12‣ Secret

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(A/n: I did an oral and I swear I am the most awkward mess, I stuttered and froze so much in front of the whole classroom and forgot what words even were. Help me ;-;)



Everything was a blur as Jin hopped in the car beside me and Jimin drove off with the three of us in the back as fast as he could. It all went so fast.

My mind was still racing from the incident that happened earlier right before my eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off Yoongi. Seeing him grimace in pain made my heart hurt. I took off my jacket quickly, preparing to wrap it around Yoongi's bleeding wound.

I thought the man would leave him when he lowered his gun and I saw Jin escaping. I thought maybe we'd all get away. But then he quickly raised his gun again and seeing it, I screamed out his name. Maybe that saved his life? Because the moment I called him, he turned to me and the bullet only scraped his upper arm, almost just missing him but still leaving a deep cut. But that didn't take away the terrifying fear I felt in that moment. I never felt that kind of pain ever since the day my father died. Did Yoongi mean that much to me?

Jimin looked through the rearview mirror to look at Yoongi. "You alright?" He asked.

Yoongi still clutched onto his arm while gritting his teeth in pain. "What do you think? I just got shot. All because of this idiot!" Yoongi exclaimed and hit Jin on his shoulder pass me, making me pull my jacket back.

"Hey, at least we got away with something," Jin argued.

"You're just lucky it didn't go deep. It grazed my arm but damn, it hurts. That asshole," Yoongi said.

"Can you hold still?" I interrupted while trying to wrap my jacket around his wound to stop the bleeding.

I tried not to show my emotions but I guess I failed at that when my eyes wouldn't stop tearing up and they both went quiet. Yoongi sat still allowing me to continue what I was doing. I kept my head down hoping they wouldn't see my frightened eyes.

I was scared. Scared he would die. But then I realized why he almost died: because he decided to be careless. My face was getting hot with anger as I tied the fabric around his arm, this time tighter. At the same time I wanted to cry. He winced a bit at the pain. I was going to explode. And that, I did.

"How can you be so careless?!" I shouted after I finished wrapping the fabric around his arm. I finally looked up at him this time and he could see the anger and fear in my eyes, as they teared up more.

I then looked to Jin. "You too, you idiot!!" I shouted and punched his shoulder. He clutched onto it quickly afterwards. "We had an opportunity to escape you both just kept looking for a way to get into trouble!"

"Aiiiishhh!!! Why am I always the one getting hit today??" Jin exclaimed. "And by the way, at least we got something out of it. And it's not like he died," he added.

Yoongi then looked to his side at Jin, as if he was a disgusting insect. "Why is he still here? Can't we just drop him off at a bus stop or something," he said. "You're the reason I got shot, you-"

"Hey!" I interrupted him. "You don't get to speak. You both are idiots!" I said and sat back in my seat between the two of them. The car was quiet.

Jin whistled. "Didn't know she had a temper..." He said quietly.

I hit his arm immediately. "Shut up." I heard him wince and in the corner of my eye, I saw him rub his arm.

Silence again. Yoongi, getting the picture that we shouldn't speak about what happened, decided to change the subject. "Hey how'd you get this car so fast?" Yoongi asked Jimin carefully, staring at me every few seconds as if afraid I might hit him this time.

"Uhm..." Jimin looked afraid too and when I looked in the mirror at him, he quickly looked away. Jimin kept his eyes on the road while answering. "My brother passed by the bus stop and I sorta just stole his car. He's going to kill me tonight," he said and then sighed. Jimin kept looking through the side mirrors and rear view mirrors, making sure we weren't being followed. When we were in the clear he then looked at Yoongi through the rear view mirror again. "Do you think we could treat that at your house?" He asked Yoongi, referring to his wound.

"If Namjoon isn't home, yeah," he replied. "And we can't just take her home. She's drunk. Her mother will freak out," he said.

"I'm not that drunk. I'm fine," I said. It was a lie. My head was still spinning.

"Yeah, I doubt that," Yoongi said simply. "And can we seriously just drop him somewhere?" He asked, talking about Jin.

"Hey! I'm injured too. You can't just leave me!" He began to argue.

"You have a few cuts and bruises, so what? Grow up," Yoongi retorted. "I don't trust you going into my house."

"So we're definitely going to you're house?" Jimin asked Yoongi and he nodded reluctantly in reply. "Alright, I'll drop you off at your house then," Jimin said looking to Jin now.

"No!" Jin replied. "I don't want these two knowing where I live," he said. "Just drop me off at the nearest bus stop."

Jimin turned back to the road. "You guys have some pretty bad trust issues."


The next thing I remember was waking up on a couch. It wasn't my own, I realized. I heard voices not too far from me and were probably in the next room.

"Are you crazy?" I heard someone shout. It sounded like one of Yoongi's brothers. The tall one. I then realized I was in Yoongi's house. I must have passed out in the car. "You're getting that girl into useless trouble!" He shouted. "I told you not to get that girl caught up in your crap!"

"Namjoon, can you calm down?" I heard Yoongi sound. He must have told Namjoon what happened. "I didn't mean to bring her into it but she's stubborn."

"Well, find a way!"

"I'm trying!"

"You're not fucking Bonnie and Clyde, Yoongi! You both are going to end up dead if you keep at this!" Namjoon said and Yoongi went quiet. "You're going to get her killed just like you killed our father."

It took Yoongi a while before he answered. "Are you serious?" He sounded. "Are you serious?" He said again, raising his voice. "I just told you everything and you still believe that shit? You're my brother! How can you trust others but not me?" Yoongi asked.

"I can never trust you," Namjoon said simply. I then heard footsteps and I shut my eyes, pretending to sleep again. The footsteps passed me and I heard a door slam shut.

I then heard another pair of footsteps heading my way. I heard a sigh that sounded like Yoongi's when I felt one side of the couch sink in as he sit by my legs.

"You still asleep?" He asked quietly.

I kept my eyes closed, pretending to sleep. He'd probably be embarrassed knowing I heard what happened between him and his brother.

I heard him sigh again. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this," his mellow voice sounded. "I'm sorry for worrying you today." I felt a hand touch my face as he moved the loose strands of hair out of my face.

I then heard him shift slightly and a shadow fell over me. I felt his light breath on my face. I could sense his closeness. Was he about to kiss me?

He then backed away slightly before he could, as if he decided he shouldn't. He sighed lightly. "Why did you care so much?" He sounded, softly.



He entered his room. He wasn't worried that he arrived home so late. It was alright. His father would barely notice anyway since he was always working in his office. His house was big too, so there was barely a guarantee that they would walk pass one another.

He lied on his bed and took out his phone, thinking about the day he's had. Before he could do anything, he got a message. It was from his father.

"Come to my office," it read.

The dark haired boy did as he was told. He got up and headed to his father's office which was on the other side of the house. Since it would be a long walk, the boy thought why his father was calling him to his office. He only ever called him into his office when it was something serious.

His footsteps echoed in the empty halls as he made his way to the wooden double doors now just ahead of him. He reached it and knocked firmly before turning the knob to enter his father's office.

"You called?" He asked as he entered the neat room. There was a tall wooden book shelf on one side of the room reaching the ceiling. It was filled with books. On the other side of the room was his father's printer and a coffee machine on a table which also consisted of a jar of biscuits and plates and mugs beside it, ready for whenever his father needed a quick break from work. There was even a little glass coffee table in the middle of the room surrounded with three comfortable mahogany chairs. On the far side, opposite the door, was his father's wooden desk in which he sat behind and dealt with some paperwork.

He wore glasses as he flipped through the work before him. He lifted his head at the sound of his son's voice, his hair falling into his eyes and he quickly pushed it back as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Ah, yes, I did," he said. He pushed back his chair as he stood up and set down his glasses. "I want to take you somewhere." He picked up his paperwork and straightened it out.

The boy was surprised at his father's words. He never went anywhere with his father unless it was to a business dinner. He was sure they weren't going to a business dinner at nine in the night. "We're going out? Where?" The boy called out to his father as he entered another room beside his desk. It was where all his paperwork would go. But the young boy's father would never let him enter the room even though he thought he was old enough.

The man walked out again, locking the door behind him. "You'll see," he answered simply as he walked pass the boy and out of the room. The boy obediently followed.

The car ride was quiet and long, but they were used to it. There were no problems between them. They just didn't talk. And the boy loved his father. He always looked up to him and thought he was cool.

After half an hour they finally reached their destination. It was his father's workplace. The boy has been there countless before. The place was huge. His father owned a whole factory. He employed people to make wine. He was a very successful man.

"Why are we here? Isn't it a little late?" The boy asked.

His father just turned off the ignition as he spoke. "My factory is still awake, even at night," he replied. "There's a discussion I need to have with you today," he said, as he opened his car door. The boy did the same with his own.

They walked to the entrance. His father was right, he thought as he entered the building. The lights were all still on and people were still walking around. As they took an escalator to a higher floor, the boy couldn't help but wonder what he needed to discuss. Did he want him to start working for him now?

They reached a balcony and looked over the railing at the machines doing their job.

"You've grown up to be a respectable and trustworthy young man," his father started. He then turned to face his son, and the young boy did the same. "I've decided I want to give my job to you one day," he said.

The boy's mouth went agape. "R-really? Me?" The boy asked.

His father chuckled. "Yes. I feel like I can trust you more than anyone else," the father said. "You're a loyal son and I know your mother would've been so proud."

The boy grinned out of happiness.

"So for now, I just want you to observe the way I work and you'll take over whenever you're ready," he continued. "But there's more..." There was a change in his father's voice.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Follow me," the father said and lead the way into the elevator. His father pressed on the basement button. The boy could sense how tense the atmosphere had now gotten and his father's expression was now serious. He wouldn't lie, the boy knew that sometimes his father could get really mysterious at times and wouldn't explain things to him. Now was one of those moments. But it seemed he would find out today.

They reached the expected floor and walked out into the basement. The lights were already on and leading the way down the wide passage.

His father spoke as they walked. "I know that ever since you were a child, I told you I owned a wine factory. That's why we live such a great life," he said, the tone in his voice hard to distinguish. "But there's something I have not told you about. The real reason we live a great life." They then finally stopped before a large door and the boy became anxious and nervous standing there with his father. His father was behaving strangely tonight.

His father opened the large door with a complicated code not even the boy could understand.

The man took a large breath before opening up the door for the boy to see.

The boy's face went absolutely pale at the terrifying sight before him: a huge room with skinned bodies hanging from the railings placed mid-air from one wall to another. The room was cold like the frozen meat aisle in a supermarket. The large room had many people working on individual dead human bodies on large metal tables, wearing white coats and masks, as if they were scientists doing work for the better good - but they were not. They were skinning human bodies, and shredding them and cutting them up with the use of machines. It was inhumane.

The boy's eyes went wide and he felt his head spinning. He felt sick to his stomach. He spun around to look the other way. He could tell his father was watching his every move.

"What the hell is that?!" The boy exclaimed. When the father couldn't explain quick enough, he shouted again. "What is this?!" This time he was looking at his father straight in the eye and pointing to the skinned bodies that were hanging from railings, hooks pierced straight through their ankles to hold them up. He hands were visibly shaking. "This is what you've been doing? All this time!"

"Calm down. I know it's hard to process but it's not so bad-"

"Not so bad??! Are you crazy?" The boy shouted. It was gaining attention from the staff but they knew better than to stop and watch. The boy was being disrespectful now but he couldn't help it. He was terrified. His father was a monster. "A-and you want me to take over for you? Kill people for you? You're the reason mom isn't here! It was you, wasn't it?!"

"Yah! Watch your tone, child!" His father snapped back. "Don't bring your mother into this!"

"She's my mother! I can talk about her if I want to!"

"Well you're my son! And you will do this job whether or not you like it!" His father shouted. He then came closer and said in a lower voice, "Your life belongs to me."

The dangerous tone in his father's voice suddenly made him feel small. He realised he'd crossed a big line back-chatting his father like that. He never disrespected his father for a reason. He was scared of what his father would do to him. But this time he was terrified, knowing what else his father is capable of: murder. And not just of one person. Hundreds.

The boy fell silent and his father took it that he understood and was ready to listen now.

"I want you to bring Y/n over," his father spoke.

The boy's eyes grew wide at his father's words. Was she his next victim? Was he going to use him to get more victims? The boy opened his mouth to say something back but his father interrupted him before he could say a word.

"You don't get to object. You do as I say," he said sternly.

The boy felt completely helpless in that moment. His father was a completely different person now, forcing him into something he did not want at all. The boy then said the only thing he could say to his strict father, hopelessness surrounding him:

"Yes.. Father."


A/n: Jin or Jungkook?^

Who do you think it is? Let me know.

(*Starts singing Let Me Know* giRl LeT mE kNoW, gIrl let Me KnOw~)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!! :) ❤❤

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