towards the door where Jasper stood. "I hate this... the war, the threat and the way Edward and Bella are so self-righteous in their minds," Anna practically whimpered to Jasper who frowned. He knew how much the rift between the twins was affecting Anna, she was suffering while Bella barely acknowledged it; she seemed almost happy with the distance between the sisters. "I know, darling... I promise you, after this battle... me and you, we'll leave Forks for a while and travel," Jasper told her as he sat down next to her.

"I'll introduce you to my friends in Ireland, Peter and Charlotte. You'll like them," Jasper told her as she moved to rest her head in his lap, "We'll see the rolling meadows of Ireland. Maybe check out London or even see Paris like you've always wanted." Anna smiled fondly at Jasper, she truly felt blessed to have him in her life. Jasper ran his fingers through Anna's curls as she closed her eyes, she began humming to herself as Jasper leaned back against the headboard and looked out into the forest. Jasper was excited for his future with Annabeth, his life was nothing without her and he'd spend eternity proving that. Niether of them aware of the blood-red eyes watching them closely before they took off into the night.

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Rosemary Speaks

Things are gonna get interesting...

Be prepared ;)

See you in the next chapter!

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