21‣ Crisis Point

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I was an idiot.

I let my guard down.

At what point did I become so naive?

I got too comfortable. I was caught up in the thought that Yoongi would always be here to save me...

"Where is your boyfriend now?" He asked, tilting his head and smirking sickly down at me. Me, who was tied in place, my wrists already numb with pain and blood dripping from my mouth as I just barely felt conscious.

I was naive.


-11 hours earlier-

The long day of school had finally ended and I entered the bus with a sense of accomplishment. For the boys at least. I didn't do much other than make sure Jungkook doesn't raise any suspicions.

It was a long and boring day at school without a Yoongi to help time pass by during break, behind the school. However, Mina was there to keep me company and it was nice feeling like a normal person for a while.

The thought made me smile slightly. I smiled wider when thinking of the guys. The mission was going great so far. The boys haven't even contacted me in the last two hours so they must have really been getting good information and, hopefully, evidence as well. There was simply no way our mission could go wrong. Our plan was solid.

I froze when I saw a familiar face come on the bus. It was Kyungsuk, a few of his bruises still visible from the time Yoongi beat him up. He seated himself directly behind me and the hairs on the back of my neck started to rise.

I took deep but subtle breaths, trying to reason with myself that he wasn't on this bus because of me.

I prayed he wasn't on this bus because of me.


"Come on... Please pick up," she pleaded into the ringing cell phone to no luck at all.

"This number is not available at the moment. Please try again la-"

She hung up.

"Why is your phone off, Y/n?" The woman complained out loud to no one in particular.

She got out of her car that stood in front of Y/n's school. She slammed the door and leaned against the car whilst facing the school and oncoming students as they exited the school. She tapped her foot impatiently on the pavement floor, looking for her daughter amongst the sea of students.

"Y/m/n?" She heard a familiar voice call out. She turned her head to look at him fully. It was Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" She called out in surprise. She gave a small hug but he wasn't oblivious to the hesitation in her action.

She seemed worried. Jittery. Frustrated.

"Is everything alright?" He asked hesitantly.

She shook her head slightly to clear her mind and then nodded. "Definitely," she lied. "Do you know where Y/n may be? I'm trying to call her but I can't reach her."

"She should be coming out soon," Jungkook said. "I'll go look inside for you."

He wasted no time to rush back inside the school and look for her. First he checked near her locker, second he checked her last class that he saw her enter an hour ago when it had started. It was almost completely empty but then he caught a glimpse of something outside the classroom window.

He remembered that she took the bus and, trying to see if she was inside it, the side of her face came into. Then something else caught his attention: Kyungsuk getting onto the very same bus before it had taken off.

Now Jungkook was in a panicking state.

He needed to go after them now.

Jungkook ran outside the building, still thinking of a way to get to her in time. He certainly couldn't take his own car. He'd get in too much trouble.

"Hey, Jungkook!" A friend of his called out to him. "What's up, man?"

"Dokyeom!" Jungkook rushed, giving him a quick handshake. "Dude, I need a ride somewhere."

Jungkook knew he was the only other friend of his that had a car.

"Yeah, sure. Just say where."



Sitting for about ten minutes in the moving bus, I couldn't shake off a chilling feeling - like I was being watched. I was beginning to feel nervous and more aware of Kyungsuk who sat behind me but I tried not to show it.

No matter how much I willed for him to get off the bus already, it was undeniable that it was almost time for me to get off and the bus only emptying more and more.

I needed to do something.

As the bus came to a stop, I got up and off the bus right there. It was two stops before my own but I couldn't let this guy know where I lived.

Unfortunately for me, I heard someone get off behind me. Taking a quick glance, I noticed indeed it was Kyungsuk.

What did he want from me?

I walked deep into the streets, hoping i would lose him in the process. Still, footsteps undeniably kept coming my way.

But how did he always know where I was? He wasn't even looking at me when I tried to lose him. He kept looking down at his phone the whole time.

"Oh, Y/n~" he sang and I could just imagine the sick smirk on his face. "When will you stop running? It's pointless at this point..."

Even so, I kept walking. What good would it do if I stopped and talked to him?

I walking faster and, more and more, it started to feel like I was just walking in circles.

I was lost. Great.

"Lost, are we?" He sounded from afar. "Why'd you stop walking?"

My heart started beating faster. Something didn't feel right.

How did he know I stopped walking if he couldn't even see me?

"That's alright. I'll just come find you," he said.

Immediately I turned to walk but I was only faced with the one and only Kyungsuk as he held his phone up for me to see. It displayed some sort of map.

And then I figured it out. Kyungsuk was the one who planted the tracker in my bag. Not Jungkook.

Once again, I turned the other way but this time I ran. As fast as I could to get away from him. The only problem was that I didn't know where I was running to. I was still lost.

I decided to find an open road. One where, hopefully, there were many people. Enough people that he wouldn't try anything on me.

After what felt like forever, I finally found one and ran towards it. For a second, I thought I'd made it; I'd run into the road and he would disappear from all the people watching. That was not the case for me.

The road was empty and Kyungsuk had caught up to me, pulling me back harshly by the back of my shirt's collar. The hard, white material of my collar chafed and scratched against my neck, choking me as he continued to pull me back. Then without any sign that I could see, he threw me down onto the hard gravel. My back stung with pain and my elbows were probably scraped but all I was concerned about was my tight throat as I wrapped my fingers around it gently, trying to ease the pain. I took in deep and slow breaths as I looked irefully up at the smirking boy above me.

"What do you want?" I asked between gritted teeth.

He stepped closer until both his legs were on either side of me. It was then that fear really started to kick in and I realised the situation I was in. I tried to back away but he stepped on my hand, making me stop and cry out. He bent down over me until he was sitting directly on top of me, pinning me down.

"Oh, you know what I want."

He smirked one last time and as he neared, the terrible flashbacks came to mind of the first time it happened. Tears escaped my eyes as the memories started.

"No!" I cried. I screamed and kicked and writhed beneath him, but to no avail. He was too strong.

He laughed. "You'd think that from all those years ago – the first time it happened – you'd know that screaming never helps," he remarked, smirking down at me. My eyes were shut from the fear but in that moment, I couldn't help but stop screaming and open my eyes to look straight up at him as I took deep breaths.

How did he know what happened to me then?

His smile faded. "I guess tramps like you never learn," he said. He then leaned closer and I tried to pull away but he held me in place. His lips made its way to my right ear, and I felt his breath brush it gently, making me shiver in fear as I shut my eyes tightly.

"Y/n," he whispered. "I'm going to make you worse than any whore you've ever heard of."

My breathing fastened and my heart began to accelerate as I processed the words he'd just spoken to me. As if it weren't bad enough, he lifted his head slightly to see my reaction and then smirked at the sight of it.

"Don't worry. I'll make it quick," he whispered, a hand trailing down my waist.

At that very moment, like a miracle, someone kicked his body off me before anything too damaging happened.

Jeon Jungkook.

He rushed over to him and bent down over him, punching him endlessly until blood started to draw from his lip.

He then rushed to my side and I - still traumatized, remembering what had happened to me all those years ago - looked up at him. Except, I didn't see Jungkook's face as his face hovered above my own.

I saw his father's face. Kwon Jiyong.

My breathing quickened as all the memories of that time came flooding back. Suddenly I understood why his father seemed so familiar and why I always had an unsettling feeling whenever he was around. Kwon Jiyong was the man who assaulted me. He was the real owner of Whalien 52.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Jungkook asked, eyes wide with worry and alarm as he tried to touch my face.

Immediately, I pushed him off of me, unable to see him the same way ever again. All I saw was his father and the horrible things he did to me; what he did to my father; my family.

Jungkook only stared at me wide-eyed, his expression filled with curiosity and concern. He couldn't understand why suddenly I was so uncomfortable with him when all the time before I never was.

However, I couldn't care less. The way I saw him now, as he sat before me on his knees, I couldn't feel anything other than hatred towards him.

I looked him dead in the eye and hissed, "Get away from me, you son of a monster!" I roared out the last word, unable to control my emotions. My whole body seemed to fume and shake, my eyes burning hot with tears as I backed away - the palms of my hands burning from the gravel poking at it.

When I gained enough strength, I stood up and turned to run as Jungkook sat there, completely frozen, and the boy behind him struggling to move. I ran until they both were out of sight and familiar streets came into view. I ran all the way home and made it there safely, not worrying what the neighbours would think of a girl in dirty uniform running down the streets like a maniac.

Unlocking my front door and entering, I heard the home telephone ringing, just barely over the sound of my loud breathing and fast-paced heart beat. I quickly turned to lock the door all the way and then proceeded to the telephone in kitchen.

I took a deep breath and slowly placed the telephone to my ear.

"Y/n?" a voice sounded on the other side of the call.

"Mom," I let out, sighing in relief.

I then heard a gasp. "Y/n, what are you doing at home? I sent you messages telling you not to go there and I've been calling you all day! Is your phone dead?"

Suddenly I became alarmed. My mother sounded like she knew something that I obviously didn't. "No... I lost my phone..." I trailed off. "But why? Did something happen-"

"No," she cut me off. "No," she sighed, breathily. "I just thought I'd pick you up from school today so that we could go somewhere," she tried to say cheerfully, although it was hard to miss the fear in her voice.

"Go where?" I asked carefully.

"Remember how Jungkook kept talking about taking spontaneous trips?" She asked. "Don't you think today is the perfect day for something spontaneous?"

My eyes widened at her words. No doubt, she must have figured it out. She knows.

Then it hit me: maybe all this time, Jungkook has been trying to get us to move because he knew too. He was trying to warn us.

"Stay there, okay honey?" My mother's voice sounded. "I'll be there soon to pick you up. Stay safe."

She hung up and I stumbled back, my back hitting the wall and using it as support.

What exactly was going on?

Why did Kyungsuk plant a tracker in my bag?

How did he know what happened to me?

Why was Jungkook trying to save me when his dad is the leader of W52?

Shaking me out of my thoughts, there was a knock at the door. My immediate thought was that it was my mom and I ran to the door.

Unfortunately, as I opened the door, I realised I couldn't have been more wrong.

The worst decision I had ever made, was opening that door.

Before me stood two men in familiar black suits and before I could even make a sound or move an inch, they grabbed me and a hand firmly wrapped around my mouth. This time I was unable to remove it and slowly, I began to lose consciousness.

As my vision blurred, two words played in the back of my mind.

"Crisis point."

I should've realised it sooner. It was exactly like my business teacher had said. Stages in a crisis.

"At this point there's no turning back," she had said.

We were at stage three already. I'd ignored all the warning signs and now I was here.

"There's no choice but to deal with it."

I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, my eyelids feelings heavy.

How do I... deal with this crisis?

I felt them dragging me as the remaining light had disappeared from my vision.

I guess I really was only an amateur all this time.


-Present time-

•Min Yoongi•

I woke up to the sound of vehicles swerving and a stinging pain at the back of my head. I pulled my eyes shut tightly and winced. I lifted my head and tried to move my limbs, only to find out I couldn't.

I tried again, but it didn't help and suddenly, my drowsiness disappeared as my eyes widened in alarm. I looked down at my body to find I was sitting in a chair, each of my ankles tied to one of the chair's legs and my wrists tied together behind the back of my chair.

Suddenly I recalled my last memories; being captured by TOP on the staircase and finding out that one of the other brothers were actually alive all this time.

Alarmed, I looked around me to see where I was or if Jin was awake too.

But there was no Jin. There was only me.

The room was dim – having the space lit up by only a small light hanging from the ceiling and squeaking while swinging around from time to time – but I was able to make out that I must've been in a trailer or truck of some sort. The area was somewhat spacious; a few boxes stacked in front of me and a table against the wall behind me, just below a window displaying the outside wall, although all I could see was the night sky as the vehicle kept moving. The floor was quite messy around my chair which was situated directly underneath the light in the middle of the trailer. On my far right, I could just barely make out a door, completely locked, and turning to my left, I found another small window, which was closed. Through it, I could see the driver.

"Hey!" I called out. "Hey!"

There was no response or reaction at all.

"Hey, asshole!" I shouted. "Where are you taking me?!"

I sighed, giving up as I realised the window must have been sound proof.

I began to look around for anything that could help me get out of here at all.

As I looked around, my eyes widened and for the first time I really realised what I was surrounded with: torture instruments – either lying on the table or on the floor. I didn't even want to know what was in the boxes stacked against the walls.

The fact that they have been driving me around for so long didn't sound too good either. They caught me roundabout noon and it was late evening already. They were definitely taking me somewhere far.

And probably no place good, I thought while staring at sharp objects on the table.

Still, I had no time to wonder about what could become of me.

I shook my head and looked at the nearest sharp object. It was a small pocket knife, but that was enough for me.

I jerked my chair back continuously until I had reached the table and knocked my right elbow underneath the table, best I could, in hopes that I could knock the pocket knife off. Little by little, the knife bobbed forward until it had fallen off the table. I tried to catch the knife with my tied hands before it had reached the ground but it slipped from my fingers. I tried so hard to catch it again that before I could reach it, I realised that I was falling too. With no choice, I hit the ground along with the knife and the weight of my body and the chair all fell onto my right arm.

I cried out in pain before proceeding with my plan painfully. The knife was right in front of me and with my mouth, I lifted the knife and tried my best to throw it behind my chair. Fortunately, it worked and I sighed in relief. My hands searched for the knife blindly and as soon as I'd found it, I grinded the sharp edge against the rope around my wrists, finally freeing myself. I did the same with the rope around my ankles and got up from the ground, rotating my wrists and ankles.

(A/n: Agust D vibes anyone..? :3)

I looked to see if the driver had noticed anything and luckily, he had not. I looked around once more, now trying to think of my next step. I had to get out of here.

First, I went to the window to try and make out where I was, my first few steps unsteady.

It was a straight and mostly empty road, and I had no idea where I was. All I knew was that I was getting further and further from home and keeping Y/n safe. If they were after Jin and I, no doubt they'd come for her too. I had no time to waste.

I ran to the door and tried pulling it open. As I'd expected, it was locked.

Instead, I pushed my weight against the door with all my strength, over and over again.

I couldn't give up. No matter how much pain I was in already, I needed to get out of here.

When I felt begin to work, I started kicking the door too, and eventually the door broke open. Except, a chain stood in the way of it opening completely.

I looked behind me and found an axe leaning against the wall. I grabbed it and began hammering at the chain, urging it to break. Eventually, it did, and I kicked the door open.

There was a railing on the outside so I stepped out but only to be met with guns aiming at me from one of W52'S cars behind the truck. I run back inside and hid behind a wall as they fired.

I cursed silently to myself. They knew I would try something so they had backup follow me.

I sighed and looked up, bitterly.

Well, if they want a fight, then that's exactly what they'll get. 


A/n: not my best chapter but I'll try to make it up to you in my next chapter. Love you guys <33

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