Victoria and Dusk's Reaction To PJ Masks

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Lila: What is going on in there?

Allison: For some reason, Dusk and Victoria found a kids show and are now pointing out the obvious things...

(Video to 00:27)

Victoria: Man, I'm okay! I don't need a ride from you!

Dusk: We're gonna go us call a damn uber!

Victoria: I'm not about to have three little a-- kids playing superheros to give us a ride! It's a little too early to be putting on Halloween costumes, your riding around in Batman's bat mobile trying to go trick or treating.

Dusk: Wait...but I'm gonna take a guess and say y'all don't even have a licence!

*Meanwhile, the Hargreeves and Lila are already dying from laughter*

Dusk: Where's y'all sprinting from? The damn crime scene? Batman reported his car stolen! Y'all running from the cops!

Victoria: Catboy? Boy, you hella sweet! *makes a cat noise* WHO THE HELL WANNA BE A DAMN CAT? F-ck, you related to Catwoman, b-tch?! No wonder you got Batman's bat mobile, you working for her! Ain't no villain gonna be scared of you, all they gotta do is throw some catnip in the distance and you gonna leave the battle! You can't even go to bed like everyone else, you need kitty litter!

*The Hargreeves all have to hold onto something since they can't stop laughing*

Dusk: Did she just say she was Omelette?! I'm not even trying to be funny, I didn't hear what she said! That tight a-- bird man suit! Who the hell let that eagle dye her hair? If you don't take those damn peacock feathers off your outfit, you posing like you fly! I mean, you is flying in the air, but you know what I mean!

Lila: O-Okay, Vic, that's enough...

Victoria: Gekko? B-tch, you look like Reptile! Or Green Goblin looking-a--!

Dusk: Like how are you the Geico, you don't know how to do nobody's car insurance! Those green a-- eyes, we can tell you was blazing before you left the house! 

Victoria: You look like some damn guacamole dude! That tiny a-- nose! You can only smell a little bit of everything! Somebody come and get this damn sea serpent off our screen!

Klaus: D-Dusk, Tori, please stop. We're all dying over here!

Victoria: Over there, roof hopping like you a damn Ninja Turtle! B-tch, you not Ralphael nor Michelangelo! But your friend is green like 'em! That motherf-cker's a mutant!

Dusk: But I don't know how you running on top of people buildings and nobody made a complaint yet! It's obvious that neighbourhood don't have a neighbourhood watch because your silly a--es would've been caught and escorted to a damn prison cell!

Diego: Jesus, please don't turn into your demon selves from just stressing over a show...

Victoria: He look like Green Goblin but this boy think he Spiderman! Boy, why your palms sweaty, knees weak, arms as heavy as (I have no idea what he said), looking a--!

Dusk: Man, did the damn Paw Patrol turn into humans or did Power Rangers do another reboot?! This fake a-- red, green and blue ranger! Not only did y'all steal Batman's bat mobile, y'all stole the Power Rangers morphing device! These bada-- kids going into the night doing hella crime and haven't been caught yet! What are the cops doing in this town?!

Victoria: Right, look at this damn wild cat! You think you Sonic, don't you?! But what the hell is a PJ Mask? I didn't know peanut butter and jelly made outfits! My dude looking like a damn glow stick at a rave party! 

Dusk: Bedtime is the right time to fight crime...b-tch, y'all should be asleep! PJ Mask our a--! Y'all should be in your damn pyjamas! You all out there in the middle of the night roleplaying and sh-t!

Victoria: But wait...don't think I don't know where y'all stole this scene from! Why is this boy fighting the damn robot from Mr. Incredible?! Look, people, the proof is right there! But who that person look like? What I tell y'all! You can't tell me that character don't look like her! 

Victoria: Let me tell you this damn bedtime rhyme...night, night, stop the fight! You motherf-ckers got school once that sky is bright! 

Dusk: Y'all still wipping corners in Batman's car! Where do y'all live at?! Gotham?! Somebody please stop these kids from joyriding! Now I'm convinced y'all those damn Paw Patrol dogs because just like in that show, y'all love stealing vehicles!

Victoria: Damn, y'all got a high-tech submarine too?! Y'all just went in the Bat Cave and raid that man from everything he had! He should've thrown a damn Batarang at y'all, this never would've happened! 

(Stop video.)

Lila: Are you two okay?

Victoria: Fine, why do you ask?

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