Chapter 28*๏ผŠโœฟโ€๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ€โ€โœฟ

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Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)

You're my penicillium, saving me, saving me

Ruby pov: Part 3

You were a nervous wreck when you and the girls got out of your dorm undetected. You resolved to be at class by 6:30 a.m. Samantha suggested going quickly to the professor's office to hand over your assignments. There were a few oblivious students roaming around the campus. You were relieved because it seems that the news hasn't reached the campus community yet.

You and your beau texted each other early about the leak. Esquire found the one who leaked the online copy, and it was one of the website's IT. They are dealing with it.

But by 7:30, pandemonium broke loose. The UTS student community was going berserk. One by one, the whole camp was ignited. It wasn't long before the copy was distributed among the student body. The Sydney ARMY and Internasional ARMY were having a field day on social media. Students who weren't fans instantly became infatuated with the news that a superstar had dated a UTS student two years ago.

Jimin of BTS met a redhead girl, and she was an Aussie! The ARMY couldn't believe Jimmy had fallen in love for real. Bighit was tight-lipped about the dating issue. The Korean media wanted some answers.

International paps flew to Australia to get the scoop on one of the illusive Bangtan BELLS identities. The faculty, when they saw all the students and found out it was Ruby Wallace, all became super excited.

When Melissa found out that the students were on your trail, she dragged you quietly to one of the computer professor's offices near the administration block.

The professor found it necessary to keep You and your friends saved in one of the offices. The crowd was growing around the doors; they wanted a pic of BTS Jimin's girlfriend. The excited chatter and awed chuckles could be heard clearly from the inside. You were so scared. Your whole body was shivering, and you felt weak in your knees. The interest is frightening and the exposure of your private life is too much for you.

The faculty and Dean couldn't believe that you had a relationship with one of the world's most famous members of BTS. Their phones were ringing non-stop from media outlets that wanted information about them. Australian news outlets were relentless.

You were sitting there with anxious eyes, biting your nails with your hands trembling. The fear gnaws at your insides. Oh, it's a circus outside.

Your eyes look weary as your gaze shifts at your wide-eyed friends, "Omg ....! I'm gonna be cactus.(get killed)."

Janice was just comforting you.

Melissa and Samantha used big papers to cover the window section of the doors. There were too many peeking eyes and phone camera flashes.

Janice was sitting next to you, giving you a rub on the arms. She said, "No stress, Prof reckons the mob'll be handled by the faculty."

Melissa snorts, "These students are even more hassle than the paparazzi."

Samantha nods, but she's fixated on ya, lookin' like you're about to hit the deck. "Ruby... honey. Stay chill. We'll be out of here real soon."

Campus security was called in to contain the excited crowds. UTS came to a standstill. This is too exciting. The students don't want to attend any lectures. This is more uplifting.

You look at Samantha, "Geez, Sam, it's a blooming madhouse out there! What in the world am I gonna do?" You give your mates a teary-eyed look.

Janice shook her head, "The hallways are chockers with both the army and the students. They're deadset keen to catch a glimpse or have a talk with you."

Their phones were overloaded with notifications from various media platforms.

Melissa's eyes widen as she tweets, "Ok my... holy Dooley! Ruby, You, and Jimin are trending at the top of Twitter with the hashtags # JimRed, # Aussiebell, and # Chimmys'girl. The top three spots The fans are in a meltdown. There are over 4,000 comments, likes, and posts based on these hashtags. Oh gosh. Ruby Your face is edited with little hearts. Other jealous fans talk about what a famous star sees in you. You're not even that pretty. They are just jealous. "You bit your lip with apprehension. This is not good.

You already receive hate. Gosh, being associated with such a famous band will change your life forever.

Just then, Professor Langley called Samantha.

Samantha sighed, " Prof Langley said, we are safe here. He just went out to get the keys to the back door. Nobody knows about it. It leads to the bleachers on the sports fields... We will create a diversion and you will slip out through that door. It's his office storeroom door and the secret escape door is in there. "

Your phone was ringing non-stop. Your mom was calling you. The hospital staff found out that you were her daughter and the young ARMY in the hospital were super excited. Bryant and Becky got instant fame when fans found out about their relationship. Becky had to stay at her friend's house, and the fans were even camping out on the lawns.

Your mom says she will be with her fiance. Nobody wants to lead crazy stalkers to their house.

You began to sob softly." Oh gosh, This is not good! How will we get to our dorm? Sam, we need to pack for the midterm break. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow. "

Janice and Melissa were standing next to you to console you. Facebook was in a full-on netizen war. Ruby got a lot of BTS fans that stood by her and Jimin. Her heart warmed for those ARMYs who genuinely cared about the band and their well-being.

The Esquire magazine was trending on social media. All the magazines are sold out in all countries. online as well as hard copies. They couldn't get enough of this juicy news. The global networks were hyped up. Some sites crash because of all the comments. There were comments from people from all walks of life. From Africa to Russia.

Everybody was interested in the juiciest scoop of the year. After one BTS relationship was revealed, the fanbase demanded that Big Hit reveal the nationalities of the remaining Bangtan Bells. They wanted to know about Seokjin, Yoongi, Jhopes, Namjoon, and Taehyung's soulmates. The news media has been questioning the Bighit company about their promise to reveal at least five soulmates, and now there are six. The anticipation was high, waiting for an official statement from Big Hit concerning the latest exposure that seemed like it was the real deal.

The Korean Army was flabbergasted. Some trolls and anti's had a lot to say about you on social media. Their guns were pointed at you mercilessly.

"How did she even get his attention?"

"She is not even Asian!"

"Look at her's definitely not real."

"She looked more starved than the kids from poor Africa!"

" She seduced our chim chim."

"Clout seeker"

"Fame slut"

"Gold digger!"

"She is a nobody..."

"Is she his soulmate?"

You got the most derogatory names and body shaming. You just pressed your lips together to keep your eyes from bursting into tears at the painful name-calling...but others in the "real" Army defended you from the toxic trolls who weren't even ARMY.

"You toxic fans are just jealous."

"BTS is not our property! They are allowed to date and have romance in their lives. "

""She's a ripper and stunningly beautiful!"

"I reckon I'll grab a mag... they seem fair dinkum smitten."

"Jimin really loves this Ruby Wallace. Why are you attacking a bell? Accept that he chose her and not you... Fate chose her! "

"She isn't a nobody...go check your facts...she was a Disney star when she was 14 years old."

A pic was attached to that comment. Where you and your Best friend posed for the media. You look so innocent and carefree.

"OMG really!!!

"Shake it up..." go Google it. She was a main lead also...with that tall model, Zendaya Rhimes. "

" Jimin likes her, and that is all that matters."

Oh gosh, they really dig deep into your past.

Melissa looked at you flabbergasted because she was American, but she didn't recognize that fact.

"Really first I thought you looked a little familiar when we met. "We had no idea you were famous," she exclaimed, beaming.

You nod quietly, still affected by the negative comments." Yeah, I ran away from fame. My mom didn't renew my contract for season 2..." You told a very confused group about your stint in a very popular series. Your brief fame and you and Samantha's friendship with the now famous model friend of yours.

Janice smiles, "Got a call from our dorm boss, Belinda. She reckons the lifts are cactus on the eighth floor. No way to get in. The top dogs said the residents on the eighth floor can use their swipe cards at the glass door near the stairs. Two security blokes are posted there. You're only gettin' in with your card. Even your leaders are keepin' watch at the dorm door. Geez, today's really flipped the vibe on campus. Belinda reckons, "The gals on Floor 8 are stoked, they're hanging out to catch a glimpse of you."

Before hearing a key sound in one of the side doors, you simply shook your head. You looked alarmed at your prof, who sneaked in with a big smile on his wrinkled face. His watery blue eyes looked full of life and vitality.

He smiled brightly, "Hey, ladies, it's all good on this end. There's this secret exit door near the fields, tucked away behind some shrubs and overgrown greenery. I dunno, but I managed to snag a big jacket for you to chuck over that gorgeous red hair of yours. Borrowed it from one of the sheila lecturers."

You all stare in awe at his nice gesture. He looks a little sheepishly at the now popular girls.

You smiled gratefully and took the maroon-colored jacket. Janice and Melissa will go out with the professor where the crowds are gathering in the hallway, and you and Samantha will go through the secret doorway that leads to the fields. Prof. Langley's told you that campus security will come to the doors to keep the crowd at bay.

You sighed in relief when you took your book bag and Samantha grabbed her tote bag.

You smile at your professor. " "Cheers for lending a hand, mate. We're truly grateful."

"No worries..." he smirked. He was chuffed with how things were going'. A bit of buzz at this uni before exams ain't a bad thing.

Melissa and Janice hugged you tightly and said, "We reckon you might take off tonight 'cause tomorrow's gonna be even more chaotic. Still got our Miss Freshette finals on Friday. If I don't catch you, have a ripper month-long midterm break and ace that internship. Look after yourself!" Janice whispered.

Melissa chuckled, "If I don't see you before our flight... take care. I'll catch up with ya at the airport. My family's coming too. We're gonna have a blast. You won't regret it."

She excitedly told you. You are not so sure, as you just smile grimly.

Samantha links arms with you as you wave at each other. They will stay for a few more minutes until they receive a cue.

You and Samantha swiftly escape through the secret door. You run down the pathway, being watchful for any lurking students. You were out of breath when you plodded down on the concrete steps just to regain your strength. Samantha was out of breath as she looked around with wary eyes.

You didn't get any notifications on your phone. Your friends were reading their notifications on social networks. Luckily don't have any social media accounts. Nobody could find you on social media. It would've been a blood field.

You saw notifications from your boyfriend. His text message sounded frantic.

"Oh, baby, are you OK? We just saw our article being discussed on the entertainment news. You are big news!

I hope you're fine, baby.

I'm so sorry. It's my fault, but we are not going to break up again. You mine. I love you so much. ๐Ÿ˜

You smile brightly. and quickly sent him a text. He is the best thing that ever happened to you, and you love him for making you so happy.

You: "I'm OK for now. Jims. Don't fret. The whole world seemed to know about us. My professor helped me hide. Our campus is in a meltdown. ๐Ÿ˜

I'm so glad you are online, baby. Don't worry about those jealous trolls. We're used to them...and I would like to know about my girls' Disney days๐Ÿ˜‰

You grinned. You're sure he would like to know about that.

Sometime down the track, I'll spill the beans... I'm heading home today. Got a pretty interesting kick-off for my internship next week. But you'll find out soon enough.

Oh, come on, baby, please tell me... Oh yeah, I know, my girl. It's your birthday. Remember, you promised to send me the image when you received your mark.

If I receive a mark, I'll show you. But don't get your hopes up, Baby.

I don't really care much, because I'm still choosing you. I love you, my little Red.

You smirk, but deep down you know your happiness might not last. His soulmate is out there, waiting to love him, and with blue tarnished citizens, they will instantly fall for their soulmates. When he, your dad unexpectedly met his, he couldn't resist her, which led him to cheat on his family. It is still a bitter pill for you to swallow. You meant nothing to him.

You dismissed those painful thoughts and redirected your attention to your text.


You heard Samantha whisper, shocked, as she met your questioning eyes.

"What?" you asked, perplexed.

She starts fanning herself, "Brendon just told me it's gone nuts at the uni's main entrance-Ruby, the paparazzi caught up with ya. Some Hollywood paps are in the mix. Have a look-" She shows ya the footage Brendon took.

"W... what!!!?" you exclaim.

Your heart is pounding wildly inside your chest.

You looked horrified at the images on her phone sent by Brendon. Paps looked like hounds with big cameras from every news agency. They looked like hungry wolves waiting for their prey. A glimpse of BTS's soulmate...could be a significant amount of money.

Your hand flew to your mouth, omg! You almost forgot you were still in texting mode with your boyfriend.

"Sam, this exposure is massive!!!" You cried out, shocked. You were starting to hyperventilate.

"It's BTS, Ruby! You're linked with Jimin, who's a massive deal even in Korea. Can ya imagine what's goin' down over there right now? Their company must be under a heap of pressure. It's makin' headlines there! Your face might be plastered all over Korean online shows. The ARMY fans are demandin' answers, Ruby. The YouTubers are churnin' out reaction vids about this news, you've gone big, girl,"
Samantha expressed concern.

You gulp hard, shaking your head in disbelief, quickly texting Jimin about the latest developments.

"Sorry, babe, it's bad news! Our Aussie media found my uni. They're crowding up our main entrance. Gosh! I'm freaking out! This article's wrecked my quiet life."

Woah! Did they find you already?. This is massive. My management is already on the phone with the CEO. The online copy has reached S. Korean attention. Oh, Baby. I will not let you be haressed. I'll deal with it. Let me talk to management. I'll call you back. Don't worry ok. I'll protect you. I love you.

Oh, Jim' life is over---I'll wait for your call. I love you too.

He also affirmed his undying love for you and you left the chat.

Samantha, look warily around. You never know if there are peeping toms around.

Samantha, "Come, let's get to the dorm. Put your hair in a bun. Where are your sunglasses? Here is a scarf. Place it around your head. I'll walk a little in front not to let the students know we are together. Just look down and be unassuming.

You appear apprehensive. "OK, I'll follow you. Give me your tote; I'll put my little bag inside so that no one can recognize me. "

"Great idea... here." You take her scarf and tote, slipping your huge glasses on your nose, and you follow Sam discreetly and undetected.


Greg was shocked to the core when his classmates showed him the online magazine. The whole camp was buzzing about a girl called Red. The shock he felt was understated when they told him his ex-girlfriend was 'The Red 'and had a fling with a renowned megastar.

He was gobsmacked. She dumped him for an Asian hottie.

His classmates clocked the article too, and when they saw Greg, they openly took the mickey out of him.

One of the girls chuckled. "Remember what you said, Greg. 'She was lucky to have dated you.' And that she'd come crawling back to you. Seems like she's caught the eye of someone way out of your league. So, mate, you were lucky to have dated Ruby," she burst out laughing with her mates.

Her friend added, "Did you see how loved up he was with her? Oh, they had the sweetest dates...he was the perfect boyfriend material. She didn't seem too fussed after you dumped her! Straight into the arms of a loaded and internationally famous celeb!"

Greg was fuming and couldn't give you a bell 'cause you blocked his number. He's keen to suss out more about this Chinese "Jimmy" bloke."

When his friend gave him the scoop on the band that visited two years ago and showed him the success of the globally famous group, Greg literally threw up!

His girl fell in love with someone far superior to him---.

A /n. Another update for my Mochi followers. Ruby has been found.

Shout out to all the commenters, voters, and even shadow readers. You are valued.

1. What are your thoughts on paparazzi culture?

2. Do you think Greg has a chance to compete with your love for Jimin?

3. If Jimin meets his soulmate, do you think Ruby will set him free or date him still?

4. What do you think Jimin is planning?

5. If you walk in her shoes, what will you do?

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