Keeping Up With The OC's (Skit)

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D (S): Hi, I'm Dahlia.

D: Hi, um, I'm Dusk.

V: Wassup, I'm Victoria!


D (S): I love my new sisters!

V: We not even sisters, why am I here?!

D: I love fighting with them!

V: It's hard fighting crime with these h*es...


D (S): But, I really don't like Victoria that much...

D: I just don't like Dahlia!

V: I cannot stand Dahlia, that b*tch is dumb!

D (S): As we all know, I'm the leader!

D: She thinks she's the leader cause she can just freeze us!

V: Algún día mataré a esta perra!


*The three girls come to the scene of a man drowning, Dusk and Victoria about to run to save him but Dahlia stops them both*

D (S): Ah, ah, I got this. Remember, I'm the leader!

*Dahlia runs over to save him; Victoria shouting Spanish towards her and Dusk shouting with her. However, as Dahlia jumps in to the pool, she bellyflops too hard*

V and D: Oh!

Random Man: Oh, this b*tch dead!

V and D: YESSS!


V: Sometimes, y'all don't understand how dumb Dusk can be? You know this h*e eats her hair?

V: You know one time, Dusk and Klaus went to the wrong f*cking fight? Me and Five were in Paris and these b*tches in Spain!

V: She likes to help old people cross the street, she may be my best friend but sometimes, she's dumb...


*Dusk has an local old woman, helping her cross the road and holding her arm*

D: You know life is so beautiful? And we should always enjoy it, we shouldn't be alone!

*Dusk manages to help the old woman to get to the other side, making sure she's okay before stepping back onto the road*

Dusk: There, so you have to look both sides- *ends up getting hit by a car*


V: Adios mio...


D (S): I really, really, think that we should kick Victoria out of our sisterhood...

V: What she say?!

D (S): She really needs to calm down. She and Five are always talking about "killing b*tches"...

V: Imma kill this b*tch!

D (S): We have superpowers, you don't need a staff or an axe!

V: I don't need to use my powers, I got a staff!

D (S): She's just a little aggressive...


*A teenage boy is being harassed by others, Victoria groaning and moving away from Five to take care of the situation. She takes one of them by the shoulder, tossing them into a tree, and then punches the other.*

V: I swear...

*The teenage boy tries to hug Victoria and thank her, but gets a little too handsy*


V: *slaps him* Motherf*cker, did I save you?!

V: Gimme your wallet! *the boy complies, whimpering from the pain*

V: Say thank you, Victoria! Now skip, you little b*tch!

F: SKIP MOTHERF*CKER! *The teenage boy does as he's told*


V: For the record...

D: In conclusion...

D (S): We all know...

All: I'm everybody's favourite!

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