19‣ All Or Nothing

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•Min Yoongi•

My eyes stung at the sight of the bright white light as I woke up. I winced slightly, bringing my hand up to protect my eyes from the bright light. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings: pale yellow walls, white ceiling, bright fluorescent lights, the white sheets that covered me, whispering on my right side and a sleeping Y/n on my left side. Although, what puzzled me the most was where I was and why.

"Oh," I heard someone on my right sound. As I turned my head, I noticed it was Taehyung who was looking straight at me. A second later, Hoseok was looking at me too. "He's up," Taehyung said.

Immediately, Hoseok had a huge smile on his face and as his brothers, both Taehyung and I knew what was going to come next when his mouth opened wide. Taehyung quickly pulled a hand over his mouth before he could scream in excitement. I sighed in relief as Hoseok only looked confused.

Taehyung put a finger over his own lips indicating to Hoseok that he had to be quiet. "Y/n's still sleeping," Taehyung said as he took his hand off Hoseok's mouth.

Hoseok sunk in his seat in disappointment. "I wasn't even going to shout..." He mumbled.

"Where are we?" I asked before they would start arguing again.

"Ah," Taehyung sounded nervously. "The hospital..." His voice trailed off as he tried to back up a bit. Hoseok did the same, knowing well what my reaction would be.

"The h-" I began to raise my voice but stopped abruptly when they both winced and pointed to Y/n again. She moved in her armchair but she was still asleep. I turned back to my brothers, lowering my voice this time. "The hospital?" I whisper-screamed.

I always tried my best avoiding hospitals because I couldn't afford the bill with all the money Namjoon and I made. Not that Namjoon would ever even share his money with me.

"I know it's bad but you looked like you were about to die last night and you wouldn't even wake up so we decided to bring you here," Hoseok rushed to explain. "Uncle Dongwon even came to pay the hospital bill-"

"Dongwon?" I interrupted. Our dad's best friend who I despised yet had to see everyday because he was the principal of my school.

They both gulped. "We didn't know what else to do, okay?" Hoseok raised his voice. "Just be glad you're still alive and you can thank both him and us, or you can just disown us both and see how great you'll do without us." He looked at me expectingly.

I sunk in the bed. "I'd take the second option if I could..."

"We didn't tell anybody what happened either," Taehyung continued. "We just told them some gangsters messed you up. And it was believable especially when we told them which area we lived in."

I nodded in understanding and relief. My eyes slowly shifted towards Y/n's sleeping figure and then to the clock on the wall which read 2pm.

"How long has she been here?" I asked.

"I think since 8pm?" Hoseok guessed with a hand push underneath his chin as he thought. "You took so long to wake up that she feel asleep."

"She probably couldn't sleep much after last night too..." Taehyung said, deep in thought.

I turned to look back at Y/n. She was sleeping but at the same time she looked so restless. Comparing it to the first time I saw her fall asleep, I remembered how peaceful she looked then. Last night really must have been a lot for her.



-Earlier that day-

I woke up early this morning. Not necessarily because I chose to - I just couldn't sleep. During the night I kept waking up every ten minutes like someone was pushing me awake. Like someone grabbed me the way those men did yesterday. Then my very next thought goes to the badly beaten up Yoongi who collapsed in front of me so suddenly.

Was that my fault?

He got hurt trying to get to me after all...

He looked so horrible and wouldn't even move that the only thing we could think to do was take him to the hospital. After an hour at the hospital he still wouldn't wake up but the doctor had clarified that he was in a stable condition and would give him a checkup when he woke up again.

Before I knew it, it was almost 9pm and I was forced to go home before my mom got worried again. Jimin had even offered to take me home.

Pushing my thoughts of last night away, I got out of bed even though it was barely even 8am yet. I had hope that Yoongi might wake up soon and I had to see if he was alright and thank him for last night like I did everyone else.

It was a quiet morning. The house was quiet. The bus was quiet. Even the streets as I walked down them towards hospital. It was still a long walk because I got off the bus two stops before the time. I just couldn't stand being confined between walls and it was the initial reason I left my house too.

Feeling hungry and realizing I hadn't eaten since lunch the day before, I stopped at a convenience store near a gas station to find something to eat.

Finding a granola bar and a bottle of water, I purchased them both and went to sit by a table outside the convenience store.

There wasn't much to look at except people's gas tanks being filled up and the cars that drove by.

I was about to take a bite of my granola bar when-

"Y/n?" I heard a voice call out.

I looked up to see no one other than Namjoon, Yoongi's brother, walking up to me hesitantly. Seeing my face more clearly now, his face lit up slightly and he began walking to me more surely now. Judging by his uniform, I assumed he must be working at the gas station.

I smiled back at Namjoon slightly. "H-hi," I stuttered. "You work here?"

He raised his eyebrows as if processing what I was saying before smiling and nodding. "Ah, yes, I do," he answered. "What about you? Why are you here this early?" He asked, sitting down across from me.

"Oh," I sounded. "You didn't hear?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows in question. "Yoongi is in hospital. Some guys beat him up last night while we were out," I explained.

His whole facial expression changed at the mention of Yoongi. "Of course, that dumbass..." He scoffed.

"I thought your brothers would have told you," I said carefully.

"No, they didn't come home last night. Was that where they were? The hospital?"

"I guess so?" I said, looking down at the table.

The whole mood seemed to change. The boy must have really hated Yoongi. But how could anyone hate their brother at all when they're all they have?

"Your boyfriend's a real bad guy. You know that, right?" He said, not necessarily in a questioning way. "He's going to get you killed."

Your boyfriend.

He said it as if Yoongi was a complete stranger to him.

"He's your brother too," I said, looking up at him.

He let out a mocking laugh. "No, he's not. He doesn't even deserve to be in this family," he said bluntly before standing up and turning to walk away.

"Yoongi would never get me killed," I said loud enough so that he heard me clearly. I barely ever spoke loud or clear because of my fear of attention but no way would I let him walk away like that.

He stopped walking and I stood up. He turned around to face me with a questioning expression.

"The reason why Yoongi is in hospital," I began while walking closer to him, "is because he saved my life. So if anything, he deserves to be in your family because he was just like your father who wanted save lives."

I began to tear up.

How does anybody treat their family so horribly?

"Yoongi is a great person, Namjoon. And it's sad to think that I, an outsider, has to tell you, his own brother, what kind of a person he is," I continued to scold. "You know your brother, Namjoon. Would that little boy you knew back then ever lay a hand on your dad?" I asked.

He didn't seem to know how to answer and I didn't give him a chance to do it. I walked pass him and towards the hospital to find Yoongi. He needed a real family.

"You can think about that," I called out just before disappearing around a corner.

-Present time-

Hearing whispers, my consciousness began to rise. I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them to see Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi talking.

My eyes widened. "Yoongi!" I cried out in relief. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. In a matter of seconds, his arms were wrapped around me too.

I'll be your family.

I looked up to see Taehyung and Hoseok standing behind him and smiling. I closed my eyes in Yoongi's embrace.

We'll be your family.

I gasped in realization and backed away from him.

"Wasn't I holding you too tight? Did I hurt you?" I asked, searching him all over.

Since we weren't in the street at night this time, I could see him quite clearly. He had two cuts on his bottom lip on either sides and some dry blood still in the corner of his mouth. On the side of his cheek was a big purplish bruise and just above the curve of his cheek leading to his bottom eyelid was as an even darker blue-ish black bruise. There were a few dark red scrapes on his collarbone and more bruises forming on his arms.

Looking back up to his face, I saw his lips curve up into a smile trying to lessen the sympathy he knew I was feeling.

"Look who's talking," he teased. "Are you okay?" He asked, both of his hands on either sides of my shoulders.

I nodded and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine." For those few seconds we only stood and stared at each other for a while before a nurse had entered the room. Our eye contact broke and we turned to the nurse.

"Oh, you're awake!" The nurse beamed. "That's great, I'll call the doctor in a moment."

She turned to leave but then stopped and eyed Yoongi's brothers and I. "Ah, do you guys mind if you could stay in the waiting room while he gets examined?"

"Yes, we will do that," Hoseok answered and we all greeted before she left and then said our goodbyes to Yoongi before we left.


"Y-Y-Yah!" Jimin exclaimed, standing in front of the three of us who sat on the chairs in the waiting room.

"Shh, shh, shh," Taehyung sounded, putting a finger over his own mouth, signalling him to be quiet. "You can't be loud here."

"What kind of friends are you?" Jimin continued to scold, ignoring Taehyung's comment. "You were supposed to call me when he wakes up," he said, pointing to his phone in hand. "But no. I don't get a single call and now I can't even go inside to see Yoongi?!"

"Yah, calm down, will you?" Hoseok said, nonchalantly. "They're just doing a checkup. He'll be out soon and you can see him. Take a seat." He patted the seat next to him and hesitantly Jimin took it.

"They're still busy diagnosing him but I have a pretty good idea of what's going on," Hoseok said, staring at the wall across from us, his arms crossed. All attention turned to him. "He's been overworking himself again."

Taehyung and Jimin sighed in realisation while I only stared at Hoseok questioningly. Hoseok looked pass Taehyung to look at me.

"It happens from time to time when things get too much for him," Hoseok explained. "He likes to hide it, but the guy's got a good heart. Since he's the oldest, he's always tried to provide for us. By day, he's at school so that he can get a decent job and decent pay one day. By night, he's always out getting money from his part time jobs so he never gets much sleep either. Although, sometimes the money isn't even enough for food for the four of us so he barely eats at all so that we can..." Hoseok sighed.

"It's annoying," Jimin said. "He never wants to take care of himself. So every few months or so he collapses out of nowhere and won't wake up for hours."

"Y-Yoongi... He goes through that everyday?" I asked, slowly. It made me pity him. He went through so much yet so many people judge him like they know what type of person he is. Truth was, nobody really knew because he never opened himself up to anyone.

"Yeah," Taehyung answered. "Future sister-in-law, if there's one thing you need to know about Yoongi, it's that he's persistent," he said, grinning happily. "There are only two options in Yoongi's mind: either he goes all the way or he doesn't care at all." Taehyung's expression then for the first time was completely different to his usual playful one. He looked to me in all seriousness. "So the fact that he's with you... I can tell you're really important to him," he smiled. "Take good care of him, future sister-in-law."

Then suddenly Taehyung grunts aloud and rubs his shoulder as he groans in pain. Hoseok had punched his shoulder. "Ah, hyung–"

"Stop calling her that!" Hoseok scolds, cutting him off. "You're going to make her feel uncomfortable. Then she'll run away and Yoongi-hyung will really kill us!"

I burst into laughter. I couldn't help it. They just always somehow found a way to make me smile.

I looked up to see them all look at me in question.

"W-what?" Taehyung asked. "Why are you laughing?"

I smiled nervously. "N-no reason," I said. "You guys are just funny."

Taehyung suddenly frowns. "Don't lie! You were laughing at me getting hit, weren't you?" He asked. He then stood up. "I want a new sister-in-law! I won't take this disrespect," he announced.

Suddenly Hoseok stood up too and hit the back of his head. "Keep it down will you!"

"I won't stand for this!" He exclaimed again. "Jimin-hyung! I don't care, even you can marry Yoongi."

"Yah–" Jimin yelled, getting out of his chair but was quickly interrupted when Yoongi's doctor came into the waiting room. He looked at the boys questioningly before they quickly tried to look presentable.

"Yoongi's brothers?" He asked.

The two brothers quickly smiled and bowed to the man.

A few minutes later we found out Hoseok was right. Yoongi had been suffering from Burnout, also known as over exhaustion. Although, with rest he would fine. The doctor even requested his brothers to make sure he ate and slept often from now on.

After agreeing, the doctor left and we all looked to each other.

"So should we go see hi–" Jimin once again was interrupted.

"Ah, we should probably get something for Yoongi to eat!" Hoseok said, basically pushing Taehyung and Jimin away already. "Y/n can keep him company."

Jimin was quick to turn around and stop him. "Why?" Jimin asked, agitated. "I didn't see him all day–"

"But Y/n and Yoongi probably want some alone time while talking," Hoseok said.

Taehyung sighed. "Come on, let's just go," he said, dragging Jimin along with him as he headed towards the exit.

"W-wait!" Jimin yelled but still couldn't get out of Taehyung's grasp.

Hoseok stayed behind for a second and laughed nervously. "Ignore the way Taehyung acted earlier. He just hates when girls laugh at him," he explained. He then raised his hand, cupping it along one side of his mouth to hide it from Taehyung. "He's got a history of it," he whispered so that only I could hear. He then took a step back and laughed aloud. "Alright, I'm going now! Go enjoy your alone time with your man. It kind of got ruined yesterday," he laughed nervously.

I have a small laugh too and waved him goodbye.

Once I was all alone, I took a deep breath, not ready to face Yoongi yet. The fact that he went through that much aside from what we were doing, made my heart ache. How was he so strong?

He didn't mention it, but I'm sure that everything with W52 kept him up at night too. Just like me.

I took another deep breath before heading to Yoongi's hospital room.


•Min Yoongi•

After being alone in the room for at least five minutes, I finally heard the sound of the doorknob turn and my face immediately lit up at the sight of Y/n.

"Y/n," I called out, a bright smile on my face. "I was wondering if you left or something." My happy expression then turned to an annoyed one at the remembrance of the doctor's comment. "They won't let me leave until later," I said, crossing my arms.

She smiled. "That's good. You need the rest," she said before quickly adding, "Ah, Jimin came by but he went with your brother's to get some food for you to eat." She smiled nervously.

"Ah," I nodded in understanding.

There was a pause. Neither of us knew what to say anymore.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked.

"I'm always quiet," she said nervously.

"Not after something like this. You're supposed to nag me or something like you usually do," I said. "Or act excited on what to do next–"

I got cut off when she suddenly wrapped her arms around me as she sat down beside me. "If I do that," she whispered, "you'll only stress yourself more."

It was then when I realised she knew. She knew everything. And suddenly I couldn't get a word out.

"Thank you for saving me, Yoongi," she said, her voice cracking halfway through her sentence, still not letting go of my torso. "You're a really good person."

My heart stopped at her last words. I blocked trying to process what I'd heard. They were simple words but to me they meant the world. No one had ever called me a good person before.

"How can I," she said, loosening her hold on me, "be excited or nag you when we almost died yesterday." She looked me in the eyes and I didn't know what to say. "This has become really dangerous, Yoongi."

"Did you think it would be a piece of cake?" Jin sounded as he entered the room. I guess he decided to pay me a visit too.

We both let go of each other and turned our heads to look at him in confusion.

"What?" Jin asked. "Yoongi was in a really bad condition last night. I couldn't not check up on him." Jin looked to me. "So? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I said, shortly.

His eyes then shifted towards Y/n. "And you? You were the one who got kidnapped after all."

Her face was blank for a moment before she nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'm alright."

Jin sat down on a chair beside the bed and Y/n sat on a chair as well.

"But that's not the only reason you came here, is it?" I stated.

Jin shrugged. "Believe whatever you need to."

"I think someone's been following us," I said, not wasting any time.

"Or we could be being tracked just like we tracked them," Jin said. "And I have a pretty good idea of who could've gotten close enough to us to do it," Jin added, eyeing Y/n.

Y/n sighed. "Are you serious?"

"We need to face facts. Who else could it be other than Jeon Jungkook?" Jin said. "They knew where you were last night which means someone's either been tracking you or Yoongi. I know this person tracked you and didn't follow you because I checked all around the hospital and neither Jungkook or anyone suspicious was around. Therefore he must have planted a tracker on one of you," he said, matter-of-factly.

My eyes grew wide. "Y/n," I called out. "Check your bag. It's the only thing you've brought everywhere with you," I said. "I've talked with Jungkook at least twice so he could have planted a tracker on me too. I'll check my clothes."

Without another word, I took my clothes off the chair beside my bed and checked them. Y/n was frozen and too taken aback to check anything. She couldn't believe that Jungkook would do that to her.

"There's nothing in my clothes," I announced and then looked to Y/n who still would not move. "Y/n," I called out again, bringing her back to reality. I turned my body fully in her direction and looked her straight in the eyes. "I know this is hard for you to believe, but you need to co-operate with us here. We're already in danger," I said.

Slowly, she began to blink and nod her head. She then picked up her bag from beside the chair. She checked every section and every corner, until–

She stopped and her eyes grew wide as she withdrew her hand from the bag, a small device in her hold.

We all sighed and then my eyes met with Jin's. "You were right," I said.

"You don't know that!" Y/n shot back. "All those nights we went out trying to collect information; one of them could've planted it in my bag too."

"Did any of them ever get close enough to do it?" Jin asked.

Y/n looked down. "No..." She then stayed quiet.

"We need to be careful who we talk to," Jin said.

"What if we don't?" Y/n said. "What if we..." She looked up. "...forget about this whole thing and go back to our normal lives? This has gotten really dangerous."

Jin burst into laughter. "I knew she would get like this. I knew you were weak," he said and then wore a serious expression and leaned forward. "Once again, Y/n: did you think this would be a piece of cake? Yoongi warned you, didn't he? This was dangerous. This could cost us our lives. If you can't handle this, then you can forget all this, but I'm not stopping and neither will Yoongi–"

"I know!" Y/n interrupted. "You think I don't?" She shot Jin a glare. "But Yoongi..." Her eyes softened and she looked to me. "Isn't this too much for you? I know you suffer from overexhaustion. And now all this?"

I sighed. "I can handle it," I said.

"Why don't we just stop all this, hm?" She said. "Carrying on will just exhaust you more. You need rest. You need a break from this. Let's just–"

"People are dying, Y/n," I said, cutting her off. "I can't just let that continue to happen while we know what they're doing. And just giving up? It's too late for that now. They know who we are and where we are. So you asking us to stop, that's like us choosing to die. It's either all or nothing," I said, my eyes meeting with Y/n's. "I know it's a hard decision and that things might be a bit more tough right now but there's no backing out now." I then looked to Jin. "But nobody's dying." Jin knew what I meant. "Look, we're a team now and we need to do this together. We need to trust one another. We're not leaving anyone behind and we're definitely not going to kill anyone."

"Wow," Jin let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling before looking back at me again. "Are you playing leader right now?"

"Yes, I am," I said straight.

Jin abruptly stood up. "I don't like being controlled," he warned through gritted teeth.

"Jin, I've killed someone before," I said before he could turn to leave. "It haunts me every night. So much that I can't even sleep at all," I said, seriously. "You don't want to kill someone, Jin."

Jin sighed before sitting back down and I took it as a sigh that I was getting through to him.

"Are we all on board now?" I asked, eyeing the both of them. Hesitantly they both nodded.

"Then let's actually talk about what our real plan here is," I said. "The plan that was long overdue."

I paused to look at them both, waiting for some kind of approval. Jin gestured with his hand for me to continue and Y/n nodded to me with determined eyes.

"We're going to find out where their base is, what they do and how they do it. Once we have all this information, we hand it over to the police. This battle is too big for just us to handle."

Jin scoffed. "You know not even the police could handle this, right?" He stated. "Why do you think our parents who were investigators couldn't even do anything?"

"W52 threatened them with their families, that's why," I shot back. "If we get this done fast enough, we won't get anyone hurt and the police can take care of the rest quickly. It's not as easy as it sounds but we need to try."

"Alright, sounds good," Jin said, standing up. "But are we done now? I have somewhere to be." He paused before speaking again. "I'll do more research and see what we can do."

I nodded. "We can plan the rest later."

He nodded it return and then left the room. Now it was just Y/n and I. There was a moment of silence before I decided to let out a breath and open my mouth to speak.

"Are you okay with all this?" I asked. She seemed to struggle to answer so I spoke more. "If you want out, I understand. You can if that's what you really–"

"I don't want out," she said, her eyes quivering as she looked up at me. "It's just... Was it really Jungkook? Everything you guys said... Was it true? Was I the only fool? All this time I thought I was making a real friend and he just used me?"

"Y/n..." But she didn't look at me. She seemed lost in thought as she looked to the ground again.

"I trusted him, Yoongi. I thought he trusted me too. At school we'd talk about how much we missed our parents who weren't with us anymore and he reminded me of you, you know?"

"He did?" I asked, tilting my head in curiosity.

"He has this same loneliness about him when he talks... He's surrounded by people yet nobody knows what he's going through. His mother left him just like yours did too and although he was young, it still eats away at him."

A sudden emotion struck me at her last sentence. Was it pity? Pity because I knew just how it must have affected him?

Y/n suddenly shook her head. "Whatever... We don't know for sure anyway." She looked up and saw the look of pity on my face, both for her and the boy who was abandoned by his mother. "I-I think I'm gonna go home. I have homework to finish and stuff," she lied. As she stood up, she added with a smile, "I hope you feel better soon."

"Thanks..." I said unsure of what to do. She didn't seem to take the situation well and I had no idea how to comfort her.

As she turned to leave, I stopped her. "Hey, Y/n?"

She turned her head to face me questioningly.

"I'm sorry our first date turned out so crazy," I said and her eyes softened, a light smile on her face. "I promise next time it'll be better."

Her half smile turned into a full smile and she let out a small laugh. "I look forward to it," she said before turning to leave.

My smile faded as she left. I stood up and stood by the window, looking at the scenery beyond the glass.

There was a nagging feeling at the back of my head. All things pointed to Jungkook yet at the same time I wasn't sure. Was Jungkook to be trusted or not?

Suddenly my phone rings and I see it's a call from Jimin.

"Jimin?" I answer.

"Hey, Yoongi," he replied. "I was going to visit you today but something came up so I can't go..."

There was a pause.

"That doesn't seem like the only reason you called," I said.

"That Jungkook-guy?" Jimin started in a questioning way, "Don't trust him," he said.

-The night before-

Jimin was driving Y/n home when suddenly she yelled for him to stop.

"Ah, here!" She called out. "The third house from the corner on your right," she instructed.

"Okay..." He said as he made the turn.

She gasped as they came closer. "Oh, my mom's boyfriend was over again," she thought aloud. Jimin turned his head to see a woman in her late thirties – probably Y/n's mother – and a man both standing outside the front door. It looked like the man was just leaving.

Taking a closer look at the man as his car came to a stop, Jimin froze and his eyes grew wide.

He couldn't exactly put his finger on it but the man gave him a horrible feeling.

"Jimin?" Y/n called out, bringing him back to reality. "Are you okay?"

Jimin shook his head slightly and then nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said as he unlocked the doors.

"Are you sure? You look really pale..." She trailed off. "Would you like something to drink–"

"No," Jimin said, a bit too loud that it had caught the adults' attention. "I'm fine," he said, lowering his tone. "You should get some rest."

She hesitated slightly before nodding and then opening her door, letting out a small, "Okay." She got out and closed the door and Jimin sped off almost immediately.

-Present time-

"Something about that boy's dad..." Jimin said. "It feels off." He paused before saying his next words:

"I think we've seen him somewhere before."


A/N: That was such a long and boring chapter, I'm sorry ;-;

Next chapter will be a good one though, I promise. Look forward to it ;)

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