🩰🌷🍥 ᴜɴғɪʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜɴsᴇᴇɴ:8 🍥🌷🩰

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You and Seokjin were texting each other non-stop. Just get to know each other better. This has happened since Wednesday. You were so normal with each other. You talk about different topics, such as food, studies, your rigorous schedules, and your families; both of you are the maknaes in your respective families, your likes and dislikes, and life in general.

Yuqi: Wow, so awesome. Tell me more about your family dynamics. You said you had an older brother. So, you're baby Jin?

Seokjin: Very funny. My family owns a huge company, and my dad is the CEO and founder. My older brother is very loving and kind and he got himself engaged to a very nice Filipino girl. We both love Japanese cuisine, so we decided to be partners in a Japanese restaurant. He runs it and me, just pick up checks😂. You could say we grew up on tempura and sushi.🍣

Yuqi: So you guys are avid foodies. No wonder you like to post the Eatjin segments. Now my family is really all about the medical world. They are scientists at heart-except me, of course. My parents are both surgeons, and they own a medical facility in Beijing. My eldest brother has almost completed his cardiology degree; my second-eldest brother, Xaunjun, is a second-year neurology student; and my lovely sister, Fanqia, is in her first year of studying dermatology. 🩻🩺💉

Seokjin: Wow, you are a family of geniuses. I can imagine the pressure, right.?

Yuqi: You can imagine what is discussed around the dinner table, and then there is poor Yuqi, the performer. Sometimes I thought about going into medicine, just to fit in. But imagine the hospital dad jokes I'll be able to send to you.😜

Seokjin: I don't want you to ever feel less valued. Artists are healers of the soul. Okay, here is a dad joke: Why don't eggs tell jokes? They're scared to crack up. 😂😂😂

Yuqi: LOL! Okay, here's another one: why did Scarecrow win an award? 🏆 because he was so outstanding in his field.🤣😂

Seokjin: Epic! We are the perfect dad jokes match-my young Palawan. Here's one: Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? -in case he got a hole in one?

Yuqi: Why are you so good at these silly jokes? Teach me more. Xuanjun loves these dad jokes. Seokjin, I really like our banter so much. Thank you for always cheering me up when I'm so down. Texting is one of the highlights of my day. We've talked for over an hour; have you realized that? Chaewon, just let me know. I'm going for my pilates now before bed.😊

Seokjin: I love talking to you, Bunny. I need to practice my line a bit. I'm truly slacking off these days, but talking to you is my vitamin of the day. So, enjoy your pilates and sleep well. Dream of dumplings.😴🥟

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You look at your newly dyed honey-blonde hair in the studio mirror. You fiddle with the golden strands, still apprehensive about your drastic new look. The sudden transformation felt weighty. De-N-ims' new concept sounds a little ambitious.

Soomin, with her natural black hair still intact, sighed, "They want me to cut my hair and get a nose job. It's too much. I don't want cosmetic surgery. I refused."

Chaewon, contemplating her hair in the mirror, said, "They are going to cut mine into a shorter bob. It's just hair. It'll grow back." But she doesn't look so sure.

Jiwoo, on the verge of tears, whispered, "They want me to dye my hair platinum with black streaks. My natural brown hair has been with me through everything. This is so hard. I'm going to be traumatized for life. "

Yuqi saw the concern on her friends' faces," Don't fret; we will get through this phase. I think some changes can be really good...am I right? The honey-blonde is a little extreme, but I'm still Song Yuqi." You tried to comfort them.

Chaewon scrunched up her face, a little doubt in her tone," I surely hope so. I don't like these extreme colored hair like pink, blues and whites---"

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The next two days were a blur of intense dance rehearsals. Today, all the dancers have to wear only black dance kits. A videographer from the JYP video crew was present. You felt a nervous shiver in your stomach, hoping not to mess up.

This will be the first score that could lead to eliminations. Ms. Oh mixed up the groups, trying to find the perfect combination of stage presence and synchronization. For this attempt, Chaewon, Kazuha, Sakura, Garam, Yunjin, and Eunchae were chosen to dance together.


Yuqi and Jiwoo watched, flabbergasted. "They look so good together," Jiwoo murmured, the nerves already present in her voice.

Yuqi agreed, noting the discreet, pleased expressions on the evaluators' faces who wrote some notes while walking around and intensely scrutinizing every foot and hand movement of the group.

Everybody erupted in applause.
"Omg, they are so well meshed," Yeji muttered behind you in awe.

You just nod. Garam was seriously good at dancing and had a stage attitude. She has it all but inwardly, you wondered why she was so insecure and petty.

Ms. Ji smiled widely as the group bowed and fell exhausted on the floor. Wonyoung gave each a cold bottle of water, while you and the rest are clapping loudly.
"No rest, ladies; four of you will dance again with two other girls." She raised her voice louder and started to clap.

There was some slight groaning coming from the exhausted girls, who lay sprawled out on the shiny wooden floors, wishing to just relax a bit.

You were all very surprised that your group B's vocals of the new song were used for Group A's dance routine and vice versa.

Ms. Ji looked at the other girls on the other side and said, "Okay, we want to see the same group again. Yuqi and Garam danced the same steps, so you will come, and Soomin and Sakura have the same positions. Take positions. Kazuha, Chaewon, Eunchae, and Yunjin, you'll do it again. And again!!"

When you were asked to take Garam's position within the group, she only gave you side eyes. Garam softly sneered as she came and was seated at the sides. 'Can you even beat that masterpiece, Yuqi? Think not!" She rolled her eyes smugly.

Your honey-blonde hair makes you feel more like an outsider among your friends whose hair tones are not that extreme. Only you and Yeji have blonde hues. But amid your reservations, your trainee group still feels that the transformation brought you cuteness overload and adorableness to the core. Their admiration gave you a much-needed confidence boost.

But that Garam, the usually aloof and snarky one, still has too much to say, as she snorted amid the group's admiration, "No offence, Yuqi, but you look like those pale white Europeans... but your look is so sickly pale and white... but those girls looked better than you."

You just scoffed at her and ignored her. Pulling a face as you and Soomin took your positions on the floor.

This choreography is the debut dance. The final debut song and MV will be shot after the public reveal of the final line-up of De-N-im. You all pray to make the final but only six girls will be the lucky ones.

Your eyes widen in Soomins' direction, who looked more apprehensive as both of you took your positions on the floor.

Jiwoo and Chaewon exchanged glances of disdain, clearly sensing Garam's underlying racism and open dislike of their sweet friend. You really had enough of her meanness.

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Your trainee group rushed out of the studio due to hunger, but youfelt the need to confront Garam due to her attitude towards you. You want to know why she had such an intense dislike for you. What you did to warrant those behavior from her.

She was still in the studio fiddling with her clothes in the kit bag.

You inhaled deeply and with a steady and fierce voice," Garam can we talk for a minute?" You don't going to back down,

Garam turned with an eyebrow lifted, you could see the disdain in her downturn lips. She just snort and with a cold aloof attitude," What! I'm busy!" She haughtiness looked you up and down. You just inwardly kept your anger in.

You looked at her with narrowed eyes," Garam, kindly enlighten me why you are so rude to me. What did I do to you for you to hate me so much.?"

She looked at you with wide eyes and snort, shaking her long, brown locks behind her shoulder and stood threathenly before you. You just took a step back," Do you really want to know why I totally hate you?"She sneered in your face," It's because you have no shame. You stole my friend from me!"

"W-WHAT! wait a minute!...Are you talking about Chaewon, Jiwoo, or Soomin? I didn't---" you said perplex. You never steal friends. You are a very friendly, funny and vibrant girl who usually attract a lot of attention especially boys. They just gravitate to you, because of your warm personality.

Garam snort-laugh, but there were tears welling up in her eyes," You don't remember...how cute if you. No,during our first orientation, Felix and I clicked so well. We were besties. But then he saw you and he didn't want to hang out with me anymore. He told everyone around that time that you were the most gorgeous girl he had ever met. He liked you."

You were so shocked, you didn't know. "Garam, I didn't know. I'm really sorry."

"Save it," Garam cut you fiercely off. "You knew I liked Felix, yet you became friends with his group suddenly. You saw us sitting and eating together for the first week. Now, they only want to be with you, Jiwoo, and Soomin. Even Chaewon is welcome in their click. He forgot about me, his first friend here. Just leave me alone. You're fake."

Stunned, you stood there frozen in one spot as Garam gave you a stinky look as if you were a vermin and walked with her chin up away, but then she turned abruptly at the double doors." You don't deserve to be here . I wish you all the bad luck in the world," Garam muttered, walking out of your sight.

You stood there, left in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to process everything that had just happened.

What! She hates you just because of a hot boy you can't even date.

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You could feel the thick tension in the atmosphere around the dinner table that evening. The girls ate their food quietly and the usual cheery chatting, laughter , bickering and bantering were replaced by awkwardness and quiet and sneaky glances directed to you. As a very intuitive person you could sense the awkwardness, because Garam  and Yunjin just sat with stoic faces. It felt like un merit accusations.

You could feel the eyes from Garams'camp on you. Soomin and Jiwoo were oblivious and were chatting softly while the rest looked at your with subtle curiosity.

You could feel your eyes started burning behind your eyelids. You gulp the lump in your throat away. You couldn't even enjoy Ms Chois spicy and hearty Tteokbokki.

Garam had clearly spread her version of the confrontation; as you know, she is very popular with the majority of the group, and the camp was now divided.

Placing your chopsticks down, you excused yourself, your voice strangled in a whisper: "Er, Ms Choi, thank you for dinner, but I'm not feeling so well. Excuse me, please."

You hurried out of the massive open lounge dining room, with tears threatening to spill. When you reached your room, tears were falling.

As you climbed onto your high bunk bed, you grabbed your fluffy blue pillow and buried your face under it, trying to stifle the sobs while sniffing softly. The tears you had been holding back during the awkward dinner finally came, soaking the pillow as you cried quietly.

┍━━━━━»•»🌷 🌺🌷 «•«━┑.

Your phone buzzed, you lift your face out of the pillar and took your phone that was charging on your shelf at the wall next to your bed. You wiped your red-rimmed eyes as you open your chats. It was a text from Seokjin, your new secret idol friend and confidant, who went by the nickname 'Hot Trickster.'

Tears were rolled down your flushed cheeks as you sat up swiftly on your bed, still sniffing sobs back.

Seokjin: Hi, Bunny girl. What's up! How are you doing today?I miss your text messages today. "

You quietly wipe your tears as you start to rant your frustrations out by typing furiously on your phone.Telling Seokjin about your trails.

Yuqi: Hi, Seokjinnie. Gosh, I had a horrible day. You remember the girl, Garam; she was racist to me again, and then we had a confrontation about a boy, Felix. Can you believe it? She accused me of stealing her friend. Now she hates on me. I think she spead lies to the other girls so that they could believe her story. Dinner was horrible cause everyone was looking at me. I felt so awkward sitting there among them. It felt like everyone was judging me. I ran to my room, and now I'm crying into my pillow like a scared kid who can't face her troubles. I'm so sick of toxic people."

Seokjin: "I'm so sorry to hear that, Bunnygirl. She sounds like a nasty piece of work, and taking her insecurities out on you is a low blow. It's not fair, but remember, it's not your fault."

Yuqi: "I know Jinnie, but it hurts. I'm already misunderstood and seen as a stuck up rich girl but ' just because I'm an introvert and not socializeso much with them. Garam is spreading untruths about me, making me out to be the evil villainess in her story. I just want to live peacefully and get along with everyone you know. I can't stand catfights, and it really unsettles me and makes me feel unsave. And Felix on the other hand...is just a boy. I had no idea he liked me like that. I think Garam has a crush on him . He is just a friend to me and I don't even know what to do about that."

Seokjin: "Oh my Bunny. Can you help it if boys like you?. I can understand; you are too adorable and you can't date. Just take it one step at a time, okay? Focus on being your friendly yourself and try doing your best. The truth will come out eventually, and karma will work for good people as well. And hey, if you need a distraction. I am at your service."

You smiled weakly through your tears. Seokjin always knew how to lighten the mood, even from afar.

You heard soft knocks on the room door and three pairs of cautions eyes where lock on you. Jiwoo, Soomin and Chaewon looked visibly concerned. They thought you felt unwell and came to the restroom, but when you didn't return they got worried.

Jiwoo run up to you with concern," Yuqi what's the matter? We heard something happened between you and Garam?" She climbed up to your bunk and sat next to you, rubbing your shoulder.

Soomin and Chaewon did the same and all three were squeezing themselves comfortable on the bunk. You shift to make space for them as you sat cross legs.

" There is a story making the rounds that you stole Felix and Banchans friendship apparently. Garam make those false claims that you influence the boys not to be friends with her anymore and all the lies you made up so that they wont be friends with her any longer, you wanted Felix because you were jealous of Felix friendship with her from day one," Soomin solemnly said, hugging you tightly as you gasped shocked , " The girls like you a lot and we are here for you , okay

You could just look incredulously at your friends and say, shocked," What! That's a blatant lie." You truthfully tell them your version of the story that rendered them flabbergasted.Seems like Garam was just jealous about your popularity with the trainee girls and boys.

Chaewon snort nodded as she shook your head, "Don't let Garam's jealosy get to you. She's a very unhappy girl who has her own issues. We know you, your sweetness, and we know you wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone on purpose. The girls didnt believe her in any case. So dont fret."

You just sniffed again, feeling again a fresh wave of tears emerge again, "Thank you, guys for your support. It's just so hard to fight against hate. I can't take this tension in the dormroom. It's too unsettles. I also don't want the girls to hate me. Even her friend, Yunjin was looking at me as if I had killed her puppy."

Jiwoo nodded and reached out to your shelf on the wall, retrieve a tissue and handed it to yo7 and said, "Don't break your head over Garams jealousy. Okay, we'll get through this together. And for the record, you're an amazing person just the way you are."

When you are surrounded by your dear friends, you felt a way better. Their heartfelt support and comfort they offered you were like a balm to your wounded spirit. Despite realising that the days ahead would be challenging with back-to-back rehearsals, but at least you weren't alone in your struggles.

You have the best three best friends and a secret idol friend that you like a lot -people that you grew to care about everyday.

Friday's rapping rehearsal brought a new wave of tension within the group. Yuqi, Soomin, Garam, and Kazuha were scheduled for recording time with the vocal coach and an evaluator. As they prepared, Soomin, always the peacemaker, turned to Garam with a side eye.

"Garam, you should apologize to Yuqi; you know she didn't do what you accused her of. She never intended to hurt your feelings. Felix chose to be friends with her; is that a crime?" Soomin said it firmly.

Garam, who seemed to respect Soomin somewhat, just shrugged, pursed her tight lips, and threw her long hair over her shoulder but stood up reluctantly. She strutted like a feline over to where you and Kazuha were sitting in the corner, both engrossed in your phones.

You had been quiet since the previous day's dinner, choosing to ignore Garam and her clique. The accusations of sabotaging Garam's friendship with Felix weighed heavily on you, but you kept your courage intact.

To escape the tension in the dorms, you often spent time playing with Juno, Chaewon's puppy, in his special kennel, which you had bought for Chaewon, on the rooftop. Ms. Choi , Lia, and Sakura are allergic to dog hair, so you and Chaewon had to get him a safe place on the rooftop garden.

You look up as you sense a movement in front of you. It's Garam who stood in front of you and Kazuha, her posture stiff. "Yuqi, I... I apologize for everything! Happy now," she said, the words coming out flat and insincere.

You looked up from your phone, your expression neutral. "I accept your apology," you replied graciously, though you could sense the half-heartedness in Garam's tone. You just decided to leave it at that, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

Kazuha, who was sensing the tense awkwardness in the atmosphere, shifted uncomfortably but remained silent. The vocal coach called them over to start the session, and you focused on the task at hand, pushing the previous day's pain aside.

The rehearsal was progressing with its usual challenges and triumphs, but the underlying tension remained.

You knew it would take more than a reluctant apology to mend the rift, but for now, you had done what you could, giving your best, no matter the circumstances.

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You sat alone in the JYP cafeteria without the usual chatter of your friends surrounding you, your dance theory textbook open in front of you. You only have a bowl of spicey noodles in front of you and a bottle of water.

Your friends were still busy with their schedules, and you didn't feel like joining the rest of the group for lunch after everything that had transpired lately. Your finals was just around the corner and you had tried to focus on completing your senior year.

This time all the school seniors were intensely busy with their academy preps in the Jyp library in between training and leisure time.You worked hard as you find solace in your studies.

Your friendship with Banchan and Felix was very comforting and Felix invited you to come and join his study group but the recent event with Garam you rather not, so your politely decline, just made a excuse of vocal rehearsals you still have to do.

The truth was, you still felt too raw to be around the others and Felix...after you know about his harbored feelings for you...

Your phone buzzed again, you tore your eyes from your textbook and scan your chats. You got the text from your dear Idol friend, Seokjin.

You beamed at seeing his messages. It always uplift you. Your secret friendship with ' Hot Trickster, blossomed quickly to a very comfortable friendship . Each day you'll make sure to send encouragement to each other, wish each other a blessed morning or evening. Between lunch breaks you'll send cute jokes and just being there for each other when things become too tough.

Seokjin sent you cute Runbts video clips so that you can know and love BTS more. You smirk because most of the shows he sent you was were he was the most focussed on. You fell in love of some of their performances and you could understand why they are so much admired by their choreography and work ethic.


Seokjin: "Hey Bunny! How's my favorite dance theory scholar doing...hows' the studies?"

Your eyes sparkle as you smiled at the message. Your friendship with Jin, or "Trickster" as you jokingly dubbed him, had blossomed since Wednesday. You can't believe how familiar you became. Its' still so surreal talking to a world famous idol. How many Army would kill to be in your shoes ?You found out their status in the country. They were gaining super stardom.

But you noticed the hate that they received because of their , small company ,different concepts and songs of healing. You secretly watch all their first debuted songs and you truly say you loved it. Your are becoming Seokjins ' biggest fan. But your biaswrecker is Jhope. You also like Jungkook adorableness and Seokjins fatherly relationship with their Kookie.

That Hobi boy is so sunny, and he is truly a dance machine.

Yuqi: "Hey Trickster! Just drowning in dance theory. What about you? Any exciting plans for the evening...how's the song coming on along?"

Seokjin: You know me, always plotting my next prank on kimchi. But seriously, I was thinking we could officially meet up at 6 PM. You could use a change of scenery and my physical company. Helping you getting little distracted by my obvious beauty. How does that sound?"

Your heart raced.Oh, my goodness. You can't believe that he wants to see you sooner. Talking to Seokjin was the perfect escape from the stress and drama you've experienced.

Yuqi: "That sounds amazing. I could really use a break, but how will we pull it off. ARMY and the media are watching your every move. "

Seokjin: "Great!, don't fret. We going to pull it swiftly off. I'll see you then. Hang in there little Bunny."

You gave him the place where he can discreetly meet you. He told you the colour of the unassuming car he will be driving.


When you and the rest of the girls met downstairs to go back home with your special vehicle, you were just quietly sitting at the back. Drowning out the happy chatter of the eleven girls' in the 15 seater suv bus.They were discussing the days events, the rehearsal etc.
You just drowned out their voices your mind occupied.

Jiwoo smiled at your quiet demeanour where she sat next to you. Her hand pressing yours in quiet comfort.

"You're okay, "she whispered next to you as you were just gazing out of the window watching the scenery of the city scapes. Your thoughts drifting to the idol, thinking about your text messages.

You nod, "Yeah, I'm good."

Jiwoo grinned,"You did well today. Gosh Your hair is truly a sight to behold.I'm so jealous. I think your stylist favors you a lot."

You snort,"As if---"

You wondered how mad your parents will be if you had to show them your honey colored hair. When you sent the images to Fanqia, she didn't responded yet. You just hope you dad will not get a fit. He loves your dark mahogany hair.

Luckily Garam and her minions sat in the front seats near Kuzuha and Sakura. You want to have as little as possible to do with them. She caused you to much distress.

Back at the dorm, most of the girls run to their individual bathrooms to freshen up.Excitement was in the air. Your management told Sakura that because it's Friday and as a treat for your hardwork they'll be taking you to the movies at the mall to watch a new released movie and go out for a light snack.

You don't feel like going with the girls, you just feign that you don't feel like socializing.

While most of the girls were getting themselves ready in their individuals dorms, you quickly went to your dorm mom and told the dorm mother about your plans, "I'm just going to take a walk around 6 PM, enjoying the sights and sounds and maybe spend some time on the roof garden with Juno. If you don't see me by 8 PM, I'll be back before curfew...I just need to be alone."

"That's fine, Yuqi. Enjoy your walk, just take the extra key cause I'm going to do some reading in my room, " The dorm mother replied, her eyes kind as she sense your distant demeanour.

Wonyoung told her the previous night what transpired between the gorgeous girl and that Garam girl who was constantly trying seeking Yuqi out with her snide remarks.

Most of the senior girls who were heading out for the movie asked whether you not coming with them. You had declined, saying you needed some alone time to study some more and to reorganize your cupboards.

Jiwoo, Chaewon, and Soomin were so hyped up to watch "Turning Red," a cute Disney animation. They looked adorable in their trendy outfits, and you helped them get ready, enjoying the brief distraction.

"You should come with us," Jiwoo urged, while dabbing some cherry lip gloss on her plump lips, "It'll be fun, and we're grabbing a healthy snack afterwards."

You just shook your head, "It's okay. Go and enjoy yourselves, I'm not ready to be with everyone yet. I'll just gonna watch something on Netflix."

"Okay," Chaewon said, hugging you tightly, "We'll text you when we're on our way back. Enjoy your time with Juno. It might be the last time we can spent with him. My family wants me to bring him home and look after him, while we busy with evaluations."

You were genuinely surprised that Juno will be meeting his big family. You going to miss playing with him.


As 5:30 PM rolled around, the group left, giggling and excited.They all look trendy with heavy make up and cute hairdoos. Garams' hair was in a very long high ponytail. She has brownish waist lenght hair.

You felt a surge of elation, knowing you would have enough time to spend with Seokjin. You dressed warmly in a black skinny jeans, your black combat boots, a cute teal trendy top but you throw on a black hoodie for the cool spring weather, covering your golden honey hair under a big hat. You tried to blow dry your hair and it came out quite well. You just can't get used to your knew look. You didn't tell Seokjin about your new look.

You quickly greeted Ms Choi and strolled out, with your little leather money bag, that consist of your wallet, lipgloss, tissues, your cell phone and earpods.Outside you feeling the crisp air on your face.

You only walk a few blocks from your apartment block. Then you turn into a secluded leafy area with few cherry blossom trees. The streets were empty only a few joggers running in the distant.

Your brows furrowed when you saw a small dark sedan standing almost secluded under a cherry blossom tree. The apprehension was evident with meeting BTS idol again. You were very excited but nervous when you reached the dark, vehicle, with dark tinted windows, that stood secluded under dense foliage near the pavement.

Seokin looked well disguised in a cute bucket had, bid dark sunglasses and dark mask when he open the passenger door from the inside for you. You just chuckled softly cause of his well prepared disguised.

When in you looked at him as he greeted you with a muffled voice, disguised by the mask "Hey Bunny," his eyes were filled with amusement.

"Hi Seokjin -oppa", you greeted a little nervously after you slid in the sift dark leather seats. Your eyes met each other as you both remove your masks, both of you were utterly mesmerized with each others' visuals.

Your eyes widen and know you could truly understand why he is called 'world wide handsome'. BTS Kim Seokjin was illegally hot. Your heart was racing erractically as you notice his teasing smirk. He notice how you've became suddenly flustered in his presence.

Seokjin waggled his brows, teasingly," Hmm...seems my good looks are rendering little Bunny speechless, hey."

With blushing cheeks, you narrowed your gaze at him,"Omg! Just shut it! "you bit your lips tightly, but you smile a little," okay Seokjin...your looks stirred me abit. I gladly admit" you laugh feeling so at ease in his presence.

Seokjin smirk," I can't blame you,Bunny. Whenever I look in the mirror my looks even shocked me---"

You eyes widen as you burst out of laughter," Omg Seokjin-you are truly so extra--"

He chuckled as he stretched out his hands," Okay dear Bunny. Let's officially meet...I am your one and only Kim Seokjin. I'm so please to finally meet you for the second time."
You shook your head and shake his big hand in yours," I'm Song Yuqi and I'm so honored to meet the one and only Mr World Wide Handsome"

You laughed in each others' eyes. Seokjin started the car and drove off, but no and then you just chat, he smirk as he peek at your new hair style," Bunny, your hair really looks good on you...I just love the warm glow of your hair," he smile as you blushed. He just loves making you all hot and bothered.

It amused Seokjin tremendously, looking your faint blush on your cheeks. You are cuteness overload.

The drive was relaxing as you filled the atmosphere with bantering about the rigorous schedules. They talked about his American trip and the upcoming movie, 'The Astronaut 'in Hollywood, you felt strangely so proud on all his achievements. Their group was truly a global phenomenal.

You looked with open admiration to him, " Wow! Unbelievable. You are amazing Seokjin. "your eyes sparkled.

It was Seokjins turn to become flustered at a girl's genuine interest. He is so use for compliments and awed looks ,but when it comes from Bunny it resounded in his heart.

Seokjin told you that he is driving you out to the outskirts of Seoul where he wanted you to experience some of the drive-through takeaway restaurants thatyou haven't tried yet, he was well disguised as he ordered what you both what you love. He ordered for you very spicey veggie nuggets, a watermelon crush drink and a lemon tangy lemon sorbet as a little dessert. He knows you need to make sure not to gain weight. He ordered for himself a big meaty burger with all the garnishing and a huge Coke. He didn't want any dessert for himself.

You then drove to a tranquil spot near Seonyudo Park. It was a beautiful park where visitors could jog or just stroll. It was a great escape from the bustling cityscapes of Seoul. The park's lush greenery and ambiance provided the much-needed escape.

Seokjin smiled down at you as you took your packet of snacks, and you both enjoyed your light snack. You even fed Seokjin-oppa a bit of your lemon sorbet, which he strangely found appetizing.

You strolled around the park passages, teasing and flirting with each other. You both found so much comfort in each other's presence. You totally forgot that you are with a very famous but humble idol, who treated you with so much respect.

You were walking for quite awhile,but your were a little tired, Seokjin noticed your deep breath, especially when you walk over the desending slopes.

Seokjin look rather concerned, "Bunny, you looked a little wear,come get on my back...your noble steed is giving you a well deserve piggy back ride back to the car."

You chuckle as he unceremoniously crouched down in front of you so that you could get on.

Laughing, you climbed onto his back. His broad shoulders were muscled as you laid your head against it. With a racing heart your arms slipped over his shoulders. A soft smirk played on your lips as you wished you have a pic to celebrate this day later. As you headed back to the car, you phone buzzed in your hoodie pocket.

You took it out and answer almost breathless.

It was Chaewon.

"We'll be a little late.We're still in the movie theater," Chaewon said.

"Take your time," Yuqi replied, relieved," okay, thanks for letting me know," you sound elated that you had more time to spare with Seokjin.

You told Seokjin it was your friend. The group was at the movies.

Back in the car, you talked about his recording for a soundtrack for his movie. You teased him about potential American leading ladies, making you both laugh.

"You're a great girl, Bunny," Seokjin said, smiling. "I really enjoy being in your presence."

You smiled softly into each other's eyes. An unidentified emotion flash across his intense eyes that made you blush bright red. Seokjin smirk as he tapped your nose with his fore finger.

You and Seokjin are again on the road, on your way back to your dorm, but then Seokjin furrowed his brows when he noticed an inconspicuous black car following steady behind you, especially when you made unexpected turns.

Seokjin with a muffled voice," Don't look behind you, I think the black vehicle is busy trailing us."his tone was serious as he peek at your pale face.

You were suddenly highly alert and you turn your face to him," Did they recognized you somehow? You were walking for quite awhile,but your were a little tired, Seokjin noticed your deep breath, especially when you walk over the desending slopes.

Seokjin look rather concerned, "Bunny, you looked a little wear,come get on my back...your noble steed is giving you a well deserve piggy back ride back to the car."

You chuckle as he unceremoniously crouched down in front of you so that you could get on.

Laughing, you climbed onto his back. His broad shoulders were muscled as you laid your head against it. With a racing heart your arms slipped over his shoulders. A soft smirk played on your lips as you wished you have a pic to celebrate this day later. As you headed back to the car, you phone buzzed in your hoodie pocket.

You took it out and answer almost breathless.

It was Chaewon.

"We'll be a little late.We're still in the movie theater," Chaewon said.

"Take your time," Yuqi replied, relieved," okay, thanks for letting me know," you sound elated that you had more time to spare with Seokjin.

You told Seokjin it was your friend. The group was at the movies.

Back in the car, you talked about his recording for a soundtrack for his movie. You teased him about potential American leading ladies, making you both laugh.

"You're a great girl, Bunny," Seokjin said, smiling. "I really enjoy being in your presence."

You smiled softly into each other's eyes. An unidentified emotion flash across his intense eyes that made you blush bright red. Seokjin smirk as he tapped your nose with his fore finger.

You and Seokjin are again on the road, on your way back to your dorm, but then Seokjin furrowed his brows when he noticed an inconspicuous black car following steady behind you, especially when you made unexpected turns.

Seokjin with a muffled voice," Don't look behind you, I think the black vehicle is busy trailing us."his tone was serious as he peek at your pale face.

You were suddenly highly alert and you turn your face to him," Did they recognized you somehow? What are we going to do, now Seokjin. They are still following us." You asked with a trembling voice.

Seokjin took a sharp turn into another street, still trying g to get rid of pursuers.
"Don't be concern ,Bunny. This is one of my brothers' cars he left at my apartment. They didn't know about me owning a car like this, so I'll work something out to help protect you. Just trust me."

They drove around in circles, but the vehicle was still trailing them which frustrated Seokjin, "How the flippen hell did these guys find us," he muttered perplexed!"

You can't afford to be caught in the presence of an idol. The rumour mill will be ignited again and it will be difficult to refute it. You wondered if they stalked the two of you in the park, sitting and chatting. What if they notice you had a piggy back ride on Seokjins back. That will be worse...

As you grew more apprehensive, Seokjin just calmly reassured you," I'll get you safely out. Don't fret. I'll get you somewhere safe."

What if the paps saw Jins arm around your shoulders, or worse the funny piggy back ride. You started getting more frightened , just at the thought of those pics.

But Seokjin as ever the confidant and protector just replied,"Dont worry Bunny,Ill take you to the place where it is safer. Ill make sure you get home undetected."

The tension was a little palpaple as Seokjin maneuver the car into different streets.

He apologized over and over again as he drove a few minutes later into a leafy and secluded wealthy neighborhood in Gangnam-gu .

You tried to calm him, "It's okay. Jin I trust you. You didnt know," You placed your warm hand on his arm. You could understand his reservations as a seasoned idol. He looked at you with gentle eyes.

Finally, he pulled into an underground garage of a very luxurious high-rise building. Even the parking looked up market. Where are you?

He looked at your wide eyes.

"We're here?" Your eyes widened as Seokjin led you discreetly up to an elevator. The whole ground floor looked like an exclusive hotel. Porcelain floors, beautiful tiled walls, a luxurious sofa etc

You were at Jins penthouse. He got his own exclusive use of the elevator that takes him straight to his private corridor.

"You look at him incredulously as your eyes darted cautiously, " Where are we?"

He pressed a special code and the tinted glass and gold elevator closed,"At my penthouse" as the elevator ascended, you felt the nervous tremors in your tummy. You can't believe you'll be at an idols residence.

With a potential exposure, you realised that this night had an unexpected turn and you had no idea what to expect.


Someone is aware of this rendezvous. Who could it be?

Thank you to all the voters and readers visible and shadow. Your support is highly appreciated.
Kindly share this book to your friends.

1. Do you think Garams' reasons are valid?

2. What do you think must Yuqi do to maintain peace?

3. Do you think this will negatively affect Yuqis happiness in the dorm?

4. What did you think about Seokjins' request to meet her again?

5. Do you think someone tipped of the suspicious vehicle?

6. What do you think of Seokjin's and Yuqis friendship?

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