1.9 | The Boys' Play

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Fester and Lillith walked into Fester's room to see Abigail Craven standing in the room. "Mother," Gordon greeted while Lillith stood with her hands clasped behind her back and her eyes lowered. "Everyone will be at the children's play tonight, yes?" Abigail asked the two. "Oh, yes. I've been working with them. It's going to be fun," Gordon replied to her excitedly. "Yeah, Wednesday showed me the basics and plans to show me more after the play," Lillith exclaimed before lowering her gaze again at the glare on Abigail's face. "Fun!?" Abigail snapped out, "Is that what we're here for? Fun?!" Abigail stepped forward and slapped Gordon across the face.

She was quick to hit Lillith next, the seventeen year old was frozen for a moment before lowering her eyes to the ground as the stinging pain vibrated through her face uncomfortably. When Abigail turned away, Lillith raised her hand to her cheek feeling the small cut that had been left by her Grandmother's ring. "Oh, darlings, forgive me," Abigail quickly recovered, she placed her hand against her forehead, her eyes filling with faux guilt for her rash action. "See what you have driven me to? I've raised a hand to my child and grandchild, ny reasons for living," Abigail expressed solemnly causing Gordon to look down in shame.

"Lillian, you can go to the play and keep up appearances, is that understood?" Abigail asked her granddaughter who stayed silent, her heart was pounding as she kept her eyes on the blood that was on the tips of her fingers from her bleeding cheek. "If you want those papers signed for emancipation and access to your parents' inheritance, you will do as I say!" Abigail demanded further as she placed her fingers under the girls chin raising her head to look into her eyes, "Is that understood?" Lillith swallowed slowly before taking a quick deep breath, "Yes, Grandmother. I understand completely." The woman let go of her chin with a flick of her wrist, the action sudden, sending Lillith's head to the left slightly.

"Good. Now run along so I can talk to Gordon alone," Abigail demanded, the teen was quick to nod and leave the room wishing to escape the woman as her mind spiralled. Lillith was quick to walk down the hall before stepping into the bathroom, closing the door behind her before looking into the mirror. Her eyes widened as she noticed her eyes glowing a red-ish orange as mist seemed to form around her hands, she felt angered by her Grandmother's assualt amd began truly questioning what was happening to her. The dreams of red mist on the night of her parents death, the medication she was forced to take and now, the glowing eyes of a witch.

Three knocks on the door startled Lillith from her reflection, her eyes returned to normal and the mist faded as she turned and opened the door revealing Wednesday who had watched her rush by to the bathroom. "Are you okay?" Wednesday asked before his eyes focused on the cut on Lillith's cheek, the sight of her bleeding caused a boiling rage through his body. "Who did that? Was it Pugsley?" Wednesday asked through gritted teeth, he walked closer to her and gently cupped her face in his hands. "No!" Lillith quickly replied before sighing, "I, uh, did it to myself. I was clumsy again and stumbled into the armour stand by my room."

Wednesday was silent for a moment before he grabbed her by her hips and sat her on the basin counter. "Oh!" Lillith exclaimed from the sudden action. Wednesday grabbed a kit from the side cupboard, he pulled out some supplies before putting some cream onto a small cloth pad. He held her chin delicately in one hand while the other reached up to wipe the blood away and clean the cut. Lillith watched Wednesday as his face contorted due to his expression of concentration, she admired the crease in his brow and the dimples in his cheeks.

Lillith's eyes soon landed on his lips, she watched as his tongue poked out slightly; a cute habit he has when concentrating. Her breath hitched as she let her eyes wander until they were locked with Wednesday's eyes, a smirk formed on his face having caught her staring at his lips. "See something you like, Cara mia?" Wednesday whispered seductively, the sound was sinful leaving Lillith sure she owed a priest a confession due to her thoughts. "Uh..." Lillith cleared her throat before turning her gaze away from him. Wednesday smirked with pride at the flustered expression on Lillith's face, he finished cleaning the cut before placing a bandaid on it so it didn't get infected.

Wednesday stepped closer to Lillith, her legs either side of his body as he let one hand drop down to rest on her waist while the other guided her face to look up at him. "Why so shy, petite renarde?" Wednesday questioned the brunette who shivered as his French words echoed through her mind. "...I'm not... shy," Lillith replied softly as Wednesday moved closer until his face was a breath away from her own. "Just flustered then, mi reina?" Wednesday taunted, he was loving the way her face flushed a deep pink and the way her eyes refused to make eye contact but kept flickering to his lips. "This will be fun, Mon Cher," Wednesday muttered, his lips brushed her own ever so slightly before he pulled back and walked away.

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Meanwhile back in Fester's room, Abigail had turned her attention to her son. "You can't go to the play," Abigail told him firmly. "But the kids..." Gordon responded with a frown. "The house will be deserted. The vault will be ours," Abigail insisted. "But Mother..." Gordon whined. Abigail pulled Gordon's head to rest against her chest, "Can you hear it, my treasure? My heartbeat. It beats only for you. Not Lillian, you. Listen closely. It says 'Gordon, I love you. Gordon, the vault'." She sighed as he muttered, "I do hear it." Abigail leaned back to look at him, "Soon, we'll have the money and we'll be far from here. Loving Mother... Grateful son... Dead granddaughter... understood?"

"Dead, Mother?" Gordon questioned confused, he hadn't known about that nor did he understand why his Mother didn't just sign the papers. "Yes. With Lillian out there, I'll never get the money she is to inherit," Abigail told him. "But with the money in the vault, we'll be rich," Gordon replied, he didn't wish for his niece to be killed. "You can never have too much money, Gordon. Besides, her bond with that boy practically compromises her and I can't trust her to keep it all a secret," Abigail informed Gordon who frowned once again. "I understand, Mother," Gordon replied, what else could he do about it?

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Pugsley and Wednesday approached Fester's door and knocked on it. "Uncle Fester? Come on, Uncle Fester. Come to the play," Pugsley insisted. "I said I was busy!" Fester replied to the young boy. "But you said you would help us with the Shakespeare and the pus," Wednesday reminded his uncle. "I changed my mind," Fester snapped, though a frown rested on his face. "Hey boys, your parents are ready to go," Lillith told the boys as she approached them, her eyes turned away from Wednesday who smirked her way. "What about Uncle Fester?" Puglsey asked her with a pout. "I don't think we'll be able to change his mind," Lillith told them, they both sighed before following Lillith down the stairs.

The Addams' and Lillith walked into the school, a few boys turned their heads to look at Lillith who was wearing a black halter dress that stopped at her knees with some ankle boots, her hair straightened and resting down her back. She wore her necklaces, bracelets and rings with natural make-up rather than her usual smoky look. Wednesday was quick to notice the way those boys looked Lillith up and down, he growled to himself before grabbing her hand and pulling her to stand right next to him causing the boys to look away with eye rolls or disgust. Wednesday pulled Lillith along with him, Pugsley trailing behind them with a smirk on his face.

Morticia and Gomez stayed back, the two shared an amused look at their eldest sons actions before Morticia was approached by one of Wednesday's teachers. "Mrs Addams, can I see you for a moment? I'm Susan Firkins. I'm Wednesday's teacher," Mrs Firkins introduced herself. "Oh, of course, Mrs Firkins. Wednesday's told us so much about you," Morticia replied politely, her usual kind smile upon her face. "Wednesday is an excellent student but frankly, I'm concerned," Mrs Firkins spoke as she led Morticia towards a board that was hung on the wall within the school hallway.

"You see, this is our class bulletin board," She gestured to the board, "This month, our theme is our heroes, people we love and admire. You see, Susan Ringo has chosen the president. Isn't that sweet?" Morticia nodded kindly as the teacher continued, "And Harmoney Feld has picked Jane Pauly." Morticia raised a brow at that before asking in concern, "Have you spoken to her parents?" Mrs Firkins looked at Morticia with a confused look before shaking it off and gesturing towards Wednesday's choice, "But Wednesday brought in this picture. Calpurnia Addams." The drawing was of a creepy woman with dark eyes.

"Wednesday's Great-Aunt Calpurnia. She was burned as a witch in 1706," Morticia informed Mrs Firkins, "They say she danced naked in the town square and enslaved a minister." Mrs Firkins' eyes widened, "Really?" She was clearly scared, the idea of her being an actual witch was fairly frightful. "Oh, yes. But don't worry. We've told Wednesday, college first," Morticia assured the woman however, she was moreso frightened then before. She quickly said her goodbyes to the Addams' Matriarch before rushing away leaving Morticia to approach her husband and head into the room where the play would be happening.

"Isn't he adorable?" Margaret asked as she pinched her son's cheeks, "I made this myself." Morticia smiled, "It's charming. What is he? A lizard?" Margaret furrowed her brows in distaste before snapping, "An elf." She turned back to her son, Tulley Jr, "Look at you." She knelt in front of him and licked a napkin before wiping the boy's face despite him wincing, "That's better. You are too precious for words. Why... I could just eat you alive!" Morticia frowned and shook her head, "Oh, no, Margaret. Too young." Margaret looked up at her with wide eyes and concern in her gaze.

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Wednesday and Pugsley were backstage getting ready for their performance as other kids performed. Lillith assisted Wednesday with his make-up, her eyes so focused that she hadn't taken notice of the way his eyes darkened and watched her mouth as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Wednesday, Pugsley, Lillith," A voice whispered from behind them pulling Wednesday out of his dark and slightly manic thoughts about the brunette standing between his legs. They turned and saw Fester standing behind them with an encouraging smile on his face, Lillith smiled back at him seeing that he had arrived despite Abigail's demands.

"I changed my mind," Fester told the two boys. "Uncle Fester," Wednesday greeted happily as Fester tossed him and Pugsley the swords before running off to find a seat for himself and Lillith. "I should go join the crowd," Lillith told Wednesday, she was still for a moment before she leaned down and kissed Wednesday's cheek, whispering, "Good luck." She quickly rushed off to sit down while Wednesday watched her, his heart pounding as his cheeks flush a faint light pink and his gaze darkened. "Wednesday's got a girlfriend! Wednesday's got a girlfriend!" Pugsley teased his older brother despite being happy for him.

"Shut it, Pugsley. She isn't my girlfriend," Wednesday snapped at his little brother, his dark manic glare was enough to silence his brother who turned away. "Yet..." Wednesday muttered to himself, he took a deep breath and prepared to walk onto the stage. Lillith sat down on the other side of Fester who had sat down next to Gomez, the younger Addams brother turned to him with a smirk, "I knew you couldn't stay away, old man." Lillith chuckled softly at the comment before she turned to the stage. Wednesday and Pugsley appeared on the stage to begin their prepared performance, they began sword fighting.

"How all occasions do inform against me and spur my full revenge. Oh, from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody or nothing worth. If I must strike you dead, I will!" Wednesday recited perfectly before Pugsley sliced Wednesday's arms and fake blood sprayed out of him like a fountain. "A hit! A very palpable hit!" Pugsley exclaimed. Wednesday swung his sword and chopped off Pugsley's arm causing fake blood to spray out, Pugsley retaliated by slicing Wednesday's neck. Wednesday turned to the audience and sprayed the front row in fake blood. "Oh proud death... what feast is toward in thine eternal cell?" Wednesdat dropped his sword and fell to his knees.

"Sweet oblivion, open your arms," Wednesday began to choke and cough before falling to the floor. The audience was silent and stunned but Lillith jumped up and began applauding the two boys, cheering and whooping with the Addams' following her actions. "Bravo!" Gomez and Fester cheered together. Wednesday and Pugsley bowed before standing tall, the crowd finally joined the applause but did not stand. Lillith and Wednesday made eye contact, the boys stare was intense and made Lillith blush but she didn't dare turn her own eyes away from him. She didn't care what her grandmother wanted, Lillith wanted Wednesday Addams.

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Rosemary Speaks. . .

It's getting spicy between Lillith and Wednesday, huh?

I am genuinely loving this story.

Also, any mistakes, grammer issues or such is due to me typing on my phone.

Thoughts, Suggestions or Questions?

See you in the next chapter!

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