Future Child - Glorious and Imaginative Skit

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*Maisie, Five and Nicky are sat in the dining cabin, sharing a romantic meal*

*Five feeds a bite to Maisie as Nicky boops her nose*

Ricky: Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt...whatever this is but we've got a situation.

Nicky: Can't this wait? We're kinda busy!

Ricky: If it could wait, do you think I would've come to get you three?

Maisie: Fair point!

*Cat comes running in*

Cat: Hey guys, you should hurry up! Diego is getting all grumpy about these three not being there.

Ricky: Cat, I think I can handle this-

Cat: What's that supposed to mean?!

Maisie: Ricky's just being stubborn, Cat.

Cat: Thank you...

*Cat turns to glare at Ricky*

Cat: ...Maisie

*Jade storms in*

Jade: All of you get over there-


Five: Why does everything got to interrupt our love time?


*The six walk along the forest, joining the gang*

Maisie: What's wrong?

Dusk: We found this little boy, playing with some animals.

Dawn: He looks just like Five and Nicky.

Maisie: He does?

*Maisie, Five and Nicky go to the front and look at the young boy*

Maisie: A lost child?

Five: Poor boy, we should help him find his parents...

*The young boy looks up at Five and Nicky, before smiling*

???: Papa Five! Daddy!

*The group give shocked looks, before some of them let out laughter and some stare in awe*

Maisie (thoughts): Aw, he called them Papa and Daddy! So cute!

Sloane: So, uh, what's your name?

???: Ethan! Ethan Harper-Hargreeves!

*Once again, the same result from everyone except this time, Five and Nicky look at the boy in shock*

Five: Is h-he like a relative of us?

Luther: Uh...okay, Ethan! Could you tell us your parent's names? We might know them!

Ethan: Maisie, Five and Nicky Harper-Hargreeves!

Maisie, Five and Nicky: WHAT?!

*Ethan looks up at Maisie*

Ethan: Mommy!


???: There you are!

*Everyone looked up from Ethan to see three adult figures*

(Future Five)

(Future Nicky)

(Future Me) (I will also use art pictures but I chose Ruby Roundhouse to play adult me)

Future Nicky: Now, where did you wander off to, little man?

Ethan: Daddy!

Future Five: Mommy was completely worried about you!

Ethan: Daddy, I went to your old house and ate Grandma's cookies!

Future Nicky: Really? You didn't talk to any strangers, did you?

Ethan: No, but I talked to the smaller version of you two and Mommy!

*The two look at Ethan in confusion and then saw the entire Isle gang, faces of shock*

Future Five: Uh, baby cheesecake, we kinda messed up here...

Future Maisie: What's wrong, babies? You found Ethan, right?

*She then did the exact same thing as her husbands and got shocked*

Future Maisie (thoughts): Oh no, this is a bit...and it's everyone too! Well, guess I'll have to use Oblivio on them all...

Future Maisie: Um, hey everyone! Your just about to forget what happened in the last two minutes. No more power-crazed son or portals!

Ethan: Bye Mommy, Papa Five and Daddy!

Virginia: Wait, what-

Future Me: OBLIVIO!

*The next thing, the team find themselves waking up in their beds*

Five: Ow, my head...

Maisie: Is it just me or does it feel like something happened?

Nicky: Well, I can't remember anything!

Five: Neither can I!

Maisie: Oh well, how about some cuddles?

Five and Nicky: YAY!


*Somewhere, in the future...*

Guppy: Mommy, Papa, Daddy...we have something to tell you...

Future Five: What is it, honey?

Zak: Ethan's gone again...

Future Nicky: NOT AGAIN!

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