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Analeah was crouched with a camera in her hand, she smiled fondly at the sight of wolves in their natural habitat eating from a carcass. With a click of her camera, she sat back and watched the pack as they communicated. She had always been amazed by the world's predators and how they functioned with their hierarchy, but nothing was more beautiful to her than witnessing Wolves or Lions in their most natural manner consuming food or playing amongst each other. Some would claim she was mentally sick for enjoying such sights while she knew she was just desensitized to it due to her brother's survivalist training.

The wolves were startled by the sound of helicopter blades landing in the field making Analeah growl under her breath before packing up her things. She raised her brows at the sight of two men approaching her, one of them sent her a smile while the other huffed a grin. "You must be Analeah Conrad?" The larger man asked with an excited glint in his eyes. "That'd be me. And you two are?" Analeah asked them as she swung her backpack over her shoulders. "My name is Bill Randa and this is my companion, Houston Brooks. We're with Monarch and we are asking for your assistance in an expedition," Randa explained gaining her attention.

"And why would I care about some expedition?" Analeah asked them as she crossed her arms against her stomach, her British accent coming through. "It's to an uncharted island that has been untouched by anyone and as an animal expert, we believe you'd make an excellent addition to the team," Brooks explained to her with a smile. Brooks admired the work of Analeah Conrad who despite only being seventeen years old has managed to become a well-known author for her book on predators in the wild. "And what exactly is the plan for this island? What are you looking for?" Analeah asked them with an untrustworthy tone.

"The aim is to search the island for any potential tribes, plant life that could be useful in medicine, and the potential animals and predators that lurk in the tropical jungle," Randa answered her with a monotone response, she already didn't trust them due to their connection to Monarch but now, she didn't like how robotic Randa's answer was. "We will pay to hire your services as both an animal behaviorist and a protector," Brooks assured her as she raised a brow, she had to admit that the money sounded worth it. She needed the money badly to fund her sanctuary to protect endangered wolves, this could be the opportunity to do so.

"All right. I want twenty thousand per day and ten thousand per death," Analeah told the two men with no room for disagreement or negotiation. While Randa seemed hesitant about the pricing, Brooks was all for it to ensure their team had the best of the best. "We can do that," Brooks said as he looked at Randa. "Very well, Ms Conrad. You'll get your pay," Randa told her, Analeah nodded before tossing her bag at Brooks. "Then what are we waiting for?" Analeah asked as she made her way to the helicopter ready to head to their destination.


Bill Randa and Houston Brooks headed to Vietnam to pick up their next chosen team member, the older brother of Analeah Conrad, James. After watching him fight off a couple of people after a game of pool, the three sat down at a table. "An unchartered island. Let me list all the ways you're gonna die," James spoke after they explained the job and placed the cash in front of him. "Rain, heat, mud, disease-carrying flies and mosquitos," James explained to them causing Brooks to feel uneasy. "Sure, you could load up on the atabrine for the Malaria, but what about the other bacteria?" James asked them, his arms crossed as he leaned back in his seat.

"And we haven't even started on the things that want to eat you alive," James finished off as he looked between the two men. "We'll double that," Randa offered as he realized where Analeah got her personality from. "You have no idea how dangerous this is. I want five times that. Plus, a bonus if we make it back," James told them with negotiation. "If?" Brooks questioned him with worried eyes. James just looked Brooks in the eyes to prove how serious he was about this situation. "Pay him," Brooks told Randa, "I think Mr. Conrad should be fairly compensated." Randa raised his shot, "Here's to profit during peacetime." He downed his shot, "Just like your sister." James looked at him, "What?"


Analeah approached Pier 14 in Bangkok, her eyes locked onto the ship called 'The Athena' and she made her way towards the man standing by it. "Who are you?" The man asked as he looked up at Analeah, scrutinizing her younger presence. "I'm Analeah Conrad, here on request of Bill Randa," Analeah answered him with a raised brow. He motioned for her to walk onto the ship, she rolled her eyes at him before walking up only to be stopped by another man. "Are you in the right place, young lady?" He asked with a smug smirk. "I certainly am. Colonel Packard, I assume?" Analeah asked him as she knew about the Sky Devils.

"I am. I'm afraid that I don't know your name," Colonel Packard spoke as he looked down at Analeah, her clothes clearly showed that she wasn't here uninformed. She was wearing brown shorts with a blue tank top, chunky black work boots, and a bag suitable for hiking while carrying essentials. "I'm Analeah Conrad," Analeah introduced as she held out her hand for the man to shake, he grabbed her hand and shook it. "Firm grip, Analeah," Colonel Packard complimented. "You'll be glad to know that my men will do their very best to ensure your safety," Colonel Packard added.

"I appreciate that but I'll do just fine on my own," Analeah told him as she handed him the form he needed to collect. Analeah walked away from Colonel Packard and made her way toward the open bow of the large ship where the helicopter pads were. She felt uneasy about this job, the lack of information about the Island and the need for a military escort just made matters worse in Analeah's mind. But the opportunity was too great to walk away from it, she wanted the chance to see the Island and experience whatever she could while she was young; no doubt that one day a man would come along and 'trap' her as a housewife as her mother always wanted.


"Analeah Conrad?" A voice asked, Analeah turned to the man and nodded. "I'm Major Jack Chapman. The Colonel tells me that you've worked in some high-risk areas," Jack said as he stepped up next to her. "I've done my fair share of travel. Jungles with Gorillas, African Plains with Lions, and the Wolves up in the North of America are my main areas of expertise," Analeah replied to him, she may have only been seventeen but she held pride in the challenges she had faced. "Sounds impressive to me, but what would I know?" Jack asked her rhetorically with a smirk on his face, Analeah laughed at that.

"I wanted to introduce myself before the others got here and took all of your attention. We will do our very best to get you there safely and out safely. I understand that you can protect yourself but if you require help, we will be there," Jack expressed to her formally. Analeah appreciated that they didn't underestimate her, it was something she had experienced with most soldiers, they typically respected her and her abilities. "Thank you, Chapman," Analeah told him before they shook hands. Jack Chapman left Analeah to herself as she looked out to the water, she was both anxious and excited for the expedition. But she had no idea just how life-changing it would be.



Rosemary Speaks

Hello and welcome to another Kong: Skull Island short story.

My other book Rescued (James Conrad fanfic) was released and I decided why not do a Slivko one too while I'm in the mindset of ideas.

This book will be around or possibly the same length as that book, so if you want a short story to enjoy as a palette cleanser between longer novels, here you go.

See you next chapter!

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