๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ ~ A Hatful of Dreams

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The sun shone upon the cyan seas, the wind blowing gently as the clouds moved past a passing ship. On that ship, was a young chocolate maker; someone full of dreams of his own. He had just spent years from his life, all dedicated to gaining what he needs to make the most wonderful delicacy in the world; chocolate. His name...Willy Wonka. The man climbed up the ship's pole and stood on the crow's nest, as he gazed upon the land that could faintly be seen as the ship continued its course.ย 

He let a smile come upon his lips, as he watched the sight in front of him. It was a place he had longed to see, and a place where he would be whatever he wanted to be.


(Start to 2:19)

"After seven years of life upon the ocean,
It is time to bid the Seven Seas farewell"

"And the city I've pinned seven years of hopes on
Lies just over the horizon, I can hear the harbourย bell"

The ship's bell echoed throughout. "Land ahoy!" He exclaimed out, sliding down on an icy rope and then running down to get ready.

"Got a tattered overcoat and battered suitcase"

An engineer helped Willy put his purple, and said tattered overcoat, on before being thrown his suitcase.ย 

"Got a pair of leaky boots upon my feet"

A cleaner had accidentally thrown water onto Willy's shoes, giving the man an apology. He just smiled in return.

"Gotta drag myself up by my one good bootlace
Gotta work my rotten socks off if I want to make ends meet"

Willy grabbed his bag, cane and was thrown his brown, top hat; which he placed tightly on his head.ย 

"I've poured everythingย I've got into my chocolate
Now it's timะต to show the world my recipes"

The ship's driver took some sovereigns and threw it to Willy. "Good luck, Willy!" The chocolatier jumped onto the top of a truck, starting to drive off and lead him towards town.

"I've got twelve silver sovereigns in my pocket
And a hatful of dreams"


The truck had, at last, taken Willy to where he wished to be. He held his arm out and latched onto a light pole, sliding down in a twist and onto the ground. He adjusted his top hat, before continuing on his way.

"There's a famous restaurant on every street here
There's Brandino's and the Bar Parisian"

"Restaurant map, sir?"

"Oh, thank you."

"Got a little map to tell me where to eat here"

"Had a dozen silver sovereigns, now I'm somehow down to ten
Want the finest produce?"

"This is where they stock it"

Willy came over to see some produce of fruit and vegetables, and took a pumpkin into his hands; analysing it. However, a tram came past and its ringing bell scared him. It made him drop the pumpkin and break it, completely. "That's three sovereigns, mate." The shopkeeper said. Willy sighed in dismay, handing the amount to her.ย 

"Though the prices are suspiciously extreme"

"Can you pay for it?" She mumbled to herself. Willy took his sovereigns and started to count them.

"I've got... five, six, seven?"

Arching an eyebrow, he looked down to see a little boy, cleaning his shoes from the bits of pumpkin on them. He then held his hand out for some payment too. Willy did so, handing him a sovereign, and then began to walk away.ย 

"Six silver sovereigns in my pocket
And a hatful of dreams"

"Brush your coat, sir?"

"No, thank you."


"No, leave me alone." Willy went from walking to running as he tried to escape the little boy.

Elsewhere, we move towards a bakery where we see a young, blonde woman come out of the building. It was the fair Dorothy Palmer, now in her 20s. She had a sweet muffin in her hands, graciously given to her by Melinda; who had taken a side job as a baker since the troupe was on a break from performing. "Dazzle those around you, Dorothy, dear!" She yelled out to her. Dorothy smiled in reply, but it disappeared as soon as she turned around and walked away. As much as Charles and his friends knew about her decision, she just couldn't face it.

The thought of singing in front of strangers on the streets made her anxious. Who knows what they could think of her? See her as a serious performer? Or see her as another hoax or scammer on these tedious streets? It didn't help when she walked through the place she once stole from. Every day, she would make money anyway possible and to have it taken by those three men, and now some scammers by the names of Mrs. Scrubit and Bleacher. This debt only got worse by them as her uncle, Charles, had accidentally fallen for gaining a room and now owed several and several sovereigns back to them. It didn't even make sense for a drink of gin to cost so much in return. Dorothy had to take the option to pay off that debt as well, since his mental health wouldn't make it any better.ย 

The three chocolatiers were known for their business tactics and the influence of the people of Galeries Gourmet, with their chocolate shops. Dorothy never forgot those threats they would give her everyday, either from their menacing glares from the above windows or their provided words that came from the police officers, who would patrol the area. The debt hung over her, like a dark cloud with the sun.ย 

Charles had kept urging her to show her talent to the public so that they could earn some money for both of them; to pay off both debts. Dorothy just wouldn't accept the fact that she was being forced into doing something that she dreamed of doing, but wasn't ready to showcase it towards others. However, inside, she did feel that she had to face her fears and take some faith in her dreams but...it'd probably be a long time before that would come into show.

Dorothy just sometimes wished that she could be living a life where she wasn't being held at her own will, and a lifeย  where she could be living what she dreamed of.


"What I could be if I believed in me
Maybe today, I'll find a way, my dreams will set me free"

Dorothy took a bite of her muffin, then tossing it into a nearby bin, that the shoe rubber boy had secretly taken to eat himself.

"I can't make up my mind, tired of getting left behind
What I could be if I believed in me"

She walked down the market street, grabbing a light pole and twisting around on it as she sang to herself. As she kept going, she eyed those around her; those who were dressed fancy and clearly flaunting of what they owned.

"What would it be like to live somebody else's life?"

She waltzed around, oblivious to those who watched her with confusion as they watched the blonde sing and dance to herself. However, as she continued, some barrels from a truck came rolling out accidentally; catching Dorothy in its path and she wobbled on top of one.

"Those daydreams don't last
And they all fall apart pretty fast"

Dorothy danced through and past people.

"The merchants arrive, they know exactly how and why
They do what they do
I wish that could be true for me too"

"What I could be if I believed in me
Maybe today, I'll dream away and everyone will see
The coloursย in my mind, all the shapes and the designs
They'd be set free if I believed in me"

As Dorothy went on and on, Willy had eventually lost the little boy that ran after him, and began to walk back towards the Galeries Gourmet, his destination. He was able to catch in his sights, the beauty of this city despite its suspicious standards. It was something that was quite remarkable.ย 

However, it was the dancing girl that caught his attention as if she was caught in the same daydream of his. Dorothy laughed and smiled, continuing, before catching sight of the strange man staring at her. In a sudden moment, she quickly sped away to an alleyway, keeping herself hidden as she felt her fright come back and overtake how she felt. Willy arched an eyebrow at her curious behaviour, then simply shaking his head, and continuing his journey.

"I never know the words to say, I can't show my face
I just know I'd be so out of place"

Dorothy continued to sing to herself, poking her head out to see if he was gone. Luckily, he was right out of sight, to her luck. She came out of her hiding place and walked across town, stopping at the centre (where the fountain was), staring right up at the theatre building.

"But how would it feel to make all of my daydreams real?
But I hesitate, and the moment goes by, it's too late"

Then, it seemed as if the lighting in the sky had changed. To Dorothy, everything seemed to be more cyan lighting, her favourite colour, instead of the sun and the bright blue sky. People that had been walking past were now dancing around her. The dance they seemed to be doing was clearly choreographed.ย 

"Is this a new day?"

Dorothy looked all around her, confused, and she kept singing.ย 

"Maybe they'll all see"

Her confusion then went into joy and she embraced her feelings in that moment. She willingly joined in with the dance that others were doing, a bright smile upon her face.

"I'll stand, and I'll say that I believe in me, oh-oh-oh"

Two men came over and held Dorothy up by her arms, dropping her lightly onto the edge of the fountain. Dorothy twisted and turned as she walked along the edges, continuing to sing loud and fully proud. In that moment, she felt like a star of her own show; not afraid as to what others thought of her, allowing her vocals out to the public.ย 

"The things I'd see if I believed in me
Maybe today, I'll find a way, my dreams will set me free"

"I will make up my mind, I won't shy away this time"

She stood on a part of the edge, of the fountain, in front of the Galeries Gourmet. As she continued and went to hit her high note, her lyrics were like her own brave words towards those three and those who had wronged her in her life. She was telling them that she could do what she dreamed to do, and not to live by the rules they had set for her. She was woman, hear her roar!

"What I could see if I believed in me!"

"Miss Dorothy Palmer!"


The yelled tone of her name towards her, took her aback and she fell back into the fountain. Dorothy got up immediately, gasping for air, clothes drenched. She looked behind her to see the Chief of Police approaching, stern. As she twisted her hair to get the water out, she tried to hide her embarrassment. "What on earth do you think you're doing, Palmer? You should know that daydreaming is an offence in this city!" He started in a gruffy tone. She looked around to see the people she saw dancing earlier, now simply walking around or buying products; Dorothy had simply been daydreaming.ย "Sorry, Chief. I just got lost in my own world, and...didn't see you." Dorothy responded with her tone being slightly tremble, due to the cold water.ย 

The Chief watched the girl with a now more softer gaze, as he knew of her background; where she came from and who she was. "Dorothy, you need to know to be mindful of surroundings. Who knows how far that daydreaming would've taken you? These accidents will have consequences, and that'll be three sovereigns." He held out his hand in expectation. Dorothy's heart sank as she looked down at his hand. "Chief, you know that I can't pay for this." She, softly, reminded him. She bit her lip, knowing that this would be another amount onto her everlasting debt. "You know that me and Charles can't afford enough to get by. Please, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Dorothy then slightly pleaded. She tried to keep that thought of denying from the Chief, the furthest thing from her mind, but it was impossible.ย 

The Chief watched her with a soft gaze, his fatherly instincts overriding his strict demenor. He knew of Dorothy well, and could never forget their first encounter. There were many more after that, since Charles had a few drunken nights with his theatre friends, and Dorothy was the one to collect him. Or, there would be the times where she would have to resort to stealing again. He couldn't bear to add anymore pressure towards this young woman's life. "Miss Dorothy..." He sighed, and he helped her out of the fountain. Dorothy started to try and dry herself whilst the Chief went on. "Accidents happen, but I can see that while you are a young one full of dreams, you are someone who never means to do things on purpose."ย 

Dorothy looked at him, confused. Why was he speaking to her this way? Wasn't the Chief direct and demanding? "I'll let it slide...just this time. Remember, you must be cautious in the future, promise?" He asked the blonde. Her previous confusion had disappeared and was now replaced by a wide, ecstatic smile. "Thank you!" She yelled out, before repeating it in a more gentle tone, as she drew some attention. The Chief nodded in reply, giving a smile of welcome towards Dorothy. "Take care of yourself, chase your dreams, darling." And with those words, the Chief of Police saw himself out and walked away to continue his patrol.ย 

Dorothy chuckled to herself, watching him. The Chief may have been an intimidating figure to the public that walked around her, but now to her, he was a voice of reason into her dreams. That was something that warmed her heart, maybe some people in this city weren't as bad as they were depicted to be.ย 



(2:20 to End)

Willy had left the dancing girl he saw and walked towards the Galeries Gourmet. He admired the texture of marble walls and mosaic floors. Three shops stood, owned by those who were well-known in the chocolate business, whilst one stood empty and bare.

"At last, the Galeries Gourmet
I knew that we'd see it one day"

"It's everything you said, Mama
And, oh, so much more"

Willy gazed towards that empty shop, allowing his imagination to take over. The store became his own, as 'WONKA' began to appear above its doors; treats, chocolate taking place in the windows.

"Here's my destiny, I just need to unlock it
Will I crash and burn or go up like a rocket?"

"I got nothing to offer but my chocolate
And a hatful of dreams"

People that had been walking in the court were now dancing along with Willy, umbrellas that also had the name 'WONKA' imprinted on them twirling in their hands, and carts of sweets riding past them. He walked towards his own store and stared up at it, with a sigh of pride; his dream finally became reality. Well, for a few seconds at least. A policeman came over and tapped Willy's shoulder, bringing the dreamer back. He pointed towards a sign, in the corner of the empty shop window 'No daydreaming - Penalty $3'. "No daydreaming." He said to Willy. Willy sighed and handed the amount over, then walked away in dismay.


"In this city, anyone can be successful"

The sun had fully set and the night sky had taken over; Willy away from Galeries Gourmet and now down under a bridge. He sang to himself, still full of dismay after the day he had.ย 

"If they've talent and work hard, or so they say
But they didn't mention it would be so stressful
Just to make a dozen silver sovereigns last more than a day"

Behind him, a mother and her baby appeared, who had clearly been shivering from the cold, snowy weather. "Could you spare a sovereign for a place to sleep, love?" The mother asked Willy. He smiled, with a slight hint of disappointment in it, and held out his remaining sovereigns to her. "Of course, take all you need." She took one of the two sovereigns, thanked him, and walked away into the cold night.

"I've got one silver sovereign in my pocket"

Willy tossed his last sovereign into the air and held out his purple pocket for it to be caught. However, the coin only missed by an inch and fell straight into a drain. He watched it drop with a plop into the sewer water, sighing and showed a small grin.

"And a hatful of dreams"

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