*๏ผŠโœฟโ€๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ€โ€โœฟ๏ผŠ*Chapter 9

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Our happiness was
meant to be
Cuz you love me,
and I love you

Flashback: 27 May; Saturday, Beach Date- Morning- Part 6

Early the following day, you and Jimin were out as early as 5 am on your way to the famous, idyllic Bondi Beach with its golden sands and beautiful crystal blue sea. You both have hats on and oversized sunglasses. Some places on the beach were rocky and secluded, so you decided to have your picnic spot there.

You told Jimin that the two of you would have a picnic and swim because it is early, and you can enjoy the sights before the rest of the vacationers flood the beach.

You first decided to walk the walkway and take cute romantic selfies of each other. You both feel deep sadness about leaving each other.

The love between you has intensified because of an unknown connection you both couldn't understand you have.

Jimin felt like his world has reached completion only with you in it. He wouldn't be able to get over you soon. On the other hand, you only want to love him for the moment and store your feelings away when he leaves Australia.ย 

You took candid photos of the sculptures at the beach, making funny faces. Jimin was cracking up at the fat Chinese statue, and he let you take several pics of him with different poses. He'll post one on the chat group.

He was so excited to be with you so close to him.
You couldn't stop looking at each other with deep love and affection.

You and Jimin found the most secluded place to set up your picnic. You ate the most delicious snacks for breakfast that the hotel especially packed for you. There are only two more hours left before you need to say goodbye. BTS management gas planned a sightseeing day for the boys starting from 9 am. He snuck out with the help of Jungkook. ย 

You took a refreshing swim. Jimin felt so free as a young man in his twenties. Odd to feel... All the expectations and stresses from idol life are pushed at the back of his mind. He could be carefree and relax with the girl loves.

You are the only one that filled up space in his mind right now.ย You chase each other around on the beach. He was catching you from the back, and you were trying to free yourself from his hold. You were screaming with delight.

You both wrote love notes on the soft sand and waited for the waves to wash them away.ย  The warm sand felt so good between your toes. You walked hand in hand, smiling deeply into each other eyes. Jimin loves your wet hair look and the cute freckles on your nose. You look so carefree and happy. He took adorable photos of you at a secluded rock. Jimin suddenly had you pinned against the smooth surface and was kissing you deeply. A pash filled with fire and hunger.

"Omg, I'm going to miss you so much, baby...can't you... reconsider."He pleaded near your lips, pushing himself tighter against you, caging you in.

You chuckle, gazing affectionately at him, giving his lips another quick peck. "Mate, reckon too much of a good thing can be a real shocker for ya," you tease him.

He cutely pouts, "I like bad.... things, how will I cope ....when we go... to Japan" he carefully pronounced the English words. You smirk at his adorable mannerisms. Then your face grew solemn.

"You might bump into someone even more spunkier and stunning. Mate, you can snag anyone on the planet if ya feel like it. You have pretty fan girls and even fanboys swooning all over ya, and you're a hot ticket, Jims... reckon you'll forget about me in a week." you utter with a bit of sadness and a bleeding heart.

"I wouldn't love them ...as I love you" He snaked his arms tightly around your tiny waist and embraced you warmly against him. You were shivering at the mere proximity and loving the feeling of being in his arms.

You hugged him tightly back with your hands gripping his hips inside his loose shirt, sliding up to his warm back, caressing his muscles.ย You felt him react to your soft touch. He loves your sensual touches.

You nuzzle into his chest, voice wavering, and gently whisper, "I... love ya, Jims, but I wanna shield us from getting wrecked down the track. It'd gut me if I put so much into us only to lose ya to someone else."

Why did you have to fall in love with this man so much?

His eyes are misty as he pursed his full lips tightly together in a cute pout," I love you ...so much ..." with that said, he softly tangled his fingers in your damp red hair and pull your head near to his, and kiss you with so much passion and longing, that you were both breathless. You don't know for how long you were standing against the rock, kissing and caressing each other.ย 

You were unable to let go of each other as your lips were speaking the language of love...

The last goodbye.


The rest of the day, you were working a shift at the poolside. Helping some workers give guests clean swimming towels and helping with cocktail drinks to get your mind from the little mochi.ย 

The newspapers and media were filled with the successful concert of the Korean Band. Local Newspapers report on the bands' performances. There were even articles about your beau's solo performance and his perfect dance.

Samantha was beyond excited about the previous day's concert. Even Kendra and Liz couldn't talk enough about it and the fact that you, Allie, and Jason got the VIP seats practically in front of the stage.

Allie was bragging so smugly about Jimin and Jungkook that they made eye contact with you, and they didn't believe her until Jason showed them his unedited fan cam. They were green of jealousy.

They were all standing around the cocktail bar because they were done with their shifts. On the other hand, you still have two more hours at the bar standing in for a lady called Charlene, who had to leave unexpectedly to do personal banking business.

You made for the three excited girls complimentary fruit cocktails. You're allowed to make free drinks at the cocktail bar.

I can't fathom that you guys got the best seats in the arena!" Kendra pouts His beautiful sunkissed hair is in a high ponytail.

"Yeah, we scored tickets, but they chucked us right up high, so we had to rely on the big screens, couldn't even catch sight of the boys... next round, I'm stashing cash for better seats," Liz's blue eyes twinkle.

Samantha grinned, "Brendon hooked us up with top-notch VIP standing spots. We were stoked 'cause Jungkook was right in front of us. But my poor feet and some rude ARMY folks with cameras in my face were the only bummers. Becky was blushing when her bias, Jungkook, locked eyes with her. I even got it on video... The ARMY in front were green with envy, others just screaming their heads off."

You chuckle a bit, "My sister goes crimson real quick. Bet her face was redder than her hair." Can't wait to tease her about it at home.

Liz claps her hands enthusiastically, "But geez, our boys can bust a move and belt it out at the same time... RM gave me shivers, and Suga was a whole mood. I wonder if they've found their soulmates already. I'm already jelly of those lucky girls."

Kendra nods, grinning wide, "Think their soulmates were in the crowd too?"

Samantha shakes her head emphatically, "I reckon they wouldn't risk their partners' safety. There's a dodgy rumor floating around that Seokjin found his soulmate a year back, but no one knows for certain. ARMY's still on the case. You know we can dig up anything, no matter how hidden."

Your breath suddenly hitched. OMG! You felt the coldness of dread come over your body. What if you and Jimin- O no...no...no It wouldn't happen. You were very careful. But he is a celebrity, and the paparazzi will have cameras on them constantly, especially after the successful concerts, and the interviews. Australia is gaga over the boys. The girls want to be their soulmates.

The media was eager to ask questions about their fandom and if they casually dated before. They were tight lips. Only the older Hyungs confirm that they dated before but had to break up when they moved permanently to Seoul. The maknae-line was closed off, and just smile the question off.

You will die if anything came out. You love him so much and don't want him to get into any scandals, especially with a white Aussie girl. You will get so much hate...you'll be forced to change your looks and live in disguise inย Saudi Arabia.ย  Jimins' jealous fans will kill you.

Jimin wanted you to meet his band, but you decline.ย  Your relationship is supposed to be a secret. It is better that his boys speculate about the two of you and not know the facts.ย 

Jimin kept his rendevous hidden from his members because he doesn't want anyone to approach him behind his back. The Hyung line will make sure to track you down. They are very protective of him.

Samantha laughed, "Mate, ARMY's onto things quick as a flash."

You give a faint smile and switch the subject "I hope they have a blast exploring Sydney. Can't leave our turf without hitting up the food markets, hopping on the Big Up and down Bus for a city tour, checking out the Opera House, and all that jazz. We've got a beaut country."

Kendra sips her drink, "But Ruby, how'd you manage to land on Bighit's radar so fast for them to snag tickets for the three of ya?"


You knew they wouldn't let it rest.ย 

"Um... one of their crew we served mentioned the concert. Allie spilled the beans that we're deadset ARMY's but missed out on tickets 'cause they're a ripper but pricey, and we were gutted we had to work. Mentioned we might have to save up and hit a gig in another country. The bloke seemed real sad, so I reckon he had a yarn with their staff, and next thing, we scored tickets and merch as a thank-you for our service. You already had your tix, so they hooked us up with three."

"Blimey, how lucky can ya get!" Samantha was over the moon that you were gonna go, even if not with them. Just stoked you'd experience all that ARMY energy.

Liz sighed dreamily, "Ugh... they're mint up close. Seokjin's got this calm vibe, and Suga's all poker face but smokin' hot. Ah, the maknae-line... that Jimin, ooh... speechless. Hobi's energy and adorbs, and let's not start on the President, he's on fire... I'd love a piece of that."


You crack up, "Namjoon's a hottie but a klutz... reckon he's dubbed the god of destruction... seems everything he lays hands on turns to rubble."

Samantha chuckles, "That bloke! Surprised he didn't bust his mic or earpieces... but boy, can he spit bars. Love the rap line... they've got tongue tech."

Kendra grins, "And he's flying solo."

Liz snickers, "That's what they want ya to reckon... the lads' management's tight-lipped on their love lives... so don't hold your breath."

You just grin inwardly. This ARMY right here is so clueless. One of the hotel supervisors came and called Liz and Kendra to go help in the Spa.ย 

Samantha was shaking her head at their two pouting colleagues, who looked unwilling to work another shift. The hotel gained several new guests based on underground knowledge about BTS staying with them.

You were wiping the table as Samantha sat on the bar chair looking around the pool with a few kids in the pool with their parents. She looked at you and smiled teasingly.

"Righto, my gorgeous mate... spill the beans about that sneaky love bite trying to play hide and seek on your neck," she motioned toward your neck where your curly locks were covering it... you went a bit pale.

You almost choked with shock. OMG!!! Samantha saw the evidence of what transpired last night. How will you explain this?...she knows you don't date...a few weeks ago, you thought your relationship was stable, but you were cruelly dumped by the one you thought truly loved you...and now this...O snap!!!

"Oi, what the heck are ya on about?" You try to stall. You can't tell her your secret. How will you explain it? You never let Greg touch you like this, but with Jimin, you threw all common sense out of the window. You let him do unthinkable things to you. Something that will make Samantha question her existence (she knows for a fact that you are the epitome of virtue and purity ), or take your poor mother to an early grave.

Samantha crosses her arms and gives you a blank stare, "Well, well, well! What's the go with that?" She points at the spot on your neck. When she reaches out to touch it, you flinch away from her cold hand.

You try to hide it with your hair and sigh in defeat, "A few days back, I met this guest...he was a real cutie, and we hit it off, ended up pashing heaps... but he's buggered off now... yeah."

Samantha claps her hands excitedly, "Blimey, mate! You got some action after that dud of a boyfriend hurt ya..."

You pull a disgusted face, "Don't be gross... It's nothing serious! We liked each other, had a chat, and that's it... I'm steering clear of dating... you know where I stand on that?"

"So, you're only using the boys from now on... hit 'em and quit 'em," she teases, a playful glint in her eyes. You look annoyed, and she gives your shoulder a shove in good spirits.

"Come on, Ruby, lighten up... Greg's history. Don't close yourself off to new possibilities of loving someone else."

"Yeah, right... I haven't lost the capacity to love, Sam, I... I'm just afraid of committing to a relationship after getting cursed with the Tarnished label. I don't want to end up wrecked like my mum. She's been divorced for fourteen years, Samantha, fourteen years!!! And she's never moved on. Never dated anyone, put all her energy into raising us, getting us through Uni... I might consider tying the knot when I'm 60 years old."


Samantha bursts into fits of laughter, then clicks her tongue when she notices your serious expression, "You're a riot, Ruby... heaps of Uni blokes were keen on dating you... even Greg's mates... You're the most sought-after sheila since your split. Everyone's after that first-time gig... You might never get a late whisperer mark... why not enjoy your status while you wait."

"Samantha, I'm not like most Aussie Tarnished at Uni... playing the field. I know we're envied, but I don't need the extra drama in my life. I just want a peaceful life without all the hassle. My whole world revolved around making Greg happy... it didn't pan out. I wasn't enough, so now I'm just trying to enjoy life as it comes." You furrow your brows, reflecting on how your life used to revolve around someone who hurt you.

With a somber expression, Samantha adds, "I love you, mate, but you've got heaps to offer the right guy... anyone who meets you now wouldn't want to leave... you used to be beautiful, kind, sassy, and full of fire... but the breakup's pain made you self-conscious and introverted, and now you're not the same person... you used to be happy and lively... you could fend off any bloke... now you're a shadow of your former self... I want my mate back."

You snort, "Yeah, well, I'm singed and battered... but give me time. I'm on the mend. Thanks for always having my back. Love you too. Brendon's a lucky bloke."

"Yeah, might as well make a sign and fly it over the uni so Brendon knows how lucky he is to have me as a soulmate... Can't believe FATE handed me that bloke," she chuckles and moves around the counter, giving you a big hug.

"Two enemies in love," you snicker. She forgot your serious conversation. You didn't even give one thought about Greg as long as he and his new girlfriend are not studying at the same Uni anymore. You can survive, but now you love someone for real, and you can't even be with him.

It is so strange. You know Jimin for almost four days, and your feelings for him are more intense than what you felt for Greg.

Your shift was over, and you were so exhausted. A couple of night's midnight dates had its toll on you. You only came to catch up on your sleep at 10h30 am after your beach date, until you started your pool bar shift at 1 pm. Your last shift is at 8 pm in the Executive lounge. Liz will also be working only for the last hour because she already stood in for a shift. Kendra and Samantha were off.

Jimin texted you and informed you that he was enjoying all the sights of Sydney. He even suggests some places that he wishes to visit. They had a city tour on a bus, and he sends you beautiful pics of himself.

Luckily for you, Bts will post it on their Twitter and other social accounts. You'll just make it a wallpaper...telling your friends you've downloaded it. They will not know that it's from the source.

You got a call from Becky, and the two of you were chatting excitedly about the concert. She sends you pics of the boys waving at the ARMY in the front. VIP standing section.

You feel so grateful to Samantha that making your sister experience her first concert with the boys she admired so much. Your mom sends her regards and can't wait to see you on Monday.

You were relaxing on your bed with a novel when Your supervisor called you to your manager's office. Fear gripped your heart, and you were wondering what it was all about. In three hours, you'll be back in the Executive lounge to start your shift.

Did you do something wrong? You can't think of anything...

A/n:ย  Hi, superstar readers. I hoped you enjoyed the update of our Chimmys' adventures.

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