057 | It Wasn't Me

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"HELLO! ANYONE?" Haylee shouted as loud as she could, her head was pounding as blue and yellow mist clashed around her in a battle of chaos. She ran her fingers through her hair as she swallowed dryly, she needed water for her dry throat but something told her that she wouldn't be drinking anytime soon. Distant voices echoed through the darkened space, endless paths that left Haylee clawing for anything that may help her. She was all alone within her own mind with no idea if she was alive or dead.

"Maggie, we need to go now," Barry's voice echoed as the yellow mist formed into human figures. Thirteen-year-old Barry stood at the bottom of the stairs as twelve-year-old Haylee made her way down with a smirk. "Relax, Barr... we have time," Haylee told the boy before pulling on her jacket. "You do realise that the movie starts in half an hour," Barry replied with a sigh before looking at the watch on his wrist. "We'll make it. The worst thing that happens, is we miss the ads," Haylee told him before grabbing his hand.

"T-true," Barry replied with his eyes focused on their interlocked hands, his heart beating fast in his chest. "Now, let's get going because this movie won't wait forever," Haylee told Barry before pulling him out of the house, Joe waited in the car for the two. Haylee sighed at the sight of the memory, she never noticed then how much Barry liked her and she wished that she had noticed back then. Haylee had to fight, she had to wake up no matter what. She closed her eyes and focused on the energy around her before a sharp pain hit her chest and burned through her body.


Jesse rubbed his head as Eddie was cuffed, "You're telling me that someone was pretending to be you?" Eddie looked up at Jesse with a deadpan look. "I was just asking," Jesse told him with his hands held up in surrender before walking over to Barry. "This really isn't looking good," Barry told Jesse who sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, the meta-human can shift into other people after touching them," Barry explained to Jesse with his arms crossed. "Haylee would've loved to see that," Jesse muttered with a frown, they still had no idea how to help Haylee.

Barry looked down at the mention of his beloved, his heart ached at the thought of her in that coma unresponsive. Every chance he got, he sat by her side and held her hand just to feel relief in the fact that she was still there. "She's fighting, Barry. She'll come back when we need her the most," Jesse assured Barry before looking over at Eddie. "A dramatic entrance, definitely Haylee's style," Barry told Jesse with a small fond smile. "Now, how do we clear Eddie's name considering he's going down for shooting cops?" Jesse asked Barry before the two looked at Eddie.

"I'll do something," Barry answered Jesse before walking away leaving Jesse to stand alone as Eddie was escorted into an interrogation room. "I don't doubt that," Jesse muttered before he walked toward the elevator pulling his phone from his pocket. "Hey Cisco, just checking in. Bad news, Eddie got arrested 'cause we are dealing with a shapeshifter but Barry is handling it. Nothing's changed for Haylee, so update me when you can," Jesse spoke after being hit with Cisco's voicemail. Jesse hung up and headed straight for Star Labs wanting to see his sister and ensure that Caitlin hadn't slipped up, though he trusted she wouldn't.


Jesse walked into Star Labs and headed straight toward his sister, he frowned at the sight of her pale unmoving body before sitting down on the chair next to her. "Hey, Lee. We could really use your assistance right now dealing with a guy who can shapeshift," Jesse explained as he grabbed his sister's hand, furrowing his brows at the warmth. "Your hands are warmer today," Jesse muttered before pulling his hand back from a small static shock. "What the? Haylee?" Jesse mumbled as he watched for any other responses.

Caitlin and Barry's voices pulled Jesse from his focus on Haylee, getting up he walked toward the two. "Hey Jesse," Caitlin greeted with a small smile, Jesse nodded back at her before raising a brow at Barry. "I thought you were working on helping Eddie?" Jesse asked Barry. "Uh, yeah... Caitlin found a potential way to stop the shapeshifter from changing," Barry explained to Jesse who nodded and smirked at Caitlin. "The ever-amazing Caitlin Snow," Jesse teased making the brunette woman roll her eyes at him though a smile rested on her face.

"How's Haylee?" Caitlin asked Jesse before the three of them looked over at the pale girl. "It's weird but her hand was warmer than yesterday, plus I think she static shocked me," Jesse explained to Caitlin still holding his hand due to the tingle. Barry walked toward Haylee before carefully grabbing her hand in his, Jesse and Caitlin shared a sad look before Caitlin motioned for Jesse to follow her into the lab. "So if I create a serum that will terminate the polymerization reaction, essentially forcing the bonds to revert to their original forms," Caitlin expressed to Jesse.

"That would work, it'll make him easier to catch too," Jesse said to Caitlin before the two focused on the serum, neither of them noticing the way the former Barry shifted into Haylee with a smirk. "You know, I'm glad that you're giving us a chance to find the truth," Jesse told Caitlin, she smiled at him before sighing. "I know you feel like it's all been a lie but I truly believe Wells cares about all of us but... his intentions made him the bad guy if he is Reverse-Flash," Jesse expressed to Caitlin hoping she could feel understood.

"What's going on?" Haylee's voice pulled Cailtin and Jesse from their focus on the serum, both of them had wide eyes seeing the woman standing there. "Haylee?" Jesse whispered with watery eyes, he swallowed carefully as Caitlin stepped forward. "How are you feeling?" Caitlin asked Haylee who furrowed her brows. "I feel... strange. Tired, weirdly," Haylee said before rubbing her hands together. "I, uh, think I heard you talking about a meta who could shapeshift?" Haylee asked. "Yeah, we're working on a serum that will temporarily force him back to his original form," Jesse explained to her.

"Smart," Haylee complimented before walking closer to the two. Jesse and Caitlin shared a look before turning to the machine as it finished, Haylee smirked before raising a vial rack to hit Jesse when electricity filled the room. Caitlin and Jesse turned around with wide eyes to see Haylee hit the ground, blue electricity static over her body. "Damn, why do people always wanna be me?" Haylee stated as she leaned on the wall, her pale skin and sweat-lined forehead were proof that zapping her copy had taken a lot out of her.

"We are making a code word for future reference," Haylee told her brother with a disappointed look before turning to see Dr Wells and Barry walk into the room. "Haylee?" Barry breathed out before walking over to her, she smiled up at him before stumbling her way toward him. Barry caught her and pulled her straight into his arms, her arms wrapped around his waist as she rested her head against his chest. "You're okay?" Barry whispered to her, she smiled up at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay," Haylee told him before the two kissed.

Iris had shown up rambling about the crimes done by a copy before she and Caitlin left Star Labs with the shapeshifter, Haylee had been sat down by Jesse for an examination with Dr Wells while Barry was called away to deal with the meta-human that escaped. "I'm being serious, I feel fine," Haylee assured them but they didn't seem to agree. "We need to be sure plus, you're still pale and look sick," Jesse told her with his arms crossed. "I just need an energy boost," Haylee told Jesse before swallowing carefully. "How did you wake up?" Dr Wells asked.

Haylee looked away from Wells, her heart ached at the knowledge she carried and the distrust she was building toward the man she once considered her idol. "There was a strange energy misbalance, I had to essentially fight the foreign energy within me but my body's way of surviving was going comatose to save all my natural energy to fight off the infection, essentially," Haylee explained without giving away too much information, she knew that she'd need to talk to the others about what she remembered.

Haylee smiled as Jesse handed her a cord before flipping a switch, a large collection of electricity flowed from the building into Haylee's system. The Glitch closed her eyes as she consumed the power, her body felt as though it was on cloud nine as it strengthened with every watt of power. "How're you feeling?" Jesse asked as he flipped the switch, smiling at the sight of Haylee's smile and the way her pale skin darkened back to its natural tan. "So much better," Haylee answered him as she opened her eyes revealing the bright blue.


"So this Hannibal Bates has turned into quite the meta-human. Take a look," Dr Wells told Barry and Haylee as the couple walked toward the screens in the Cortex, Barry holding her hand and keeping her close to him after weeks of not having her by his side. "His cells have the ability to transmogrify at quite the rate," Dr Wells continued as Caitlin and Jesse walked over and stood on the other side of Dr Wells. "Which is how he can become anyone," Barry breathed out as Haylee leaned into his side, a content expression on her face.

"Which is why he can look like anyone," Haylee corrected her love before looking at Wells, "Right? He can't appropriate memories or powers. He essentially copies the form of someone but nothing more." Dr Wells nodded in agreement with her as Caitlin, Jesse and Barry smiled, happy to have Haylee back. "Got it. Hands-on the meta-human," Barry said making Haylee laugh and shake her head. "I mean, he's already touched you so it doesn't matter," Haylee reminded Barry before sighing in annoyance, "And me. Great."

"Hands on the meta-human. And to help you do that, Dr Snow has concocted a solution we believe will stop him," Dr Wells told Barry as Caitlin walked over to a screen by the couple. "Yes. I've created a serum that will create a cortical reaction around his cells," Caitlin explained to Barry as Haylee stood up straight and looked toward the woman. "Deprive those cells of their electrical charge, his shape-shifting days are over," Dr Wells explained. "Wow, that's great work," Barry complimented Caitlin who sent him a small smile before looking toward the serum.

"Looks like Hannibal Bates is at the airport," Jesse told them before biting his cheek for a moment, he shared a look with Barry and sighed. "Haylee, stay behind," Dr Wells spoke before Jesse could say it. "Wait, What?" Haylee asked with a frown. "You still need to focus on repairing yourself. Allow yourself the chance to rebuild," Dr Wells told her but no matter how badly she wanted to argue, she knew he had a point purely because she was building her strength for a whole different fight. "Payback time," Barry muttered, kissing Haylee's cheek before taking off with the serum.

Haylee waited anxiously as Barry fought about Hannibal Bates, her heart was racing as her own voice echoed through his comms before Barry let out a pained cry. "Screw it!" Haylee growled before glitching into her suit and glitching her way through the city, she smirked at the realisation that her power had advanced allowing her to glitch further distances. It wasn't long till Haylee reached the airport and found her way to Barry using his energy as a locator, she landed before the meta. "Hannibal!" Haylee shouted gaining the meta's attention.

Hannibal Bates shifted into Barry but Haylee rolled her eyes before glitching toward the needle, grabbing it before glitching next to the meta and sticking the needle into his neck. "Nice try, bitch," Haylee muttered to him as Hannibal shifted back into his original form. Haylee helped Barry off of the ground and smiled proudly, the two heroes looked at the meta. The two Central City Heroes escorted the meta back to Star Labs while Jesse worked on getting the security footage downloaded and sent to the CCPD to free Eddie.

Haylee stood outside of the CCPD while Barry spoke with Captain Singh and the District Attorney about the security footage. The memories flashed through Haylee's mind, the way her alternate timeline self jumped in front of Cisco; the look of pure terror, guilt and shame within Harrison's eyes when he hurt her instead of Cisco. The knowledge about Harrison and his identity as Eobard Thawn, the information that she was related to the Reverse-Flash by a blood donation in the far future. She didn't know what to do but one thing was certain; Reverse-Flash will be stopped.


Author Note
What a return!
Haylee's awake and she knows the truth about Harrison, how will she handle it?

As you could tell, some canon scenes were removed or rewritten for my character. Much like this chapter, scenes will be altered or removed from the next episodes depending on my character's adaptions. But just know that the end is coming for Struck With Power and I'm not sure you will be ready for it.

Rosemary <3
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