064 | Standing Together

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Haylee stood between Barry and Caitlin, Joe on the other side of Caitlin while Cisco stood in front of the group. "I kept asking myself, why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?" Cisco spoke as he turned the wheelchair around. "Sympathy, I suppose," Caitlin answered with a shrug, Haylee furrowed her brows while nodding in agreement with the brunette. "That's what I thought at first. But he's the man in yellow. He's the Reverse Flash. He's much smarter than that, sympathy can't be the only reason," Cisco continued as he looked between the quartet standing before him. "Yeah, it was a misdirect. Just like everything else Wells has done," Joe expressed from his perspective. "He's right. The last person anyone would suspect would be someone without the use of their legs," Haylee added.

"That's exactly right!" Cisco said while pointing between the two. "Which is why I started messing around with the wheelchair," Cisco explained as he put his cup down before grabbing the chair and turning it onto its side. "And that's when I found this," Cisco opened a small compartment revealing a power source. "Woah..." Haylee breathed out as she moved closer, holding her hand out to see her electricity reacting and sparking from it. "Damn. You can't get that at Radio Shack," Joe spoke up bringing a small smile to Haylee while Barry watched closely with a sour expression, the man being more affected than anyone else by this change.

"It looks like the tech inside Gideon," Barry finally spoke, Haylee turned to him and nodded in agreement as he was crouched down looking at the technology within the chair. "I measured the output, and this thing is kicking off serious juice. I mean, we're talking enough to power all of Central City," Cisco explained, the knowledge filled Haylee with concern. She couldn't bring herself to understand why such a power source was hidden in Wells' wheelchair. "What do you think Wells was using it for?" Barry asked the question that was consuming Haylee's mind. "I think this thing is some kind of battery," Cisco guessed. Haylee's phone rang pulling her away from the others, she looked at the unknown number with a confused expression.

"Hello? Who is this?" Haylee spoke into the phone, she couldn't hear anyone on the other side of the phone but then a flash of yellow went by followed by red. She dropped her phone, powered up her energy using the source from Wells' wheelchair and followed behind the two racing through the city at a speed she had yet to truly experience. Haylee didn't have time to take in how much faster she was moving, she was more focused on the two men ahead of her. Haylee stopped when Barry did, he was panting which was cause for concern. "Bar?" Haylee spoke softly as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "He was faster..." Barry panted out, his voice filled with disappointment.

"Barry... We aren't gonna be able to beat him using the same abilities he has," Haylee told her beloved, she knew they'd have to outsmart him in a different way. "We have to, Haylee," Barry snapped at her, he ran his fingers through his hair. "Just calm down, Bar," Haylee told him, she reached for him but he stepped back. "No! I won't calm down, Haylee! Eddie is in danger and Iris is expecting me to save him. I need to help my dad and get justice for my mother... And you need to back off!" Barry shouted before his angered and stressed expression fell. Haylee swallowed slowly before nodding, "Okay... Whatever you say, Flash." Haylee took off before Barry could stop her.


"What the hell am I witnessing right now?" Haylee asked as she walked into the Cortex to see Cisco, Catilin and Joe standing across from Barry and the Snart siblings. "Your Fiance had the lovely idea to work with them to help us move the Meta's," Caitlin explained with her arms crossed, the brunette still glaring at Barry. "Why are we moving the Meta's?" Haylee asked, she turned her gaze to the computer screens and sighed. "Wells..." Haylee breathed out before rushing over and shoving Leonard against the wall, Lisa moved to help her brother but Leonard knew better than to test Haylee so he raised his hand to stop her. "One step out of line, Leonard and I will send so much electricity through your body... they won't find the ashes," Haylee seethed out.

Lisa shuddered in discomfort while Leonard fought to keep his blank expression, the room suddenly feeling like it had dropped in degrees by the cold aura coming off of the Glitch. "Understood," Leonard snapped back before Haylee let him go. "Now... what's the plan?" Haylee asked as she moved to stand with Cisco rather than Barry which didn't go unnoticed by the other occupants of the room. After Barry explained the plan to Haylee, they all split off and Lisa immediately went toward Cisco in an attempt to flaunt and flirt with him. Lisa yelped in pain and stepped away from Cisco, after having moved closer to him, while Haylee raised a brow at Cisco. "Not happening," Haylee warned harshly before focusing back on the screen in front of her.


As expected with every plan they made, everything had gone to shit especially knowing that Mardon was determined to get revenge. Haylee knew that Leonard and Lisa were behind the dampener failing which allowed the meta-humans to escape but she still felt disappointed in Leonard, their friendship was well and truly over; she knew that. And as she fought against Mardon, taking any ounce of electricity in his weather abilities; she knew they couldn't fight to just trap them this time. Haylee dodged a lightning bolt and rushed toward Mardon sending him off of the ground and into a wall before Deathbolt shot off his laser eyes at Haylee.

She merely cringed as the lasers hit her, turning her body to him she glared heavily before creating a ball of energy in her hands. She made herself transparent as he shot again before throwing the energy ball at Deathbolt. Haylee became solid again as Caitlin was targetted by Rainbow Raider, the Glitch sighed before something hit her and sent her flying into a wall. She groaned in pain before the familiar gas of The Mist surrounded her consuming any oxygen she formally had, gasping for oxygen a surge of power formed through her body; an energy she had never felt before in her life.

A strange energy crackled throughout The Mists gas sending him back into his normal state, gasping for air within his own lungs. Haylee turned her head to see Deathbolt get shot in the face by Leonard, The Glitch had no energy to move after the strange surge. "How about we call it a tie tonight?" Leonard asked Mardon and Roy, the latter powered up before Lisa pressed her own gun to the side of his head. "I'd power down if you don't want me to melt your face," Lisa warned Roy, the Rainbow Raider immediately listened to her word. "Let's all go our separate ways. My name is Leonard Snart," Leonard introduced himself to the Meta-Humans.

"I know who you are," Mardon replied in his deep voice, his stance still defensive. "Always pleased to meet a fan," Leonard taunted Mardon before continuing, "Just remember who it was made sure you didn't get thrown on that plane bound for nowhere." Haylee attempted to stand from the ground but fell back with a groan. "You're just letting us go?" Mardon asked him with a smirk on his face. "Why'd you shoot that guy?" Mardon inquired referring to Deathbolt. "He owed me money," Leonard answered Weather Wizard. "What? You want a thank you?" Mardon asked in a mocking tone. "Who doesn't like a thank you?" Leonard replied with a grin.

"Thank you," Roy spoke up after a beat of silence, Haylee looked over to see Barry on the ground recovering from being struck by lightning. "You are so very welcome," Leonard responded before turning and walking away from the two Meta-Humans towards Barry and out of Haylee's earshot. Roy lowered Lisa's gun and walked away, followed by Mardon who smirked over at The Glitch first. Lisa approached Haylee and crouched down in front of her, "Woman to woman, I'd want you to know that I'm quite impressed by how you fight." Haylee rolled her eyes while Lisa moved closer, "But enemy to enemy, I want you to know that the moment Lenny allows it, I'm turning you into gold and making you a centrepiece to my foyer."


Haylee was in her laboratory connected up to her machines, and Lavera was running diagnostics on Haylee's energy levels. "It seems your levels have strengthened. A former source of energy that had been pulling you back has faded completely allowing you to access more core energy which created the large surge of power," Lavera explained, she turned to Haylee who sighed. "And yet it wasn't enough... We were still beaten and now some of the most dangerous people are roaming the city streets again," Haylee rambled before punching the wall beside her. "You can't win every battle, Lee," Jesse spoke up from his desk working on his suit upgrades. "No, but I can protect everyone with everything I have," Haylee told him before they fell into silence.

"We can't do this alone anymore," Haylee told Jesse, The Bolt nodded in agreement with her before pushing her phone toward her. "So maybe it's time to make some calls," Jesse encouraged before turning to walk out of their own lab. "Oh, and Lee," Jesse turned to his sister who raised a brow. "Talk to Barry before everything goes from bad to worse," Jesse told her before leaving the room, Haylee sighed and picked up her phone. "Time for a powerful reunion," Haylee spoke as she looked up at Lavera, the AI nodded with a smile. Pressing the first contact, she couldn't fight the smile on her face once they answered but the second phone call is what made her feel complete.


Barry didn't know where Haylee was, he knew that he needed to talk to her but the Particle Accelerator was ready for whatever Wells needed it for. The man himself approached the gate and opened it, Barry made his way outside instantly standing only a few feet away from the Reverse Flash that had efficiently ruined and changed all of their lives. "Well, I heard your prison transfer didn't go so well. I'm so sorry," Wells spoke with a taunting grin. "All a part of your plan, I assume?" Barry asked him. "Actually, that didn't factor into my plan at all, but I'm impressed you went to such great lengths to keep those people from harm. Ever the hero, huh, Barry?" Wells expressed as he walked closer to Barry.

"You've hurt enough people," Barry told Wells, trying to ignore the guilt, shame and realisation that he's potentially alone in this. "I know. You see me as the villain, but, Barry, if you were to look back, look back carefully at everything I've done, every wheel I have set in motion, you would realise I have only done what I had to do. Nothing more, nothing less," Wells expressed with every step closer. "And the Particle Accelerator? How does that fit into your grand plan?" Barry questioned his former mentor. "Well, why don't you go on inside, and let me show you," Wells answered with a smile on his face. "You know, I just learned the hard way not to trust the bad guy," Barry replied to Wells.

"And yet, I've shown you, time and time again that you can't beat me, Barry," Wells told him before a flash of blue went by and landed beside Barry. The sound of fire echoed through the silent sky as a bright orange light landed by The Flash and The Glitch followed by the familiar uniform of Arrow. "You see, Wells... Flash may not be able to beat you alone but together, I'd say we'd have a better chance to stop you," Haylee spoke as she stepped forward, her eyes blazing a bright blue as the new energy covered her. However, what had stunned her momentarily was Wells' genuine look of shock at seeing the aura of energy that now covered the meta.

"This--this is gonna be fun," Wells spoke with a grin on his face. Flash and Reverse Flash ran at each other, Arrow attempted to get a shot while Firestorm flew up into the air for a better advantage point. Glitch, however, focused on the energy coming from Reverse Flash; her eyes closed as she allowed her own power to mix with it. She opened her eyes and grinned before moving so fast, Arrow didn't even think she left his side; Barry was thrown into the glass sign while Glitch grabbed Reverse Flash and slammed him into the wall so hard it formed cracks throughout the cement. "You will pay for everything," Glitch seethed before sending a punch into Reverse Flash's face, grabbing his collar and throwing him across the pavement.

Arrow took Reverse Flash's state as an opportunity to fire off his shot, the arrow landing in Reverse Flash's leg. Firestorm attempted to blast Reverse Flash but he managed to use his speed to create a wind vortex that sent Firestorm flying; Flash raced off to help Firestorm. "Nanites, courtesy of Ray Palmer. They're delivering a high-frequency pulse that's disabling your speed," Arrow explained with a smirk as Glitch made her way over. "You're not gonna be running around for quite a while," Arrow finished off before the two engaged in a hand-to-hand combat fight.

Glitch allowed Arrow to have some fun fighting Reverse Flash knowing that Oliver had been beyond pissed about what Wells had done to Haylee and Barry. But once Reverse Flash got the upper hand, she rushed forward and sent him flying off of Arrow; the fear of losing him hurt too much to stand aside and watch. "You know, Haylee... The history books are fascinating in regard to your journey. The well-admired Goddess of Transparency who disappears through time and reappears in moments of need... Let's see if you can uphold that, Blood Tie," Reverse Flash taunted before rushing forward. The two were matched in ability, both managing hits on one another; both parties tiring but one more determined than the other.

Glitch's breath was knocked out of her as Reverse Flash slammed her into the ground, "You may be a blood tie, Glitch... But you are not needed for my future. Your fate is to die." Reverse Flash raised his hand toward her chest, exhaustion prevented Glitch from fighting back. She closed her eyes trying to find that surge of power but nothing seemed to work, she opened her eyes in time to see The Flash tackle Reverse Flash away from her; Flash's eyes were full of fury that would scare a thousand men. "That's the spirit!" Reverse Flash teased as Arrow made his way over to Glitch, helping her sit up. "You can't beat me, Flash," Reverse Flash taunted before taking off to the top of Star Labs, Flash following behind him.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked Haylee, she let out a breath before leaning into him. "Yeah... Just exhausted from the power," Haylee answered, letting Oliver pull her up from the ground. The two looked up in time to see Firestorm attack Reverse Flash, sending him off of the roof of Star Labs, and crashing down onto the roof of a car in the parking lot. Haylee looked at Oliver, "Thank you for coming." Oliver looked down at her with a smile that was only reserved for her, "You called. I'll always be there when you call." The two hugged as Firestorm and Flash made their way down to them, they had captured Reverse Flash and hopefully, that would be one step closer to stopping his plans.


Haylee stood just outside the Particle Accelerator, Barry stood in front of Eobard's cell though he had no knowledge of Haylee's presence due to her transparent state. "What? No Big Belly Burger?" Eobard mocked before sighing, "It's one of the perks of living in this time. We're out of cows where I come from." Haylee rolled her eyes at Eobard's commentary. "You don't care about that. You have questions, go ahead," Eobard encouraged. "Not sure where to start... Thawne. That is your real name-- Eobard Thawne," Barry spoke. "Since the day I was born," Eobard replied as he paced back and forth. "And when was that?" Barry inquired. "136 years from now," Eobard answered his question only creating more questions for Haylee.

"That's not what you want to know. Go ahead, Barry. Ask it," Eobard spoke up as he stopped pacing and looked at Barry. "Why did you kill my mother?" Barry asked trying to keep a neutral expression. "Because I hate you. Not you now. You years from now," Eobard answered in an eery calm tone that made Haylee take a deep breath. "In the future," Barry replied. "In a future. Yes," Eobard corrected. "We're enemies, rivals, opposites, reverses of one another," Eobard continued on. "Why? Why were we enemies?" Barry inquired. "It doesn't matter. It doesn't... matter anymore," Eobard answered, Haylee furrowed her brows wanting the real answer. "What matters is that none of us was strong enough to defeat the other," Eobard continued.

"Until I learned your secret. I learned your name... Barry Allen," Eobard spoke, a malicious grin forming on his face. "And finally, I know how to defeat you once and for all. Travel back in time, kill you as a child. Wipe you from the face of the earth," Eobard's words struck Haylee, she took a deep breath to focus on her transparency and to stop herself from killing Eobard and being rid of the troubles he was creating. "But then you, future you, that is, followed me back, and we fought. We both landed some pretty solid shots. And then you, future you, got your younger self out of there," Eobard explained finally answering the questions that Barry had.

"I was so mad. But then I thought... What if you were to suffer a tragedy?" Eobard asked rhetorically. "What if you were to suffer something so horrible, so traumatic that your child self could never recover? Then you would not become the Flash. And so I stabbed your mother in the heart, and I was free. Finally able to return to a future without The Flash, only to realise that in travelling back I'd lost my way home. Lost my ability to harness the speed force," Eobard continued taunting. "And without it, I was stuck here. Stranded in this time, unable to return to my own. And the only way back was The Flash... Or The Glitch. But The Flash was gone, so I created him," Eobard looked up at Barry with a sigh.

Haylee couldn't listen anymore as Eobard pleaded with Barry to help him break the time-space barrier to help Eobard return home, The Flash disagreeing. Haylee went to walk away after Barry left when Eobard stopped her. "You have questions..." Eobard teased with a grin, he raised a brow at her. "Goddess of Transparency? 136 years in the future? How am I alive?... What do you know, Eobard?" Haylee asked him. "Your fate is to die..." Eobard repeated the same words he said to her in their fight. "What does that really mean?" Haylee asked as she stepped closer to the cell door. Eobard leaned closer, "It means, Magnolia Haylee-Noelle Brager... that you will die and everything will change."



Author Note

One chapter left... *Side Eyes*

Rosemary <3
[ 3305 ]

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