1.13 | Torn Apart

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"She lied to us, she decieved us and she was planning to steal from us," Morticia said after hearing the true story from Wednesday. "Yes, Mother," Wednesday replied with a stoic expression to hide the true heartbreak he was feeling being torn from his love. "I knew there was a reason I adore her. She is perfect for you, Wednesday," Morticia told him with a proud smile on her face, "Don't you worry, dear. We will save her from that woman." Gomez nodded in agreement with his wife, "Have no fear, justice will prevail! The courts will decide. They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness, I am that fool!"

"Therefore, it is with no small amount of personal satisfaction that I declare Fester Addams legal executor of the Addams Estate and rightful owner of all possessions and properties contained therein with one exception," The Judge announced before picking up a bucket of golf balls, "Gomez Addams, I believe these are yours." He poured the golf balls into the stand before turning his gaze to Lillith who stood with her grandmother wearing an old beige dress that made her cringe, "Furthermore, I declare that Lillith Whitley remains under the full custody of Mrs. Abigail Craven and is denied emancipation." Lillith's eyes widened in fear, she knew her fate.

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Abigail Craven's nails dug into Lillith's wrist as she dragged the girl up the stairs of the Addams' home, tossing her into Wednesday's room before closing the door and locking it. "You will not be leaving this room alive, Lillian," Abigail growled through the door before storming away leaving the young girl holding her wrist to her chest weeping. Lillith raised her head and realised that she had been put in Wednesday's room, the only sense of comfort she felt being so far away from him. The seventeen year old pushed off of the ground and limped her way towards the bed, wrapping herself in the blankets allowing Wednesday's coffee metallic smell to cover her.

Meanwhile, Abigail stood with Gordon and Tulley underneath all of the chain levers in the Addams' vault. They each grabbed hold of one and pulled down, instantly, three metal hands grabbed them and pulled them up through a tube where they landed outside of the home. "You're doing this on purpose," Abigail accused her son. "That's right, Mother. Isn't this fun?" Gordon replied sarcastically. "I'll race you back," Tulley added equally sarcastic. The three headed back into the home ready to try again, they wouldn't stop until the money was theirs. Gordon looked towards the stairs for a moment, the echoes of Lillith's soft cries made his heart hurt.

Elsewhere, Gomez sat emotionless in a chair while Thing massages his head. "Yes, we've been forced from our home. Yes, we've been betrayed by those we trusted. And yes, sweet Lillith is being held captive by those terrible people, but we are Addams' and we will not submit," Morticia stated firmly to her loving family. Wednesday sat by the window with a blank expression, any light he may have carried before had faded and he was as still as a statue yearning for his love to be back in his arms. "Who recalls the old fable of the tortoise and the hare? The swift yet little cottontail and his slow but determined companion? What does this story teach us?" Morticia asked them.

"Kill the hare! Skin it! Boil it!" Grandmama exclaimed loudly. "Put the tortoise on the highway," Wednesday blankly said. "During rush hour," Pugsley added with a sad smirk. "Yes," Morticia replied before continuing, "We will survive. Poison us. Strangle us. Break our bones. We will come back for more. And why?" Grandmama spoke first, "Because we like it!" Pugsley looked to his mother with a smile, "Because we're Addams'!" Wednesday finally turned away from the window, "And we will save Lillith, ma précieuse. No matter what it takes." Pugsley smirked turning to his brother, "Your girlfriend~." Wednesday turned his glare to his brother, "Yes. Mine and mine only."

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Outside the motel where the Addams' were staying, Lurch passed Wednesday and Pugsley who were selling lemonade; though it didn't seem to look like lemonade. "Here, Lurch. On the house," Pugsley held up a cup before passing it to the tall man. Lurch took a sip and fire blew out of his mouth setting a nearby statue on fire. A girl scout carrying a box of cookies approached the lemonade stand. "Is this made from real lemons?" The girl asked the two boys, her eyes more focused on Wednesday. "Yes," The older Addams boy replied. "I only like all natural fruits and beverages, organically grown with no preservatives," The girl rambled before asking snobbishly, "Are you sure they're real lemons?"

Wednesday clenched his jaw as he glared at the girl, Pugsley noticed and leaned forward to bring the girls attention to him. "Yes, it is," Pugsley told her. "Well, I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?" The girl asked them. "Are they made from real Girl Scouts?" Wednesday asked in a dark tone causing the girl to step back, she swallowed fearfully before quickly walking away from the two boys. "Wednesday, are you alright?" Pugsley asked his older brother softly, he had never seen his brother so terrifying. "I'm fine," Wednesday said as he stood up and walked away. But he wasn't fine, he felt like he was dying and not in the pleasant way he had hoped for.

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Meanwhile, Morticia sat in a lady's office applying for a job. "We have so many homemakers re-entering the work force. Your domestic skills can be very valuable. Uh, College?" The woman asked. "Private tutors," Morticia answered her. "Major?" The woman questioned her. "Spells and hexes," Morticia replied with a fond smile on her face. "Liberal Arts," The woman suggested before asking, "What about your husband? Is he currently employed?" Morticia sighed sadly, "He's going through a bad patch at the moment. But it's not his fault." The woman nodded sympathetically before asking, "Of course not. What is he, a loafer? A hopeless lay-about? A shiftless dreamer?" Mortica frowned, "Not anymore."

After her interview, Morticia found herself sat in front of a group of little kids telling them a story. "And so, the witch lured Hansel and Gretel into the candy house by promising them more sweets. And she told them to look in the oven. And she was about to push them in, when lo and behold, Hansel pushed the poor, defenseless witch into the oven instead where she was burned alive, writhing in agony," Morticia told the kids before asking, "Now boys and girls, what do you think that feels like?" The kids looked at her with shock and fear before they all began crying loudly, Morticia sighed with a slight smile at the sight of it.

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Back in the Addams' home, Abigail and Gordon were sitting at the table eating their lunch while Lillith was upstairs in the shower trying to wash away the pain that burned through her chest in a way she didn't find pleasant at all. "After lunch we'll try again," Abigail told Gordon. "Yes, Mother," Gordon muttered playing with his food. "We'll find the money," Abigail stated sternly, "Meanwhile, we have this little nest, quiet and cozy. Without that dreadful family. And soon, we'll be rid of Lillian too." Gordon frowned hearing that, "Yes, Mother." He felt so conflicted after spending so much time with the family, it was loving and caring but Abigail was only those things when she wanted something.

Upstairs, Lillith let the scolding hot water flow over her body ignoring the bright red tinge of her usually fair tone. Tears fell down her cheeks as she held her sore wrist her chest, the palm of her hand resting against her slow heartbeat. Her other hand rested against the wall as she leaned so the water fell down her back, she sniffled trying to stop the tears. She felt weak, pathetic and useless crying like a baby but the pain in her heart was taking her breath from her lungs, filling her mind with darkness and completely tearing her apart. If she believed enough, she could almost feel Wednesday's arms around her holding her close to him but he wasn't there, he wouldn't be there.

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Later that night, Abigail unlocked the door and opened it before stepping into the room spotting Lillith sitting by the window blankly staring into the abyss wearing one of Wednesday's button-up shirts and a pair of plaid pyjamas. "I brought up some leftovers for you. Can't have you starving on me. Thin girls don't get the right buyers," Abigail spoke as she placed a plate down on the desk. "Buyers?" Lillith's raspy tone replied as she turned her head to her grandmother. "Oh yes. You see, one can never not have enough richies, dear girl. While Gordon works to get the gold here, I'll have your death result in me getting the inheritance your parents left you," Abigail explained as she walked towards the girl.

Lillith stood up with a blank expression, she felt like her energy had been drained from her. "And there are some lovely men who are always looking for a bride and very willing to pay a pretty penny too," Abigail expressed as she grabbed Lillith's chin, "Tomorrow, a fine gentleman with a lot of money will be coming by to check out the merchandise. You will be dressed to perfection or I will make your precious loverboy pay." Lillith glared at the woman's words, "He'll come for me. You wait and see, he loves me." Abigail scoffed as she patted her granddaughters cheek harshly, "Oh dear, if he loved you, he would've saved you already." Lillith was silent as the woman laughed in her face before leaving.

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Wednesday sat in the corner of the motel room with a book in hand, his fingers brushed against the drawing on the paper. It had been a piece he had done one night sleeping next to Lillith, she had been reading one of the books he had suggested and it didn't take long for her to be enraptured by the story. It allowed Wednesday the chance to draw her, the picture was all he had of her. Wednesday winced from the pain in his chest, he rubbed it as someone approached with a kind smile on their face. "It aches. It's apart of it," Gomez spoke as he sat down next to his son admiring the drawing. "Does it ever fade?" Wednesday asked softly.

"No. Not with the distance between the of you," Gomez answered him honestly. "When I first met your mother, Wednesday. I felt it instantly, she was my zing, my One. I knew that no other would capture my heart the way she would," Gomez expressed, "There was a time that we had been torn apart from each other and the pain... it left me numb, pained and alone. It was healed the moment she was back in my arms and I asked her to marry me." Wednesday's lips twitched up, "I want to help her, Father. I just don't know how." Gomez rested his hand on his sons shoulder, "We'll find a way, my boy. You'll be together again, I am certain of that." Wednesday agreed, he'd do whatever it takes to help her.

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Rosemary Speaks. . .

The loving couple have been torn apart from each other and Abigail has plans to sell Lillith into a betrothal. How do y'all feel about that?

Next chapter is the final one for Act One aka the first movie. And then we'll begin Act Two aka the second movie!

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

Also, just wanted to put out there that I do have a Wednesday series book however, it is a girl x girl book aka Wednesday Addams falling in love with my oc, Esmarie King.

I will not be doing a male!Wednesday series book. Sorry for that if you were hoping for it.

See you in the next chapter!

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