Chapter 7 | By the way, Can you survive Danganronpa?

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Stephanie POV

I slowly open my eyes to see a guy sleeping peacefully.


Oh it's Stephen.

WAIT STEPHEN!? I gasp and look around. This isn't my room. There were a bunch of papers on the floor, peeling posters on the wall, clothes scattered everywhere. So messy...

What am I doing at Stephen's house?


Did I do him?

I look back over at Stephen. I know this sounds clichè but... he looks cute when he's sleeping. I play with his soft hair for a little while then slowly get off the bed. I look around some more then I see....

My clothes from yesterday on the floor!? I quickly look down to see what I'm currently wearing. THIS ISN'T MY HOODIE OR MY SHORTS. I start to panic. What if I actually did it with Stephen and now I'm carrying his child!?


Maybe I'm worrying too much. For now, I'm hungry and I need some food. I walk out of his room and go into his pantry and pull out some microwaveable oatmeal. I open two packets and put them into two separate bowls. After that I set them into the microwave. I go over to the dining table and throw my hood over my head. The microwave beeps and I bring the bowls to the table and start eating.

Suddenly I hear shuffling. Then a voice yells, "What was that noi- HOLY SHIT WHO ARE YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE INTRUDER! IM WARNING YOU!" I turn around to see bedhead Stephen with a knife in his hand. "O-Oh... sorry Steph I thought you were an intruder," He apologizes.

"Ha, it's fine. I made some oatmeal by the way," I hand him a bowl and he sits down. We start to eat. Should I ask him about why I'm here? No that's silly we prob-

     "Last night was amazing by the way," Stephen smiles. "We were so close together I thought you would've slapped me."



     "Look, when the baby comes... just please be a good father and look after the baby with me! I can't do this alone!" I panic.

     He gives me a confused look and scrunches up his nose. He stares at me for minute then laughs.

     "What? This is not funny!" I yell. If he's gonna be the baby daddy, he might as well take it seriously.

     "Sorry Steph I guess I worded it a little weirdly..." He says sheepishly and blushes. I stop eating and look at him. What? "Last night when I brought you home and I was about to fall asleep, you hugged me and we cuddled the rest of the night."


      I am such a stupid bitch.

     "Oh my god.... I'm so stupid... I apologize..." I mutter.

     "Ha, it's ok Steph. By the way, we're recording today," Stephen informs me. I nod and we continue eating.

      "Also I have another question," I say. He hums in response for me to continue. "Why am I in different clothes? In your clothes. I don't remember changing."

     He chokes on his oatmeal and his cheeks tint red. "I uh... changed your clothes for you. I felt like a bunch of sweat and bacteria would get on it..."


      2 seconds later I'm chasing Stephen all around the apartment. I manage to pin him to the wall.

     "LET ME GOOOOO PLEASE!!!" He cries out.

      I snort. "Don't be a big baby!" I lean in closer to him and give him a death stare. "But... if you try to do that again, you're a dead baby."

     He shudders and I let him go. I return to my normal self and ask him. "What time are we going?"

     He looks down at his phone. "OH SHOOT RIGHT NOW!"

     We race out the door after locking it. We hurry to the elevator which was thankfully empty. The waiting time was long and there was an empty silence between us. Finally the doors open and run to the office not knowing we were holding hands (I'm not sure how they would record with other people so I'm just making them go to the office).

    Stephen slams open the door and we race into the recording room where Daniel, Hosuh, Dakota, and Holli were waiting.

     "Busy night?" Dakota wiggles her eyebrows at me and Stephen. I roll my eyes and flip her off as I take my seat.

     "Ok so, I'm gonna introduce you guys. You can say whatever and we'll get started. I'll introduce the topic which is a surprise. Last but not least, just be genuine and natural. Have fun!" Daniel explains. Me, Holli, and Dakota nod. "Ok we're starting in... 3 ... 2 ... 1!"

     "Have you guys ever heard of Danganronpa?" Daniel asks.

     "No-" Hosuh says.

      "OH MY GOD THAT IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE GAMES!" Stephen cuts him off. His eyes light up and grins like a small child. "IT INCLUDES MY TWO FAVORITE SUBJECTS. MYSTERY AND MURDER!"

     "Damn Stephen you don't need to yell. But you are right that's what Danganronpa is all about!" Daniel says. "And today we are joined by the 'ChunkyMonkeys' to play with us so it won't be boring!"

     "Hi! It's Holli!" Holli I greets the microphone.

     "Hey guys! It's Kota!" Dakota says next.

     "What's up shit dogs! It's the best person in the world aka Stephanie!" I exclaim.

We all laugh then Daniel explains the what Danganronpa and where we start. "Ok, so you guys in the comments have voted and chosen which ultimate each person has." Daniel says. He takes out a lists and starts to read them out.

"Stephen - Ultimate Assassin" Daniel reads. Pretty accurate.

"Why is that actually me?" Stephen says.

"Dakota - Ultimate Smut\Lemon Writer"

      PSHHSHSHSHSHSHHSHS. We all burst out laughing our asses off.

     "I guess some people found my Wattpad account..." Dakota mumbles.

     I snicker to myself sneakily knowing I leaked it.

     "Ok next up is Stephanie - Ultimate Librarian"

"NERD!" Stephen points to me.

"MURDERER!" I retort back.

"Guys, could you please calm down? We haven't heard Hosuh or mine yet," Holli shushes us.

"Holli - Ultimate Artist"

      Holli squeals and says, "Yay!"

     "And last but not least...

    Hosuh - Ultimate Cinnamon Roll"

     "Wait what? What does an Ultimate Cinnamon Roll do?" Hosuh asks.

     "According to the description, it says an Ultimate Cinnamon Roll will make everyone's heart go uwu," Daniel says to him.

     "U-Uh T-Thanks you guys?" Hosuh stutters out. Poor Hosuh and his ability to tolerate compliments....

     "I'm Monokuma so I don't have an Ulti-" Daniel starts to say.

     "Your ultimate with probably be: Daniel -Ultimate Litte Bitch," Stephen cuts him off.

     Suddenly Daniel stands up and knocks Stephen off his chair then heads back to his seat. As I'm cackling he says, "ANYWAYS, LET'S BEGIN!"

     (Basically Daniel explains the beginning part of Danganronpa 1 So I'll skip to the part when someone gets murdered because I'm to lazy to write a lot of stuff)

     "Ok you guys. So you just finished dinner and you head back to bed," Daniel says. He then gets up and hands us each an envelope with our names on it. "Okay everyone open it."

     I open mine and it says, 'Safe'

     Holli takes the card out of her envelope. She eyes linger on it and utter horror appears on her face. "I-I'm dead!" She says. We all gasp. "I was stabbed repeatedly in the chest and one hit on the head. I am found in the girl's bathroom.


     "Damn, Daniel," I say.

     He then explains we had to go find some pieces of evidence for who could it be. I found some clues and when that was over it was time for the class trial.

     We start the argument with Dakota saying it was Stephen. All my clues have not been directing to Stephen however. I make my argument saying that, "Stephen was eating outside the whole time when the murder was supposedly taken place. I known that because I stayed with him."

     Dakota sighs, failing her argument.

     After a while, Hosuh points to me and says I killed Holli (let's just say he gives a clever reasoning because I can't think right now).

     We kept kept debating and arguing and I could see poor Holli sweating.

Stephen kept yelling at Hosuh why I didn't kill her. Why is he such a sweetheart omgaufoulau

     Stephen's eyes suddenly twinkle in realization. "HOSUH YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KILLED HOLLI!" He points at him.

     "How do you know if I did? Which I didn't?" Hosuh says meekly.

     (Ok Stephen gives a logical explanation that I'm too lazy to write about)

     "I-...." Hosuh says. "Fine. I killed Holli. You were write about how I dragged her into the girl's bathroom."

     "H-Hosuh..." Holli says, pretending to cry.

      "I'm so sorry my dearest Holli..." Hosuh cries too.

     "IT'S FUCKING PUNISHMENT TIME FOR HOSUH, THE ULTIMATE CINNAMON ROLL BITCHES!" Daniel screeches. "Hosuh, the comments have prepared a special punishment for you."

     Hosuh visibly gulps.

     "Hosuh, since you are a sweet cinnamon roll, you are wrapped in a thick dough and sprinkled on with lots of sugar. Then you are placed into a very hot oven by a bear. One of the bears next to you whispers, 'Cooking with Hosuh~' before the door closes. When it is opened up, the bear pulls the tray out and slices the cinnamon rolls they made. Me, Stephen, Holli, Dakota, and Stephanie share a cinnamon roll.

      Your cinnamon roll." Daniel finishes. We all stay silent.


      "Can't Wait to dig in!" Stephen says.

     "Well. Thanks ChunkyMonkeys for joining us today," Daniel nods towards us.

     "You're welcome!" We say.


     "And done!" Hosuh exclaims. "That was..."

     "Exhausting!" I exclaim. I look at the time and it's already 6:00 pm. Didn't we start recording like 11:00 am? Jeez. I feel bad for the editors.

"Hey you guys wanna go get some dinner?" Holli suggests. We all nod.

"I know this sushi place we could go to," Daniel says.

"Let's go then!" Dakota says getting up.

We all stand up. I walk out of the office but notice Daniel whispering something to Stephen out of the corner of my eye. I keep walking, still wondering what they were talking about.

"Hey," I turn my head slightly to see Stephen walking beside me. "It's gonna be a long walk so can you hold this for me?" He holds out his hand.

I blush. W-What is he doing? I might as well. It's pretty cold outside an I need all the warmth I could get. I silently take his hand.

We begin walking through the streets swinging our arms back and forth. But then, Stephen slows down a little, making us a little farther away from the group.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks to the side, flustered. He inhales, then exhales. Finally he faces towards me. "Y'know, if you want babies Steph..."

He leans into my ear and says in a husky voice,

"You could have just asked me."




Let's just say the rest of the walk consisted of wobbly legs and tons of blushing (〃ω〃)

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Lmao ik.
I hate myself for making Stephen such VILE things.
This is also the longest chapter I've ever written.
With 1900 besides this little note heh.

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