009 | Heroic Moment

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Haylee sighed in slight annoyance as she left the Editor-In-Chief's office, trudging her way to her desk where she dropped the pile of files. "Troubles?" Mason Bridge asked with a smirk. Haylee tried to ignore the arrogant journalist who had been flirting with her on and off since she got the job there. "I wouldn't worry too much, he'll be sucking up to you in no time," Mason spoke up before laughing and walking away.

Haylee looked down to her phone, opening her contacts and clicking on Barry's. She stepped outside of the building with her phone to her ear as she waited for him to answer the phone. "Hey Hayles, you okay?" Barry's voice made Haylee smile, all her anger and annoyance with her boss faded out from the soft tune of Barry Allen's tone. "Honestly, I called because I was pissed with my boss but I feel better already," Haylee explained as she fiddled with her bracelet.

"I'm glad you feel better, uh, already. Do you still need to talk?" Barry asked, unsure. "Hearing your voice made me feel calmer, it always does," Haylee said, not knowing how that very sentence made Barry fall more in love with her. "But I don't wanna interrupt whatever Joe might have you doing, so I'll see you tonight for movie night, right?" Haylee asked spotting Linda waving her inside.

"Uh, yeah. I'll see you tonight," Barry responded before Haylee hung up and made her way inside. Barry looked around him for a moment before rushing off to the CCPD to find what he needed. Haylee smiled up at Linda before sitting at her own desk, "What's up, Linda?" Linda held out the newspaper that spoke about Dr Wells and S.T.A.R Labs. "This is what's wrong, Haylee. You know this city is against them right-" Linda began but Haylee held up her hand to silence her.

"I know what they think, Larkin has made sure of that but it was an accident. Science is never accurate or completely safe, it's mostly unstable and all about taking the risks. But that is the beauty of it," Haylee rambled on causing Mason to fake gag as he walked by. "I get you have a passion and that's wonderful, but-" Linda started but Haylee turned away from Linda and got back to work, Linda sighed before walking away.


Barry stood with Cisco and Caitlin with two boxes of files in front of him. "I've been going over unsolved cases from the past nine months, and there's been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people," Barry spoke as he looked between the two. "Your meta-humans have been busy. Now, I'm not blaming you. I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know you all lost something," Barry continued, turning his gaze to Caitlin who looked down slightly.

"But I need your help to catch Mardon and anyone else out there like him. But I can't do it without you," Barry finished off in hopes that Cisco and Caitlin would agree, the two looked at each other with Cisco slowly nodding his head. "If we're gonna do this, I have something that might help," Cisco said looking at Barry with a classy smirk. Barry and Caitlin looked at each other before following behind Cisco into another room.

"Something I've been playing with," Cisco informed Barry as he turned a table around, a red suit resting on it. "Designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear," Cisco explained as he stared at the suit. "I thought if S.T.A.R Labs could do something nice for the community, maybe people wouldn't be so angry at Dr Wells any more," Cisco looked at Barry as he spoke, though his mind wandered to the positive articles that Haylee often publishes.

Barry walked closer to the suit, "How is it going to help me?" Cisco looked up at Barry with a smile, "It's made of a reinforced tri-polymer. Its heat and abrasive resistant, so it should withstand your moving at high-velocity speeds," Cisco spoke as Barry gave the suit a closer look. "And the aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. Plus, it has built-in sensors so we can track your vitals and stay in contact with you from here," Cisco finished off.

"Thanks. Now how do we find Mardon?" Barry asked. Caitlin, holding a tablet, stepped closer to the two. "I retasked S.T.A.R Labs' satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over Central City," Caitlin explained, showing the two the screen. "We just got a ping," The screen showing the location of the ping. "Atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city," Caitlin told Barry who looked to the suit.


Joe was leaning back against the police car with Eddie unconscious behind him, a large piece of wood flying towards him due to the tornado created and formed around Clyde Mardon. Barry, as the Flash, pushed off of the ground and quickly pushed the wood away from Joe. He pushed the wooden roof piece off of him before removing a piece of his mask, focusing on the large tornado ahead of him. "Barry, this thing's getting closer. Wind speeds are 200 miles-per-hour and increasing," Cisco informed Barry through the comms.

"Barry, can you hear me?" Cisco asks after getting no response. "Yeah. Loud and clear," Barry answered back as he watched the tornado. "If it keeps up, this could become an F-5 tornado," Cisco informs Barry. "But it's headed towards the city," Barry spoke as he thought about the people who were in danger due to the tornado. "How do I stop it? Guys?" Barry asked but got no response from the two.

Barry thought for a moment trying to think of a solution when a memory came to mind. "Could you imagine if they created something to deter tornados! I mean, you could unravel them with the right amount of force and speed, like almost 800 miles-per-hour!" Thirteen-year-old Haylee rambled as Iris was drawing, Barry staring at Haylee with pure adoration in his eyes. Barry shook his head before resting his fingers on the comms, "What if I unravel it?"

"How the hell are you going to do that?" Caitlin asked through the mic. "I'll run around it in the opposite direction, cut off its legs," Barry told her. "He'd have to clock 700 Miles-per-hour to do that," Cisco told Caitlin, both of them worried about Barry. "Your body may not be able to handle those speeds. You'll die," Caitlin told Barry. Barry took in a deep breath thinking off Joe, Iris and Haylee as he watched the tornado.

"I have to try," Barry responded before flashing over to the tornado running in the opposite direction, he began to pick up speed and his suit was holding up but he wasn't. Barry was thrown out of the tornado by Clyde and hit the ground, panting in the process. "It's too strong!" Barry spoke once he caught himself. "You can do this, Barry," Dr Wells' voice came through the comms.

"You were right. I am responsible for all of this," Dr Wells continued, his words bringing new confidence to Barry and gaining more respect to Cisco and Caitlin. "So many people have been hurt because of me, and when I looked at you, all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness, but you, Barry, you can stop it," Dr Wells took in a deep breath. "And if Haylee has hope in us then I can have hope in you. You can do this. Now run, Barry, run!" Dr Wells finished off.

Barry flashed over to the tornado pushing himself to run faster and faster until he managed to unravel the tornado and send Clyde to his knees. "Barry?" Caitlin spoke through the comms. "Hey," Clyde spoke gaining Barry's attention. "I didn't think there was anyone else like me," Clyde added as he held up his gun. "I'm not like you. You're a murderer," Barry replied before two gunshots went off, Clyde dropped to the ground.

"Barry?" Caitlin spoke up again. "It's over. I'm okay," Barry told her easing the three scientists back in the Cortex at S.T.A.R Labs. Joe and Barry stood next to each other the next morning as the crime scene was being tended to and cleaned. "What you can do... It was the lightning bolt?" Joe asked Barry as he still processed what he witnessed the night prior.

"More or less," Barry replied. "I'm sorry, Barry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. And I called you crazy for chasing the impossible," Joe turned to look at Barry. "And your dad is innocent. Haylee was right the whole time," Joe noticed the smile that slowly appeared on Barry's face. "I need you to promise me something. I don't want you telling Iris or Haylee about anything you can do, any of it. I want them safe. Promise me," Joe asked Barry who agreed.

"Speaking of Haylee, I'm in so much trouble..." Barry spoke, Joe looked at him with furrowed brows. "We were supposed to have movie night last night," Barry told Joe who began to chuckle knowing how sacred movie night was to Haylee. "Oh, and how are you gonna win her forgiveness?" Joe asked in a teasing tone. "I have an idea for that actually," Barry told Joe who nodded before the two looked back out to the messy farm.


Author Note
These chapters may get longer but there may be some shorter ones, I hope you are all enjoying it anyway. Much love to all of you! The next chapter begins Episode two.

Bonus: During the scene of Barry talking with his father, they also talk about Haylee and how she believes Henry's innocence. Along with that, Henry teases Barry about his feelings towards her. ;)

-Rose <3

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