Chapter 26**✿❀🌼🍀❀✿

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let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)

Ruby pov: part 1

You appeared agitated after receiving a text message from your ex. Who does he think he is, pursuing you two years after shattering your heart? You immediately block his phone number.

He is your past and has no right to taint your present. You won't fall for him all over again just because you're both tarnished.

When you consider your current life's rollercoaster, you wonder how you and your celebrity boyfriend will survive. Jimins' happiness is contagious. There is no way his management will not suspect that something significant occurred between the two of you. His band will know immediately, as will their ARMY, thinking about what made him so very happy.

How will you hide in plain sight now that you've decided to relocate to Seoul and work there?

You quickly decide to change into a trendy outfit because you and Samantha will be meeting Melissa and Janice at the Henry Deane, a very trendy rooftop bar in Sydney.

Brendon dropped Sam off shortly before 5:30 p.m. She was radiant. You'll be glad to hear that she had a good time with her soulmate.

"Holy Dooley! Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going? ...don't tell me you're going on a date with Chimmy?" She exclaimed joyfully.

You scoff, "Don't be silly. You know, we can't be seen together while the article is still being published and my life is ruined for good. Melissa called...the internship callbacks were successful."

Samantha's eyes widen, "Oh my goodness, are you really accepted at the US branch? I'll check mine later. I don't want to be disappointed again."

Your eyes narrowed as you scowled, "You wish." Melissa pressed S.K. and I'm going to Seoul with her....what the heck, Sam? I don't want to go there. The Army might recognize my face. Do you know how risky it is? I was so flippen upset!!.. don't laugh, it's not funny, "you whined as Samantha clapped her hand and burst out in laughter. Fate is so funny.

"That's awesome. Its Fate! It will bring you closer to Chimmy... Don't be so pessimistic, Ruby. It's a new dawn for you. " She pats you on the back.

"That's the thing, Sam. I want to go to the US., being without another friend.I love Jimin so much, Sam, and I know we will do dumb things and get caught again. You said yourself that Korean saseangs are scary." You sigh, dejected.

"So where are you going?" she inquired, looking at your dolled-up face.

"Mel invited us to Henry's at the Palisade hotel for celebratory drinks...are you going to change or---?" If you looked at her outfit, she had it on since this morning.

"Yes, of course... You look dashing in your semi-formal wear. Give me five minutes.." she dashed into her room and you could hear how her cupboards were banging in her haste to compile a trendy outfit.

You sigh as you plummet down the sofa, scanning through your text messages.

You got one from Jimin. You smiled softly. Gosh, you are so soft for this boy.

You smirk as you read his English text. You wonder did he use again google translate? He is so adorable.

You snort. You wish! Not here in Sydney. You'll be hunted down. The paps are relentless. How will you deal with online scrutiny? It will be worse. Luckily, you are not on any social media accounts.

You started to tear up. Does he realize how badly you want that? to be officially his but you have to be realistic. A soulmate can change his love for you. She might not give up on him and fight for what is rightfully hers. He is one of the most wanted guys. She will never let him leave her or give her mutual permission to let him date you.

You sigh because you know now it's better to be forewarned and you need to be prepared to lose him for good. But right now he is yours to enjoy, and you'll make the most of it.

When you heard Samantha, you quickly sent your goodbyes to your love and closed your phone.

"Ready, let's go in my car," you told her.

" probs...let's go and enjoy Henry's awesome cocktails."With giddiness, you and Sam left the 8th floor to enjoy a relaxing afternoon with friends.

When you reach the Palisade hotel, you will both be really pleased to visit this hotel with the most exquisite views of New South Wales. You can't wait just to unwind after your nerve-wracking day.

When you took the elevator upstairs, you quickly called Mel, who sounded overjoyed. She really is just hyped up for Seoul, you sigh regretfully.

Your heart is beating so fast that just the thought of being in the same country as the famous Jimin makes you breathless. Jimin will definitely break countless rules if he knows you'll be a stone's throw away. He will look you up and, as you know the emotional attachment he has for you, you might end up doing something.

Henry Deane is one of the most beautiful bars Sydney has ever seen.

The interior of the bar is like a 1920s Hollywood glamour bar. A beautiful color palette of dusty pink and dove grey, a glass-walled salon with pink leather lounges, Malawi rattan chairs, opulent copper furnishings, and colorful swirls of marble stain the tabletops and walls. Quite a trendy spot for bar lunches, small events, etc.

The bar is not yet full, but you know that tonight it will be filled to capacity with the movers and shakers of Sydney. You were looking around the dusty pink lounge area, but it was fairly empty.

"Where are they?" Sam furrowed her brows until Janice jumped up and summoned them.

"G'day! Shielas (girls)! This side! " She yells. You smirked as you shook your head at the excited Janice. She looks trendy. Her hair was in a very high ponytail. She and Melissa looked stunning in black.

They were occupying one of the best views of the bar. The girls sat on the plush grey sofas by the large window, which overlooked the bay.

You grin, "Whoa! The view is spectacular," you said, while you all hugged each other. You stop and stare out in awe at the panoramic view.

Samantha smiled, "The last time we visited this place a year ago, it was packed and we had to get seats at the bar. We're lucky today. "

Melissa smirked, "We had to flirt our way to this seat. What are you going to drink? Let's order a scallop platter. I heard it's divine and their virgin cocktails are delectable. " You just shook your head as you greeted your two highly excited friends. You just gave Melissa a little sour look, but she was so unbothered with you.

"Come Ruby. You have my permission to kill me later. I'll let you sit at the window and enjoy the view, "she smirked and held her hands in a prayer mode to indicate a peace offering.

You just smirk as Sam and Janice burst into laughter because of the elaborate prank Melissa pulled on you. You are definitely not impressed right now. Her stunt made your life a little more difficult.

You just shook your head and slid into the seat after she stood up, gave you a big hug, and let you take the seat with the big panoramic view.

Melissa clicks her fingers at a waiter nearby, indicating you are ready to order.

A cute waiter approached with a big grin as he saw the attractive girls. Melissa ordered a large seafood platter for four people, while the rest of you ordered cocktails. Strawberry margaritas are an absolute must-try. Jane and Melissa were overjoyed about your international internship success while you waited for your order.

You appear a little downcast," I was looking forward to going to the United States for a month, returning refreshed from my vacation, finishing my finals, and graduating early. Now I'm being shipped to South Korea against my will. To...I'm not sure where. I don't speak Korean fluently, and what little I do know could land me in jail." You groan and close your eyes as you recline in your seat, your friends just snicker gleefully.

"Ugh,Ruby, and stop being so negative about it. It is BTS-land. We're going to be the most envied students and you will be with "yours truly"—"gesturing at herself,"—and I learned quite a few phrases to assist you. If you want, we can take a language class in between our work schedules." She flashed a bright smile. Melissa is very excited to visit Seoul. You simply scowl. She planned it all out. If the article sees the light and everyone knows you'll interning in Korea, They will immediately think there must be something going on between you and the megastar. How will you prove your innocence? Oh! holy dooley!

You scoff slightly. Nobody can blame you if you're nervous about the trip. It's as if something sinister is plotting to change the course of your life. You are currently in an illegal relationship and are well aware that you are setting yourself up for life-long heartbreak.

"From now on, your life will be so might meet your bias," Samantha smirked.

"I wouldn't even know it was them...with all the Koreans together," Janice laughed.

You snort, "And you call yourself an ARMY.. what a disgrace!", you laugh as she shoves your shoulder fully.

"Just kidding...I'll know them by their fingernails," Janice smirked. " and—-"

"Oh my goodness! ...! " Your eyes widen shocked. That is completely insane.

"We're not that kind of army...relax!" Melissa responds with a grin.

They had a great time that evening. discussing their travels Janice had a fabulous apartment waiting for her in Tokyo. She'll be sharing a room with two British girls.

They will all be interns for global Netmarble mobile game companies. You got a notification from your phone. It's your dear mother. When you read the text, you sigh.

"Baby, your dad would like to meet up with you before he returns to New Zealand," Mom says. They decided to join us as well as my fiance for dinner. Oh, baby, I kindly ask you...he misses you so much...please consider it. You don't have to be friends with them...just listen to him and meet your half-siblings."

The stinging behind your eyes was unbearable. Why is it so painful? Why? You just pursed your lips and closed your eyes for a split second before grimacing and closing your phone.

Samantha noticed your solemn attitude and gently pushed your shoulder. Janice and Melissa were performing an amusing rendition of "blood, sweat, and tears."

"Are you all right?" Sam inquired, a worried expression on her face. You simply shrug.

"There will be no whuckas (don't worry)...only old-timers' issues...I'm at a loss for what to do, Sam." You groan, your voice filled with pain.

"Dear, just meet up with him," Sam sighed." Go talk to him, please. For 14 years, you pretty much ignored him.Ruby That is a huge burden to bear. Just hear him out. I'm sure he genuinely loves you. You're moving away. Your mother forgave him, and she is now free to is now your turn to forgive and move on. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the outcome, and you'll be much happier as a result. This whole situation has caused a lot of stress in your family."

You sigh dejectedly and take the last sip of your cocktail "Yeah, of course, perhaps you are right... it hurt so much, Sam. But I'll try."

Melissa and Janice appear to be a little tipsy, and you smile at them.

"I think we should get the two to their dorm. They seem to be far blind drunk to drive home..." you shook Mels' arm ." Mel... where are your keys?" You chuckle quietly to yourself. She rummaged inside her clutch and handed it to you. Still giggling with Janice, who was sipping the last droplets of her 4th cocktail.

Fortunately, Janice had already paid the bill.

You brought back Melissa and Janice while Sam followed you home. Fortunately, the two extremely happy girls were quickly escorted to their dorms.

You and Samantha were exhausted and decided to retire to bed.

Check your notifications after you've refreshed yourself.  When you saw a text message from your beau, you smiled. He agreed to participate in some youth music programs. There was even a cameo on a popular radio show. He stated that it would be broadcast in two days. He even hinted that the two of you were going to spend some private time together before he had to leave the country.

As you saw your phone lit up again, he was calling back, and you smirked. The butterflies in your stomach erupted. How can this boy make you love him even more? You could just shake your head at the surreal situation between a normal girl and a megastar.

"Hello, baby... I really miss you," he mumbled breathlessly.

"Hey, Jims. I miss you as well. We just got here. How are you doing?" you asked as he was busy the whole day with extra appearances. The media can't get enough of these boys. They want to cash in everything. 

"We're at the beach condo now," he chuckled softly."  Baby, don't be afraid...the article will be published in the latest issue of will be available tomorrow and then on the shelves of every store in Sydney by Friday, Unfortunately, I have no idea about their global distributions."

"W...what? Isn't the release date next week, Friday? OMG!! I'm no longer safe." You said starting to hyperventilate.

You felt like passing out right there. You assumed it would be available by next Friday when your midterm break begins...and you'd be safe at home or in Seoul.

Just stay calm, baby. Sorry about that. Please don't be mad at me...please. I love you. I admit it's all my fault!" he sounded so sad.

"I'm not mad, baby, I'm scared!" you exhale loudly. "My university...the campus gossipers...the Australian Army...they're all going to hunt for me.  How will I leave my dorm once the issue is out?"

"Just let me know if you have any trouble, okay?" Jimin suggests.

You squeal aloud. " Oh, Jim's! You must deal with it in your own country as well. What are our options? I don't want to be a celebrity in this way. I value my privacy.  Our paparazzi are unyielding. Some of my friends ...Oh holy Dooley. they don't even know.!"

"Baby..." Jimin chuckled at your squeals.

"I need to get the dye to color my red hair blond and shave it brush cut, Omg!" you exclaimed at your side. "What am I going to do with my freckles...paint my face!"

You take a deep breath as your heartbeat becomes erratic. You will be unable to cope with the social overload. Gosh! Janice and Melissa!!! They're going to kill you.

She could be heard sniggering.

It was infectious.

With a calmer tone, you say, "Sorry for the rant, just happened so quickly.  I really don't want to be here on campus when things blow up...there will be you know how many ARMY are here on campus? You have a huge following..."

Jimin bursts out laughing "You're so adorable, my darling! Don't worry, if it becomes unbearable, management will deal with it. OK. well, you do get the toxic fans, but ARMY is respectful. I'll talk to them on Vlive. It's already sorted out."

"OK, as long as they don't murder me" you grin, but you are not so sure. The toxic fans might make your uni life unbearable. As long as your photo is not recognizable.

How can he be so composed in this situation? You simply shake your head, knowing that the band has grown accustomed to all of these opportunities for publicity. You had your fair share of these opportunities as a teen celebrity during your Disney days. That was also the main reason your mother called you back home. That was also the main reason your mother summoned you back home and refused to renew your network contract.

"So, tell me how much you love me again..." he asked softly.

"I love you...I love you till the moon and back," you giggle and replied back,

You forgot about your fears and started giving verbal love affirmations to your boyfriend.

Unbeknownst to you and your love, an online copy of the magazine was leaked at midnight, causing a global meltdown in the ARMY...

A/n.  I hope you forgive me for the late updates. 

Thank you so much for all the support and love. A big shout out to all the constant voters, commentors, and even the shadow reader who became visible.

Shout out to Btsarmyvenhyphen1 RenSakura17  skyla9368  glo333333 mjcpark510  AnamikaArya9   NancyDaniels5 TetsetsoMotloheloa2  CourtneyM2075 Zam276ast Stilvie_vanpelt55


1. If you were an ARMY on their campus, what would your reaction be?

2. Do you think fans will really go after her?

3. Will there be a happy outcome for her and her dad?

4. Do you think Esquire leaked the online copy themselves for clout?

5. How can she come clean to Janice and Melissa?

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