4.9 | Irina's Mistake

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Anna sighed as Marin sat awkwardly in the living room of the Cullen household, she seemed to be cautious about being surrounded by vampires. "Marin, you're okay. No one in here is going to hurt you," Anna assured the ginger as steps sounded from the stairs, following behind Bella and Edward was Jacob. Marin's breath hitched as she locked eyes with Jacob, she swallowed carefully as Anna watched the Banshee's eyes shine green for a moment before fading; a smirk appeared on Anna's face knowing enough about Banshee's to know that they had a Soul Fragment Bond. Banshee's could connect to another species in a way that was similar to Imprints but it was more commonly romantic.

For a Banshee to have a Fragment Bond with a shifter meant that Jacob's soul was pure, he was destined to be loved with every part of Marin's soul. Jacob shared a look with Anna and took notice of her smug smirk before focusing back on Marin who suddenly clasped her hand over her mouth. "Marin?" Anna asked as she realised what was happening, Anna rushed forward and blocked Marin's Banshee Wail as much as she could. Anna stumbled back into Jasper's hold, black blood seeping from her ears from the impact of Marin's scream. "Oh, God... I'm sorry," Marin whimpered with fear of herself in her eyes. "She's okay," Jacob offered, he didn't like the fear he saw in her beautiful eyes.

"This is not okay... I'm dangerous around witches... even a Hybrid," Marin warned them but Anna simply laughed at that. "Marin, it isn't a Banshee's Wail of Death that can kill me. It's a focused Scream of Power or a Banshee's blade which only the Elders carry and they stay away from Vampires," Anna explained to Marin after Jasper wiped the blood away, the blonde moved towards Marin again and sat down next to her. "I promise, I am okay. Plus, I heal quickly so you don't have to worry," Anna told her with a toothy grin, Marin relaxes at the words. "Now, Marin, this is Jacob Black. Jacob, this is Marin Campbell. As you can see, she's a Banshee but she's a little more special than you think," Anna told Jacob with a wink.

"I'm gonna go spend time with my sister and niece while Jacob will look after you," Anna added as she stood up with a teasing smirk directed to a now blushing Marin. "Have fun," Anna called out as she left the room with Bella following her, the twins stopped by Rosalie's room and smiled seeing Renesmee playing with her aunt. Anna was worried, she had only been gone a short time but Renesmee had aged quickly and she know looked to be around six years old. The three of them headed off into the snowy mountains, the twins watched as Renesmee catch snowflakes with her unique abilities. "Look, a snowflake," Renesmee showed her mother and aunt with a smile.

"It's beautiful. Why don't you go get another one?" Bella asked her, Renesmee nodded before moving toward the small space to catch more snowflakes. "Edward thinks that we'll find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something," Bella explained to Anna who sighed, she rested her arm around Bella's shoulders. "Hopefully we'll find those answers. But either way, Bella, I don't see anything but good in Renesmee's future," Anna expressed to Bella who smiled before the two continued watching Renesmee when a figure appeared in the distance watching them. "Who's that?" Renesmee asked as the twins stepped closer to her.

"I think that's our cousin from Denali. Irina!" Bella called out to gain Irina's attention, hoping to have the blonde come to them. However, looking visibly upset at seeing Renesmee, Irina turns and runs off before Bella can speak with her. "We need to get back," Anna warned, Bella grabbed Renesmee and the three of them rushed back home to inform the others of what had happened. Carlisle immediately got in contact with the Denali coven in hopes to explain the situation, he was concerned that Irina may have misjudged the sight and may have thought that Renesmee was a turned immortal child rather than baby born of a vampire and a human with witch blood.

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"Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us," Carlisle explained what he had learned from Tanya. "It looks like she changed her mind," Edward commented. "I think she may have seen something she misjudged," Anna voiced with concern, she looked at Carlisle who shared the same concerned expression. "I wish I could have just spoken to her," Bella told them with a pout. "She's family. She'll come around," Carlisle said before Anna furrowed her brows, she felt a slight ache in her head causing her to sit down. "Anna?" Bella spoke catching the pained expression on her face. "V-Vision..." Anna muttered as she closed her eyes and let the vision play like a movie on the back of her eyelids.

Irina approaches the doors of the Volturi's throne room, Aro looks up at her with a fond polite smile. "What a pleasant surprise," Aro speaks as Marcus and Caius watch on. "What do you want? Hmm?" Caius questioned with his usual scowl. "I have to report a crime. The Cullens... They've done something terrible," Irina informed them with a worried expression. "Allow me, my dear," Aro offered to take Irina's hand, he sees the images that Irina had witnessed of Renesmee. "Oh, my," Aro breathed out, a glint in his eyes showing how happy he is to be able to end the Olympic Coven. Caius, however, is uneasy about the look knowing that whatever has happened will not be good.

"What is it, Anna?" Jasper asked as he knelt down in front of her. "The Volturi... They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard... And Irina," Anna explained as Colton held Alice who had seen a similar vision. "Why?" Carlisle asked the two. "What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward asked but Anna shook her head with a sigh. "Irina believes Renesmee to be an immortal child," Anna explained as she looked up at Carlisle, the Coven leader looked down as he realised his concerns where real. "An immortal child?" Marin questioned from where she stood next to Jacob, his own questioning glance focused on the Coven leader.

"The Immortal Children were very beautiful. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned," Carlisle explained as Anna grabbed Jasper's hand, he had moved to sit next to her. "They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy a whole village. Humans heard about the devastation. Stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene since the Children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed," Carlisle informed them, Anna frowned as she was hit with a vision of Irina's mother screaming for her immortal child, Jasper noticed the pained expression on his mates face; he knew she was seeing the past.

"Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long-established covens were torn apart. Countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families. Lost," Carlisle finished as Anna escaped the vision of the Volturi killing the Immortal Child. "So the Denali's mother made an Immortal Child?" Anna asked as she leaned into Jasper, exhaustion in her eyes. "Yes. And she paid the price. The Volturi decapitated Irina's mother and burned the Immortal Child," Carlisle answered her. "Well, Renesmee's nothing like those children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day," Edward expressed, it was clear he was worried about the outcome.

"So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asked as he crossed his arms, his gaze flitting from his niece to Marin. "Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts," Alice answered him while Anna ran her fingers through her hair. "Caius is weary, he doesn't trust Irina or Aro but he won't defy Aro for the sake of Athenodora, which is why I won't ask him to defy Aro," Anna voiced with a frown, she understood that Caius held his regrets for Magnolia but she wouldn't use that against him when he had his own to protect; And Aro is ruthless in his choices, especially to deviants. "So we fight," Jacob said with determination. "Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one can stand against Jane," Colton spoke up.

"Oh please, I could floor them in seconds," Anna said with a grin. "But it'd kill you," Marin said softly, she took in a deep breath. "The power you would need against the entire Volturi would be too much on you due to your Hybrid status. You'd have to fed on human blood and then focus every last drop of your souls energy to take them all down," Marin informed Anna despite the blonde knowing that, she was ready to sacrifice herself for the safety of her family. "I won't let you do that," Jasper told Anna sternly, the look in his eyes made her shiver from the intensity; he wouldn't lose her. "Well, then we convince them," Bella spoke up hoping to avoid her sister becoming a weapon.

"They're coming to kill us, not to talk," Emmett added. "No, you're right. They won't listen to us. But maybe others can convince them," Edward expressed before turning to his father, "Carlisle, you have friends all around the world." Anna raised a brow at Edwards words. "I won't ask them to fight," Carlisle told him. "Not fight, witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen," Edward informed him. Esme turned to Carlisle, "We can ask this of our friends." With a plan set, the coven split up to connect with friends to be witnesses to Renesmee's truth. Anna was still worried so she made her way into Alice's room with a plan set, the two agreed and heading out in different directions.

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Rosemary Speaks

Jacob and Marin are like... adorable.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on Anna's potential power blast?

Thoughts on Anna and Alice's secret plan?

See you in the next chapter!

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